Log file from Fiora. 25/07/99 9:53:20 Dragon> Fort dragons sense that Trisseth Hummms in the back of her throat, << The eggs! They are going to crack! >> Dragon> Fort dragons sense that Lienth rumbles a deep tenor, ranging higher into a broad hummmmmmmmm <> Public announcement: E'vrin announces "Hear ye, hear ye! Genneth and Sharath's eggs at Ista Weyr will shortly be cracking for all to see. You can reach the Hatching Grounds by +go ista-bowl, se, hg -- and be sure to bring your marks for the last-minute wagers!" You head outside to the bowl. Fort Weyr> Beryl waves! She's back from a two day trip. Lienth comes out of the cavernous opening of the Infirmary. Lienth has arrived. You climb up Lienth's kindly offered foreleg to vault up between his beautiful azure neckridges, and perch there, giving him a loving pat as you do so. You launch into the air. Above the Center of Fort Weyr Bowl(#927RLae$) Obvious exits: Weyrling Barracks Star Stones Northeast Southwest Center of Bowl (*) From Below, Lienth disappears into Between. Between Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... Ista Weyr Upper Sky(#1280RLMaes) Obvious exits: Upper Sky South Star Stones DragonWeyrs (*) From Below, Lienth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! The wind is brisk and feels good under your wings, supporting your wings firmly as you glide lower into the bowl. Ista Weyr Lower Bowl Sky Obvious exits: DragonWeyrs Lower Caverns Center Bowl Northwest Bowl Hatching Cavern West Corrals You fly through the entrance to the Hatching Grounds. Ista Weyr Hatching Ledges(#1099RDJQqs) The people here on the dragon ledges are Mia, Miritha, G'rel, Jesica, Laila, T'rod, T'mren, and Sonya. The dragons scattered along the various ledges here include Wennlath, Farlioth, Trisseth, Beltanth, Cevodnioth, Sharath, Keth, Ordoneth, Darieth, and Pryth. Type 'view' to see the Sands. (*) From Below, Miritha rolls her eyes. "Remind me not to ask a dragon such details," she says. "Hey, Fiora!" One hand waves vigorously at Lienth. (*) From Below, Lienth rumbles smoothly as he makes a landing, Fiora calling out, "Heya, Miritha!" and then, "And the same to the rest of you, too." You give Lienth one last loving pat and vault down his foreleg, landing on the ground with a light thud. Jesica grins and waves to Fiora as she see's Lienth arrive, "Fiora, how are you today?" Mia says softly to Laila, "It will be fine. Wennlath can help if needed." Mia waves to Fiora and smiles though her atention is still focused on Laila. Miritha glances down at the eggs, then calls out, "I wager more blues than greens, just to be interesting. Anyone up for it?" Laila nods a little to Mia. "It'll be fine, you're right." Sonya catches Miritha's words. "How much?" she calls out. G'rel grabbed an ' :) Miritha touches her belt pouch, ignoring her brown's amused rumble before he resumes humming. "Half-mark?" Mia nods to Laila and grins. She can't help herself and she shouts, "Well.. I say they'll be more greens than Blues." She blushes. Fiora grins, eyeing Lienth, who settles downn enough so that Fi can sit on his foreleg, calling over to Jesi, "Alright! Just able to come, thank goodness for healers." no explination is made, the young woman simply grinning. Jesica hmmms a bit, "Why have you been seeing a healer Fiora?" she asks in concern as s he looks over her friend. Oerth flies in from the bowl. Oerth has arrived. Alania holds tightly onto Oerths neckridges and swings down, lightly landing on the ground Alania has arrived. Fiora rolls her eyes, looking down at the sands for a moment, and then looking back at Jesica, "Firehead. Been pretty sick. Anlin found me up on my ledge, sick as a canine. But I'm better now." Alania hopes off her Dragon, glancing out over the sands. Mia glances over at Fiora, her eyes worried as she listens to her words. Sonya considers then says to Miritha. "I'll take that bet. I'll bet more greens than blues." Alania spots T'mren, giving him a waves and a smile, as she leans against Oerth. Dragon> All dragons sense that Neith thrumbs a loud and clear hmmmmm of anticipation, as the eggs of Genneth's clutch shake with even more determination! T'mren grins over at Alania, and waves her over," Hi Alania, come join us if you want?" Lysseth flies in from the bowl. Lysseth has arrived. Alania takes the wineskin out of the packs, and wanders over to where T'mren is, a soft smile still curving her lips "And how are you this fine eve?" she asks the bronze rider. Irrylath flies in from the bowl. Irrylath has arrived. Katany has arrived. Kassima slides down from Lysseth's neckridges to land beside her with ease. Lysseth cocks her head at her rider, rumbling quietly as Kassi gives her eyeridges a grateful scratching. Kassima has arrived. Mia waves to Kassima from her spot near the front. Katany says, generally, "Igen's duties to Ista." And moves carefully towards Laila. Laila glances up to note Katany. She gives the Weyrwoman a wave, needlessly. "Hello." Sharath snakes his tail out of his Weyrwoman's way, eyes never leaving the eggs. Kassima slips from her lifemate's neck with ease, though only after freeing a wineskin from the strap pouch. "Duties to everyone and everywhere," she cheerfully greets those nearby; Lysseth tenders a brief, salutational rumble, before settling into the usual hummmmm. "Lovely day for a Hatching, 'tis." Fiora offers a somewhat belated, "Fort's Duties to all your weyrs," simply dismissing all worried looks. She's perfectly calm about it, why aren't they? Lienth humms louder now, the blue raising his voice to meet all the others. Mia waves towards Katany. She makes room for the WW. Oerth rests comfortably on a ledge, eyes on the sands and the eggs. G'rel notices Katany, as well. He gives her a wave with a light smile. Wennlath humms softly as her swirling eyes look upon the sands. T'rod looks down at the Gold that's arrived, then blinks for a few moments, regarding the Igen Weyrwoman with a surprisingly neutral expression. T'mren smiles amiably at Alania, "Doing good. How're you and your lovely green, hmm?" Jesica ahhhs a bit and she hmmms softly in concern, "You just be careful Fiora, okay?" Katany returns G'rel's smile with a thin, tight one of her own, and sits near to Laila. "Hello, Laila. Do you know any of them?" Alania chuckles and shrugs lightly, offering the skin to T'mren "both doing very well thankye" Miritha waves enthusiastically towards Katany. "Hello, Katany. I take it my son hasn't driven you or your Headwoman insane yet?" Fiora nods, leaning back against a metalic blue foreleg, offering back to Jesi, "I am, I am. Don't want to be sick again, believe me." Laila shifts slightly, so any view between Katany and G'rel is blocked. "I met Nei once or twice." She folds her arms, tightly. Chezroth has arrived. S'dar hops off of Chezroth. S'dar has arrived. Mileketh flies in from the bowl. Mileketh has arrived. From atop Mileketh, J'rell has left. J'rell slides down Mileketh's foreleg and off. J'rell has arrived. Visquath flies in from the bowl. Visquath has arrived. J'rell steps off next to Alania, "Hi." Treena carefully slides down Visquath's neck and lands with a thump. Treena has arrived. S'dar offers a formal salute, speaking, "High Reaches duties, and a fine evening to you all." T'mren sips from his wine and grins at Alania. Katany lifts a hand to J'rell, and then to Treena and T'al. Visquath lands neatly, and his Rider leans forward to hug his neck before unbuckling himself and his passenger. Alania turns from where she's standing beside T'mren to smile over at J'rell "J'rell!..she moves over beside him, giving him a hug. T'al dismounts swiftly, slides down Visquath's shoulder and lands neatly. He pauses to caress the Blue's neck, whispering a few loving words. T'al has arrived. From the sands below, T'bin comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. Mia waves tp Treena, J'rell and T'al. J'rell hugs Alania back, "It's good to see you." From the sands below, Keara comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Anselm comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Nei comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Clareyn comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Sarin comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Laureva comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Nikana comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Breenah comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Dossa comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Zava comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. J'rell nods to Mia. From the sands below, Adriana comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Reye comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Erissa comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Dalen comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Gaddie comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Anise comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. Treena waves back, smiling, and settling into a seat quickly From the sands below, Aiko comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Tamina comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Sloane comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. T'rod looks aside to the two Bronzeriders sharing his ledge, then shakes his head. "There're more Igenites here than Istans, I swear..." From the sands below, From Sloane, Racy slips in from *between* in a breath of chilled air. From the sands below, E'vrin comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, T'bin leads the candidates out onto the hot sands and before the golden queen who is overseeing the clutch. From the sands below, Racy slips *between* as an amber bronze blur. Fiora lets out a light 'oooh', "They're all coming!" She grins, looking over at Jesi, "What do you bet that the first will be blue?" She rolls her eyes at a loud rumble from Lienth, interupting his humming, "He says green." Jesica ahhhs as the candidates start coming out onto the sands, "There they are." she says as her full attention focuses on the sands now." Alania slips her arm through J'rells, leaning close "How are you?" From the sands below, Dalen walks out onto the sands, bowing to the golden queen before skittering into the circle.... The sands already burn his feet and he hops from one foot to the other, wincing as the sweat beads up on either side of his nose.... From the sands below, Merellia comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Arion comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching Sands. From the sands below, Breenah takes a deep breath, bowing long and low to Genneth, then dashing towards Dalen, regrabbing his hand as she looks around the sands, and the eggs, with a long sigh. "Ouch." J'rell smiles at Alania, "I'm fine. How are you?" From the sands below, Keara edges out onto tyhe sands, hiding behind a taller boy, peeking nervously at the eggs. From the sands below, Genneth's eyes whirl rapidly as she views the onslaught of the candidates towards her eggs, and lets loose with a discontented rumble, taking a dim view of the prospect. From the sands below, Nikana emerges out onto the blistering sands with Reye's hand clasped firmly with her own, though she lets the seacraft girl take the lead. She sketches a bow to the bright gleam that is Genneth, dipping as low as she can without having her excuse for a robe dip too far off a shoulder. From the sands below, Nei follows out quietly slowly her eyes searching for the form of the golden queen, and offering a sincere, and deferring bow. Taking place near Dalen in the circle. From the sands below, Once all of the Candidates are out on the Sands, T'bin leads them in a graceful bow to the brooding queen, Genneth. T'al bounces excitedly as he takes a seat by Treena, calling, "Look, look! Candies!" Obviously. Miritha kicks her heels against the ledge's edge again, beaming down at the sands. "_I_ bet the first one's brown." From the sands below, Anselm clasps his hands in front of him, releasing his hand from whom nearest him, to give the queen a deep and appreicative bow. This formailty over with, his eyes are scanning the stands. It is clear he hopes for a slimpse of specfic people, his squint deep. Alania shrugs lightly "I'm well nuff thanks" she looks out over the "Another hatching.., I'm getting old" From the sands below, After bowing deeply to Genneth, Clareyn quickly moves into the circle, looking around for Sarin. From the sands below, Erissa follows the others out, quickly making a bow towards golden Genneth. From the sands below, Up and down the line the candidates, some awkward, some skilled, all hot and uncomfortable and nervous, bow to the Queen. T'mren grins at Miritha, "I'm betting blue." From the sands below, Laureva bows deeply to Genneth. From the sands below, Aster and Gaddie bow to Genneth, managing to be graceful about it, before they take a position in the circle next to Nikana and Reye. From the sands below, Reye emerges onto the hot sands, walking with mincing steps as her feet get used to the burning sensation under them. Or will they ever? Grasping the sides of her robe with moist hands, she follows the rest of the candidates to bow to Genneth and then Sharath, then joins Nikana, hand still clasped with hers as they find a spot in the circle around the eggs. Fort Weyr> Alden unidles, and waves to Beryl and Fiora, both! Where'd you go? Fiora calls out to Miritha, "bet you it isn't! Blue!" J'rell grins, "Don't talk to me about getting old." From the sands below, E'vrin makes a quiet, mincing way around to stand on the periphery. His head cocks up at the ledges -- pallid bronze, Igenites -- and then drops, above crossed arms, tense stance. Treena giggles at T'al, and smiles.. "I'm guessing blue" she says to him, but smiling at Visquath, before whispering something. From the sands below, Keara scurries to stand near Dossa, reaching for her hand, "Are you nervous? I sure am..." T'rod eyes J'rell, then snorts. From the sands below, Dalen