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Pokemon Yellow


I liked this game

Gameplay - This is where the game shines. Things are a little different this time around. This time, Pokémon are in different places (Such as Mankey in Route 22 or Jigglypuff & Abra on Routes 5 & 6) plus your rival has different & more powerful Pokémon. In the beginning, your rival gets Eevee, while you get Pikachu. You can get Bulbasaur in Cerulean City, Charmander in Route 24, & Squirtle in Vermillion. Also, Jesse & James from the TV show are here, but Meowth, Koffing & Ekans (Who will later evolve into Weezing & Arbok) aren't very strong. One thing that disappoited me is that all 151 Pokémon aren't in the game. You need to trade for all of Team Rocket's Pokémon, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Electabuzz, Magmar, Raichu, & Jynx. Oh well. The Gym Leaders are different, except for Misty. All of the other 7 Gym Leaders either have different Pokémon, or the same Pokémon at different levels. Since you don't have Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander at the beginning of the game, you need to adopt a new strategy against Brock. There are also Pokémon that can be found in the wild that can't in Red & Blue. Gyarados & Tentacruel are examples. Another difference is that some Pokémon learn new attacks, like Pikachu learning Thunderbolt naturally, Tangela knowing Vine Whip & Scyther knowing Wing Attack. A very important addition is Surfing Pikachu. Available in Pokémon Stadium, in which you can transfer to Yellow, Surfing Pikachu is a mini-game in which Pikachu does surfing stunts & more while on a surfboard. The final difference is that Pikachu follows you around. Depending on what happens, Pikachu's emotions change. The highest you can get is Pikachu with a heart balloon & jumping up & down with hearts above it. This happens when you do something important or Pikachu grows a level.

Sound -The sound, like the graphics, is almost the exact same as Red & Blue. The only real difference is that Pikachu says "Pika! Pikachu!" instead of its little cry & a new theme for the beginning, in which you see Surfing Pikachu. The catchy theme & different battle musics, as well as the Gym music, is all here, even the horrible Lavender Town & Pokémon Tower music.

Graphics - The graphics are exactly like the original games, except for some minor changes. First, Pikachu follows you around, and second, there are new character art for the wild Pokémon, which look cooler IMO. The game is GBC optimized, but not to the full extent. In other words, the graphics look exactly the same as it would on the Super Game Boy.

Replayabiliy - Yeah, you beat it, but doing more stuff here is really fun. It kept me coming back.


Pallet Town ----------- Just like red and blue, you walk out into the grassy area north of Pallet Town. Again, Professor Oak stops you but instead of you going directly back to his lab, a Pikachu attacks you. Professor Oak simply throws a Poké-ball and catches it. After you go back into the lab, you see a Poké-ball sitting on a table. Professor Oak tells you to take it, and when you try to, Gary runs in and snatches it. It is an Eevee. So, Professor Oak gives you the Pikachu instead. Gary challenges you as well. If you lose, shame on you. If you win, Pikachu levels up. BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: Lv. 5 Eevee Just keep using Thundershock. This battle is ridiculously easy. Route One (North of Pallet Town) --------- Items: Potion Pokémon: Pidgey, Ratatta Trainers: None Just a place to level up. Don't worry about catching those Pokémon yet, since you don't have any PokéBalls anyway. I suggest leveling up Pikachu to 12 or so. Yes, 12. If you can't be patient enough to take up about 10 extra precious minutes to level up, then stop, take the game out, and sell it right now. Route 22 (West of Route 1) -------- Items: None Pokemon: Spearow, Nidoran(m.), Nidoran(f.), Mankey, Pidgey, Ratatta Trainers: Gary You'll want to catch a Mankey here and train it until it learns Low Kick. That will come in handy when fighting Brock. BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: Lv. 9 Spearow Lv. 8 Eevee Use Pikachu's Thundershock on Spearow and Mankey's Low Kick on Eevee. Viridian City ------------- Go to the Mart and get Oak's parcel. Bring it back to Professor Oak in Pallet Town and he'll give you a Pokédex. GO back to Viridian City and buy some PokéBalls and some Antidotes for good measure. When you're ready, head north to Viridian Forest. Viridian Forest --------------- Items: PokéBalls, Potion, Antidote Pokémon: Pidgey, Pigdeotto, Caterpie, Metapod Trainers: There are a couple of bug catchers here. No big deal. Nothing much to do here, except catch and level up. Pidgeottos are very rare. Route 2 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Pidgey, Rattata, Pidgeotto, Caterpie, Metapod, Nidoran (m), Nidoran (f.) Again, just catch what you don't have. Make sure Mankey is level 12 or so. Pikachu should be about 16 or so. Pewter City ----------- Nothing to do here. Oh, wait, sorry, it's the first Gym battle. Time to get the Boulder Badge!! The Boulder Badge: Effect: raises defense a little, use FLASH anytime There is one Jr. Trainer here with a Diglett and a Sandshrew. Fight him, then it's off to Brock! BATTLE: Brock Pokémon: Lv. 10 Geodude-Tackle, Defense Curl Lv. 12 Onix-Tackle, Screech, Bide, Bind TM Prize: TM 34-Bide No problem if you leveled up Mankey like I said to. Low Kick kills them very fast. When you win, you get the Boulder Badge and TM 34, which is Bide. To the west of Pewter City, you will enter… Route 3 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Pidgey, Sandshrew, Spearow, Rattata Trainers: Lots Various trainers here. Some can be a big pain in the butt, but most you should be able to get through with no problem. From here, you'll head west and then north to one of the most annoying areas in the game… Mount Moon ---------- Items: Moon Stone, TM01, TM12, Ether, Escape Rope, Rare Candy, Potion Pokémon: Zubat, Geodude, Sandshrew, Paras, Clefairy Trainers: Lots, plus your first encounter with Team Rocket! You've got a choice here. You can catch and train either a Geodude or a Sandshrew. Both are equally powerful. I went with Sandshrew, but Golem is more powerful than Sandslash. This