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The A-Historical Jesus

Was there a historical, i.e. real person named Jesus? Of course there was. In fact there were lots of them. It was a common name in Palestine, once upon a time it was the "John" of Hebrew society. Was there a religious teacher by that name? Perhaps some pre-, proto-, or quasi-christian? Probably. The Middle East was overflowing with divines, and exorcists were even the leading export from Palestine. However, any real person would be irrelevant to the Jesus story. Any "real" Jesus has been enmeshed into the web of myth to the point of disappearing as an individual. Even if there was a Jesus, the teacher, he no longer exist in Christian doctrine, literature, or tradition. The real Jesus is, and probably always was, in the stars.

I am not much interested in arguing the point, but I just want to bring up a few items for you to consider. The teachings of Jesus can be traced back to older Hebrew material such as "The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs" and the life of Jesus to the standard wonder story. What is left, the frame these things were hung on were the fragments of archaic astronomy.

Jesus birth was marked by "the Star of Bethlehem". Whatever astronomical event it was, it could not have lead Magi (wise men/astrologers) to a place on the ground. Try following a star to a particular business in Cleveland, it just will not work.
A good candidate for this "star" was the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn near Zeta Pisciani in 6 BE. This event was widely taken as the start of the Age of Pisces.
The wandering stars, the planets, each has a seat of influence in the stars of ursa major. These stars also served as reference points for the precession of the colure of the summer solstice. These stars, the 7 Rishas, the wise men of the sky, were the only wise men who could follow a star

Jesus was born of a virgin and raised by a carpenter. The divine virgin is Virgo and Procyon (Cancer) serves as the House of the Carpenter

Jesus is the only and narrow way to heaven. In the narrow space between the Fish (Pisces) is the Pegasus Square which is also Paradise.

Jesus lived about 30 years which would correspond to the orbital period of Saturn, the Once and Future King, who will one day return to bring a new Golden Age.

Jesus, the Lamb of God, was sacrificed as part of God's plan of redemption. As Aristotle reported, "the gods are the stars". The stars rising heliacally at the Spring Equinox rule an age. We are now in the Age of Pisces. The stars the sun rises in are "sacrificed". Currently the sacrifice is Aries the Ram. The divine sheep must pass for the age of the fish to begin. This is the cup which can not be passed.
Jesus died in a tree, the tree later became the cross. Trees, drills, axils, mills, etc. are symbols of the frame of the cosmos. When the old frame is moved or broken then comes the new frame and the new age. The cross, an "x", is the symbol of the separation of the plane of the ecliptic from the plane of the celestial equator. It may be coincidence, but both Chronos and Christos start with "X", the Greek "chi".
The death of Jesus is the passing of one age into the next.

In the early days of Christianity, the most serious of the contenders for dominant religion of the Roman Empire was Mithraism. Mithris, Perseus in disguise, is the slayer of Taurus. Yet another name for the great power which moved the heavens and created the Precession. The theology and rituals of Christianity and of Mithraism are similar except that Mithraism was more overtly astronomical.
The holy day of Christmas, originally in the Spring at the time of the equinox, was moved to the Winter solstice to compete with the Mithraic Birthday of the Sun. Astronomy again.

Perhaps it is no wonder that the Vatican is located at the site of a Mithraic Temple.

CopyRight 1998 by ursamajor