squeezes Breenah's hand. "we'll be fine..." he says more to reassure himself than anything as he shifts his feet. From the sands below, Anise moves off to the side, staying well away from the eggs. From the sands below, Sarin shifts over near Clare, grinning oddly still, taking it all in. From the sands below, Zava bows to immense Genneth then follows Erissa to stand next to her in the forming circle. From the sands below, Dossa scrambles ungracefully onto the sands, already wincing at the heat. She curtseys gracefully to Genneth, one knee touching the sands, before hopping back up and continuing her trek. She finds Anselm's side, and the terrified woman firmly grasps his arm. Her other hand grabs Keara's. "Quite." From the sands below, As Sloane moves mincingly into position with the loose semi-circle of candidates already standing on Ista's hot sands, she casts a long look over her shoulder so as to scan the many tiers of audience. If she's searching for a familiar face, she's unsuccessful. Jesica chuckles, "I'm going to say Brown." From the sands below, Aiko bows awkwardly towards Genneth, sticking as close to Laureva as she can without tripping over the other girl. From the sands below, Adriana follows Anise over to the side so she too is out of the way. From the sands below, Nei hugs herself gently keeping oddly silent and serious still, breathing slowly, carefully. Alania laughs softly "Your just fine, quite errrr..engergetic, as I recall" From the sands below, Arion walks onto the hothot sands and oo ouches. He bows deeply to Genneth then joins the other white-clad candidates. T'al nods firmly, a silly smile on his face. "Blue, evidently," he answers Treena. From the sands below, Breenah nods, again, matter of factly moving her feet back and forth over the sands. She eyes the whalebone corset egg, turning to look around at the others, "Course we will." From the sands below, 'Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..." can be heard by those near the two smallest boys, who are already doing the sands' shuffle. S'dar scratches his chin idly as he watches the Candidates on the Sands, a small smile forming on his face. J'rell chuckles and pokes Alania, "I do keep in shape. Flying Fall does that." Fiora says, with a chuckle, "I'll be you all, then. Brown indeed." From the sands below, Erissa offers Zava a quick smile before turning her attention back towards the eggs. From the sands below, Jungle Dangers Egg begins to rock back and forth. From the sands below, Sarin says "Hey Clare." She looks at her feet, curiously. "Didn't trip. Yet." From the sands below, Tamina looks over the candidates, offers an encouraging smile then takes her place with the other weylingmasters. Alania laughs again "Well, it's not all from that" she winks teasingly. From the sands below, T'bin stands to one side, silent. From the sands below, Merellia moves to stand next to T'bin, steps assured despite the heat of the sands. An eyebrow quirks to the Weyrleader in an unsaid comment before she looks back at the eggs. "Neith says Genneth's feeling a bit antsy," she offers after a few moments of observation. From the sands below, Anselm holds Dossa's arm, reassuring her as best he can. He smiles softly, saying, "Be calm, 'tis alright. Or at least we'd better convince ourselves of that." A wonder how he regains equilibrium in crisis. His eyes are on the stands again, he calling out ina crackign tenor, "Annie?" From the sands below, Keara gulps, face pale beneath her painfully acquired Istan tan, and grasps Dossa's hand very firmly. Her other hand seeks the Candidate next to her, a small girl she doesn't know very well, and she nods to the jungle egg, speechless. From the sands below, Nei glances a quick glance towards the stands and galleries, before focusing once more on the eggs. From the sands below, Thin Gruel Egg trembles, stretches, and then contracts into a deep, steady rocking more like shivering than anything near to Hatching. Sonya perks up as the Weyrleaders and candidates enter the sands. From the sands below, Laureva reaches out to give Aiko's hand a reassuring squeeze. Miritha gives T'rod the same sort of disdainful snort he gave J'rell. From the sands below, Breenah nudges Dalen, eyeing the thin gruel egg, "Its rocking. Oh shards." From the sands below, As the eggs commence their hatching dance, Sloane becomes as silent as between. Although this herder's daughter may shift her tender feet uncomfortably upon Ista's hot sands; although she may shoot an occasional evil eye at the candidates who jostle her so excitedly; although she may even address the galleries with a wave or a smile -- but, all in all, she shows a marked absence of voice. For this is Sloane's way when she is most nervous. From the sands below, Zava clenches her jaws and tries to avoid the sands two step dance... with little success. She flashes a reassuring smile to Erissa then looks to the eggs. Alania slips an arm through J'rells, watching the sands intently. From the sands below, Dalen nods at Breenah, watching the eggs start to rock. His heart skips a beat and his breathing becomes ragged... anticipation. From the sands below, Nei also swirls her gaze one last time to all her friends. This is it, no going back only foreward from here on out. From the sands below, Genneth shuffles from foot to foot to foot to foot, her tail moving uneasily. The queen's wings are folded tightly to her back, adding to the lengthiness of her neck as she dips her head to inspect each of the wobbling eggs with quick tongue-flickers. From the sands below, Clareyn lets another breath go, her face an expressionless mask. She turns her eyes to the eggs with only a small amount of fidgeting from her feet. Glancing up at Sarin, she gives the other girl a nod and a little smile. "There's still the whole hatching to get through, but I'm sure you'll make it." Jesica watches the candidates, "I do hope my friends do well. I've gotten to know a few of the candidates." From the sands below, Anselm is distracted by the cracking of the first egg. He ahhhhs so deeply when it does. Then he smiles. "Justification that the poetically ugly one goes first." The ragged breath he lets out relieves tension, but he has enough where one breath hardly means release. From the sands below, Jungle Dangers Egg rocks more eagerly. It is not an impressive or exciting start, but it means here is /life/ about to come forth, and the dark egg seems eager, even wild, about showing that life as a few simple rocks turn into a furious frenzy of rocking and cracking and falling over. From the sands below, One hand with Gaddie, one hand with Reye, Nikana does the ages old candidate-dance on her bare feet. The ebony sands just as merciless now as they ever were. Her cerluean gaze darts everywhere, though. To the colossal form of Genneth looming; to the few rocking and shifting eggs on the sands, to her friends in the circle around them. She then finds her center and releases an exhale of readiness. Okay, here goes. T'mren smiles at jesica, "Me too. I'm really hoping for Laureva and Sloane and Sarin and...lots of 'em." From the sands below, Aiko squeezes back, giving Laureva a sort of dazed smile, and then focuses hard on the eggs. *Cracking* eggs. Oh no. Treena watches silently as they begin to crack, but a hand steals over to take one of T'al's. Fiora looks across to Jesica, "Oh? Who are you hoping to Impress?" She grins, shaking her head as she scans the sands, "I don't know any of them, I don't think." From the sands below, Keara peers across Dossa to Anselm, "That green one? But it's lovely..." She turns her attention back to the eggs. From the sands below, Dossa starts swaying, shuffling, her feet already getting scored by the heat. "Anselm, good luck," she says. She turns to Keara, smiling, a tear mixing with the persperation from her temple. "Good luck, Keara!" From the sands below, Nei let's out a quick breath and watches intently her arms moving down tense to rest at her sides. Oh dear, it's really happening.. From the sands below, Keara squeezes Dossa's hand. "To you, to me, to everyone." From the sands below, One of the central eggs, tawny and ruddy, rolls over and over and then smashes into a tottering blue dragonet, all pale sky hue and staggering movements. Red eyes quest out -- he's first! -- and then he stumbles towards small, dark Palila from Crom, who overcomes her fears in exultation and embrace: "Louvirth!" From the sands below, Breenah tries to stand tall, and calm, her feet doing their little dance with perfect precission, "Its alright. We can handle this." Yes, we can. She rubs her nose uncertainly for a moment, though, eyes looking from rocking egg to rocking egg, "Blue!" From the sands below, Sarin's grin spreads slowly, eyebrow arching. She almost looks amused. Genneth is spared a glance before the eggs. "Let's hope so. If I fall down, it might be bad." From the sands below, Erissa's feet shift on the hot sands. Turning one direction, then the next, her eyes flip from one egg to the next, then scaning quickly over the other Candidates. From the sands below, Dalen smiles a little and swallows again, at the impression and the heat. From the sands below, Merellia directs T'bin's attention to the blue, a smile brightening the taut features of her face. "There's the first. He's a promising-looking one." From the sands below, Keara goes still as the dragon hatches and impresses, "Shards, Dossa, that was fast." From the sands below, Laureva smiles her congratulations at the new pair. From the sands below, Zava shifts from one foot to the other, eyes darting from one moving egg to another... and another. Her hand reaches unnoticed by her to Erissa's. Fiora laughs, looking around the galleries, "Twas blue! I told you, Lienth, I told you all!" Crow, crow? But she's laughing, adding, "Oh relax, Li." The blue just humms, louder and harder now, "My first marks of the day!" Katany says to Miritha, belatedly, "Your son seems to be adjusting fine, and Lyria has not yet complained." From the sands below, Dossa nearly faints at the hatching of the first blue dragonet, steadied by Anselm's arm. "Oh... oh my!" She squeaks, steadying herself. She nodnods at Keara, watching with wide eyes. From the sands below, E'vrin starts to relax visibly. An egg. A blue. An Impression. From the sands below, Jungle Dangers Egg rocks furiously, almost agrevated that it didn't get to go first. In protest, it hops, on its side, a little more. A tiny hole can be seen in its side. From the sands below, Clareyn breaks into a huge smile as her friend Impresses. "Congrats Palila!" she calls, even if the girl can't hear her. She nods at Sarin. "It'll be hot." T'al squeezes Treena's hand, already weeping, and laughing at the same time, "Blue! Oh, Blue!" A delighted glance is sent to his dragon, who's for now very busy bugling his joy. Laila lets out a breath, long and slow. From the sands below, Anise motions for one of the other assitants to escort the new impressed pair to a quiet corner of the sands. From the sands below, Nei continues to remain silent watching the egg's all rocking, wobbling, shivering with a curious expresion. Not so scary any more, not scary at all. Though it hardly shows on her. From the sands below, Sloane shivers with some emotion when she spies Palila's Impression of blue Louvirth. From the sands below, Genneth emits a sharp, atypically shrill bark of a rumble as the first Impression occurs. The speed of her eyes-whirling increases, and she bends her head down to look very closely at some of the nearest candidates--close enough to them to whuffle their robes with her breath. Pryth bugles happily for the first Impression! From the sands below, Erissa clasps hands with Zava, offering some support as they watch the eggs shatter and the impressions begin. "Just remind me to breathe." She whispers to her friend. Fort Weyr> Saphire smoochies and goes idle. Miritha slides a half-mark out of her belt-pouch and holds it up; her gold firelizard grabs it and sweeps it over to Fiora as the brownrider laughs. "Good to hear, Katany." From the sands below, Gaddie grips Aster's hand hard, and tries to keep his grip light on Nikana's side. Leaning out, he looks along the circle of candidates, smiling at most, and beginning to frown at Borgord before Palila's Impression overwhelms his perusal of the circle and he grins. 