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Hi everyone my name is Gary and I've been married to Judy for 31 years. We are from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I am 52 years young and belong to the best service organization in the world, The Lions. I am currently the Club President and am a member of Pickford Lions Club. I retired in 2008 from the Michigan Department of Corrections and currently drive school bus for the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District. I have 2 grown children AJ and daughterinlaw Brittany, and Cyndi. I also have 3 grandchildren Zoey 8 Ally 6 and Andy 6. I love to play golf which I continually try to improve in without much success. I was elected to the position of Vice District Governor for the Lions of District 10. After I was elected in May of 2009 I challenged all 60 of our district clubs to help me with a fund raiser called "Gary's Hairy Fund Raiser". I asked them to collect donations from there clubs etc., any way they could and hold them for 2 years until our district convention in May of 2011 in Ishpeming, Michigan. In return I will let my hair/beard grow for the same amount of time. The club that raises the most will have first cut on my hair provided they do not draw blood. As you can see I love the Lions Club and my home club in Pickford. I did a similar project on my own in 2001. That is what the first picture is. I shaved it when we had 2 exchange youths with us, Varpu from Finland and Yukiko from Japan and my daughter Cyndi. At that time I raised $1700.00 on my own and donated the money to 6 different charities. Certainly 60 clubs can raise much more wouldn't you think?? The monies collected will go to Leader Dogs, Teaching Family Homes, Bay Cliff Health Camp, Michigan Eye Bank, Lions of Michigan All State Band, and NorthWood's Air Life Line. Please check back from time to time as I hope to add a current picture of how well the hair is growing. The picture below was taken the 1st of August. I hope to update every 3 months so stop in to see the change again in November. The other picture is our trip to Finland to see 2 of our exchange girls we had in 2000. Also if your not a member--I would like to encourage you to find a club in your area and join it. The Lions is a great organization with the motto " We Serve" Get involved and help others in your community. Thanks and hope you check back again. Please sign my guest book before you leave---Thanks

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