place really has only one main path, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. I'll write a complete walkthrough for this area when I complete the overall walkthrough. When you reach the end, you'll meet Team Rocket. They have a Koffing, Ekans, and Meowth. Easy. You'll also be able to choose between the Dome Fossil and the Helix Fossil at the end. You can revive these later. The better choice here is the Dome Fossil. After emerging from Mount Moon, you'll find yourself on… Route 4 ------- Items: TM 04 Pokémon: Rattata, Spearow, Pidgeotto, Mankey Trainers: None Just keep heading west until you reach… Cerulean City ------------- Don't forget to get Bulbasaur from the house (the correct house is the one where you traded for Jynx in red and blue). Thanks to magics for this info. When you want to get Bulbasaur, you have to get your Pikachu to become very happy (it has to be waving its hand after it jump up and down), it has to be at level 20 and best of all is to beat Misty first. The best and fast way to get Pikachu to be very happy, you have to let it be the first on the front and without letting it faint till you reach Cerulean City and NEVER PUT IT INTO "BILL'S SYSTEM"!!! (it will make Pikachu to become very unhappy). Cascade Badge: Effect: all Pokémon up to level 30 obey, use CUT anytime There are two trainers here. Fight them, then it's time for… BATTLE: Misty Pokémon: Lv. 18 Staryu-Tackle, Water Gun Lv. 21 Starmie-Tackle, Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Harden TM Prize: TM 11-Bubblebeam Her Pokémon=water Your Pokémon=Pikachu You should be able to figure this out easily. No problem. From here, it's north to… Nugget Bride and Route 24 ------------------------- Items: TM45 Pokémon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Venonat, Oddish, Bellsprout, Rattata, Charmander (ONE) Trainers: There are 7 of them. They're all really easy. Plus, there's Gary. BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: Lv. 18 Spearow Lv. 15 Sandshrew Lv. 15 Rattata Lv. 17 Eevee This is really easy. Use Pikachu on the Spearow and either Sandshrew or Mankey on everything else. Mankey's Low Kick is super effective against the Rattata and the Eevee. From here, it's north fighting various trainers. I advise leveling up Sandshrew mostly and getting a Sandslash as soon as possible. When you get to the end, you'll receive a Nugget for getting through the trainers. You'll also have to fight a Rocket. There is also a trainer waiting in the patch of grass to the left. Don't forget to catch an Oddish there. Both trainers are really easy. Keep heading north and you'll see someone standing there, next to the Item Ball. Talk to him, and he'll ask you if you want his Charmander. Pick yes, and now you've got yourself a Charmander! Now, head east to… Route 25 -------- Items: TM 19 Pokémon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Venonat, Oddish, Bellsprout, Rattata Trainers: Many Just keep fighting the trainers. If you don't have a Sandslash yet, focus on leveling up Sandshrew. If you have a Sandslash, focus on leveling up Mankey or Oddish. Oddish can be leveled up on the S. S. Anne easily. Keep heading east to reach… Sea Cottage ----------- Now you get to meet Bill, world famous Pokémon researcher! Er, um, well, you get to meet a talking Pokémon. Actually, you find out that that is Bill. Talk to him, and he'll walk into this teleporter thingamajig. When this happens, go and activate his PC by walking up to it and pressing "A". He'll re-emerge as a normal human being. Talk to him again, and he'll give you the S. S. Ticket, which you need to board the S. S. Anne. If you exit and enter again, you can check his PC and see a picture of Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. Head back to Cerulean City. Right as you come off of Nugget Bridge, turn to your right. Go inside the very first house you come to. There should be an officer standing outside and the inside should be messy. Go out the back door, where you'll fight a Rocket. If you win, he'll give you TM 28. Now, head south to… Route 5 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Abra, Jigglypuff, Pidgey, Rattata, Pidgeotto Trainers: None Just keep heading south. If you head through the grassy areas, the first building you come to is a day care. You can choose to leave one of your Pokémon here to be raised at the price of $100 for each level gained (1 step=1 exp.). The disadvantages here are that you can't choose which moves your Pokémon have and they do not evolve here. Jump the last hurdle and head to the building on the right. It is an underground path that leads to Vermillion City. The guy there will give you a Machoke for a Cubone. Return when you've got a Cubone. When you make this trade, the Machoke goes to you and evolves into a Machamp! Easy power. When you enter the path, from the steps, take one step forward and press "A". You'll pick up a Full Restore. Head out of the place and you'll emerge on… Route 6 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Abra, Jigglypuff, Pidgey, Rattata, Pidgeotto Trainers: 7 Just head south. One of the bug catchers has a Lv. 20 Butterfree. That thing is a PAIN. Be careful! If you don't have a Sandslash, make sure you get one before you fight Lieutenant Surge. If you have one, focus on getting a Primeape. Vermillion City --------------- On the second line of buildings, go to the house on the far left. There is the Pokémon fan club. Talk to the chairman and listen to him brag about his Pokémon. When he finishes, he'll give you a Bike Voucher, which can be exchanged for a Bicycle in Cerulean City. Don't go back there yet, though. Head south and go on the Vermillion Docks. Remember the S. S. Ticket? You'll need it now so that you can enter… S. S. Anne ---------- Items: TM 44, TM 08, Ether, Rare Candy, Max Ether, Max Potion, Great Ball Trainers: Many, plus Gary If you want to get off this thing as quickly as possible, do the following: 1) Go right, as far as you can. 2) Now go down until you reach a set of stairs. 3) Walk into the set of stairs. 4) Go down, and then go as far right as you can. 5) Now go up. You should see Gary. 6) BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: Lv. 19 Spearow Lv. 16 Rattata Lv. 18 Sandshrew Lv. 20 Eevee This battle should be a piece of cake. On Spearow, use Pikachu. On everything else, use Mankey/Primeape and Low Kick. 7) Enter the nearby door. The Captain should be standing there. Talk to him [back] and he should give you HM 01, which you should teach to Oddish. 