'Did you see it?" he asks Aster, who nods, wide eyed. From the sands below, The Jungle Dangers egg finally seems to reach its culmination, steadily rocking back and forth with a breeze-born rhythm. A webbing of fissres across its surface widens through the insistent movement--and the insistent battering from within. At last, like an oyster splitting to reveal a pearl, a dark green dragonet is shaken onto the sands with as much grace as seafoam cresting a wave. Treena returns his smile, grinning widely and laughing. " It's so busy down there.. is it always like that??" From the sands below, Sarin mutters, darkly, "I wasn't talking about the sand." Jesica blinks her eyes and she sniffs a bit as her own eyes tear a little, "Oh how I remember..." From the sands below, Reye finds tears coming to her eyes as the first pair impresses, and she squeezes Nikana's hands, her other hand nervously grasping her robe. T'rod watches the blue impress, his face an indecipherable mass of scars as he watches the new Impressions below. From the sands below, Thin Gruel Egg shudders, seeming to drip grey right off its shell, but there's only web-fine cracks for now, only that steady rocking. From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green Darkness is this long dragonet's guise, a night-deep green that creeps towards black in hide's creases and masks the startling fluidity of even infant movements. Lean and gangly limbs move her, branch-slender headknobs guide her, and elongated wings hold their gossamer sails like tents of ink-veined tissue around a frame as thin as a snaky tongue's flick. Just as quick is she, all in all, and she seems ever ready, even now, to fade back into native shadows and be lost in obscurity, waiting for action's proper time. From the sands below, Zava grins and waves to Palila with her free hand. "You did it!" she calls unnecessarily. Fiora grins, grabbing the mark with a chuckle, "Thank you! Thi is going well." She nods, pausing as Jesica speaks, "I know. Its so..." She doesn't finish. From the sands below, Anselm swallows hard, he needing support as he exhales, this time more raggedly. "I do see w-why hatchings are so terrifying. The danger is great." He darts about with his eyes at the assembled candidates, as though assessing. "There are escape routes and room for attacks," he murmurs. Once a Captain, always a Captain... From the sands below, Aiko takes a quick breath, rocking back and forth, and stares in silent shock at the green. From the sands below, Dalen ohs quietly as the green makes her way into the world. He looks over at Breenah and lets out a shuddering breath before watching it and squeezing her hand lightly... From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green stumbles out onto the sands, and luxuriously sstttttt ttttrrrrrrreeeeeeetttttttches, uncoiling her tail from about her. Alania gasps and points "A green..." From the sands below, Keara nudges Dossa again. "Green." She cracks a nervous little smile, "Sarinn, it's for you!" Mia smiles. J'rell nods, "Yep. Another green." From the sands below, Breenah lets out a slight gape as the green hatches, grabbing tightly to Dalen, "Beautiful! Isn't she?" Matter of factly, she doesn't stop her footsteps, although her eyes fasten on the green. From the sands below, Zava's eyes flash back tothe sands to see the next hatchling greet the world. From the sands below, Clareyn blinks. "Oh, sorry--" Before she can fisnish, the green hatches and she breaks off abruptly. From the sands below, Nei takes a sharp intake of breath as the green hatches. Her eyes scan her friends, and the egg as one. Alania smiles fondly over at Oerth, whose eyes are whirling brightly. From the sands below, Dossa cries out. "Oh, look, Keara! Green!" She forgets to shuffle her feet, just staring at the beautiful dragonet, her favorite color. Blinking away persperation, she remembers to alternate her footing. From the sands below, Laureva warily moves from side to side, ready leap out of the way if necessary. From the sands below, As Sloane spies the newly hatched Subtly Shadowed Green, her arms cross tightly over her chest. From the sands below, Erissa gasps slightly at the sight of the green, reluctantly letting go of the hand she is holding in order to give them both better mobility if needed. Pryth trumpets along with several other dragons for the appearance of a green. From the sands below, Nikana's jaw hangs open at the sight of the blue Impressing. Seems to have taken quite a bit of time to sink in. Jayyys, that is what is going to happen tonight!! Like it didn't occur to her or something. Then the green unfolds itself and the slackjawed expression just about doubles in it's incredulity. "Wow! Look at her!" She tugs on both Reye and Gaddie's hands with the cry. From the sands below, Sarin's grin fades, as she stares at the green, missing Keara's words entirely. Serious to a fault, for once, she inspects the dragonet with wide eyes. From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green stretches out each little bone and muscle, running her tail along her silky, egg-wet skin to flick off the last of the shell fragments before she starts realizing that she has other things to do. Awkwardly, she makes her way forward, her eyes swirling with red confusion. Alania has reconnected. T'al nods to Treena, a bit distracted, it seems. "Hot and confused and blurry and did I already say hot? Well..." After that brief but intense shower of words, he adds, quieter, "That is, for a while, everything goes too fast, until the whole world suddenly slows down... when you realize he wants /you/..." His voice trails off as he gauges the green Hatchling, nodding approcingly. From the sands below, Breenah says "Green." She shakes her head, gulping slightly as the green begins to stretch out, "She's lovely, though, isn't she?" She watches, eyes occasioanly moving towards the other eggs, and looking up to the stands to see if she can see anyone she knows, but mostly they take in the hatchlings." Trisseth croons softly as she see's the green, muzzle resting beside her lifemate. From the sands below, Arion ohs as his eye catches the shadowy green dragonet, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "She's a beauty," he says aloud to no one in particular. From the sands below, Dalen nods quietly, "Aye... quite lovely." From the sands below, Reye's pale brows arch at the sight of the green, and she tightens her grip on Nikana's hand. "She's so tiny," she murmurs under her breath. "Beautiful." From the sands below, Nei works her hands together, fingers squeezing and running across each other as she stands there, feet burning from the sand, mind a buzz of activity. From the sands below, Aiko keeps staring, watching the green stretch with shining eyes. "She's so... how can they already be themselves?" From the sands below, Clareyn stares at the new green. Her brown eyes are huge and round, her face is locked in an expression of awe and sudden nervousness. From the sands below, "She's so graceful," Dossa murmurs, watching the Subtly Shadowed Green dragonet casually flick bits of eggshell from her, apparently as sure footed as anyone else on the sands. From the sands below, Zava watches the hatchling, her gaze softening. A small sigh of pleasure escapes her as she lovingly watcher her move and search. From the sands below, Gaddie stands on one leg for about ten seconds, and then switches, watching the first few beginning dragonets with increasing anxious interest. From the sands below, A dark yellow egg finds its destiny in shards and goo: out of the mess tumbles a lean malachite-green dragonet that fetches up very nearly at the feet of a Candidate. Statuesque even in the heat, brown curls matted to skin, Elionel of Nabol has a new home now, giving over her seeming shyness to bend down to the green and whisper tearfully, "You're Luseyth. You're /Luseyth./" Treena only seems to half hear his words, focusing on the little green out there, giving it all her attention, and not seeming to notice that her hand is squeezing T'al's a bit. Lienth rumbles happily. Its green - he likes greens. Fiora laughs, "Yes, more greens for you to chase, huh?" She rolls her eyes, offering, "Brown next, I think." She pauses, deciding, "Yes, brown." From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green stumbles her way forward, moving towards a young man with a rather frightened expression on his face. She pauses for a second to enjoy a particularly hot spot of sand before moving forward again. From the sands below, Thin Gruel Egg goes still. Alania attention centers on the green hatchling "Now, I wonder who she's going to pick" From the sands below, Sarin speaks, more to herself, than anyone, "We're all ourselves to some extent, in the beginning. They can express it better." From the sands below, Breenah pauses, shaking her head, "So many greens." But her eyes are wide. She watches the subtly shadowed green head towards someone, looking towards her, with her breath held tight, "Who is it, do you think?" From the sands below, Nei 's breath halts, oh dear, if she keeps this up she is going to suffocate herself. But she let's loose and continues to wring her hands together. From the sands below, Laureva picks her left, then her right foot off the scorching sand in a kind of a march. From the sands below, Genneth carefully nudges another egg that's barely yet wobbling onto its broad side; it gives a little convulsive jerk, and slides down its egg-mound to roll into another egg with a muffled -clack- of shell against shell. T'rod shakes his head slightly, but remains silent. From the sands below, What happened? Surely there was a Thin Gruel egg there a second ago--but now the shards of shell lie scattered, and a confused and hungry brown dragonet is peering around as though caught by surprise at himself for such an unexpected entrance. From the sands below, Navy Seasick Egg begins to pump tentatively as the action starts, twitching and shaking just lightly. One might not even notice the subtle first movements of this egg's inevitable cracking. From the sands below, Anselm does take time to gaze at the green, he reluctant when he continues to scan the cavern. "Two exits, one blocked off....way to go Elionel!" He smiles genuinely, then continues to look about, "Approximately two armspans of room between the Sands' edge and the cavern walll...oh. No." He STOPS, seeing the Thin Gruel Egg go still. "It /can't/ do that!" he exclaims. From the sands below, Resilient Drought-Brown In build and hue, this young brown appears a skeleton of neck, wings, and tail blown along by some desiccated wind. Attenuated limbs find jutting joints with a body of lengthy back and shallow, narrow chest; his color is the drifting pallor of dirt leeched and baked to dust, the palest tan of bleached bone. The brilliance of his eyes, however, belie the wan hide, accentuating both the fine chiselling of jawline and headknobs and the strength and vigor with which he meets the world. From the sands below, Keara lets go of the small girl's hand and points - "Brown!" Her hand is immediately grasped again. Lunarth flies in from the bowl. Lunarth has arrived. From the sands below, Dalen swallows and shakes his head, "It's too hazy to see..." he says, looking around. For all he knows, the green could be looking at Breenah, for the waves of heat that rise up from the sands mar all of his sight, but color, and he swallows at the hatching of a brown. So many... Fiora chuckles, shaking her head, "And it was brown!" She's doing well for herself, for a change, "Beautiful hatchlings, they are. Lovely." From the sands below, Dossa whimpers to Keara. "She's searching for her lifemate!" Shuffling from left to right, her robe beginning to cling awkwardly from persperation, she continues to watch the entire Hatching, but keeping the green in the corner of her eye. From the sands below, Anselm ohs when it cracks open. He grins stupidly. "Much better. Wow, that /is/ lovely." Alania gives J'rell a little nudge "Nice brown" she turns to T'mren "You done with that skin yet?" Janelle slides down the last few meters and gives her blue a *look*, as she says "Don't even *think* about it!" Janelle has arrived. From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green coils her tail above her, then pauses, shrugs her draconine shoulders, and turns, making her way towards the girls. One with hair ribbons over there.... From the sands below, There's a slight knocking to Sloane's knees now, but her expression grows increasingly fierce. She's not one to cater to her 'weaker' emotions. Ordoneth rumbles, pleased. From the sands below, Clareyn just nods absentmindedly at Sarin. Her gaze snaps over to the brown as he hatches, then back to the green. From the sands below, Resilient Drought-Brown staggers free of leaking fluid and starts to extend his wings for balance. Clinging shards catch him, and he hisses in infantile displeasure, shaking them free, moving away. T'rod turns towards G'rel and T'mren. "One of you remind me to have Beltanth drop Anselm into the lake, if he doesn't Impress, all right?" Jesica chuckles, "Magnificent coloring on the hatchlings so far." From the sands below, Breenah nods, calmly pointing towards the brown, "Lovely, isn't he? But then, I guess they all are. Beautiful." She pauses, eyeing that green, "Who? I acn't see!" From the sands below, Merellia makes a face at the appearance of the latest brown, though she doesn't say anything to T'bin; whether she's returning a comment of Neith's is inconclusive. From the sands below, Erissa blinks and almost misses the hatching. Moving her head, Erissa watches the green and brown hatchlings before looking once again to the rocking eggs nearby. From the sands below, Aiko says "Brown..." Her feet. They hurt. *Oh*. She jumps a little, a half-bounce, then stills again as the green moves. "She's like underneath the trees in the garden, except not as quiet as the garden is." Alania nods to the green "She's going to choose" From the sands below, Nei moves her eyes towards the brown, and smiles softly before returning a glance to the green, the eggs and everything/ From the sands below, Dalen just sort of bounces a little on the sand, "I can't see either..." From the sands below, Laureva begins to move her feet faster, eyes locked on the dragonets. From the sands below, Zava smiles and clasps her hands in excitement, her weight shifting unnoticed. "Is she she marvelous?" she asks Erissa, not really expecting an answer. From the sands below, E'vrin straightens, peering towards that brown, too, with a frown, but then his eyes go elsewhere. A bronze over there -- another blue and green-- From the sands below, Sarin watches the two dragonets, wide-eyed. There's a little of study and awe in her gaze. From the sands below, This is much to much to pay attention to. Nikana's brows furrow with the effort of trying to keep up with the wandering dragonets. First green, then brown...my, he's a handsome one the thought tumbles through her mind. Oh yeah! The feet must keep moving. She shuffles her toes in the sands, sending both Reye and Gaddie excited and anxious looks. From the sands below, Subtly Shadowed Green slowly slides towards one of the girls in particular, pausing for a final moment to stretch before commiting herself. Fiora hugs her knees, watching the hatchlings, "It all goes so fast, doesn't it? Oh, but I remember it well." After a pause, "Another blue, next." From the sands below, Gaddie peers at the pile of eggs, looking for the one that he'd handled, just to check if it has hatched yet. It hasn't. Hearing someone say, 'Brown," he gets up on his toes, sighing in relief at the slight change in