Anything For You (1/3)

Title: Anything for You (1/3)

Authors: Eileen S. Whipple &

Sara aKa G-Woman

Classification: pre-XF MSR, A

Rating: PG-13 for language, and subject matter.

Summary: First love is never quite forgotten.

Disclaimer: CC and 1013 own the X-Files and we are just borrowing it and fooling with it!

Sara's notes: Hey everyone... G-Woman here.. I wanted to say thank you to friends on the net, specifically the Teenage Davidites.. you guys are AWESOME.. also thXs is due to Elizabeth and most everyone at Sequoia who has dealt with my past obsessions (X-ample: Val Kilmer, getting new E-mail addys) and my most recent and current obsessions, aKa the X-files, the Cure, and (Of course) getting new E-mail addys! (some habits never die!)... also Thanks to the god who dropped CC on his head when he was just a lad, and for doing the same to us. Thanks are most especially due to David Duchovny, and my personal idol, Gillian Anderson...

But I think the most Thanks of all is due to Ms. Eileen Whipple, who took a young and (I must say) awful fan-ficcy writer under her very gracious wing, and supported her through all the bad ficcy's I-- I mean she had written.. Luv ya 4ever babe!

Eileen's notes: I've been writing for about four years now, and this is the first real Shipper story I've written. I had the Shippy inclination way back in 1995 but I went to become a NoRomo, and became a Fence Sitter just as I got on the Net. When I met Sara, she soon showed me that being a Shipper was the way to go. I never totally became one, and I don't think I ever will.

Thanks goes out to several people, and not necessarily due to this story, just because of their support for my writing in general. Let's see... Lauryn, Wen, KwikSilvy, Laura... and there are tons more but I can't thank everybody in here. It will take up most of my space! And I must thank good ol' Sara immensely who showed me that living as a Shipper could be fun, even though she became a finishipper recently. I love you anyway, girlie! And I think Gillian and David are snazzy!

Authors' Notes: We decided that since this probably never happened in X-Files history, we could creatively manipulate the pilot episode to fit our needs. It's not that bad, really.


Anything For You

by Eileen S. Whipple & Sara aKa G-Woman

November 1998 - May 1999


July 1979

Dana Scully stepped off the yellow bus and looked around. The camp looked boring with cabins and trees and grass, nothing she hadn't seen before. She felt a tap on her back. "Dana, don't forget your bag," her friend, Rachel Boyd, said.

Dana turned around and took her heavy duffel bag from Rachel. The bag belonged to her father, Captain William Scully Sr.; it had "Property of U.S. Navy" printed across the front. Margaret Scully always packed too much when her daughter went to camp.

"Everything but the kitchen sink," Rachel said. She had a small purple suitcase that she was carrying quite easily.

"That's so cliche." Dana lugged the bag onto her shoulder and started walking to the large log cabin that held the head counsellors' rooms and the cafeteria. "I hope we're in the same cabin this year. Last year was really bad."

The California air was hot and dry. Dana's T-shirt was damp under the arms and her black shorts weren't helping at all. She smelled of coconut sunscreen; she wouldn't dare go out in the bright sun with her fair skin unprotected.

The two girls strolled across the grass slowly. "I cannot wait until next week. I can't believe I'm turning fifteen." Rachel was nearly skipping. "How was your fifteenth birthday?"

Dana shrugged and tossed her long red hair over her shoulder. "It was normal. I didn't feel different. Some hormones began raging but nothing more than that. It's not what it's cracked up to be. Besides, sixteen is the important age."

The cabin lists were posted on the logs. Six sheets hung from nails and there was barely a division between the boys' and girls' names. "Co-ed camp! Aren't you glad, Dana?"

"I guess." She was squinting to read the names. "Hey, Rachel. Can you read this? My glasses are in my bag and I don't feel like getting them out." She leaned back to let her friend read the list.

