Anything For You (2/3)


Dana sat on the dock. Her lips were still tingling from her first kiss. It was everything she'd wanted it to be. All her years of practicing kisses on pillows with her sister Melissa had been of no use. Shawn had done it so quickly, she didn't really have time to react.

Now she had to deal with everything she remembered her sister telling her. She'd asked Melissa about sex and boys around Christmas, when she was still fourteen. Melissa was sixteen, very *experienced* and had told her little sister about everything. Dana knew Shawn had just kissed her and it was a little early to worry about anything too serious but she had to be prepared for whatever came her way.

"Hey, Dana." Rachel came up behind her friend. "Where have you been?"

"I went to talk to Anna." She dangled her feet in the water. "I was looking for you after I got up but Shawn said you were at the lake. Then I didn't have time to talk to you while Anna was watching us." She was debating whether or not to tell Rachel about Shawn's kiss. She had to; Rachel was her best friend.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Um, after I woke up, I talked to Shawn and just before we parted ways, he, um...he kissed me."

Rachel's eyes widened. "Oh my goodness, Dana! Congratulations! Was it any good?" She wasn't jumping around. She was taking it well.

"I don't know. It was my first kiss. I have nothing to compare it to." Dana smiled. "Do you still want me to hook you up with Fox?"

Rachel gave a mysterious grin. "No. I think you like him. What are you going to do? Shawn or Fox?"

Dana scowled. "That sounds really gross, and I'm not sure. I like Shawn and he's actually kissed me and I think Fox just thinks I'm some little camper. I think he is sweet and cute. I don't know. I'm so confused."

"Come on. I want to go get a drink. You have forever to think about what you're going to do."


Fox paced around his cabin. He was frustrated. Why hadn't he kissed Dana the night before? Why had he let Shawn do it? Why did he agree to kiss Anna? He'd liked her the first day but only until he saw Dana. Now, he hoped Anna thought he'd kissed her only to get the secret out.

He was going to ask Dana to go to the bonfire with him that night. He'd heard that bonfires at Camp Lakeside Fun were "make-out city". He didn't want to make out with Dana. Well, not exactly. He *did* want her to know about the crush he had on her. He wanted to hold her hand so Anna and Shawn would leave them alone. He barely knew Dana but he wanted to get to know her.

He heard the door open behind them. It was Shawn. "Hey Fox. Got a date to the bonfire tonight?"

"No, not yet. I was thinking about asking someone but I haven't yet."

"You should ask Anna. Man, she's hot."

Fox bit his lip. "Maybe." Then he said, "I heard from Anna that you kissed one of her campers. A girl named Dana."

"Oh, Dane. She's a sweet girl. I think she's great. I plan on moving in on her. She was so surprised when I kissed her. She looked like it was her first kiss or something."

"It was, but be careful. Don't push her too much."

Suddenly, Shawn pushed him. "Why? You think she'd give *it* up to you? I've known her for nearly two years."

"She's fifteen and I know she's smart enough not to give *it* up to anybody while she's so young." Fox didn't retaliate. He didn't want to sink to Shawn's level.

"Well, I saw the way you looked at her last night and if you do again, I'll beat your ass."

Fox stood up straight. "I'd like to see you try, and I'd like you to stop spying on me. Why don't you just ask Dana out if you like her so much? I'm sure she's intelligent enough to see through you."

"She's smart but only when it comes to school." Shawn turned around and stormed outside.


"Hey Anna. What's happening?"

"Oh nothing. How are you, Fox?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm fine. Are you going to the bonfire tonight?"

"Yeah, and I'm going to bring some of my girls too."

"That sounds like fun. I hear they have a new storyteller this year."

"Yeah, they do. But who goes up there to read stories?"

"What else would they do?"

Anna looked up at him, a little surprised. "This is your first year here, isn't it? I didn't know that you didn't know. I'm just going to have to show you."

Of course Fox knew what went on there.... He just didn't want to do that with Anna.

"Anna, I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." He managed to escape out of her snakelike grasp.


Fox had ended up going up to the bonfire with Anna. He saw many couples going up before and after him. When they had gotten up there, they sat on a logs around the big fire. Fox got them settled and then Anna reached up, and pulled his face down to her. Stroking his cheek, she began to explore his mouth with her tongue. Then Fox heard a familiar laugh. He looked up and saw Dana and Shawn coming their way....


Dana grinned as she held Shawn's hand; she was with the most popular guy from her school at a bonfire where everybody who brought dates would make out. She saw that Fox was busy with her counsellor's tongue in his mouth. Dana saw that he was uncomfortable.