temperature on the tender soles of his feet to see it. He grins back at Nikana, spying the brown on one side. Alania bounces a bit "She's choosing" From the sands below, Erissa nods to Zava, her eyes never leaving the dragonettes and eggs. "Oh.. it .. is!" From the sands below, Assitant Weyrlingmasters pick up each pair as they impress and lead them to the corner of the sands where food awaits for the hatchlings. J'rell grins at Alania, "That's what she's supposed to do." Miritha says, pitched to carry to Fiora, "A bronze." Alania quirks a grin "I know that.." From the sands below, Clareyn shuts her eyes tight for a moment, trying to ease the pounding in her chest. When she opens them, she seems a little calmer, but not much. From the sands below, Gasping for breath, Sloane's skin becomes suffused with rose as she's bombarded by a rush of emotions. "You're too much," whispers she as she falls to her knees, careless of the hot sands below. Now Sloane is embracing her baby, her beloved, her lifemate, her soul, her subtly shadowed green -- Joath! Fiora shakes her head, looking back down at the sands, "Nope. Blue." She grins, "But bronze'd be my second choice, I think." From the sands below, Laureva says "Congratulations Sloane!" From the sands below, Nei blinks, and a smile touches her lips as she watches Sloane Impress. "Oh.. way to go my friend." comes her soft cry of encouragement. From the sands below, Aiko gnaws hard on her lower lip, watching the green and -- Sloane! "Oh Sloane! Congratulations!" From the sands below, Zava claps her hands together once in joy. "Congrats, Sloane!" From the sands below, Keara blinks and nods to Sloane and Joath. Quietly, she calls, "Oh, Sloane, congratulations..." From the sands below, Dalen looks around, "What's going on? Anyone know what's going on?" he asks, hopping from foot to foot. From the sands below, Breenah lets out a slight cry, shaking her head, tugging Dalen's arm, "Sloane?" She grins, watching the green and her one time fellow candidate, neer stopping her foot movements, "Congratulations Sloane!" T'mren grins, "Sloane!" he nearly hollers, "Oh Shards, yes, Sloane Impressed!" From the sands below, Dossa catches notice of the Resilient Drought Brown dragonet, gasping. "Oh, look at that one, Keara! I..." She looks over to spot Sloane's Impression, and cries out a cheer. "Sloane! Congratulations!" Alania sighs happily "Nice match I think.." From the sands below, A smile breaks across Reye's tanned features as Sloane impresses nearby, and she hops a bit on her toes both to expell the extra energy and to relieve her scorched feet. "Congratulations!" From the sands below, Anise takes a few steps across the sands to come close to Sloane and Joath. She smiles at the pair and waits for a moment before saying quietly, "Congratulations. I imagine she's hungry, your Joath." T'mren grins, "A very nice match." From the sands below, Anselm blinks. The sound of Sloath's voice catches him. He is pleased, overwhelmed, and claps deeply. "Brilliant!" Quick to get back to the business at hand, he is eyeing the dragonets, the confusion, the chaos. From the sands below, Joath croons warmly, butting her head against the lovely, lovely person. But her eyes are swirling hungry red as she nuzzles. Fiora pauses, eyeing the sands, "The green chose, I think?" She looks around, grinning, "A good match? Good." Alania glances over at T'mren "Friend of yours?" she laughs. G'rel grins widely, nodding to T'mren. From the sands below, "Congrats Sloane!" Clareyn calls as she notices the Impression. From the sands below, T'bin gives a satisfied smirk. From the sands below, Navy Seasick Egg bumps violently now, a twitch so savage it nearly flips the egg over on it's axis. This one wants out and it wants out now! Bump, shake, rattle, bump. From the sands below, Resilient Drought-Brown moves, once he's unencumbered, both quickly and expediently. Over there. He must get over /there,/ and he does, on shambling steps slurred by sand and his own wing-dragging impatience. A mixture of boys and girls seems to be his target. From the sands below, "Yes," stutters Sloane to Anise as she rises to her feet. "She's hungry. Help her ... me." From the sands below, Sarin is taken aback for a moment, then grins. "Sloane. Well done." From the sands below, Anise walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Sloane walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Nikana hears a familiar voice croon nearby and spins to epsy Sloane's Impression. She gives a squeak of excitement and calls out "Sloane!! Congratulations!" Which of course is entirely unheeded. As it should be. She turns back to see what else has happened. The brown? J'rell hmms, "Another one down." From the sands below, Dalen just fidgets... From the sands below, "Neith says the young green's name is Joath. Sounds dependable," Merellia comments, more wistfully than usually. From the sands below, Aiko lets her breath out with a rush as Sloane Impresses and the brown isn't too near, and starts moving her feet around again. From the sands below, Laureva watches the brown in fascination, feet moving faster than ever before. From the sands below, Zava turns from watching the pair leave, wistful eyes searching among the hatchlings, perhaps for her match. Miritha keeps an eye on the brown as he moves, grinning down impartially at the whole group. From the sands below, Breenah looks across at the brown, grabbing the hand she holds tight, "Might be for you, that brown." She pauses, adding, "Might be for anyone, though." Her eyes flit back towards the other eggs, and she adds, "Wonder what the others will hatch." She pauses, adding, "Stop fidgeting, Dalen." Alania chuckles softly looking at J'rell "You make it sound like a chore J'rell, I think impressing is the easiest part of learning to be a rider" From the sands below, Dalen nods and swallows, "Yes ma'm." he mumbles and just shuffles. From the sands below, Clareyn turns her attention to the brown. Once again her face shows little emotion, though her eyes betray her anxiousness. From the sands below, A bright green egg shatters before advent of bright green dragonet, who spills out onto the sands like unwinding thread. A few short steps, a head swung here and there, and then she's stepping up to Vristine. The dirty-blonde girl looks aghast at her two companions and then steps forward and stutters, not so boisterous now, "Cl-Clothoth? You are!" From the sands below, Joath walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Nei wipes away some moistness from her eyes, happy to see her friend Sloane impress. "I know she would." is a comment said to herself. Eyes flicker back to the eggs with a smile. J'rell grins, "Yeah, it is. You just stand there and they come to you." T'al wipes his tears-covered cheeks with a sleeve, squeezing Treena's hand harder. "D'you see that? Oh, d'you see that?" he stammers. A bit over-emotive, isn't he? From the sands below, The Navy Seasick egg pitches and rolls for the final time; it cracks from nadir to zenith, splitting like waves around the dragonet that stumbles out onto a different, sandier ocean. From the sands below, Keara wipes her arm across her sweating forehead, rejoining hands afterward. Exhaustion calms her down slightly, and she stands still and watches in awe. Fiora sighs, rolling her eyes, "A green. Shardit, I was sure it'd be brown." She hsakes her head, looking down at it, "Picking fast, they are. Thats always a good sign." From the sands below, Anselm glances up at the stands again. He shifts on his feet, expression gone forlorn--serious, as is his wont. Closing his eyes, he rubs the sides of his robe. Upon hearing Vristine's squeal, his eyes snap open. "One down, two to go," he quips. From the sands below, Sarin finally shifts her stance slightly, watching the sands with shifting eyes. "It's okay, Clare," she says, quietly. Miritha glances over at Fiora, chuckling. "Both wrong," she calls. From the sands below, Irresolute Ocean-Blue This dragonet sallies forth, the sparklingly dark blue of a cold ocean, with a conformity promising a mature handsomeness. From the smooth sweep of his muzzle to the evenly-paced neckridges sliding down to a broad-muscled back, sturdy limbs, and leisurely long tail, nothing could be more finely fashioned. Eye-catching for the clash they present to his features, streaks of soot-blackened oak striate his wings, like wooden beams come to a splintered end at sea. Equally at odds with the richness of his build, his demeanor conflicts with his the certainty of his coloring: he's a cringer, a quaker, a knock-kneed knot of nervousness. From the sands below, Breenah smiles, looking around, "Oh shush, will you?" She points toward the newest blue, "He's nice. You'd suit a blue, you know." T'rod frowns at Anselm, and adds, "From a very HIGH height." From the sands below, Keara ohs at the blue. "By Faranth...Dossa, he's beautiful..." Treena nods, and watches the sands avidly. "So.. this is how it.. would have been.. that time.." she asks, somewhat pre-occupied still From the sands below, Aiko says "Oh Laureva, look at him." From the sands below, "Look!" Dossa tugs on Anselm's arm and Keara's hand. "Look at that magnificent blue..." She ows silently as she favors her left foot for a longer moment, then resumes her shuffling. From the sands below, Dalen looks at Breenah and smiles, "Thanks..." he says and then swallows a little... From the sands below, Erissa's feet shift position again as she looks about at the Candidates being choses, a soft smile playing on her lips. Watching the others for a moment more, Erissa ah's softly at the entrance of the little blue. From the sands below, Resilient Drought-Brown pauses and coils his tail whip-lean behind him. Skeletal form, pale as dust, drifts on unseen, unfelt wind: here ... or there? Or ... no. No, here, yes and yes and yes-- Fiora grins, calling back, "Never mind!" She looks towards the sands again, and sighs, shaking her head, "What a blue!" Lienth humms, increasing the sound, and lifting his head up towards the edge of the stand, watching the blue. From the sands below, Anselm squeezes Dossa's hand to get her attention. For some reason, he laughs softly. "Impresive-looking but hardly a brave one. Hardly so." From the sands below, Zava catches her breath at the sudden appearance of another baby blue. A soft 'Ah' escapes when she sees the patterns and colors of his wings and body. From the sands below, Nei eyes close for a moment before sliding back open. "Oh, this is so wonderful, almost magical even!" said to her fellow candidates on either side. Dragon> Blue dragons sense that Visquath is smug. << Blue! >> he broadcasts, as if it was the most important thing in the world. Hmm. From the sands below, Laureva smiles back at Aiko. "He really is something," she agrees. From the sands below, Clareyn glances at the navy egg just in time to see it break. "Ohh," she whispers softly. Then Sarin's voice penetrates through her fogginess and she nods. "I know," she replies, still quiet. Dragon> Blue dragons sense that Lienth humms loud and happy <> Yes, he likes blues. Funny that. From the sands below, The line of candidates moves forward and back as Impressions take new dragonriders out of the line. Alania tilts her head and hmmmmmmmmmmmss "I haven't seen a bronze yet...did I miss one?" From the sands below, Breenah says "You're welcome," towards Dalen, watching the hatchlings, the only thing she can do." Jesica watches quietly, near silent as she holds her breath, waiting to see who will impress the brown. J'rell shakes his head, "I haven't seen one either." From the sands below, Wedding Band Gold Egg shivers a little, sending sand-grains sliding away from itself. From the sands below, E'vrin sidles out of the way of a wayward blue and new rider. From the sands below, Irresolute Ocean-Blue tumbles forth from the ruins of his former home. Blinking newly opened eyes, he turns a sinuous and elegant neck to and fro, taking in his simply overwhelming surroundings. He sways to his feet, and immediately steps forward, only to trip and land on his nose, illiciting a snort of surprise. From the sands below, Sarin tilts her head slightly, the blue catching her attention. Distracted, she nods to Clareyn, making a sound that could be affirmative. From the sands below, Keara turns away from the eggs for a moment, resolutely ignoring them. "Dossa, do you know who would be absolutely perfect for you?" From the sands below, Breenah blinks, looking at the gold egg, "Look!" She smiles, watching it, eyes taken away from the other hatchlings, moving her feet some more, "The Gold!" Bhalth flies in from the bowl. Bhalth has arrived. From the sands below, Aiko, resolutely, keeps eyes on the blue and away from that terrifying gold egg. From the sands below, Nikana's feet do the obligatory thing, but the rest of her is remarkably still. As the Impressions go, this young woman is calming down and reaching a stillness inside that belies her naturally ebullient nature. Perhaps it's the heat, and maybe it is. She takes it all in, however, a smile finding its way on her lips...her dimples finally making an appearance. From the sands below, Laureva gasps at the blue's fall. "Oh, I wish I could help him," she says. R'ehn jumps down Bhalth's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds. R'ehn has arrived. From the sands below, Dalen pales and looks at the brown, swallowing before throwing his arms around the dragonet's neck, "Thamath... that's a wonderful name..." he says and then blinks, "Hungry? Food... Food.." he says, running around in a circle. From the sands below, Wedding Band Gold Egg rocks with increasing determination, back and forth and back and forth like the tip of a feline's tail when the feline's about to pounce. Back and forth and back and forth. Back. From the sands below, Nei snaps her attention up at Breenah's cries and glances towards the eggs, the entire batch of them and then to the gold. A faint smile touches her lips as Dalen impresses. From the sands below, Laureva says "Congratulations Dalen!" From the sands below, Erissa's head turns at Breenah's exclamation. Seeing the egg rock, she holds her breath, then lets it out slowly. From the sands below, Sarin's head turns quickly to stare at Breenah, then to Dalen, then to the gold egg. Chaos. From the sands below, Arion looks from one wobbling egg to another, and all the dragonets that seem to swarm the sands. Nervous and hot-footed. Such fun! From the sands below, Breenah blinks, stepping back, "Dalen? Oh! Dalen." She shakes her head, taking a deep breath, "Thamath. Wonderful." Alania has reconnected. From the sands below, Clareyn watches the blue with quiet awe, biting her lip when he trips. "He'd be right for you Sarin," she comments, then turns to Dalen. "Congrats!" From the sands below, T'bin's pokerface is shattered in a broad smile, but he quickly slaps it back into order. He fingers something in his pocket and nods. "More browns," he says simply. Alania has partially disconnected. From the sands below, Erissa smiles over at her friend. "Did you bring cookies after all Dalen? Congrats!" From the sands below, Anselm smiles to Dalen. Then at everyone, going vacant and concerned. "perhaps we need to keep caution with that blue. He may cause damage inadvertent--oh Anselm, will you shut /up!