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The #Sharp# Shooters

(A page for Music Lovers)

Join the Club!
View My Dreambook
Sign My Dreambook
Updated! Members List (Jobs)
Updated! Lots of Laughs!
Funky Facts (by Sarah)
The MMC Mini Music Mag!
Musician and Member of May
Updated! Summer Mania!
The MMC's 2-yr B-Day!!!!
MMC Literature Collection!!
Snare Drums (By Kimball)
NEW!! Spend your points HERE!

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Megan submitted the name "The #Sharp# Shooters# to my "MMC Mini Mag Name-the-Club Contest" and won! She will receive 100 points, plus her name right here on my main page. Way to go Megan!! ************************************************************************

IMPORTANT!! Two of my member's email addresses have changed or are not working. The members are: Sarah and Amy. If either of you happen to read this page, please send me your new addresses so that I can keep in touch with you (I've started a really neat newsletter called the MMC Mini Music Mag). And if anyone else knows these girls' addresses, please let me know.

Email me at: Thanx!

Hi! My name is Erikina.

I'm 14, and love both music and clubs. To make the perfect web site, I decided to combine the two and create a "Marvelous Music Club"strictly for girls!

Buckle your seat belts and get ready for an awesome ride full of games and activities and fun!

I have installed some music. If it gets annoying, (which it often does--I know!) just go to the bottom of the page, and turn it off!

Please sign my dream book, even if you don't plan to become a member, but let me tell you, being a member is a whole lot of fun! I don't have as much time us I used to to update--so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx!

My newest and best attraction is the club's 2-year-old Birthday. Go see it, and have fun! (Watch out when you blow out the candles on the cake, though!!)

Sorry I haven't updated this for a very long time!

I have put in a few new features, including a new poll, though, so have fun!

If you have any suggestions for the club, please let me know!

Last updated: May 29, 2000

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NEW!!! The poll:

Fav Music Types
What's your favorite kind of music?

Hard Rock
Soft Rock

Current Results

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