"Oh yes! We're in cabin nine with Elisabeth Crane, Tanya Carrigan, Danielle Benson and Evelyn Reed. I don't know who they are but we're together." Rachel had the tendency to get overexcited about small things. Dana was used to it.

"Let's go find it," she said flatly. She wasn't looking forward to spending two weeks at Camp Lakeside Fun. The name was stupid and didn't convince her. Her parents urged her and she decided to go, mainly because of Rachel. She also knew that Shawn Slater was going. He was the most popular guy at her high school and she was one of many girls who found him attractive. He was a junior and Dana, a sophomore, occasionally helped him with his homework. She excelled in all her classes especially the sciences.

Dana was well-liked at school. She was popular *and* did well in her studies. She was rarely teased for having her nose in her biology text book or writing her poetry. She was a creative, intelligent teenager.

"They obviously trust us a lot," Rachel commented after finding their cabin. "I mean, there's a guys' cabin just through those trees. I saw the counsellor as we were walking over and he's hot."

"Really? I didn't see." Dana threw open the cabin door and went inside to claim her bed.


Fox Mulder fanned himself with the brown clipboard. This was not how he'd planned on spending his vacation but he had to get away from his mother and father and their constant bickering. They got angry at each other easily, despite the fact they were divorced. Fox always thought the fighting would be over after they'd divorced. He was also trying to save up money for university. Amazingly, he'd been accepted at Oxford, of all places. He was surprised.

He glanced through the trees and saw a group of girls entering the cabin on the other side. He'd seen the counsellor that belonged to that group and she was somebody he was looking forward to speaking with for more than a few minutes. She was simply introduced to him as Anna and seemed quite interesting; John, the head of the camp, had insisted all the counsellors meet and chat for several minutes.

"Are you the counsellor?" Fox turned and saw several teenage boys. All were dressed similarly, wearing shorts, T-shirts and baseball caps. Each had a bag on the ground.

"Yeah. Come inside and settle down. Grab your beds."

One boy said to his friend, "This camp sucks but at least Dana's here."

"So you really like her, Shawn?"

"She's so smart, and she's pretty. I know you think she's not that great, Jake, but she's so sweet."

Jake replied, "She's a nerd. She's teacher's pet. Besides, whatever happened you dating the popular girls? The really popular girls, if you know what I mean." He nudged Shawn with his elbow.

Fox rolled his eyes. The boys he was supposed to lead were about fifteen or sixteen, and he could tell. He was nearly eighteen, and he knew Jake's type, so concerned about dating the cheerleaders and the homecoming queens, or the girls who put out. He'd graduated that past spring but in his junior year, he'd realized looks weren't the only part to a girl. He became interested in their minds and began dating smart girls. It was the best thing he'd ever done.

"Get inside, Jake and Shawn," Fox said loudly, unsure of any other boys' names. That was what his clipboard held--the cabin list. He counted six boys and six names on the sheet. He herded his campers into the cabin and as he was doing so, he looked through the trees one more time, hoping to catch a glance of Anna.

He saw a girl sitting on the steps but it wasn't the counsellor. This girl had beautiful red hair and pale skin, nothing like Fox had ever seen before. He stared for a moment, then shook his head and went inside his cabin, his new home for the next three weeks.


Three days later...

"O.K. girls. Listen up everybody!" yelled one of the counsellors at what sounded like the top of her lungs. Mrs. Griffith stood up after every one was quiet.

"Ladies, before we start eating I'd like to make an announcement. There is a surprise activity tonight and we think every one will be delighted. There is to be a dance tonight."

Rachel gasped and looked over at Dana. "Dana, did you hear that? I can't wait! Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh! What am I going to wear?" Dana rolled her eyes at her overexcited friend. She glanced around the crowded mess hall until her eyes rested on Shawn. He waved at her a bit, and she blushed.

"Dana? Dana?? Earth to Dana are you there?" Dana was snapped out of her reverie by Rachel, who was by this time hyperventilating.

"What, Rachel?" She snapped back.

