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Welcome To Dan's Veteran's Home Page...
A Nation In Distress

This Page Is Dedicated To Informing Today's Veteran's And Youth Of The Incredible injustices that your status as a Veteran will subject you to.

Besides being dangerous to your future health, YOUR VOTES ARE DISREGARDED in Presidential Elections!

We Want To Address The Issues That Are Keeping America's Veterans From Receiving The Benefits promised To Them By An Ungrateful Nation.

To expose the Illegal activities of a Government out of control.

To tell the citizens of the United States the truth about the erosion of their rights, and to tell the truth about our disappearing Military.

On this site you will hear the truth about what is going on in America.

This site will post every bit of evidence we can find exposing the corruption of our Politicians and Department of Veteran's Affairs.

If you are the parents of an enlistment-age young American, see why preventing him/her from joining the armed forces is a matter of life and death.

The Government would have you believe that a "Booming Economy" is why military enlistment is at a Nationl Security Threatening Low......Learn the TRUTH here.

Read here why America must throw off it's Lawyer/Politicians, and restore the United States Constitution to it's original form, un-tampered with and un-polluted by those we trusted to uphold it

For we truly are......


Dan Coble USAF 1978-1981

This is my reason for taking on the most corrupt Government in the World, My Beautiful, Loving(and understanding) Wife, (we just had our first child in May of 2000) and our two Beautiful Daughters Lori and Heather, from my first marriage, who are the lights of our lives, and the most precious parts of our world.

It is for THEIR futures that I, a Disabled Veteran, have become part of the fastest growing and most effective intelligence gathering Veteran's groups in AMERICA today, THE FIREBASE NETWORK, VETERAN'S RIGHTS NOW and NVO.(National Veteran's Organization)

All are grass roots veteran's advocacy groups formed BY AND FOR the Veterans of this country's military, it's Retirees, it's endangered disabled, and the Families that love and care for them.

These Groups, and their members have gathered information and intelligence that our Government and the Department of Veteran's Affairs NEVER wanted the American People to know.

As this site develops, I will be adding documents and links that will present every American Veteran with the ammunition he/she needs to demand and receive their earned benefits, which they have previously been DENIED By an out of control, rogue agency we all know as the VA.

Please view/sign my guestbook and let me know what you think, and please feel free to send me anything you uncover that might be of use to Veterans everywhere.
I will be adding pages for personal stories, inviting guest columnists and constantly working to improve this site....I don't know everything, but I have lots of help.

Click here to visit our family web site.


......Lest we FORGET.

The Continuing American SLAVERY
An Essay

We Americans think that Slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation, but the only thing that ended was Slavery that went by the name SLAVERY, implying that Black people were the only ones that were actually "SLAVES", is a fallacy that we examine herein.

Who are today's "Slaves" ?....... Let's think about it, what defines a slave? A slave is a human being that is thought to be the PROPERTY of another human being or group of humans. To slaves the Constitution does not apply, Slaves may joyfully and with no fear of retribution, be used for experimentation, medical and otherwise. Slaves may be conscripted to fight the wars of the enslaving nation, much as Rome used Gladiators, then after their usefulness, they are discarded like we people discard ("Put to sleep") Greyhounds after they are all run out.

Today Sudan is the only country that uses slaves and blatantly calls them slaves, in our "civilized" world we have had to find more innocuous terms like Soldier, G.I., and Veteran to describe our slaves. "This can't be" you might say, but I assure you the parallels are as plain as the lines scrawled on a piece of paper once known as our Constitution.

What gall, What nerve, who is this crazy man making these claims?..... I am an American Veteran (Slave), I have been used for medical experimentation, I have been used to fight this Nation's battles, I have been maimed, and I have been left for dead. I have NO RIGHT to seek compensation from my Slave owners, I have no right to due process, I have NONE of the same rights the American public falsely believes it has that were guaranteed by that aforementioned hollow piece of paper once known as the Constitution of the United States.

Some may argue that this hypothesis is way off base, way out of line, and not based in any provable fact, so follow me for a moment.

  • Slaves were forcibly taken from their homes to serve a Master.

  • America's young men were forcibly taken (Drafted) from their homes to serve a Master.

  • This "Master" considered those same young men as "Property", thus not entitled to rights like other citizens of the "Master" country.

