My Saint homepage
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Hello, and welcome to My Saint

My name's phoenix

I loved The Saint, I give it

I think should go to
Elisabeth Shue
Val Kilmer
Rade Serbedzija
Ilya (I forget his real name)

Simon Templar, gentleman and master thief, is
equally at home negotiating with power brokers, seducing beautiful woman, or dangling from the roof of a tall building. A man of a thousand disguises, Templar has eluded international syndicates, corrupt tycoons, and Interpol with equal ease. But he is more than a sophisticated thief. He is "The Saint," battling for justice where the law cannot or will not reach.

Here is a list of aliases that The Saint used:

John Babtist Rossi- a saint who gave away all his possesions

Nicholas Owen- a saint who during the reign of James I, eluded the British authorities for more that twenty years

Martin de Porres- a Panamanian saint who could cure the sick or injured by the laying on of hands

Thomas More- the saint who refused to sign the Act of Succession

Vincent Ferrer- a Dominican saint who betrayed his best friend

John Vianney- a saint who believed that our real home is in heaven

Francis Anthony- known for his care of the poor and the outcast

John Henry Newman- known for his prayerful contact with the invisible world

Phillip Neri- renowed for his sense of humor and his humility

Francis de Sales- patron saint of writers, known for his extarordinary patience

Jerome Emiliani- a saint who devoted his life to helping abondoned children and orphans

I am dedicating this page to pics of The Saint and Val Kilmer
Thanx for stopping by and don't let the door hit you on your way out

Simon making his way along the side of a skyscraper, on his way to steal the microchip

Simon fights with Ilya for the microchip

Simon on the run from Ilya

Simon and Frankie

Simon as Tony

Simon negotiating with Ilya for the microchip

Simon in disguise as Tretiak

Simon dressed as the Russian maid

Another view of Simon fighting with Ilya

Simon in the fire

Simon as a young child in the Hong Kong orphanage

Simon in the orphanage again, this time on his way to freedom

Simon romances Emma Russel, the brilliant electrochemist he was sent to steal from

Simon as his most hilarious character, a very feminine German

Emma Russel working on her formula for cold fusion

The Saint
Burl Barer

I suggest that you also read the book. it is very detailed and exciting and it also explains a lot of things from the movie.

My Favorite Links

My awesome Doctor Moreau page
The old Saint homepage (the t.v. series)
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hotmail - Free e-mail
Firefly - A really cool place to meet people
Official Saint Homepage

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