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(o: Courtney's Homepage :o)

Hi, My name is Courtney. At this website you will learn about me, and my friends. You can e-mail me at for comments and stuff! I hope you enjoy my web site! Have fun!!!ohh yeah....i have music on this just takes a while for it to come if you want to hear it...sit here for a while and wait for it!!!

UPDATED 12/03/02

Places to go on my site

Some of my favorite sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Lycos - Search the Web
Hotmail-Free e-mail accounts
Get the lyrics to your favorite songs!
ICQ (I Seek You!)
Make money while you surf the net! Teen Magazine Snap Search Page

My friends' sites

Courtney King's Page
Leigh Anne's Page
Kari Maxey's Page
Carrie & Mary Ellen Andersen's Page
Rachel Hennon's Page
Patty Henderson's Page
Marcus Southern's Page
Katie Roan's Page
Brittany Ford's Page

Weird fact of the Day.