"Come on! I'm too excited to eat! Let's go!"


Fox was looking forward to the big dance later that evening. He was going to ask Anna first, although she wasn't who was was his mind. He wanted to know who that red-haired girl was. He'd seen her on her cabin porch but she'd been elusive during their free time. She'd been at all the activities and he could tell she wasn't enjoying herself, simply by looking at her face. She wore that look every time he saw her.

He was always so busy watching his rowdy charges, he never had a chance to talk to this beauty. However, it didn't stop him from admiring her. One time he'd watched her run, playing Capture the Flag. She was graceful and fast. He'd turned his head, staring at her calf muscles as they tightened with each stride. He'd always been perceptive but this was pure torture.

That was precisely what he was going to do that night at the dance.


Rachel had actually convinced Dana to wear a skirt as part of her outfit for the dance. Dana had only agreed because Rachel was so thrilled for her, because Shawn was at the camp and there was a dance, and the moon was full. Rachel was a hopeless romantic and would do anything for her friend's love life.

"You look wonderful, Dana," her counsellor, Anna Nelson, said. "Do you have your eye on any guy in particular?"

"No," she lied. Rachel laughed. "But I know Rachel likes the boys' counsellor from through the trees," she blurted out.

"You cow!" Rachel shrieked, punching her friend. The two of them broke into laughter.

"His name is Fox," Anna said. She straightened her purple sundress. "He's very sweet but he's nearly eighteen."

Dana held out her hand. "Anna, can you help me put this on?" She held a beautiful gold chain with a delicate cross on it. "I only took it off because we went swimming."

Her counsellor took it from her. "I know what you mean. This is too beautiful to lose. Did you get it for your birthday?" Anna carefully put it around Dana's neck and closed the clasp.

"Yeah, from my mom." She ran her fingers through her long hair, then checked her outfit in the mirror. She tucked in her tight green tank top and turned to the side, trying to look at her profile. "I'm surprised nobody's had panic attacks about this dance. Everybody in this cabin is so frantic to be perfect for the dance."

That was very true. The rest of their cabin mates were in the large bathroom in the woods. There were no outhouses there. The girls and boys each had a large washroom with several flushing toilets, showers, sinks and mirrors. Even though it wasn't an outhouse, the place still smelled awful.

"Well, since you two are ready, why don't you head over to the hall? I'll catch up when the other girls get back." Anna grabbed her brush off her bed and pulled it through her wavy brown hair.

"Come on, Dana." Rachel grabbed her friend's hand tightly and pulled her outside.


"Rachel! Quit running! It doesn't matter if you get there on time or not! It's just a stupid dance!" Dana had called out to her but Rachel wouldn't listen. Dana's pace slowed considerably as her excited friend quickly ran to the dance hall. Rachel was almost through the door when a tall, handsome camp instructor fell into step with the redhead.

"Hello. My name is Fox Mulder. What's yours?"

"Dana," she snapped.

"Hi Dana! Are you new here?"

"Yes, actually I am."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Oh my friend just ditched me. It seems she's all excited about the dance thing."

"You don't like dancing?"

"It's not my favourite hobby."

"Here's my turn off. I've gotta go but maybe I'll see you at the dance?"


Dana felt bad as she watched the older boy walk away, after all, it wasn't HIS fault that she was being dragged to some god-awful dance. Plus he did seem kind of nice. she thought.


"Dane, I'm glad you're here." Dana looked up and saw Shawn standing in front of her. She was trying to stay unnoticed by sitting in the corner of the cleared-out cafeteria. Unfortunately and fortunately, Shawn noticed her. He was the only one she let call her "Dane"; it was a habit that started while she was tutoring him.

"Hey Shawn." She gave a small smile, taking her head out of her hands. "Where's Jake?"

"Trying to smooth-talk that girl over there. I think she's in your cabin." He pointed to a girl with short dark hair.

