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Palm Press eBooks is where new authors and writers publish their books electronically on the Internet.


Independent publishing has proven especially practical for professionals, entrepreneurs, associations, corporations -- anyone with specialized knowledge to sell. Here are some bestsellers that were given life by their own authors. Maybe your book will soon be on this list!

Why Sell your Book to
an Electronic Publisher?

by Karen Wiesner


You might be a prime candidate for electronic publishing if any of these scenarios fits you:

  • You've reached road block after road block in your career. For every step forward you take, you end up going back two. Editors and agents keep saying something like this to you:
    • "I loved your story. Unfortunately it's not right for us."
    • "I loved your story. Unfortunately this type of plot/character doesn't sell."
    • "You're a great writer, but sadly we must pass on this project--but send anything else you're working on." And you do but get the same no-reason.
    • "Your story is too hard-edged for the type of books we publish."

  • You send your book to a category publisher and get this response:
    • "Your story, while moving and well-written, would better fit in a mainstream market."
    You send that same book to a mainstream publisher and get this response:
    • "Your story, while moving and well- written, would better fit into a category line."

  • You enter dozens of contests and:
    • You win every one you enter and yet can't sell
    • You're a finalist (or place) in every one you enter and yet can't sell
    • You're given one off-the-charts high score and one off-the-charts low score with comments like "You're a fantastic writer, the story was just wonderful, but it'd never sell in today's market."

  • You've been paper published and the well suddenly goes dry. I've heard this lament more than once. A career is going along nicely but suddenly nothing is accepted.


    Many authors of eBooks would like to have paper copies of their work. You know why if you've ever tried to explain ePublishing to your technologically-challenged friends. You will soon be able to order hard cover and soft cover paperbacks directly from this site. Give one to your boss, or best of all, HAVE A BOOK SIGNING PARTY at your local bookstore!

    Send a copy to your high-school yearbook editor- you know, the one whom did NOT list you as the one most likely to succeed.

    If you are as yet unpublished and have a manuscript, or you have published an eBook, and you would like to be able to sell your work in your local bookstore or on Amazon, hard-copy books can be printed on demand. No need to turn your living room into a warehouse. When someone orders a book, you notify us as to how many copies you need, and Voila! Your book will be available for those poor unfortunates whom do not know the ecstacy of curling up with a Rocket Reader.

    If you are interested in pursuing this particular dream, a brief email will get a rapid response.



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