Anna took a breath and asked, "Dana, have you seen Danielle?"

"You're the counsellor and Fox is Jake's counsellor. How am I supposed to know where they are?" Dana laughed as Fox went back to pretending he liked kissing Anna. Anna was pretty but she was not really his type. Dana thought.

"Sit down here, Dana." Shawn pulled her down onto a log and had his lips on her immediately. She just followed his lead, not knowing what to do. She shivered as he ran his hand through her red hair and down her back but she could see his eyes were focussed on Fox. Shawn had an "I'm-better-than-you" look.

After a few minutes, Shawn began slipping his hand under her shirt, just in the front and not too high. She was surprised. "Shawn, what are you doing?"

He removed his hand. "Sorry." He looked over at Fox. "Dana, come with me for a walk. Perhaps we'll find Danielle and Jake." He pulled her to her feet and they started walking down a nearby beaten path.


Fox watched as Dana and Shawn left the bonfire. He pulled away from Anna. "Hey, Anna, what's up with the woods?"

She took his hand and traced the lines of his palm with her fingers. "Well, the bonfire is where the campers make out. The woods is where they go to..." She trailed off but he knew where she was going when she put her hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his groin.

"Shit!" He jumped up. "I have to help Dana!"

"Why?" Anna asked. "She's a big girl."

"But Shawn is planning on having sex with her. I don't think he's going to take no for an answer." He started walking.

Anna grew angry and grabbed his wrist. "Fox, if you leave to save your young crush, you can forget about us. Dana is just a little girl compared to me."

Fox turned around, his eyes flashing with anger and determination. "She may be, but Dana isn't a bitch."


"Shawn, where are we going?" Dana asked. The woods around her didn't look familiar. She didn't want to get lost.

"There's a clearing up ahead. I want to show it to you."

They were startled by a figure running toward them at full speed. It was Danielle and her face was streaked with tears and eyeliner. Jake followed her, slowly, grinning. "Hey, Shawn, Dana."

"What's up with Danielle?" Shawn tightened his grip on Dana's hand.

"I showed her the clearing, if you get my meaning. She couldn't take the pain."

Dana was confused. What was so painful about a forest clearing?

"Come on, Dane." Shawn pulled her into a walk. "See you tomorrow, Jake."

"Good luck, Shawn." Jake started running.


Fox knew the plan. It was the plan of every teenage boy who had a remote chance of getting laid. He had no idea where he was going but he decided to follow the path as far as he could.

He passed the crying Danielle Benson and a few minutes later, a grinning Jake Arnold. Seeing that made him hurry up. He would do anything to stop Shawn from hurting her.


"Here you go Dane." Jake led her on to a picnic blanket to the side of the clearing. "You just sit down and make yourself comfortable. Shawn will be right back." Jake grabbed their only flashlight, turned on his heel and walked back on the path that he had just come off of.

Dana all of the sudden felt more alone than ever. It was pitch black and all she could hear were people moaning. And it was very cold. She shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Dana. I know you're scared and cold so come with me, quick," she heard Fox whisper in her ear. He pulled her to her feet and she took his hand as she ran behind him until they got to the regular path.

"Did Jake try anything with you?" Fox asked urgently.

"No. He just walked me to that clearing and left me. He said Shawn would be back."

"Well, come on. Let's go back to camp now."


The two walked in companionable silence until Dana fell down and clutched her ankle in pain. She had twisted her ankle in a dip in the path.

"Are you O.K.?"

"Yeah. I only twisted it, but I don't think I'll be able to walk back to camp."

"Well." Fox grinned. "I think I can handle this."

She looked up and saw the gleam in his eye. "Fox. This isn't really necessary. I can hobble around."

"Oh no, I wouldn't allow it." With that, he swept her up and carried her back to camp.

"Fox, there's my cabin."

"I know."

"Well here, just drop me off here on the porch and I'll go to bed."

"No. I got you this far. I might as well just put you off to bed." He managed his way up the stairs. "Which one is yours?"

She pointed to one of the top ones on the right.

"Well here you go. Anything else, milady?"

Dana giggled. "Well, it would help if you could take off my shoes. Do it carefully, please."

"Of course." He slipped off the shoe expertly, then went to the refrigerator and got an ice pack. "Wow. Your ankle really is swollen up. You should stay off of it for a while."


"...And so then he just left me there! Can you believe him? Of all the nerve this guy's got--" Fox froze as a familiar voice came up behind him. "Well," Anna said, her voice dripping with honey. "I see our dearest Fox is putting poor Dana to bed."

"Goodnight, Dana. It appears I have to leave now. Get better." Fox tousled her hair and left to go to his own bunk.