"Oh, that's Danielle. She'd probably go for Jake but I'm not too sure he'd like how *slow* she goes when it comes to relationships."

Shawn laughed. "Dane, would you like to dance?" He stuck out his hand.

"Sure." She couldn't refuse. Her favourite song "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac was playing on the turntable and Shawn Slater had asked her. Dana stood up and took his hand.


Fox watched as Dana danced with Shawn Slater, one of his campers. Dana had said dancing wasn't her favourite hobby but she looked like she was enjoying herself. He was planning on asking her to dance after the song was over. He hoped being a camp counsellor wouldn't scare her off.

"Dreams" ended and girls were squealing as Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" started. Fox was going to make his move. Shawn had left Dana's side to talk to his friends and now, the gorgeous redhead stood alone. She didn't look devastated that Shawn had left her.

Fox took a deep breath and strode over to the girl. He knew she couldn't be more than sixteen but he didn't mind. He was only seventeen, for three more months. She looked up and smiled. He was surprised. Never in the three days they'd been there had he seen her smile. She'd always worn a frown.

"Hi, Fox," she said. "Are you coming to ask me to dance?"

"Would you like to?" he asked.

"Sure, but first, let me apologize. I didn't mean to treat you like crap before. I just hate it here. I liked doing what I wanted to do." Dana hooked her arm through his.

"No problem, Dana. I wasn't thrilled about working at a camp but I had to get away from home."

They began dancing and Fox was so taken by Dana's grace, he barely heard her ask, "Where are you from?"

He shook his head. "Oh, Massachusetts. What about you?"

"Everywhere." She laughed at the look on his face. "My father is in the navy. We've lived all over the place. Massachusetts is far. Why'd you choose to work in California?" She never stopped dancing, moving as if that was what she'd been born to do.

"My parents were fighting and I was sick of it. I had to get away, plus I have to save up money for university." He was dancing but not as much as Dana. "I'm going to Oxford."

"Oxford? Wow, I'm impressed." She wore a huge grin. "I don't mind this dance after all."


Fox and Dana stayed together for most of the dance. Fox danced with Anna twice and Dana went with Shawn for "Stairway to Heaven". The last song was going to be "Get Down Tonight" by KC and the Sunshine Band.

"Hey, Dana," Fox asked over Shawn's shoulder. "Can I walk you back to your cabin?"

"Sure, if you don't mind, Shawn." She raised an eyebrow.

"Go ahead." Shawn made a sweeping motion with his arm. "Be my guest. I'll be back in our cabin later."


"It's kind of chilly out here isn't it?" Dana asked, pulling her thin sweater closer to her.

"Yeah it is. Do you want to borrow my coat?" Fox asked.

"Sure." Fox took off his coat and wrapped it around Dana. "Thanks, that's much better." She said.

After a long, uncomfortable silence he sighed and looked up at the stars in the deep blue-black sky. "Isn't the night sky pretty? I mean, all the stars up there. It kind of puts you in your place, doesn't it? It humbles you a little, don't you think?"

Dana turned her eyes to what seemed to have caught Fox's attention. "Yeah. They are really pretty. When did you take an interest in stars?"

"Oh when I was about twelve. I've really always been into science fiction stuff. You know like Star Trek and everything. But when I was twelve it kinda all hit home." He chuckled. "So to speak."

"Why? What happened when you were twelve?"

Fox's grin immediately changed as if a dark cloud had passed over him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...."

Fox interrupted. "Oh no. That's O.K. You couldn't have known."

After another long silence, the two were finally approaching Dana's cabin.

"I've had a good time, Fox."

"Me too. Maybe we could do this again sometime."

She handed him his coat. Slinging it over his shoulder, he reached one hand to touch her cheek. "Goodnight, Dana."

"Goodnight, Fox."


"Shit." Shawn swore. He put down his binoculars and came out of the bush where he had been hiding. Slipping into his cabin, he hopped up onto the top bunk which was his bed. "If anyone says anything to Fox about how I came in late I'm gonna beat your head. Understand?" He threatened. All the boys silently nodded in unison.


