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in this page i am going to put my own MK fiction

first of all here is my idea of MK5 storyline(it's based on Scorpion's ending from the PSX version of MK4:

i think that the final boss in MK5 should be no other but..............Scorpion. After Raiden's victory over Shinnok, Scorpion finds himself in the Netherealm along with Quan Chi. what adds major imortance to this is the fact that the sorcerer is in possesion of the once sacred amulet. years ago he delivered Shinnok with an exact duplicate while he himself retained the original. although the former Elder God plans come to an end in the hands of the thunder God(who has now become an Elder God himself) Raiden, the fact that the evil sorcerer Quan Chi, who is not less power hungry than Shinnok himself, has the sacred amulet is a big threat not only for Earth, but for all the realms. Quan Chi has since long devised his own plans for ruling all reality and only the lack of appropriate moment has prevented him from putting his evil plans into action. he was wise in his decision to keep Shinnok's amulet for himself, but his arrogance proved to be a major mistake. by revealing to Scorpion that he himself(Quan Chi) is in fact the true murderer of his family and clan, he turns Scorpion into one of his greatest enemies. on learning that Quan Chi not only used him as a puppet for his own purposes but also killed his family and clan, which by now he blaimed on Sub_Zero, Scorpion is greatly enraged with the sorcerer. that comes to only add to his long put off anger with all the other that has since long used him for their purposes and paid him off by trying to destroy him. led by dark emotions, Scorpion engages in a furious battle with Quan Chi. although Quan Chi is powerful and has previously succeded in outsmarting the specter, Scor pion is so enraged with the sorcerer that with the strength given him by his anger, he finally manages in the battle, and not only that, he is also able to steal the sacred amulet from Quan Chi while the latter is making his escape ( i decided to leave Quan Chi alive for now, because i like him).

Do you want to see your MK fan fiction here? i am accepting fiction NOW! Don't wait. Kome to RAiden's palace!E-mail Raiden NOW!!!!!!!!!