8) Exit. However, I do not advise that you exit. Once you get HM 01, go fight the trainers. Since most use water-type, you should use Oddish. If you choose to fight these trainers, you should have a Gloom before you leave. If you don't, then it may be a while before you get another opportunity to get a Gloom. Vermillion City --------------- Now, with CUT, head back into Vermillion City and head to your left. You should see the gym. Use CUT to cut down the bush there and enter the gym. Thunder Badge: Effect: raises speed a little, use FLY anytime There are three trainers here. Defeat them. Now, there are 2 switches randomly hidden inside of the trashcans there. You have to just keep trying to get the two correct ones. Remember, after you've found the first switch, the second switch will be either in the can above, below, to the left or right, or, in some very rare cases, inside of the same can. Once you find the 2 switches, it's off to… BATTLE: Lieutenant Surge Pokémon: Raichu Lv. 28 Mega Punch, Thunderbolt, Mega Kick, Growl TM Prize: TM 24-Thunderbolt If you got a Sandslash like I said to, this battle is really easy. Just keep using Slash until the Raichu faints. This battle is really easy. Once you beat Surge, go talk to Officer Jenny. She is very near the gym, walking around outside. She'll give you Squirtle. To level up Squirtle, head right, past the docks, and into the cave. Diglett's Cave -------------- Items: None Pokémon: Diglett, Dugtrio Trainers: None Just get through this place. This is a really good place to level up Squirtle, and you should have at least a Wartortle before you leave. Also, if you don't have Gloom yet, get it now. At the end of Diglett's Cave you'll end up back on… Route 2 ------- In the first building you come to, you can trade a Clefairy for a Mr. Mime. Keep going past this building and into the next. Talk to Professor Oak's Aide and, if you have 10 Pokémon or more, he'll give you the HM 05. I suggest you just catch an extra Pokémon that can learn this and teach it to him. You'll only use it once, so you shouldn't teach this to any of the Pokémon on your team. Re-enter Diglett's Cave and when you get to the end, you can go right to Route 11 and fight some trainers, or you can do the essential, which is to return to Cerulean City. Cerulean City ------------- Now, go to the Bike Shop. It's on the last line of buildings. Once you have that, exit the shop. Go right a little and you should see a plant that you can cut. Cut it, then go right, and then go up. You should come to a place blocked by a bush (it will be to your right). Now keep heading right onto… Route 9 ------- Items: TM 20 Pokémon: Rattata, Raticate, Magnemite, Spearow, Fearow, Nidoran (m.), Nidoran (F.), Nidorina, Nidorino Trainers: Lots This is a good place to level up. I suggest that you level up Wartortle because you'll need to use him to fight Erika (yes, I know that sounds weird, but you'll see why later). You should also level up Primeape, because you'll need him later on. His Karate Chop attack does well against Erika. When you reach the end of Route 9, you'll see a PokéCenter, the very short Route 10 (which has 1 trainer), and the entrance to… Rock Tunnel ----------- Items: none Pokémon: Zubat, Geodude, Onix, Machop Trainers: Many This place is a pain. The trainers here can be major pains in the butt, because some of them have really powerful Pokémon like Slowpoke. Luckily, this place has only one main path, but it is really long, and the constant encounters with trainers and wild Pokémon can really weaken your Pokémon. This is a good place to level up Primeape, Gloom, Wartortle, and Sandslash. Don't use Pikachu unless you absolutely have to. When you finally get out, you'll emerge north of… Lavender Town ------------- The area above Lavender Town has 4 trainers. There isn't much you can do in Lavender Town right now. You can enter the Pokémon Tower (the large building on your right) and fight Gary. If you do that, things should look like this: BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: If Gary chooses Jolteon: Lv. 25 Fearow Lv. 23 Shellder Lv. 22 Vulpix Lv. 20 Sandshrew Lv. 25 Eevee If Gary chooses Vaporeon: Lv. 25 Fearow Lv. 23 Vulpix Lv. 22 Magnemite Lv. 20 Sandshrew Lv. 25 Eevee Use Pikachu on Fearow, use Wartortle on Sandslash and Vulpix, use Gloom on Shellder, and use Primeape on Eevee. This battle is really easy. After this, head to the west to travel on… Route 8 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Rattata, Spearow, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Jigglypuff, Abra, Kadabra Trainers: Many This is another good place to level up. The only way to have a Kadabra with Kinesis is to catch a wild one. Catch one here if you want that move, but beware, they still have that same annoying habit that Abra has (TELEPORT!!). Just keep heading west and you'll eventually come to two buildings, one to your left and one to the north. Enter the one to the north. You'll enter another underground passage. Keep going through there, and you'll come out on… Route 7 ------- Items: None Pokémon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Abra, Jigglypuff Trainers: None Just keep heading left to enter… Celadon City ------------ This city is HUGE. There's a lot to do here. The first thing you'll want to do is go left until you enter the path with Snorlax blocking the way. You should see a place just before that that you can Cut. Do so and go up and left. Enter the house once you exit the gate, and talk to the girl there. She will give you HM 02, FLY. Here's something you can do really quickly. Fly to Pewter City, and go to the 2 buildings at the top. To the right you'll see an opening in the gate. Go inside, use CUT to cut down the bush, and talk to the scientists inside. One of them will give you the Old Amber. Deposit it for now, you won't need it yet. Return to Celadon City. Right before the PokéCenter, you should see an opening where you can go north. Go there, head west, and then go up again when you see another opening. Head west again, and you should come across a building you can enter from the back. Enter it, follow the staircases, and you should come to a small room with a PokéBall sitting on a table. Get it to get Eevee. Now exit, and head to the Celadon Department Store. Go to the very top floor, activate the vending machines, and buy 2 Fresh Waters, 1 Lemonade, and 1 Soda Pop. Give 1 of each to the girl walking around and she'll give you TM 13, TM 48, and TM 49. Teach Wartortle TM 13, which is Ice Beam. This is why you will use Wartortle against Erika. Grass Pokémon have a weakness to Ice attacks. You now have two choices: 1) Trade over a Magmar from a Blue version of Pokémon (recommended). 