/" He squeaks, stomps a bare foot into the hot sand, and determines himself to watch without making security assessments. From the sands below, Aiko gasps, face lighting. "Dalen! Oh, how wonderful, how completely wonderful for you..." From the sands below, Zava winces as the blue stumbles. She moves as if to help, but stops before taking a single step. She looks to Dalen and his lifemate, a radiant smile attempts to match his. "Oh, Dalen! Congratulations! " From the sands below, Dossa looks from left to right. "Where'd that brown go? Where'd Dalen go? Oh!" She spots the pair, and calls out, "Way to go, Dalen!" She then quickly looks back to the sands, blinking and remembering to dance from foot to foot. From the sands below, Adriana smiles as she watches Dalen and his lifemate impress. She quietly goes over to stand by them. "Congratulations Dalen on impressing Thamath. I think we need to get him some food." From the sands below, Another brown dragonet, this one heartily built and patterned umber and tan, bullies his way around a green sister and right up to a short, compact lad from Ista Hold. Well, near Ista Hold: no more wherry farm for Aster -- A'ter -- as he gasps and hugs the brown. "Oranth!" Fiora frowns, looking down, "The brown? Thamath. How lovely, I think." She smiles, looking around at the other eggs. And hatchlings. From the sands below, Wedding Band Gold Egg tips, overweighted by the thumping of the dragonet inside. Like the earlier egg--though, this time, unnudged by Genneth--the brightly hued egg slides down its mound and rolls energetically smack into a small bluish egg. Fissures striate its surface in jagged rips. From the sands below, Sarin blinks over at Clare, then begins to laugh. "We'd be awful..." From the sands below, Adriana walks off towards the corner. From the sands below, Erissa's eyes widen as the eggs tumble together. From the sands below, E'vrin's face visibly brightens at the sight of Aster Impressing, and his gaze goes to seeking out Gaddie in the white-robes, too. From the sands below, Breenah's eyes fall back to the wedding band gold egg, and she shakes her head, standing on her own now, "Its hatching." She pauses, taking a deep breath, even her calm self getting slightly worried. From the sands below, Irresolute Ocean-Blue rises with what dignity he can muster, which isn't much, with wings he doesn't know how to control and feet that have plans other than walking in the direction he wants. He does manage, however, toddling forth from his ruined eggshell, and towards a semi-circle of white-robed creatures. He moves as if drawn, towards them. From the sands below, Gaddie grins up at Nikana. 'Sonya's probably jumping up and down up there," he peers quickly up to the ledges, letting go of Aster's hand for a moment. Turning back around, he gasps. 'Aster!" and jumps around, grabbing Nikana's hand tightly, his eyes tearing slightly. "Aw..." From the sands below, Merellia smiles slightly upon seeing T'bin's straight features reflect his pride, however momentarily. "And how much did you wager on that one?" she queries the Weyrleader in a light undertone. From the sands below, Adriana walks down to the far end of the Cavern. T'mren laughs, "Wonderful, Aster Impressed!" From the sands below, Dalen walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Nei looks her her hands, and gah's! pulling them back to rest at her side. "Calm Nei Calm." she says to herself watching the eggs with an intent gaze. Kassima looks up from her idle contemplation of the Sands spectacle below, and waves her wineskin in greeting to her Wingmate. "There's a pretty-looking blue down there, fluffhead, but you've missed some lovely greens." From the sands below, Clareyn grins a little as she continues to watch the blue. "You could always help each other up." Sonya is actually in a moment of shock before her and Pryth show their happiness in a loud way. Alania has partially disconnected. From the sands below, T'bin says quietly "Thirty." From the sands below, Dossa catches sight of the gold egg and it's collision, and winces. "Poor dragonet!" She spots the blue's infantile tottering towards the Candidate ring, and bites her lip. From the sands below, Pink Parasol Egg starts a wobbly dance. One moment the egg is still, the next it appears there is something alive and wanting to get /out/. The movement is concentrated to one end, giving the egg an awkward and lop-sided motion. From the sands below, Nikana squeezes Gaddie's hand right back, her eyes misting up too as Aster gets found. "Ohhh! How perfect!" Her eyes do go a little boggled at the sight of a dragonet /that/ close. He was only two people away. So fascinated is she that she isn't paying attention to anything else at the moment. A'ter and Oranth. Wow. From the sands below, Aiko rocks back on her heels, giving the balls of her feet some relief, and sways back and forth with her eyes on the blue. From the sands below, Zava watches Dalen and Thamath leave, a loving smile on lips. She waves good bye to Candidate Dalen. Turning back to the hatchling and eggs, she shifts to stand on the other foot. "Blues are superior though," R'ehn replies, making his way through the crowd to drop down to a seat next to Kassima, grinning innocently. From the sands below, Laureva smiles at the awkwardness of the blue, then suddenly becomes aware of her feet, doing a bit of a dance to cool them off. T'rod adds absently, "And to not aim too hard." From the sands below, Wedding Band Gold Egg holds still a moment, seemingly dazed--then begins to rock once more, vigorously. From the sands below, Breenah does her calm, smooth, candidate dance on her own now. Hands are tucked into each other, and then moved around her waist, and then held together. She watches the eggs, shaking her head a moment to clear her thoughts. From the sands below, Nei gives Aiko a warm smile and nods before glancing back to the eggs giving her friend a vote of confidence. From the sands below, Dossa dislodges from Anselm's arm long enough to wipe at her face, getting soaked with perspiration. She then notices that the Pink Parasol Egg is shifting. "Oh, Anselm! Look! My favorite egg! The one I touched!" Kvasith flies in from the bowl. Kvasith has arrived. From the sands below, Adriana walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. Hagalath flies in from the bowl. Hagalath has arrived. From the sands below, Erissa watches the blue approaching with some nervousness. Biting her lip, she looks to see who he might be heading towards. From the sands below, Sarin concedes, still laughing in tiny fits, "We could." She slowly sobers, and her eyes begin moving from dragonet to egg to egg. Fiora calls out, for all that it wasn't sent to her, "They are! Blues are the best." Lienth rumbles a reply, and she laughs. Tierth flies in from the bowl. Tierth has arrived. From the sands below, Adriana walks over to the side to stand quietly again. Ansuth flies in from the bowl. Ansuth has arrived. From the sands below, Vristine's moved off. That leaves only Oola and Samaria out of the fateful trio. They lack some giggling now, shifting this way and that out of the way of peers and dragonets. Then one dragonet, a plump and sure green, weaves her way at the pair. At ... Samaria, and the Ista Sea Hold girl kneels, brown hair drifting into mazy dark hazel eyes, and touches the trilling green. "Lachesith? Oh, you're hungry!" From the sands below, The golden warmth of the Wedding Band egg rocks with a firm rhythm reminscent of a ring being tugged from a finger--once, twice--and the triumphant third cracks gold away from gold, spilling out a glistening dragonet and flaking shards. Hagalath trails Kvasith in, clearly close to lost, but drops to the ledges not too far from the other Telgari types. Syri unstraps and leaps down, already watching -- of course. T'al simply coos at this little Blue down there, bouncing. "He's... Oh, he's..." But that ends with a delighted, wordless laughter. What he actually thinks of this Blue will stay unvoiced, it seems. Syri swings down from Hagalath's higher neckridges. Syri has arrived. From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold All the grace of a dance well-performed or a crafter's masterpiece accompanies this sunburst-bright hatchling. Each bone--fragile muzzle, silk-spun wings, fine claws--is the quintessence of a queen clad in the unblemished richness of precious, aged-warmed gold. From the sweep of her elegant brow to the dignity of her curved spine, this youthful queen presents a sonnet of intelligence and splendor. The perfection of her form is such that it takes some time to realize that, while her every bone is a maestro's symphony of exquisite beauty, perhaps the flesh is a little weak, a little...chubby. From the sands below, Keara gulps and holds to Dossa's hand. "Gold." One word says everything. From the sands below, Breenah's eyes take on a firm look at that gold, "I can do it," she tells herself, watching it, "I -can- do it." She blink,s stopping, and shaking her head, "How...Beautiful! Lovely!" She hugs herself, watching it. From astride Tierth, Maylia hurries to undo straps, keeping her eyes on Aurian and Kvasith, after only a brief glance to the sands below. The arrival of the golden hatchling's completely missed, as she drops to the ground. Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile. Maylia has arrived. From the sands below, Anselm rubs the sides of his bare arms. He nods, smiling softly. "well, perhaps that isa good sign....though let's not get too worked up..." He runs his hand over his hair, seeming to remind himself more than anything. He marvels first at the dragons' choice of Samaria, then at the emergence of the lovely queen. "Stunning," he breathes. From the sands below, Nei gasps audibly as she see's the Queen Egg hatch and goes back to her usual hand wringing. Kassima answers R'ehn with a raspberry, before grinning and shaking her head. "Nay for *my* money, they aren't. But I'm possessed of a certain bias. D'you really think Bhalth wouldn't agree with me about the wonderfulness of greens, though?" Lifting her skin higher, she waves to the incoming Telgarians as well. "Wondered where the rest of the contingent was." Jesica gasps a bit at the sight of the gold and she watches with interest, wondering at who will win the gold's heart. Ansuth follows Maylia's Tierth onto the ledges, folding his wings neatly to his back and peering about him with thinly-veiled curiousity. Trila's already eyeing those he knows, and swings off her dragon's back, landing with a thud on the ground, eyeing the gold arrival. From the sands below, Laureva reaches out to squeeze Aiko's hand again. From the sands below, Pink Parasol Egg continues it's very enthusiastic movement, and a small network of cracks appear, and grow into large gaps in the shell. The egg shudders, lays still for a moment then the dragonet within renews its efforts. From the sands below, Irresolute Ocean-Blue seems to have a hang on this walking thing for the moment. He moves with more speed and determination towards the nearest group of candidates, his gaze upon each of them, moving over them. He needs...he needs...what does he need? He doesn't know, but he's going to find it, by golly. Trila almost reluctantly dismounts, a leg swinging over before she slides down to make contact with the soft earth. A pat is given to his shoulder, and Trila turns away. Trila has arrived. From the sands below, "/Thirty/," Merellia says, eyes widening. Her eyebrows fly up, before she shifts her attention to the newest hatchlings. From the sands below, Erissa watches the gold egg shatter, and the youngest queen arrive. "Oh." A soft sigh, nothing more. From the sands below, Zava blinks at the sudden arrival of another hatchling, her moist hands stop in mid-swipe on the robe as the gold gets all her attention. Treena's head tilts a little as the gold hatches, watching curiously, but, seemingly not as interested as before. "she's pretty" is her only comment on this one. Tivuketh flies in from the bowl. Tivuketh has arrived. J'rell looks at the gold with some interest. R'ehn grins brightly Fiora-ward. How can he not? Someone else who accepts the superiority of the blue of the species. "Oh he likes greens, that's for certain. But you know Bhalth, worse than a lap-canine that thinks it's a watchwher." From upon Kvasith, Aurian starts removing straps from her increased bulk. she looks quite put out. Macami gracefully slides from her lifemate's neck and smiles lovingly back up at him, as he warbles to her when she safely reaches the ground. Macami has arrived. Alania gives J'rell a hefty nudge. T'rod says clinically, "Gold hatches, everyne pays attention. I feel sorry for the