  • These slaves were all guaranteed certain "Comforts" if they served the Master, and then when it was all said and done,
    And their servitude was ended, the Master "Forgot" or DENIED making any such promises.

  • The Masters promised a special agency to "Serve" them after their slavery ended (VA), but instead provided them, (after all, they are only useless slaves), with a Bureaucracy that ridicules and denies the slaves' claims of injuries, and with a sneer denies the slaves' claims to certain benefits promised to them by the masters, who are NOW DONE WITH THEM.

  • The masters see to it that the slaves. And former slaves' claims and cries for help go unheeded and use their vast resources to cover up (Silence) the voices of the slaves, by denying them media attention and/or access to their so-called Law makers.

  • Since these are non-human slaves and undeserving of any attention, the masters string them along and deny their claims in hopes that the slaves will either die during the process or just give up and melt silently into obscurity.

  • The Masters feel it is better to wait them out, let them die, and then build nice inexpensive memorials to them, filled with hollow sentiments and false claims of their gratitude for their SACRIFICE, then keep score of how many they have outlived by placing little white crosses in a field, or ghostly names on a wall.... A true testament to their superiority over the slaves.

  • Slaves were regarded with the same brand of contempt that the American Veteran receives when he visits a VA Medical Center or VA Regional office to receive care or apply for his earned benefits. (This is so, because the Masters NEVER intended to actually give them these benefits, but the slaves were petulant and persisted in asking for them.)

  • Slaves generally have to be SOLD, but the American Serviceman is sent "on LOAN" to the other masters/slave owners like the United Nations, to fight their causes, contrary to that soldier's oath to defend the United States. He never took an oath to defend the UN.

  • The American Serviceman is "Conscripted" by every other nation, incapable of it's own defense, and put in harms way in the name of the Masters of that nation, only to die, be maimed and forgotten once again, as is customary, by the Masters who sent him away.

    Think about it when you say slavery is dead....the only thing dead about slavery are the slaves.

    It's true that the US. Government thinks of it's Veterans the same as one would think of slaves, how else can the Veteran's condition be explained? The Government routinely uses untried and unproven vaccines on him, immune from recourse or prosecution, because the vaccines are being used on Property, not on humans protected by the Constitution. We are little more than talking Lab Rats.

    American Veteran's Hospitals are the largest source for medical teaching and experimentation in the free world, Veterans are the subjects of this experimentation because the "Paying Public", those with insurance and not dependent on the VA health care system would ABSOLUTELY not stand for such treatment, only we lowly slaves are expected to submit to such barbarism, only to die by what is flippantly called "Medical Misadventure", because when it applies to the Veteran and/or Serviceman, there is no such thing as MALPRACTICE........

    Veterans and Active Duty Military have been gassed, irradiated, bombed, submerged, ejected, targeted, stung, scorched, flung from flying aircraft, doused with dangerous poisons and carcinogens, pinched, poked, prodded, frozen, left in the desert, plucked from the desert, and constantly placed in harms way, and when something goes amiss, and a slave is hurt maimed or killed, it is somehow the fault of the slave, and the Government uses it's age-old catch phrase.. "There is no evidence" to exonerate itself from responsibility......The slave is "Crazy", or was a "Misfit", or was otherwise, somehow "Substandard", that is except when he was needed to save the master's pretty pink ass from being overrun or conquered........ LIKE SLAVES, WE ARE EXPENDIBLE.

    Every American Serviceman and Veteran needs to ask himself...."Are we NOT like slaves?" Someone else decides our fates, our punishment, our care, and our deaths, all of this largely without our consent and often without our knowledge. We do not have the same rights that others enjoy (However temporarily), we do not have the right to due process, the right to seek restitution for pain and suffering, we receive no royalty from the sale of the drugs, chemicals and weapons we were the guinea pigs for, We seldom even receive praise for saving our country from outside aggression and tyranny, and it is the Politician who rides on our backs, on the labor and suffering of the soldier, who garners all the glory,
    while we suffer in relative silence.

    Who but WE, the American Veterans have the power to bring about change? Who but we Americans display the kind of indifference and apathy that the Masters relish, assuring that unless we as a Nation of Veterans takes a stand in unison, NOTHING will ever be done, and the Masters will continue to sit behind their cushy desks, enjoy the pleasures of their interns, drive assistants off of bridges to their deaths and face no consequences, "Eliminate" with the raising of their hand. all who threaten their way of life, ala Vince Foster, Chandra Levy and countless others, too numerous to name here, For it is the Masters who count on our complacency and apathy to perpetuate their sophistry, and in their minds they are immune because we as a people have a great history of doing NOTHING.