2) Buy a Vulpix from the Game Corner (if you can't trade). If you trade a Magmar, you won't be able to use it on Erika because it won't obey you. If you buy a Vulpix, use it on Erika, along with Wartortle. Erika's Gym is on the last line of buildings on the left of the city. You'll have to use CUT to get there. (Note: It is a good idea to also teach Sandslash TM 48-Rock Slide.) Rainbow Badge: Effect: all Pokémon up to level 50 obey, use STRENGTH anytime There are a few trainers here. Level up Vulpix on them, or, if you're using Magmar, just use Wartortle. Now, it's off to fight Erika. Pokémon: Lv. 29 Tangela-Mega Drain, Vine Whip, Bind, Constrict Lv. 32 Weepinbell-Acid, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore Lv. 32 Gloom-Acid, Petal Dance, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore TM Prize: TM 21-Mega Drain Again, use Wartortle's Ice Beam until it dies. Then, just use Primeape. Primeape's high attack can defeat them easily. Teach Gloom Mega Drain when you get it. Now that you've done all of that, you have to go to the slot machines building (it's to the left of the pond). GO inside and walk to the back of the room. You should see a Rocket standing there with his back to you. Talk to him and fight him. When you beat him, he'll move away. Activate the poster he was pressing to open a secret door to the right. You've now entered the Rocket base at the… Game Corner ----------- Items: Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Moon Stone, Rare Candy, Nugget, TM 10, Escape Rope, Silph Scope, Lift Key, Iron, TM 07, TM 02 Pokémon: none Trainers: Team Rocket members, including Jesse and James, plus, Boss Rocket, Giovanni Getting through this place can be kind of a pain. Level up anyone that you need to. For Giovanni, you'll need to use your Primeape and/or either your Gloom or Wartortle. You should work on getting Blastoise here mostly, but if you don't get him, wait until Saffron City. Here's a short guide to getting through here if you don't want to fight all of the Rockets: 1) Go directly right onto the stairs next to you. 2) Go down, then go left. 3) When you see the Rocket walking around, go up to a set of stairs. 4) There will be a "maze" that you'll have to get through in this room. It's not quite as difficult as the other one will be. 5) When you get to the end, go on the stairs. 6) Now go up and left. Fight the Rocket member there, and talk to him after you defeat him. He'll drop the Lift Key. 7) Return to the area that number 3 is remarking to. 8) Go through the other "maze" and into the elevator. 9) Ride the elevator to B 4. 10) Fight Jesse and James. They'll have an Arbok, a Weezing, and a Meowth. No sweat. 11) Enter the room that opens when you beat them. 12) BATTLE: Giovanni Pokémon: Lv. 25 Onix Lv. 24 Rhyhorn Lv. 29 Persian You can use Primeape's Low Kick on every one of these for an easy victory. When you defeat Giovanni, he'll drop the Silph Scope. You'll need this very soon. Return now to… Lavender Town ------------- Enter the Pokémon Tower (the large tower to the right of the city). The Pokémon Tower ----------------- Items: Escape Rope, Awakening, Elixer, HP Up, Nugget, X Accuracy, Rare Candy Pokémon: Gastly, Haunter, Cubone, Marowak (ONE) Trainers: Many, including Gary and Team Rocket The ghosts here are a pain in the butt. Only special attacks affect them. Grass attacks are pointless, along with Fighting and Normal. You should evolve Wartortle into a Blastoise here, and you should work on Magmar or Vulpix, whichever one you chose. Remember the Silph Scope? This is where you need it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to defeat the ghosts. There is a healing area for your Pokémon on the fifth floor. Use it as many times as necessary. When you reach the end, right before you step onto the stairs, a level 30 Marowak will attack you. You cannot capture this Marowak since it is a ghost. Defeat him and go upstairs. Jesse and James will attack you with their Arbok, Meowth, and Weezing. They're as easy as always. Walk up and talk to the man, who is Mr. Fuji, who was missing from Lavender Town. Out of gratitude for trying to find him, he'll give you the PokéFlute. Keep this with you at all times. It will instantly wake any active Pokémon that is asleep. Now head west to… Saffron City ------------ There's a lot to do here, too. When you enter the outside gate, the guard will stop you. This is what you need the Fresh Water for. He'll take the water and let you through to the city. First, go down to the last line of buildings and into the Mr. Psychic's house. Talk to him and he'll give you TM 29, Psychic. Teach it to Magmar. Now go to the top line of buildings. You'll see 2 gyms. The larger one is Sabrina's Psychic Gym, which is also being guarded by a Rocket. Go inside the smaller one. It is a fighting gym and is very easy to beat. Use it to level up your Pokémon. When you win, you can choose from two fighting Pokémon, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. I recommend choosing Hitmonlee. His attack is much higher and he learns better moves. If you want, you can replace Primeape with Hitmonlee. Both are near equal in power. Now, head to the Silph Co. building, which is the tall building in the middle of the city. Silph Co. --------- Items: TM 36, Hyper Potion, Escape Rope, Max Revive, Full Heal, TM 09, Card Key, Protein, HP Up, X Accuracy, Calcium, TM 03, TM 26, Rare Candy, Carbos, Master Ball (ONE) Pokémon: Lapras Trainers: Team Rocket, including Jesse and James and Giovanni, Scientists, and Gary Getting through here is pretty straightforward. If you don't have a Vileplume yet, do your best to raise Gloom to level 38 when it learns Petal Dance and then evolve it. If you want Solarbeam that badly, you'll have to wait. There's a TM for Solarbeam (TM 22) on Cinnibar Island. Also get Blastoise if you have yet to do so. If you're using Vulpix, you should evolve it at level 35 when it learns Flamethrower. Here's another step-by-step trail of the area. It is the quickest route, but I recommend that you still fight all the trainers. Note: On the ninth floor, there is a woman that will let you rest for free. You need to have the Card Key to get there. 