blue, myself." From the sands below, Dossa nearly looses her balance at the arrival of the queenlet. "Oh my. Oh /my/," she murmurs. "How amazing she is..." From the sands below, Aiko squeezes back, stepping sideways a little and murmuring, "There's the gold, Laureva, and Anselm's too far away to hide behind..." It's still the blue that has most of her attention, though. J'rell grins at Alania, "Well, she's worth looking at." From the sands below, "So /that/'s what queens look like when they're little," says Gaddie. From the sands below, Clareyn doesn't pay any attentio to the gold egg until a flash of the bright color catches the corner of her eye. She turns her head and just stares. From the sands below, Sarin lets out a low, quiet, "Oh." That's all. She stares at the gold, then the blue, then back again. For some reason, she glances up to the standsfor a long moment before the dragonets capture her attention again. From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold lands on the sands in an untidy heap, and follows that up with an untidy, indignant squawk. Uncertain, she manages to shuffle limbs beneath her and attain a semi-upright stance. Her wings, hanging down limply to the hot sands, mask for the moment the decided chubbiness of her build. Maylia gives quick greetings to those she passes, scooting to Kvasith's side. Like a doting father-to-be of all things, she solicitously offers help to Aurian, stopping just short of offering to catch the browns' rider. "C'mon down, I"ll help. Unless you want to stay up there?" Macami quickly dismounts and pushes her way through the crowds towards familiar people, coming to stand next to Laila. "Hey there, did I miss lots? Had to talk D'ew out of doing stupid things." Alania hmmmmmmphs. Mia waves over at Macami. Fiora rolls her eyes with a laugh, grinning back to R'ehn, before she pauses to eye that gold, "Not bad, not bad. Blue next, I think." The new arrivals get a nod, and a yelled, "Fort's duties!" From upon Kvasith, Aurian has reconnected. From the sands below, With an arillery-barrage of shell-fragments popping hither and yon, a husky green dragonet explodes onto the sands in a tangled spitfire of green determination. Unable to control unweildy limbs, she slams right into a nearby egg before collapsing limply onto the hot sands. From the sands below, T'bin just looks smugly back at Merellia. From the sands below, Anselm asides to Gaddie, "Pleasantly plump." He wipes sweat from his brow. Blinks at her lack of grace. "Goodness." Trila has disconnected. From the sands below, Nikana finally notices that everyone seems to have sort of stopped and is gaping at something. She tears her gaze away from the small brown toddling away and spins to gape with everyone else at the tiny, if a little rotund, baby golden dragonet. "Shard...I mean, Jays, she's... well... Faranth!" Okay, speechlessness works. Still sitting by Treena and squeezing her hand as if his life depended on it, T'al waves his other hand to Macami, since he somehow spotted her. "Hey 'Cami!" he calls, before wiping either sweat or tears off his cheeks. "Did we look like that too?" From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green A myriad of greens spill from the spinal ridges of this dragonet in a motley brilliance that helps to slim her sturdy, hefty build. She is solid, surefooted, with an ugliness piquant by its very presence: huge eyes widely spaced around an aquiline muzzle, paws long out of proportion to sinewy limbs, and a tail with an odd kink before its tip. Opalescence along her narrow wingspars glitters as if in lovely redemption, however, as does the forthright independence evinced in each movement, which seems a dance, a defiant jig like the colors that cloak her. From the sands below, Zava glances to Genneth to see how she takes the arrival of a daughter after her own heart. Laila shakes her head. "Some impressions, one brown, a few greens, Cami." Kassima blinks over. "Oh, the gold hatched?" She peers down to check. "Aye, she did. I'm more interested in the blue, m'self. Must be Lysseth's influence, though I hope that means she's nay due t'be tormenting the males again. Now, R'ehn, Bhalth's nay *that* bad. At least he's cute about it." From the sands below, Breenah shakes her head, biting her lip, as she follows the goldlings progress, "Poor thing!" She steps back, slightly, shaking her head again as she does so, pausing to note the newest green, "And another green!" Miritha, tense as the queen egg rocked, relaxes, face lighting up. She calls out towards T'rod, "And why shouldn't we look at her? She _is_ the queen, after all." From upon Kvasith, Aurian slides down really awkwardly to Maylia. Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Aurian has arrived. Mia says "another green!" Aurian oofs some more. From the sands below, Keara wipes her brow again. "Gold." Stars flutter briefly in her eyes. From the sands below, All these dragons are hard to keep track of. Reye simply paces from foot to foot on the sands, her gaze shifting from hatchling to hatchling, her grip never loosening on Nikana's hand. "She's beautiful isn't she," the seacrafter girl murmurs to Nikana, inclining a snow-capped head at the young queen. From the sands below, Erissa seems a little dazed as eggs shatter in every direction. Taking several slow shallow breaths, she watches the hatchlings nearby. Alania give J'rell a somewhat dirty look then smiles as another green hatches. From the sands below, Thamath walks down to the far end of the Cavern. "Blue," Syri agrees, almost as taciturn as the vulturine dragon who hangs his head over her shoulder to watch. "Absolutely blue." Macami waves back at Mia with a smile, staring down at the sands intently. "There's the Gold." She flashes a smile at T'al. "You bet you did. My candies did, oh yes." She smiles proudly and almost tearfully in reminiscence as she remembers the hatching of Tivu's babies. Treena seems to hear what T'al said, and, smiling, she whispers something to him From the sands below, Nei bows her head eyes shut for a few seconds of respite in this sand ocean of chaos. Slowly her gaze lifts once more to rest on the beautiful dragonets a smile touching those lips. Macami nods to Laila. "Brown. Now that's good, don't you think?" She winks. From the sands below, Dossa winces as the Harlequin Motley-Green dragonet tumbles into the world. "Oh, well isn't she pretty! Oh, but look at her tail! Is it hurt?" She glances from Anselm to Keara, then back to the sands. Maylia braces herself as a rather pregnant brownrider slides towards her, doing her best to keep Aurian from being too jostled. "There." She says, with a proud smile. "Sounds like things're well underway. How much've we missed?" The greenrider calls, raising her voice for the last of her words. From the sands below, Aiko swallows. Blue -- gold -- green -- where to look? Everywhere at once, back and forth on feet that are almost resigned to the heat, up on her toes to see better and back down again with a sigh. T'rod calls back, "Did -you- ever enjoy training Goldriders, my Weyrlingmaster? Fardles, golds are nice enough, but they're not the center of the universe." He pauses, and admits, "The Weyr, maybe, yes..." Tiganath has arrived. J'rell grins at Alania. From the sands below, No more staring at the gold. Clareyn's attention swiftly moves to the newest green. "My," she breathes. "Oh, my." She can't seem to find any words for the hatchling. From the sands below, Laureva grins at the newly-hatched green. "I like the kink," she decides. Miritha snaps back, "Better golds than bronzes." Alania puts her hands on her hips "What you grinning at hmmmm?" From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green struggles out of the remainder of her shell fragments and shakes out her wings in a flurry of movement. She briefly struggles as a piece of shell appears stuck on her snout. A shake and a sneeze gets rid of that. Trila has connected. Tiganath touches down along with the dragon of one of the 'Reaches weyrlingmasters and other weyrlings from the Flurry Wing, then his rider dismounts uncertainly. Al'ric hops down Tiganath's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting. Al'ric has arrived. T'rod's grin is positively vicious. "Better bronzes than browns," comes the riposte. From the sands below, Zava keeps her attention on the hatchlings and eggs closest to her now, there's too much going on to do else. A quick swipe of a forearm forestalls a drop of sweat threatening to sting her eye. She shifts to the other foot and waits. Aurian grins at Maylia as she uses a hand to pat the brown next to her. J'rell grins wider at Alania, "Oh, nothing." From the sands below, Anselm looks at the green as Dossa does, he listening to her comment. His frown is all assessment. "I truly don't know. She does seem a touch...off-kilter, eh?" He exhales deeply, shifting again on the sand. Bhalth rumbles in a smug fashion. See, he's cute, the greenrider said so. R'ehn just shakes his head in amusement. Alania just rolls her eyes. From the sands below, Reye's words seem to snap Nikana out of her dimglow-haze. She nods, her head bobbing, braids flinging with the motion. "She is!" Does it always work out that candidate's feet get used to the heat? Seems to, since Nika is barely dancing anymore. Thank Faranth her hands don't sweat, else Reye and Gaddie would be clenched with unpleasantness all this while; she's not let go once and isn't likely to. From the sands below, Eyes still fastened on the goldling, Breenah nevertheless watches the green out of the corner of one eye, holding her breath, "Shards, I can't watch everywhere." No, of course she can't. From the sands below, Keara mutters something to Dossa, carefully keeping her gaze away from those scary dragonets. "You and...perfect..." From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold straightens herself up and jerks back in startlement as a flying piece of eggshell comes her way. The ducking movement is not the least successful, and she tips over--and over, ending rotund belly-up on the sands. Al'ric salutes in general, presents High Reaches' duty to Ista, and gestures to the others of his wing to head toward S'dar and Chezroth. The young bronze weyrling's keeping his mouth pretty well shut and his eyes on the sand. T'mren snickers, "Oh my, the gold fell over." J'rell chuckles and slides an arm around Alania, "You know Oerth is better looking than any on the sands..." T'rod nods, offering judiciously, "Practicing." Maylia fusses still, nodding towards Kvasith. "There now, just get him to fold his forelegs,a nd you'll have a perch. Don't want an elbow jabbing your belly in the excitement..." Her tone lies somewhere between grandmotherly, and her typical Weyrlingmasterish, expecting to be 'obeyed'. Miritha retorts, "Even T'lor and R'then shaped up." The touch of disdain in her eyes, as she looks straight at T'rod, makes the implication clear. Trila drapes her wrist lightly over Ansuth's lowered neck, craning her neck and grinning widely at the sands. "That's quite the adorable little gold, isn't she?" the 'rider asks of her blue, who gives a wry rumble of amusement. From the sands below, Nei oh's, covering her mouth to stop the gasp as the Queen tumbles down onto the sound. However, seeing she is alright Nei gives a warm smile, her attention flickering to the other dragonets to give them there fair share. From the sands below, Laureva winces as the gold falls over. "I hope she's not hurt," she murmurs to Aiko. T'al nods to Treena, distracted. Probably overwhelmed by his own memories, now. Which would also explain why he's now quieter, and almost fidgeting on his seat as the Hatching goes on. From the sands below, Dossa looks disbelieving at Keara, in response to her whisper. Then, she looks back at the sands, the gold catching her eye. "Not now, Keara," she grumbles, trying to watch. From the sands below, Ripped Night Egg shivers so faintly it's barely noticeable, though a deep popping sound seems to be coming from inside. Popping and creaking, creaking and popping, yet hardly any movement at all. Alania looks over at J'rell, chuckles softly as she gives the rider a kiss on the cheek "You do know the right things to say" From the sands below, Clareyn stops gawking at the green for a moment and looks at the gold. "What a way for a queen to enter the world," she comments quietly. From the sands below, Aiko says softly back, "She looks strong and they've got to be tough or how would they ever make it out of the eggs?" From the sands below, Erissa's head turns this way, then that, looking from one hatchling to the next. Seeing the little gold's accident, her movements still, focussing on the hatchling to see if she is all right. T'rod comes back again. "Finally straightened up and followed my lead, did they?" From the sands below, An egg near the clutch's edge bursts and releases a strapping, ruddy-cast bronze. He knows what he wants, and he goes for it. Gets it, too: older, pale Stefen. St'fen starts, then starts to grin and grin, the name coming out of his throat like an arrow's shot: "Violanth!" From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green has the typical creeling hunger of the other hatchlings, and she heads straight for the nearest patch of candidates, which happens to be a group of long-haired girls. She lets out a demanding creel. J'rell smiles, "Once in awhile I do, I guess." From the sands below, Keara nods urgetly. "Now. I can't stand the suspense. Or that handyman from Igen." From the sands below, Breenah shakes her step, taking a step forward, and then stopping, "Poor thing! Come on, she can do it." She looks around at her fellow candidates, and then at that green, taking another deep breath. From the sands below, Gaddie squeezes Nikana's hand again as the gold slips, but then another hatchling steps near him and Gaddie steps lively to get out of its way. From the sands below, All the tension that was in T'bin's face fades away when he sees the gold. He turns another, more controlled