"Dana likes Fox," Anna said cruelly in a sing-song voice. "Did Shawn *fuck* you, Dana? I heard that Jake was keeping watch for him so you wouldn't run away."

Dana sat up in her bed. "For your information, he did not fuck me. I'm not a whore, like you." Anna was fuming as Dana continued, "That's the only reason you took an interest in Fox. You wanted to get laid. Fox is too kind to do that. That is not why he took an interest in you, Anna."

You bitch! How dare you!" Anna moved to her quickly.

"Go ahead, Anna. Beat me up. It's not like I can run from you or anything." Dana felt power--nothing like she'd ever felt before. She was standing up for herself.

Anna was winding up to punch her when Rachel rushed in. "Anna, what the hell are you doing?" She shoved the counsellor. "Dana, I heard from Fox that you hurt your ankle."

"I did, but I'm fine now." She flashed a false smile at Anna.


Fox stormed into his cabin, looking for Shawn or Jake. Shawn was rummaging through his backpack and Fox caught him off guard. "You little son of a bitch!"

The boy turned around, releasing what he had in his hand. Several condoms fell at Fox's feet. "What the fuck do you want?"

Fox grabbed him by his shirt. "You little bastard! I know what you were planning. Let Jake keep watch over Dana while you get all the preparations made so you can weasel your way into her pants." He shoved Shawn against the wall. "You touch her, or any girl, for that matter, and I will castrate you." He let him go.

"Jesus, Fox. You know how it is for guys. A girl gets them all hot and bothered and they have to relieve themselves somehow."

Fox scowled. "Use your damn hand then! Just as long as you don't rape some young girl."

"I don't need this shit." Shawn walked out the door.

Fox sighed. He hoped Shawn wouldn't try anything with any other girls. It was his duty to stop some of the jerks in the male society. Shawn and Jake were two of them.


Dana awoke suddenly to somebody sobbing. She reached for her flashlight and turned it on to check her watch. It was nearly two o'clock in the morning. Anna was fast asleep so she decided to check out the noise.

She knew it was a mistake as soon as she got to her feet. Her ankle throbbed as she moved across the floor quietly. She shivered as she opened the door and the cool air produced gooseflesh on her bare legs.

Dana saw a figure sitting on the steps of the cabin. "Who are you?" she whispered.

The person turned around. It was Danielle. Her face was still streaked with tears and makeup. She immediately put her head in her hands, as if she was trying to hide from Dana.

"Danielle, what's wrong? Why aren't you in bed?" Dana took a seat next to the crying girl.

"Dana, you've got to promise me you won't tell anybody. I know you saw me earlier in the woods and I know where you were going."

"You can talk to me. I won't tell anybody." "Oh, Danielle, I'm so sorry." She put her arm around Danielle and reached up with her free hand to wipe a tear away.

"Jake told me what Shawn was planning to do to you. He was going to do the same thing, but Shawn was going to use condoms." Danielle broke into a fresh batch of tears. "Dana, I don't want to be pregnant."

Dana was so shocked. The kind Shawn she'd helped with homework had planned to rape her. She would've told him no if he'd asked to have sex. Dana wished Danielle wasn't pregnant either but she had to tell somebody.

"Danielle, I promised you I wouldn't tell anybody about what you told me but we have to get you examined by a doctor."

The girl's eyes widened in horror. "No, I can't. Nobody can know."

"The person I want to ask to help won't say anything, and if somebody asks, we'll say you felt really sick and had to go to the doctor."

Danielle frowned. "We're two hours from San Francisco. I don't think there's a hospital around here."

Dana felt some hope. "You'll let us take you if the person I ask can drive us."

Danielle nodded slowly. "But nobody else can know."

"Hold on." Dana pulled herself up. "Let me get a blanket, my sandals and some money and I'll go get help."


Fox opened his eyes and turned over in his bed. He was startled when he saw Dana standing in the doorway. "Dana, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be off that ankle," he whispered.

"I need your help. I need you to drive us to a hospital."

He shot out of bed. "Who's 'us'?" He threw on his t-shirt before putting on his shoes.

"Danielle. She's in bad shape and I want her to see a doctor. I know you have access to a vehicle."

"What's wrong with Danielle? Is she ill?"

Dana grabbed his hand. "In a way. I'll let her tell you during the drive."


Dana kept her arm around Danielle as Fox drove. She couldn't know what the injured girl was thinking, how she was hurt. All Dana could do was whisper things to her.

"What happened, Danielle?" Fox asked, looking at her. She was huddled up against Dana; they were both under the blanket Dana had grabbed from the cabin.