1) Go to the fifth floor. 2) Go as far left as possible and all the way down until you approach a Rocket next to a warp. Take the warp, then immediately re-enter the warp and walk down. You should now be facing the Rocket mentioned above. 3) Waste the Rocket. 4) Go right until you find the Card Key. Exit the same way you did as in #2. 5) Next, go to the third floor. 6) Walk down until you come to the very first Rocket (he cannot be avoided). 7) Waste the Rocket. 8) You'll see a door to your left. Open it. 9) There will be a warp inside of that area. Take it. 10) You'll now enter an area where you will see Gary at the bottom and a guy to the left. 11) Waste Gary. 12) BATTLE: Gary 13) Pokémon: If Gary chooses Jolteon: Lv. 38 Sandslash Lv. 35 Ninetales Lv. 37 Cloyster Lv. 35 Kadabra Lv. 40 Jolteon If Gary chooses Vaporeon: Lv. 38 Sandslash Lv. 35 Magneton Lv. 37 Ninetales Lv. 35 Kadabra Lv. 40 Vaporeon This battle is really easy, but if your Pokémon are not high enough, you'll get your butt kicked but good. Use Blastoise on Sandslash and Ninetales, Pikachu on Cloyster, and Sandslash on Kadabra and Jolteon. 14) Talk to the guy. He'll give you Lapras once you beat Gary. 15) Take the warp at the bottom of the area. 16) Walk down. You will encounter Jesse and James for the last time in the entire game :(. They were so easy too! Oh well. They still don't have a Persian. Idiocy. 17) Waste Jesse and James. 18) Go right and up and through the door. You'll run into Giovanni. 19) Waste Giovanni. BATTLE: Giovanni Pokémon: Lv. 37 Nidorino Lv. 35 Persian Lv. 37 Rhyhorn Lv. 41 Nidoqueen Use anything that need experience on Nidorino, Primeape's Low Kick on Rhyhorn and Persian, and Blastoise on Nidoqueen. 20) Talk to the president (the guy in the chair) once you beat Giovanni. He'll give you the Master Ball, which will catch any Pokémon at anytime. Since you only get one, I recommend you save this for Mewtwo. 21) Exit. There, now wasn't that the most annoying thing you have ever done? Don't worry, it gets worse. You've now got a choice. You can try to battle Sabrina (I stress TRY), or you can travel to Fuchsia City to battle Koga. I'm going to put Sabrina first since she's in Saffron City. Marsh Badge: Effect: all Pokémon up to level 70 obey Pokémon: Lv. 50 Abra (!) FLASH, ?, ?, ?, ? Lv. 50 Kadabra (!!) Kinesis, Psybeam, Psywave, Recover Lv. 50 Alakazam (!@#$%) Psychic, Psywave, Reflect, Recover TM Prize: TM 46-Psywave The quickest way to get through her gym is to take the warp that is always above or below the one you've landed on. Do NOT USE VILEPLUME. It is weak against Psychic. Use anything you can. This battle is VERY frustrating. Use Ninetales or Magmar with Confuse Ray. Also Blastoise's Ice Beam helps; you may end up freezing them. That's how I beat Alakazam. Pikachu's Thunderbolt and Thunder are effective as well. The best things to use are regular attacks, because they seem to have some kind of resistance to many special attacks. You will probably not beat them on the first try. Good luck! E-mail me if you need further advice or assistance. Once you beat Sabrina, you've got another choice. You can take either Cycling Road, which is west of Celadon City, or Routes 12-15, which are south of Lavender Town. Cycling Road is the easier of the 2 paths, but the trainers there have more powerful Pokémon. The choice is yours and yours alone. Coverage of both of these areas is in the Side Areas section. Both of these lead to… Fuchsia City ------------ Again, there's a lot to do here. The Safari Zone is here, where you can catch different kinds of Pokémon without using your Pokémon to weaken them. Here's something you must do. Enter the Safari Zone (which costs $500). You'll find yourself in the area known as the Entrance. Go up and right into Area 1. Go left, up the ladder-thingy, left, down the ladder-thingy, left, up to another ladder-thingy, right, down the ladder-thingy, right, up, left, down, left, and into Area 2. Go left, up the ladder-thingy (not the one by the sign), left, down, down the ladder-thingy, left, up, right, up, left, down, and into Area 3. Take the very first item ball you see, and you should get the Gold Teeth. Now, go left, and into the house. Talk to the guy and he'll give you HM 03, Surf. Teach it to Blastoise. I know that's very vague, but I'll post everything else on the Safari Zone in the Side Areas section at a later date. The next thing you should probably do is go battle Koga in the gym, which is right by the PokéCenter. Soul Badge: Effect: Use SURF anytime Pokémon: Lv. 44 Venonat Toxic, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Tackle Lv. 46 Venonat Toxic, Psybeam, Supersonic, Psychic Lv. 48 Venonat Psychic, Toxic, Double-Edge, Sleep Powder Lv. 50 Venomoth Toxic, Double Team, Psychic, Leech Life TM Prize; TM 06-Toxic I killed the Venonats too fast to see their moves. Venomoth wouldn't do anything else. Use fire on each one, no problem. Remember the Gold Teeth? You need those now. To the right of the PokéCenter you should see 2 houses, side-by-side. Enter the one on the left and talk to the guy there. When you give him the Gold Teeth, he'll give you HM 04, Strength. Teach this to Sandslash. Using Strength, push the boulder in front on the Item Ball away. Inside of the Item Ball is a Rare Candy. Enter the house next to this one and go out the back door. Using the Super Rod, fish in the pond. You can catch Magikarp, and sometimes, you'll find a Gyarados. Catch them if you want. Now, you should Fly back to Pallet Town and use Surf to move through the water, south to Cinnibar Island. You could've surfed from Fuchsia City, but you would have to go through the Seafoam Islands. Route 21 -------- This is the route you travel as you move south of Pallet Town. Items: None Pokémon: Pidgey. Pidgeotto, Rattata, Raticate, Tentacool (in water) Trainers: many, they all use water-type Pokémon Just level up Pikachu or Vileplume here, whichever one needs it more. Keep going south to reach… Cinnibar Island --------------- You'll see the Gym right away, but if you try to go in, it will say the door is locked. More on that later. By the way, do you remember the fossil you got in Mt. Moon? You can revive it here. Same with the Old Amber from Pewter City. You can revive that too. Go to the building to the left of the PokéCenter. If you go right (inside of the building) you will see three doors. Go in the second one and talk to the scientist in the upper right hand corner and he'll give you TM 35 (Metronome). Exit, then enter the third door. Talk to the scientist that is walking around. Give him your fossil, then exit the building. Go right back in and your fossil will be Kabuto (if you chose the Dome Fossil) or Omanyte (if you chose the Helix Fossil). Now, give him the Old Amber and repeat. When you return, the Old Amber will be Aerodactyl, a powerful rock/flying Pokémon. Now, go into the PokéMart and buy an Escape Rope. See that large building to the left of the Gym? Go inside. The Pokémon Mansion ------------------- Items: Escape Rope, Carbos, Calcium, Iron, Max Potion, Rare Candy, TM 22, Full Restore, Secret Key, TM 14 Pokémon: Grimer, Muk, Rattata, Raticate, Growlithe, Ditto Trainers: the Burglars use fire-type and the Scientists use electric This place is a pain. Enemies and trainers constantly attack you. Here's the quick way outta here: 1) As soon as you enter, go up and onto the set of stairs. 2) Now go right (not up the stairs), up, and left into a room with 2 beds at the bottom and stairs at the top. 3) Go down and right. You'll see a statue. Activate it and choose "yes". 4) Now go right a little and down as far as you can. Enter the doorway thingy. 5) You'll see 2 holes at the bottom. Go down the first one that you see. 6) You will land on the first floor. Go left, all the way down, then right to a staircase. 7) Now go up, left a little, down through the doorway, and activate the statue there. Choose "yes". You'll also see an Item Ball. Get it, it's TM 14, Blizzard. Teach it to Blastoise. 8) Exit the other doorway that was previously blocked and return to the staircase that you took to get in here, but don't go on it. 9) Go right, up, then into the room with three beds and a statue. Activate the statue and choose "yes". Now go out and left. 10) When you reach the end, go down. Pick up the Item Ball and you will get the Secret Key. 11) Remember the TM for Solarbeam? You get it here. It's on the table outside of the room with the Secret Key. Teach it to Vileplume, if you want (I didn't). 12) Remember the Escape Rope I told you to buy? Use it now. There is no other way out. Wasn't that a major pain? Back to the outside. Cinnibar Island --------------- With the Secret Key, you can unlock the door to the Gym. Do so now. Volcano Badge: Effect: raises special a little Getting through here can be confusing. You'll see a small box in every area that has a trainer in it. Activate the small box and you'll be asked a question. Answer it correctly and the door will open without having to battle. Answer incorrectly and you will have to fight the trainer. BATTLE: Blaine Pokémon: Lv. 48 Ninetales-Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Tail Whip, Quick Attack Lv. 50 Rapidash-Growl, Stomp, Fire Spin, ? Lv. 54 Arcanine-Fire Blast, Take Down, Reflect, Flamethrower TM Prize: TM 38-Fire Blast Use Blastoise. 'Nuff said here. This is all for Cinnibar Island. Fly back to… Viridian City ------------- If you tried to enter the Gym at the beginning of the game, you'll find that you couldn't. Try again. You can enter it now. One final badge to get, then it's off to the Elite Four! Earth Badge: Effect: ALL POKéMON OBEY!!! Pokémon: Lv. 50 Dugtrio-Sand-Attack, Earthquake, Fissure, Dig Lv. 53 Persian-Slash, Screech, Fury Swipes, Double Team Lv. 53 Nidoqueen-Thunder, Tail Whip, Earthquake, Double Kick Lv. 53 Nidoking-Thunder, Earthquake, Thrash, Leer Lv. 55 Rhydon-Rock Slide, Fury Attack, Horn Drill, Earthquake TM Prize: TM 27-Fissure Blastoise can defeat them all, but Thunder from Nidoking and Nidoqueen WILL take him out. Use Psychic or Ground moves on them. I will not lie to you. This battle is TOUGH. Vileplume can beat Dugtrio and Rhydon, and Primeape's Low Kick can beat Persian. Now, go down a little and head back to the west, onto… Route 22 -------- This leads to the Pokémon League, but you encounter Gary again. BATTLE: Gary Pokémon: If Gary chooses Jolteon: Lv. 47 Sandslash Lv. 45 Exeggcute Lv. 45 Ninetales Lv. 47 Cloyster Lv. 50 Kadabra Lv. 53 Jolteon If Gary chooses Vaporeon: Lv. 47 Sandslash Lv. 45 Exeggcute Lv. 45 Magneton Lv. 47 Ninetales Lv. 50 Kadabra Lv. 53 Vaporeon Easy battle. Use Blastoise on Sandslash and Ninetales. Use Vileplume, Pikachu, or Primeape on Cloyster. Use Sandslash on Jolteon, Magmar/Ninetales on Exeggcute, and anything on Kadabra (Sandslash is probably the best bet). Now, keep going west. It's time for the Pokémon League, but first, the most annoying cave in the game… Victory Road ------------ Items: Max Revive, Full Heal, TM 05, TM 17, TM 43, TM 47, Rare Candy, Guard Spec. Pokémon: Zubat, Golbat, Geodude, Graveler, Onix, Machop, Machoke, Marowak Ah, yes, the road to victory. Well, victory is a pain in the @$$!!!!!! Before you go on, make sure that you have someone with Surf and Strength, you'll need them. Before the actual dreaded cave, there are 8 guards asking to see your badges. If you don't have one of the badges you can't go through. Well, onto the dreaded cave. Like I said, you'll need Strength to push boulders around onto switches. The steps to get through will be listed in the usual step- by-step format. And remember, if you mess up with a boulder, you can exit and re-enter again or go up a ladder and back down (or vice versa) to reposition the boulder where it is before you push it: 1) Push the first boulder you see to your right onto a switch. 2) You see a ladder near the entrance? Go up. 3) Go right. You'll see a boulder and 2 items. You can push the boulder and get one of them, then exit and come back and get the other. The item on top is TM 47, and the one on the left is a Rare Candy. Now, go back up that ladder and towards that trainer. 