smile, to Merellia. "Gold, and healthy, by the looks of it. We've so needed an egg-laying queen." Kvasith shifts his position so his rider can perch. The red head settles a tad inelegantly. From the sands below, Sarin glances at the newly arrived green, and sighs as her attention is split is what seems like seventy directions. The gold's tumble, and Clare's remark elicits a grin, though very slight. "See, I thought I'd do that." Al'ric adds, as he heads to the safety of S'dar's flank, his duty to Igen, Telgar, and Fort, all well-represented on the populous ledges. His hand twitches with the effort to keep from saluting all the big-knotted individuals about. From the sands below, Arion suppresses a nervous chuckle as the gold tumbles and looks up to see St'fen's Impression and offers the other his congratulations over the echoing din of the cavern. From the sands below, Anselm's eyebrows raise in alarm. Stifling his urge to try to help, he is quick to force his hands behind his back, instead choosing to look at the hatching cavern's rim, the ceiling, anywhere but on the cracking eggs and creeling dragonets. From the sands below, Zava clasps her forearms in front of her, hugging, to keep from running to the fallen dragon queen. Jesica chuckles softly and she shakes her head before looking over the sands again, "Has the blue chosen yet?" From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold wriggles around ineffectually, giving herself a good coating of black obsidian grains. Her eyes whirl with gaining self-irritation and hunger--but that patchy green's creel galvanizes her even further. Stealing HER candidates: HAH! Another wriggle or two and she's upright, charging straight for the green and that same knot of girls. Miritha snorts. "No, and it's a good thing. One of you was enough." From the sands below, Nikana catches her lip in her teeth as the gold tumbles, her head and shoulders twitching with each bounce. "Ohh, oh, aigh, eee." Before she finally comes to a rest, belly-up. "Poor thing!" But goodness help her, she can't control the tug at the corner of her lips for her roundness. From the sands below, Irresolute Ocean-Blue ambles on, inspecting candidate after nervous candidate, and nearly tripping into one poor girl who manages to duck out of his way before he can bowl her over. He moves to another huddled group, and inspects them with his whirling little eyes. Yes. The one is here... From the sands below, Nei oh's once more and turns to watch both the gold and the queen dragon. Murmering softly to herself. From the sands below, Laureva smiles at the newest pair, then turns her gaze to the rapidly approaching dragonets. Fiora shakes her head, "What is going on with that blue? He's taking a while." She pauses, shrugging, and then looking back down at the others, "Ooh, finally!" From the sands below, Clareyn takes her attention off the gold again; back to the green. "You haven't yet. Maybe you'll be surprised," she replies to Sarin in a sort of dazed voice. From the sands below, Aiko heys! as the gold rushes, waving her arms frantically at the green. "Move out of the *way* silly or you'll get hurt!" From the sands below, Erissa's lip turns up in a wry smile as she watches the converging trio. Lifting her robe slightly, she shifts from foot to foot, ready to move out of the way of potential collisions. Alania gives J'rell a little hip bump "Stop watching that queen" she teases. Macami slowly shakes her head. "My my, as if time was suspended. Ain't I glad my Tivu was the first to hatch of his clutch." She smiles fondly, then stares down again. From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green doesn't notice the gold's sudden charge until the last moment. She shrieks then creels in alarm as the gold bowls her over. The little green just lays where she tumbles, almost stunned. From the sands below, Dossa cries out at the awkward gold heading straight for the in-the-way green. "Oh no! Look out!" Her hands clasp in front of her hands, and then she nearly falls to her knees at the ensuing collision. You paged Saphire with 'To Ista? +go ista-bowl, or something like that, and find the hatching stands.'. Alania eyes widen "Did ya see that?.." T'mren blinks, "Poor green." G'rel watches the blue Hatchling. "Seems he's decided..." he comments. From the sands below, Zava stills, amazement changing to adoration of the blue in front of her. She stoops to hold her lifemate. "We are together at last, Rachuth!" she calls out in her joy. Now resting again against Ansuth's neck, Trila takes her eyes off the sands to peer, with a smile, at Maylia and Aurian. The green's tumble, however, takes her eyes right back to the sands. "Oh, /dear/." From the sands below, Clare spoke too soon. Sarin takes an involuntary step back as the gold charges, disbalancing. She attempts to regain balance, but fails. From the sands below, Nei eye's go wide at the poor green. "Oh dear.. poor beauty.." she murmers and stays where she is, arms resting to her sides. Tiganath pokes his head over the edge to peer at the sands below, his snout crinkled in a quizzical fashion as the green takes a tumble. Tierth drops her forequarters enough to allow Maylia to settle upon her legs, with considerably more elegance than Aurian managed. But then, she's not got an eight month fetus inside of her. "Shells," the Telgari Weyrlingmaster breaths, as the hatchlings collide. T'al tilts his head at 'Cami, slowly. "The first thing I saw upon arriving at Igen..." he whispers under his breath. J'rell hmms, "Only a few minutes old and already pushing everyone around. Typical gold, that. From the sands below, Breenah is slightly out of the way, and watches - her face pale, "Oh no! Get out of hte way, all of you!" She blinks, noticing Zava's Impression, "Oh, Congrats!" From the sands below, Reye gasps as one dragonet runs over the other, and steels herself against moving. "Jayw, but I hope they're alright!" From the sands below, Erissa's voice raises. "Zava! Oh..." Dropping her tone she smiles to her friend. "Congratulations." From the sands below, Nikana claps a hand over her mouth as the dragonets collide, her eyes wide with surprise. Does this happen often? Oops! She let go of Reye's hand, she uncovers her mouth and snatches her friend's hand back up, giving it a squeeze. From the sands below, Tamina steps forward with a warm smile and gestures to Zava, "Congratulations Zava and Rachuth. I believe we should go to a quieter corner?" From the sands below, Anselm shouts, "Faranth's ghost!" and despite the best warnings, tries to help fleeing candidates. It takes two boys near to try to restrain him, he calming but protesting, "They have no warrant against this! Someone has /got/ to help them!" Miritha's attention is drawn back down to the sands, and she frowns, running experienced eyes over the several dragonets still out there. From the sands below, Aiko holds herself firmly in place, expression crumpling as the green falls. From the sands below, Sarin lands with a dull thud on her behind. She blinks, stunned. Lienth bugles! as the blue Impresses - and to a rider like his, too - Fiora just laughs, "Another female bluerider! Horray!" From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold slows down immediately after having passed the green: her prerogative, first choice, now secure. With an almost sailorlike roll to her gait, she slows, self-satisfaction evident in every line of her round body, and begins to inspect the candidates at her leisure. From the sands below, Clareyn gasps as the green falls. "Oh no..." Smiling her congrats to Zava, she turns to Sarin and offers her a hand. "You okay?" Macami flashes a smile at T'al. "Oh really? I didn't know!" She is quickly distracted as she watches the green tumble. "Uh-oh." From the sands below, Laureva says, "Congratulations Zava!" Then she bends down to look at the prone green, a look of grave concern on her face. "What a gold /that/ is," Trila says dryly, snorting in wry amusement at the queen. From the sands below, E'vrin looks with some worry at the queen. Hasn't she chosen yet? From the sands below, Breenah keeps those eyes of her on that gold, shaking her head, "Is she coming over here?" Said to no one, more to herself than anything, she watches, not even remembering to move her feet for a moment. From the sands below, Erissa 's eyes flick from the blue in front of Zava, to the gold, and finally resting on the downed green. From the sands below, Keara holds Dossa's hand, deathly quiet. "I can't bear it..." Maylia takes another look - perhaps they didn't collide, but it sure looked that way from her viewpoint. Darting her attention elsewhere, she gestures off towards the blue's impression, pointing it out to the nearby Aurian. Aurian grins, "Oohhh good." From the sands below, Sarin takes Clareyn's hand, cursing under her breath. "Yeah - Congrats Zava! I'm fine." She pulls herself to her feet. "I knew it." From the sands below, "Anselm, don't!" Gaddie calls out, but doesn't think the man will hear him over the hum of the dragons. 'They'll be all right, won't they?" he asks Nikana. From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green shakes herself off then makes a more pitiful creeling. She soon gathers herself though and does her own flouncing turning to inspect a group that is a mixture of boys and girls. From the sands below, Zava walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Tamina walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Laureva sighs in great relief at the recovery of the green. From the sands below, Dossa shrinks away from Anselm's restrained charge. "Anselm, don't! The dragonets know what they're doing!" She blinks as the Harlequin dragonet catches her eye again, looming nearer. T'rod eyes Anselm some more. "No, even if he -does- Impress, he's going into the drink, first thing in the morning." From the sands below, And there's only Oola left, tall and chubby and dark. She pushes wildly curly hair out of her way, glaring at the unfairness of being left /out/ -- then her glare hits the matching one of a lanky pale green nearby. Impression, and a girl's delighted squeal of "Atropoth!" Al'ric takes what is the norm for him, a posture in which he leans against Tiganath's Benden Red-spattered bronze hide, arms crossed. He looks comfortable and quite interested in what's transpiring below, especially with the near misses going on. From the sands below, Breenah doesn't even notice Anselm's movement, or the others cries, simply concentrating on the other hatchlings. The Gold, in particular, "She's got to come over here." Only she didn't say that. She's perfectly calm. From the sands below, Clareyn gives Sarin a smile. "Don't worry. At least you got it over with." She glances between the gold and the green, looking more at the latter than the former. Jesica shakes her head a bit, "That gold's going to be a handful." T'al's expression saddens for an infinitely brief second as he nods to acknowledge Macami's statement. Old, so old memories should probably be forgotten on this glorious evening, but the Bluerider seldom does what he should when he should, right? From the sands below, Sarin has a dark look about her, even as she looks at the green and gold. "Wish it had been /before/ all the people were watching?" From the sands below, "I didn't!" Anselm was only lightly restrained--a tap as he was about to charge. He sighs deeply then, not too resolved in the feeling of helplessness that often comes at these hatching. "It is as /is/," he reminds himself fiercely. He takes times to wipe hot sand off his now-aching feet. From the sands below, Ripped Night Egg lets out another eerie crackle and tilts slowly to the side, as if an unseen hand had moved it. It hangs there at it's odd angle, somehow balancing as the noises continue. The light catches the pooling crimson on the shell, letting it shine as though it were wet. T'rod glances at T'al's sorrow, then silently opinions that the bluerider's got the right idea. From the sands below, Rachuth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green enthusiatcially tries to search out her lifemate. She tumbles into the sand again right in front of a younger lad. She looks up at him beseechingly for a moment but moves off. From the sands below, Genneth dips her head to give the queen a get-a-move-on nudge with her muzzle. The youngling looks up at her dam and seems to start dawdling even further. From the sands below, Reye casts a bemused look at that sailor-like roll, but her eyes move then to scan the other eggs and hatchlings. She gives Nikana's hand a brief squeeze then, a small sigh escaping her. From the sands below, Erissa smiles to the young boy the green had toddled to, then offering him a sympathetic look as she moved past. From the sands below, Nei wipes away some sweat from her brow and let's out a nervous breath eyeing the green and gold intently. From the sands below, Tamina walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. Farlioth leans his head out over the cliff, tilting his head so one eye shines down at the gold; he lets out a huge bellow, then settles down again. From the sands below, Clareyn shrugs. "Can't do a thing about now. But don't let it bother you, there's plenty of other things to worry about." Her eyes rove around the cavern, looking at the rapidly hatching and Impressing dragonets. From the sands below, Gaddie resumes his jumping to cool his feet, glancing over to the weyrleaders on the side. They don't seem disturbed. He turns back to the dragonets, but none seem to be in his area at the moment. His eyes look again toward the egg he favors, but he can't see it with the thinning crowd and the hungry dragonets. From the sands below, Aiko breathes a sigh of relief as the gold doesn't seem to be coming anywhere near, and leans forward to watch the Harlequin green. From the sands below, Laureva continues to do her little sand-dance, though it's looking more like a sand-jig at this point. From the sands below, Dossa tugs irritably at her robe, which