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Letters From The Heart

We do not live in houses, but in heartbeats of people we share everyday with.

Life, Love, Respect and Friendship

My name is Lola. Welcome to my pages. At this moment I am not sure what these pages are going to consist of, but I do know that life is sometimes tough. At least I know that at times it has been that way for me. I want to collect things that make people feel good and bring comfort to their souls and post them on these pages. I am putting together these pages for people to have a place to rest. A place where they can go to revive there True Selves. As you read these stories and poems and collections I have found let yourself grow, expand and feel the joy.
If you have any suggestions or things that you think should be posted here, please feel free to E Mail me. {{{{{HUG}}}}}

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me

Enjoy My Site

The Meaning Of Peace
When God Created Mothers
"What'd You Clock Me At?"
"My Friend"
"The Red Dress"

Other Sites

Spirit Web