4) BATTLE: Cool Trainer (f.) Pokémon: Lv. 44 Persian Lv. 44 Ninetales I'm not going to do this for every trainer, just a few. Also, I'm not going to give a strategy, it is just intended to give you an idea of what to do. 5) Go down the ladder and towards that other trainer. BATTLE: Cool Trainer (m.) Pokémon: Lv. 42 Ivysaur Lv. 42 Wartortle Lv. 42 Charmeleon Lv. 42 Charizard Again, by now, you should know what to do, so on we go… 6) Go up the ladder. 7) Now go down and you'll see another boulder. The switch that you have to push it onto is n the bottom-left corner of the room. Now go up the ladder that is near the boulder. 8) There's another trainer there. BATTLE: Blackbelt Pokémon: Lv. 43 Machoke Lv. 43 Machop Lv. 43 Machoke 9) You can go down the ladder, or fight the trainer there first. BATTLE: Juggler Pokémon: Lv. 41 Drowzee Lv. 41 Hypno Lv. 41 Kadabra Lv. 41 Kadabra 10) Now go down the ladder and go right, up, left, and you'll see a trainer and an item ball. Keep going up, then to the left for another trainer and an item ball. BATTLE: Cool Trainer (m.) (first trainer mentioned above) Pokémon: Lv. 44 Persian Lv. 44 Golduck BATTLE: Juggler (second trainer mentioned above) Pokémon: Lv. 48 Mr. Mime 11) Go back down to the ladder that was there and go up it. 12) Go up and you will see a boulder. To the right is a trainer, and to the left is a switch. Don't take the boulder there yet, though. BATTLE: Cool Trainer (m.) Pokémon: Lv. 43 Exeggutor Lv. 43 Cloyster Lv. 43 Arcanine 13) Head left to the switch (without the boulder) and go up the ladder that you come to. You'll meet a trainer. BATTLE: Pokémaniac Pokémon: Lv. 40 Charmeleon Lv. 40 Lapras Lv. 40 Lickitung Now go back down the ladder, get the boulder, push it onto the switch, and go back to where the boulder first was. You'll see a ladder to your right (and down a little). Go up to meet another trainer. BATTLE: Cool Trainer (f.) Pokémon: Lv. 42 Parasect Lv. 42 Dewgong Lv. 42 Chansey 14) Head past the trainer and follow the path until you reach the ladder. There are 2 trainers waiting. BATTLE: Cool Trainer (f.) Pokémon: Lv. 43 Bellsprout Lv. 43 Weepinbell Lv. 43 Victreebel BATTLE: Cool Trainer (m.) Pokémon: Lv. 41 Kingler Lv. 41 Tentacruel Lv. 41 Blastoise 15) That's the end of the trainers. Okay, so I did list them all. Big deal. Now you've got a strategic advantage, if you know what you are doing. Now go all the way to the bottom and you'll reach a boulder right by a hole. Push the boulder down the hole, then jump down and follow it. 16) Push the boulder as far left as you can and you will reach the switch. Go up the ladder to the right and go all the way to the end, where you will reach another ladder. Go up it. 17) Go up and you'll reach another ladder. Go down it. 18) Now exit to the right. Didn't you just hate that? Indigo Plateau -------------- Well, you've survived the road to victory. Now it's time to challenge the Elite Four. Make sure you've built your Pokémon to at least level 60 and buy lots of Full Restores and Revives. You'll need them. The Elite Four -------------- These guys are a real pain in the butt. They got their act together since red and blue and are much harder. Lorelei Pokémon: Lv. 54 Dewgong-Rest, Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, Take Down Lv. 53 Cloyster-Ice Beam, Clamp, Spike Cannon, Supersonic Lv. 54 Slowbro-SURF, Psychic, Amnesia, Withdraw Lv. 56 Jynx-Thrash, Ice Punch, Doubleslap, Lovely Kiss Lv. 58 Lapras-Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Confuse Ray, Body Slam Do not use Vileplume here. Use Pikachu on everything but Jynx and use Magmar/Ninetales on Jynx. She can be a real pain. Bruno Pokémon: Lv. 53 Onix3-Rock Slide, Dig, Screech, Slam Lv. 55 Hitmonchan-ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Double Team, Fire Punch Lv. 55 Hitmonlee-Double Kick, Double Team, Mega Kick, Hi Jump Kick Lv. 56 Onix-Earthquake, Screech, Slam, Rock Slide Lv. 58 Machamp-Karate Chop, STRENGTH, Leer, Submission Easy, easy, easy. Use Blastoise, Vileplume, or Primeape on Onix and use Magmar's Psychic on the others. Sandslash's Earthquake helps too. Agatha Pokémon: Lv. 56 Gengar-Mega Drain, Substitute, Confuse Ray, Lick Lv. 55 Golbat-Supersonic, Wing Attack, Leech Life, Toxic Lv. 55 Haunter-Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Lick, Confuse Ray Lv. 58 Arbok-Glare, Acid, Screech, Wrap Lv. 60 Gengar-Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Confuse Ray, Psychic This is a major pain. Magmar's Psychic can defeat all of them, but you may not survive the entire time. Remember that normal attacks don't affect the ghosts! Sandslash's Earthquake also affects all but Golbat. Lance Pokémon: Lv. 58 Gyarados-Hyper Beam, Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump Lv. 56 Dragonair-Thunderbolt, Slam, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave Lv. 56 Dragonair-Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Wrap, Hyper Beam Lv. 60 Aerodactyl-Hyper Beam, Wing Attack, FLY, Swift Lv. 62 Dragonite-Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder This battle is HARD. Gyarados is easy. One Thunder from Pikachu will kill it. You can't use Blastoise on the 1st Dragonair, so I recommend Sandslash. Use Blastoise's Blizzard on the next one and Hydro Pump on the Aerodactyl. Here comes the hard part. For Dragonite: First, send out Magmar/Ninetales and use Confuse Ray. Next, switch to Vileplume and hope he hurts himself. Use Sleep Powder, then switch back to Blastoise and use Blizzard until it dies. If you've been raising your Blastoise a lot, though, you may be faster than it and can kill it in one hit. You'll have to experiment with this one. Gary (This is how he was for me. He does change, though.) Pokémon: If Gary chooses Jolteon: Lv. 61 Sandslash-Poison Sting, Slash, Earthquake, Fury Swipes Lv. 59 Alakazam-Psychic, Psybeam, Kinesis, Recover Lv. 61 Exeggutor-Barrage, Hypnosis, Stomp, Leech Seed Lv. 61 Cloyster-Clamp, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon Lv. 63 Ninetales-Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin Lv. 65 Jolteon-Thunder Wave, Pin Missile, Quick Attack, Thunder If Gary chooses Vaporeon: Lv. 61 Sandslash-Poison Sting, Slash, Earthquake, Fury Swipes Lv. 59 Alakazam-Psychic, Psybeam, Kinesis, Recover Lv. 61 Exeggutor-Barrage, Hypnosis, Stomp, Leech Seed Lv. 61 