Dana woke up late the next morning. She was glad it was a free day, although she suspected that it was because some of the counsellors, eighteen and over, were probably drunk. She hadn't seen anybody drinking but they could have done it after the dance. She knew Fox hadn't been drinking. She'd observed *a lot* while he'd walked her to her cabin the night before.

She sat up and stretched. Her cabin mates weren't in their beds. Dana checked her watch. It was nearly noon, and her fellow campers were probably getting something to eat. She was starving. She threw her blankets off and stood up.

Dana slipped into clean clothes and brushed her hair. She wanted to look nice, just in case Shawn was outside playing football with his friends. She sat on the edge of her bed and put on her sneakers.

She quickly made her bed and left the cabin. She shaded her eyes from the sun as she walked down the porch steps. She was startled when she heard, "Hey Dane!" She squinted and saw Shawn heading her way.

"Hey Shawn. How are you doing?" She shoved her hands in her pockets.

"I'm okay. I missed you last night, after the dance. What's up with you and the guys' counsellor?" he said, being as straightforward as anybody could be.

"Oh, Fox? We're just friends. He walked me back to my cabin." It was true although she thought Fox was attractive. Dana looked around. "Have you seen Rachel?"

"She's at the lake with Jake, Danielle and a bunch of others." He asked bluntly, "Did Fox kiss you?"

Her eyes widened. "No! He hasn't. Like I said, we're just friends."

Shawn's voice became quiet as he said, "I hope *we* can become more than that." He'd shocked her, and she nearly collapsed when he walked over to her, leaned down and kissed her on the lips. He left after that.

Dana's knees were weak, the way love songs said first love made girls feel. She was confused. Why did she have to feel attracted to Shawn *and* Fox? She never usually had a guy liking her but now it was two at once, or so she suspected. Perhaps Fox thought she was simply a kid, since she was younger.

She had another week and a half to figure something out.


Anna was watching her girls when Dana walked over to her and asked if she could talk. Anna gave control of her girls to one of the other camp counsellors, Kristen, and then left with Dana.

"What's up Dana?"

"Well, I'm having serious guy problems."


"Yeah. Do you know Fox? The camp councellor for the boys?"

"Yeah, I'm familiar with him."

"Do you know Shawn?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Well at the dance, I started kinda hanging out by myself and Fox came over and asked me to dance. He is the biggest sweetheart and I ended up just dancing with him the whole night and he walked me to the cabin. Then I went to bed. When I woke up it was close to noon so I got up and dressed and everything, and then I went out to go find you guys, and Shawn came up to me and just flat out asked what my relationship was with Fox. I told him that we were just friends and then he kissed me."

"Do you like Fox?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, was it a good kiss??"

"I don't know. That was kinda my first kiss."

"Really? Well did it make your knees go a weak like they do in really sappy movies or was it really forced."

Dana blushed. "Well, my knees are still really weak."

"Well, I'm very excited for you then! Your first kiss!!" The two girls hugged and then went back to the lake to play with the other girls.


"Hey Fox! What's up?" Anna came bouncing towards him. He sat alone in a corner of the counsellors' lounge.

"Nothing much. I'm just going over some paper work I have to fill out before I go to Oxford."

"Sounds like fun. Can I play?"

"I don't think so. It's REALLY boring."


"How are your girls?"

"They're fine. One of them in fact, just got her first kiss this very morning."

"Really? Which one?"

"You know I can't really say, but for a kiss I will tell you who it is."

Fox REALLY wanted to know so he leaned over and kissed Anna softly on the lips. Just as he was pulling away, her hand snaked around, grabbed his head and deepened the kiss. Fox pulled away, trying desperately to have her let go of him, but as fate would have it, she had to come up for air sometime. She finally released her grip on him and whispered, "Dana".

Fox's face couldn't get any whiter.