    It is the Masters who we have freely elected to serve us, and then turn on us and betray us and seek to rule over us rather than serve us while we Americans DO NOTHING, and by our inaction, condone their reign over us and we submit to the slow eventual slavery of us all in the disguise of freedom, which will one day end on this continent if "We The People" don't awaken from our hypnotic trance and say NO MORE..............

    Do you all wish to discover the true meaning of slavery?

    What are you willing to DO America?

    Read your CONSTITUTION.....It is your DUTY to "Throw off" your Masters....It is your RIGHT!

    ......................Dan Coble, Veteran (Slave)

    Can You Identify This Global Superpower?

    709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel.
    293,000 reserve troops,
    8 standing Army divisions,
    20 Air Force and Navy air wings with 2,000 combat aircraft,
    232 strategic bombers,
    13 strategic ballistic missile submarines with 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles,
    500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads,
    4 aircraft carriers
    121 surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases, shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a force.

    Is this country Russia?. . . No.
    Red China ? . . . . . . . . . . No.
    Great Britain ? . . . . . . . . Wrong Again.

    USA? . . . Hardly.

    Give up??

    Well, don't feel too bad if you are unable to identify this global superpower, because this force no longer exists.......


    These are the American military forces that have disappeared since the 1992 election of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.


    Contributed by: Cliff Rowe

    This is how the VA would handle ALL Veteran's Claims.....
    if they had THEIR WAY.
    For far too long our government has shirked responsibility for, and out right BETRAYED it's Veterans. The US. government continues to deny Agent Orange and it's effects on our Veteran's and their offspring as well as Gulf War Syndrome, PTSD, and a host of other illnesses caused by exposure to unknown (DENIED) chemical weapons during battle and the forced administration of vaccines proven to be untried and unsafe.

    On September 24, 1999 Clinton signed yet another executive order, that forces our troops to receive forced vaccinations without informed consent, and then at the end, tells the reader that the Government will not be held responsible for dangerous side effects or death due to taking these vaccines, and no benefits or entitlements will be given to the VICTIM of this "Executive order".

    And countless are the tales of abuse of our aged Veterans in VA retirement facilities all over the US. Here is but one story of such a facility.

    Click on the highlited documents to go directly to them, or

    Click here to go to the "VA HALL OF SHAME"

    Click on the image above to read the truth about 511A.

    Click on the image above to read a little about our Former "FEARLESS LEADER".

    American Veterans, BETRAYED by our own Government turn to FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS for HUMANITARIAN AID.

    We're not surprised.

    Click here to read the first letter to the Israeli Embassy

    Click here to see our letter to the World Health Organization asking for some of Ted Turner's donated BILLIONS

    Click here for a list of foreign Embassies our request for aid is going to first

    How's this for a Congress?

    (....but not surprising!)

    Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

    *29 have been accused of spousal abuse
    *7 have been arrested for fraud
    *19 have been accused of writing bad checks
    *117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two businesses
    *3 have done time for assault
    *71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
    *14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
    *8 have been arrested for shoplifting
    *21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
    *84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year,
    but were RELEASED after claiming Congressional Immunity

    Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet?

    Its the 535 members of the United States Congress.
    The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

    ........Steve Mungie


    Veterans all over the Us are taking the fight to the streets....These billboards are popping up all over the US, and Congress is getting nervous!

    Looks like we are hitting a nerve...Congress and the various Military Recruiting commands are crying that these Billboards are hurting their recruiting efforts....I'm SO SAD.

    The United States Department of Defense......
    "An Equal Opportunity Deployer"

    Please Visit Some of My Favorite Sites


    Save The Montagnard People Site


    Visit the FIREBSAE NETWORK Home Page





    Sorry, We are under construction. As long as America's Veterans, their wives and children, their widows and orphans are denied benefits promised to them by An Ungrateful Nation, This site will remain
    Pardon the dust, I hope we can be finished soon!

    Click here to get 1000's of guaranteed hits to your web site!

    Site Constructed By: Dan Coble