Ninetales-Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin Lv. 63 Magneton-Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Screech, Swift Lv. 65 Vaporeon-Aurora Beam, Hydro Pump, Quick Attack, Mist BIG pain in the butt. Sandslash-Hydro Pump. Alakazam-I recommend Magmar/Ninetales Confuse Ray and Fire Blast. Pikachu/Raichu's Mega Punch also works well. Exeggutor-Fire Blast. Cloyster-Thunder. Ninetales-Hydro Pump. Jolteon-Earthquake. Trust me, it's harder than it sounds. Two Words-Good Luck!! If you were in my position when I fought these guys for the first time, you'll need it!! Congratulations! You've beaten the Elite Four! But you're not finished yet! There's 150 Pokémon to catch! ---------- SIDE AREAS ---------- This section basically covers all of the areas that are not essential to completing the game. Cycling Road and Routes 12-15 ----------------------------- Before both of these, you will see a sleeping Snorlax blocking your path. Use the PokéFlute to wake it up and battle it. Both are at level 30. Kill it this time, and come back later on in the game and capture the other one. -Cycling Road This one is easy, speaking of the path. The trainers here are much harder, though. Just go down. In the grassy area you can find Ponyta, Doduo, Dodrio (VERY RARE), and Fearow. -Routes 12-15 Items: TM 16, Iron, TM 20 Pokémon: Gloom, Weepinbell, Oddish, Bellsprout, Pidgeotto, Venonat, Venomoth (VERY RARE), Farfetch'd; while surfing, you can find Slowpoke and Slowbro, both at level 15 Trainers: Many The path is pretty straightforward. If you get stuck, which is highly unlikely, e-mail me. Stop in the very first house you come to and talk to the guy. He'll give you the Super Rod, which is the best fishing pole in the entire game. In the gate at the end of Route 15 (which leads to Fuchsia), you'll see a set of stairs. Go up. You'll see one of Professor Oak's aides. Talk to him, and, if you have 50 or more different Pokémon, he'll give you the Exp. All. Safari Zone ----------- Main Area: Nidoran (f.), Nidoran (m.), Nidorino, Exeggcute, Paras, Parasect, Tauros, Rhyhorn, Chansey, Tangela Area 1: Nidoran (f.), Nidorina, Nidoran (m.), Exeggcute, Cubone, Marowak, Chansey, Scyther Main Area: Nidoran (f.), Nidoran (m.), Nidorino, Exeggcute, Paras, Parasect, Tauros Area 2: Nidoran (f.), Nidorina, Nidoran (m.), Exeggcute, Cubone, Rhyhorn, Scyther, Pinsir, Kangaskhan Area 3: Nidoran (f.), Nidoran (m.), Nidorino, Exeggcute, Cubone, Marowak, Tangela, Pinsir, Tauros Fishing with the Super Rod: Main Area: Dratini, Dragonair, Magikarp Anywhere else: Dratini, Magikarp You can throw a Safari Ball to catch, you can throw Bait to get the Pokémon to not run away as much but be harder to catch, you can throw a Rock to make the Pokémon want to run away more but be easier to catch, or you can run away. Power Plant ----------- Items: TM 33, TM 25, Carbos, Rare Candy, HP Up Pokémon: Magnemite, Magneton, Grimer, Muk, Voltorb, Electrode, Zapdos (ONE) Trainers: None The path is pretty straightforward. To get the TM 25 (Thunder), follow this: 1) Go up until you can't anymore, and then go right, then down. You can now go either right or down. 2) Go down. You'll end up at another intersection. Go right from here. 3) Now go right until you can go down, then do so. Go left. The item ball is TM 25. Go right and up to continue to Zapdos. To catch the 3 legendary birds: There isn't really any easy way to do it (except for throwing a Master Ball, but you only get one of those). Here's how I did it: -Get a Raticate from Cinnibar Island that knows Super Fang. -Use Vileplume's Sleep Powder. -Switch to Raticate and use exactly 7 Super Fangs. -Throw Ultra Balls until you catch it. Seafoam Islands --------------- Items: None Pokémon: Zubat, Golbat, Krabby, Kingler, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Tentacool (while Surfing), Horsea, Articuno (ONE) *The Path to Articuno and the path to get out will be intertwined. *You will need Strength and Surf. 1) From the entrance, go right and up to a boulder. Push it up and into the hole, then jump down the hole. 2) Repeat, then repeat again. 3) You will fall down into a river. The current will sweep you away, and there's nothing you can do about it. 4) Surf up and go up the ladder. Do not take the first ladder you see. Instead, go left until you reach another one, then go up it. 5) Go up the ladder, then go left, and down. You'll see another ladder going up. Do not take it. Go right and down the ladders you see, then go left. You'll reach 4 boulders positioned like this: B1 RB2B3 B4R H1R H2 R R Note: B=a boulder that you can push, R=a rock that you cannot move, and H=a hole. Numbers indicate corresponding objects. 6) Push B1 to the left, past B4. Push B4 down H1. Push B3 all the way up, then push B2 down 1 space. Then push it to just above the hole, then push it in, and then follow it down. 7) You will find yourself on another river. This time, you can move freely. Go all the way up and onto the platform to find Articuno. 8) From Articuno's platform, go down to the rocks. Now go right and up the ladder. Take the ladder going up that is to the upper right. 9) Go up the ladder, go left, then go down. You'll find yourself on the platform above where the 4 boulders were. You'll see a ladder going up. Take it. 10) Go up the ladder, then go right, then go up the ladder going up. 11) Go down, left, then down the ladder. Now go left a little, then go up. You'll see a ladder going up on a platform. Take that ladder. 12) Now go right, to the end of the platform, then go down the ladder. Push the boulder there into the hole and follow. 13) Repeat and repeat again, and you'll land in the same river that the first boulder is in. Go right and up onto a platform, then go down to the ladder. 14) Follow the ladders out. Victory Road (to Moltres) ------------------------- 1) Return to #13 from the walkthrough on Victory Road. 2) Go right and you will see Moltres sticking out like a sore thumb. Unknown Dungeon --------------- Items: Ultra Ball x2, Rare Candy, PP Up, Full Restore, Max Revive Pokémon: Parasect, Venomoth, Golbat, Lickitung, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Mewtwo (ONE) Fishing with Super Rod: Goldeen and Seaking *You will need Surf. The path is pretty straightforward. Mewtwo's platform is in the middle of the body of water.