She spoke quietly. "A boy named Jake hurt me. He's in your cabin. He raped me tonight, in the woods, in the same spot where Shawn had planned to have sex with Dana."

Fox hit the steering wheel. "I am so sorry, Danielle. I thought they'd just been after Dana. If only I'd known sooner about Jake's plans. I saw you crying but I didn't want to intrude."

"Yeah, well, what's done is done. I just have to make sure I don't get pregnant." She turned to Dana. "Dana, it hurt like hell. It still does. I am so glad they left you alone."

Dana gave a small smile. She was glad they had too.


"Dana, you know, you're a really sweet girl. Danielle is so lucky to have a good friend like you."

Fox and Dana were waiting in the emergency room of Holy Family Hospital. It was in a fair-sized town called Myriad. Danielle was being checked out by a doctor.

"You really think so?" Dana said. "I always imagined you thought of me as a little camper that your girlfriend watched over."

"Anna is *not* my girlfriend!" he indignantly exclaimed, surprising Dana. "Sorry. It's just... I thought you might think that." Fox put his hand on her bare knee. "I think about you the way I think about Anna and Danielle: you're a beautiful young woman."

She smiled. "Thanks." She placed her hand atop his. "I hope Danielle will be okay. I don't want Jake to get away with this."

"But Dana, we've got to respect Danielle's wishes. I know how hard it will be but it's up to her to talk." He moved his index finger, stroking her flesh, startling her. "Sorry."

"It's okay." She looked down. "You know, my friend Rachel has a crush on you. She used to watch you through the trees."

"I watched you, Dana. The first day I saw you at camp, you were on your cabin's steps. You intrigued me." He reached up and pushed some hair out of her eyes. "You and your red hair."

Dana braced herself for what was probably coming. She didn't care about all the people around her as Fox leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. She shivered when he placed his hand on the back of her neck.

After, he moved to whisper in her ear: "Are you okay with me kissing you?"

She nodded. "Yeah but just as long as you don't break my heart." She kissed him back, hard.

They were interrupted by Fox being tapped on the shoulder. "Excuse me, son." It was Danielle's doctor, Nicholas Weiss. "Sorry to disturb you but I'd like to keep Danielle for another half-hour. She's going to need your help getting into your vehicle. I administered an anesthetic to give her some stitches because of some tearing. I want her to be in a reclined position so the stitches themselves don't tear."

"Sure, Dr. Weiss."

The man looked at Dana. "I know you're friends with Danielle so you should try to get her to talk to a counsellor. She's been through an extremely traumatic event."

Dana nodded. "Fine, sir. I'll see if she'll talk."

"Why don't you kids get something to eat? The cafeteria is in the basement but it's not very big."

"Can we bring Danielle something to eat?" Fox asked.

Dr. Weiss said, "Sure. I'm sure she's starving."

Fox took Dana by the hand and they walked to the cafeteria.


Their relationship made a quick transition in the next two days. They became more than just friends. They didn't make their relationship too public in case there was a rule against counsellors dating campers.

"Dana, I brought you a drink." Fox gave a cup to his new girlfriend before sitting beside her on the dock.

"Apple juice? That's my favourite, you know." She smiled, putting her hand on his thigh.

"So how's Danielle?"

"She's doing better. If she misses her period this month, she has to get a pregnancy test done."

Fox took a sip of his juice. "Well, I had a nice little talk with Jake and Shawn, about how to treat women."

"Did you punch Jake?"

"Uh, yeah. I told him that if he raped any more girls, I'd murder him."

"I'm glad. Danielle was telling me about what happened and he caused her excruciating pain. Did you tell him that?"

Fox put his arm around her. "I told him that he made it so she had to get stitches due to vaginal tearing and bleeding. The stupid bastard didn't even care that he'd probably scarred a pretty young girl for the rest of her life."

"Why do people do such awful things? What could ever possess someone to hurt another?" Dana said.

"I've often wondered the same thing. That's why I'm going to study psychology at Oxford. I want to know what people think, why they do the things they do."

Dana decided to change the subject. "So you really watched me since the first day of camp?"

"Yeah. You looked like somebody I'd like to know and maybe date." He grinned at her. "It was pure torture watching you play Capture the Flag."

She blushed. "To anybody else, that would sound scary, like you were stalking me."

"I wish I'd said something sooner to you. Now, we're leaving in two days. I'll have to get your address." Fox kissed her cheek.

She frowned. "That's not really a good idea because of my dad being in the navy. We may move on short notice."

"I'll take that risk. Anything for you."


Well So far it's going well, Dontcha think?? Hit the back button on your browser to get to the next part!