is clinging in all the wrong places. But she doesn't pay it much attention, instead, watching the Harlequin's tumble and recovery. From the sands below, Nikana watches mother and daughter have a moment, Genneth looming over everything in her aurous glow. The little glow is precious, too, and is afforded a smile that is swept up to Reye when her hands is given a squeeze by her friend. "It all goes so fast, doesn't it?" From the sands below, Breenah doesn't seem to know what she's doing, moving her feet, eyeing the dragonets, looking back at the as yet unhatched eggs. Calm, though, she holds her head high, all her worries evidently hidden rather well. Al'ric's smile is nostalgic as he stares at the candidates and the hatchlings luring their gaze: hasn't been too long since he was in their place. He curves an arm around Tiganath's head and draws it closer, enjoying a time with his dragon, a time of peace. And a time away from the Weyrlingmasters, pretty much. From the sands below, Adriana walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Voluptuous Queenly Gold sharpens her attention suddenly upon one candidate--then moves forward with an alacrity remarkable given her previous spate of indolence. Another two, three, four steps and she's giving the waist of a sweat-sodden candidate demanding nudges. Pay attention to ME now! From the sands below, "Well, it's not over yet," Reye answers her friend, casting her a wan smile. "Truth be told, it's not as fast as I expected it to be." She indicates the gold, for instance, with a bemused nod. Fiora pauses, eyething the gold, "She's chosen? Has she?" She shakes her head, frowning, "I think so?" From the sands below, Harlequin Motley-Green enthusiastically approaches yet another candidate, running right into her legs. With a startled blink, she looks toward another candidate. One with auburn hair... T'mren nods, frowning, "It looks like it." He replies, to Fiora. From the sands below, A splotched red egg quivers and shivers and cracks wide open. Out spills a shaking little blue, nearly black with dampness and his own hue, who finds his feet with some care. He peers redly at a tall girl, then a tall boy, and then steps firmly towards dark, lanky Torral from Igen Hold. T'ral's past stoicism splits with a jaw drop, a dazzling smile, and the exclamation, "Yes, right away, Morth!" Fiora frowns, "And I can't see!" She laughs, craning her neck down to look, Lienth hummmmmmming ever louder. T'mren grins at Fiora, "We'll know soon enough." Macami peers down. "She's chosen, I'm sure, but whom?" She talks to Tivuketh. "Yes, of course she's gorgeous, and I know you adore queens, I do. Don't we all?" She rolls her eyes. From the sands below, Elephantine Trade Egg shudders suddenly upon the obsidian sands, a shiver as though the small hatchling inside is remembering a particularly good joke, shoulders and undeveloped wingspan shivering in gleeful delight. Jesica chuckles, "Who did they choose?" she asks, trying to see who the green and gold picked. T'mren frowns, "Can't see." From the sands below, Nikana wasn't quite paying attention when she is pummeled with a tiny golden head in her chest. Eyes swivel and indeed, her world does stop. A pause and then, with a sob. "Moireth! Oh, Moireth!" From the sands below, Dossa seems startled at the collision, and then falls to the sands as if she were the one rammed by the green dragonet. "Oh, yes, Aminadath, of course you're hungry." She blinks, then reaches out to gather the green's head to her. "Aminadath? Aminadath!!" From the sands below, Laureva says "Congratulations Nikana!" From the sands below, Nei smiles softly seeing Nikana impress, and holds her hand to her heart. "Oh... how wonderful.." she says, so happy for her friend. From the sands below, Breenah looks across at Nikana, face shining, "Nikana! Oh, congratulations!" Her golden dreams are over, but her friends? She pauses, adding, "Dossa? Congratulations!" From the sands below, Laureva grins at Dossa. "Congratulations!" From the sands below, Erissa smiles at Dossa and Nikana. "Congratulations." From the sands below, Reye drops Nikana's hand as the gold demands her friend's attention, and she steps backward, tears forming in her eyes. "Oh, congratulations Nika!" From the sands below, Clareyn peers at the gold hatchling as she seems to have found who she was looking for. But Clare can't tell if anyone Impressed yet, so she returns her attention to the green. Wait, Nikana! And Dossa! She smiles at them both. "Congrats!" Fiora smiles, leaning back, "Two almost at once. I'm glad that's over." From the sands below, Keara loses her handhold. "Dossa, oh, Dossa...she looks so lost..." congratulations...and nikana..." From the sands below, Aiko says "Wow! Nikana, you're a *weyrwoman*!" From the sands below, Merellia's mouth tips up in a small smile, and she asks T'bin, "How many marks on that one?" From the sands below, E'vrin looses a deep sigh, hands hugging the elbows of folded arms, and just smiling. Smiling at Dossa and Nikana and... From the sands below, Anselm is utterly overwhelmed. "I knew it!" he exclaims in operatic glee. Pumping a fist, he shouts, "Hurrah!!!!" From the sands below, Tamina steps forward, her smile bright and proud as Ista's newest gold impresses, "Congratulations to you both." She grins ruefully as Dossa too impresses, "I think the four of you would do well where there's food available? "Who's that?" Trila asks, suddenly, leaning forward to eye the green's choice. "Is that... that's Dossa!" she cries, elated. And the bluerider lets out a whoop of excitement, a little spurt of applause emitted. Jesica chuckles softly as she see's Nikana impress, "Well now, and to think she thought se wouldn't impress." Maylia leans way forwards, peering past a body infront of her. MOst of the sands are blocked from her view, but she sees the green make her choice. "Is that...?" She asks, trying her best to see. From the sands below, Nikana blinks the tears away, a horrified expression coming across her features. "Yes! Food, oh my goodness..food, yes." She looks up, utterly beseeching. Help? Macami smiles and nods to her lifemate again. "Yes yes, Moireth is certainly a fine name, but don't you want to look at Aminadath? That's a fine name too." Through the din on the ledges she hopes no one hears her ramblings. From the sands below, Sarin says "Nika!" She blinks, eyes widening further. "Dossa..." She glances to Clareyn, casually, "I called that one." From the sands below, T'bin says "Not too many. Four. I'm trying to see if I can pay back Keroon on the winnings." From the sands below, Nei 's head bows down, and her eyes shut. Farlioth settles down entirely, humming contentedly as his bellow appears to have hurried the gold along. Miritha, with one talon of his right beside her, bashes at that with a fist. "You had nothing to do with it, you big brown lump!" Tiganath lets go a brassy bugle at the gold's Impression...well, and at the green's Impression too. He's a happy fellow who doesn't much discriminate, after all, and Al'ric chuckles beside him, thumping the bronze flank. "Yeah, yeah...we all hear you." Aurian calls, "Who was it May!?" From the sands below, Nikana walks down to the far end of the Cavern. "Dossa!" Trila calls towards Aurian, butting in on the conversation with the biggest, dopiest grin splattered across her face. From the sands below, Moireth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Keara eyes the remaining eggs. Is her destiny out there..? She gulps and clutches her robe with her free hands. T'mren blinks, "It was...it was Nikana!" He beams, "Nikana!" From the sands below, Dossa cries horribly and pathetically, escorting her soulmate -- lifemate -- off of the sands. Maylia calls over to Aurian, shaking her head. "I think it was Dossa!" She echoes Trila. From the sands below, Clareyn nods in agreement to Sarin. "I knew those two would Impress." From the sands below, Tamina walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Dossa walks down to the far end of the Cavern. Al'ric has reconnected. From the sands below, Gaddie gasps, seeing the gold so close all of a sudden, and looks up at his friend. 'Nikana!" he says, letting go of the girl's hand and applauding. Aurian applauds, "That's 2 marks. Al'ric has partially disconnected. From the sands below, Elephantine Trade Egg careens suddenly across the Sands in what might be the abrupt erruption of a chortle, its terrous face whirling as though in orbit as its path describes an arc about its dam, Genneth, before coming to a halt near a trio of white-robed Candidates. From the sands below, Aiko tries to catch her breath again, saying to Laureva, "See?" From the sands below, Thin wetness oozes--there's no other word for it, as shards separate from the last rush of amniotic fluids in this shell. The /push/ of a dragonet deals the final blow to the Ripped Night egg, which sends a brown dragonet careening forth from the fractured bowl of his former home. From the sands below, Laureva nods. "Uh-huh," she replies eloquently. From the sands below, Aminadath walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Rustic Sable Brown Brown as dark as the richest of Nerat's loam covers the wet-gleaming hide of this spindly dragonet; from the looks of him, it's a wonder he even managed to crack his shell. A large, weighty head tops an absurdly frail-looking neck, which is followed by weakly flopping wings--spattered in mossy flecks of green--and narrow hindquarters. Despite an appearance which puts him at a disadvantage, however, this unassuming dragonet holds himself with a muted, understated air of strength and determination. His smooth-hued tail might be of a stubby length, and his headknobs might seem to cant crookedly, but his hatching-reddened eyes swirl with resolution. From the sands below, Breenah moves closer towards Reye, and the others that are her friends, shaking her head, grinning, "Lucky them." She looks back to the eggs, eyeing the whalebone corset egg, before noting the newest brown, "Another one." Herath flies in from the bowl. Herath has arrived. From the sands below, Reye finds herself standing beside Gaddie now, and she gives him a pat on the shoulder as she surveys the rest of the eggs. "I'm happy for her." From the sands below, Merellia queries, "Pay Keroon back--from your winnings? You broke their gambling bank?" The tense set of her shoulders relaxes somewhat as she views the newest hatchings. From the sands below, Tamina walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. Kindre has arrived. From the sands below, Erissa watches as another egg shatters, this one producing a large brown. Telgari Weyrwoman gets a broad smile from Telgari bluerider, Trila waving cheerfully at Kindre's arrival. Macami blinks as she spies a familiar queen, and turns around to give her cousin a very cheerful greeting. "Kin! Hey there!" T'al nudges Treena, silent, pointing to the newly Impressed pairs. Visquath swirls his stocky head and pokes his lifemate, who embrace his muzzle as lovingly as ever. "Yes, love," the young man whispers. "Yes, they will." Kvasith rumbles loudly towards Herath. Wretched flirty brown. Tiganath turns to give Herath a polite bugle for a greeting. He's young, but he understands the gold thing. From the sands below, Keara feels utterly alone, as Dossa and that other girl have both left. She glances around, moving over to stand near Reye and Gaddie. From the sands below, Elephantine Trade Egg emits a curious rumbling sound as its shivering and quivering refuses to subside: it must have been a -really- good joke! Continents and seas seem to glide, then jiggle uproariously, leading up to a punch line of egg-cracking proportions! Farlioth warbles a polite greeting to Herath, ignoring his rider's earlier glower. From the sands below, Clareyn studies the new brown. "Hmm," is her only comment, but the tone of her voice is thoughtful and soft. From the sands below, T'bin grins slightly. "Pretty much. Rob Bitra to pay Keroon....If I'm lucky. I wasn't able to make bets to cover it all, but a portion, at least." From the sands below, Gaddie moves his feet to cool them, too distracted to blush. 'So'm I. Didn't even see the queen coming." He looks toward the brown. "But there are still dragonets coming.." Treena nods at T'al's nudge, smiling a little, but somehow lost completely in her own thoughts, whatever they may be. From the sands below, Anselm is still very happy, his outpour of emotion odd for him, his exultation rising as the end nears. quickly he scans the crowd, and his eyes opening wide like an excited child, he waves furiously at someone. "Annie! /Nice/ dress!" Quickly, his eyes are back on the sands, he huhing at the new brown dragonet in particular. "He's....sturdy," he says diplomatically. Kindre offers, "Telgar's duties," with a smile and several nods of her head dutifully before moving into a good viewing position. She waves cheerfully at Trila before heading towards her cousin, pausing only to gaze quickly at the young brown which seems to be pulling everyone's sights. "Macami! Faranth, it feels like an interval since I've seen you. Have I missed terribly much?" From the sands below, The Elephantine Trade egg begins with a tiny hole. A sharp, pointed muzzle pulls free, followed by an ungainly head, thrust through the small hole that grows larger and larger. Two wingtips, two claws, and more layers of eggshell are peeled back to present a larger whole. The entire egg tips over onto its side soon enough, and a hatchling wriggles free with difficulty from a mostly-unshattered shell. Tivuketh 's greeting is loud and certainly not polite but amiable. His lifemate's family after all, in a way, doesn't make that Herath family too? From the sands below, Stark Snow-Blue Winter walks long and harsh across the hide of this simply carved dragonet: the pearlescent blue of shadows on snow and the steelier hue of storm clouds on high. Shade drifts down his beaky muzzle's hook, down neck and their pricked ridges, until it's lost in the icy grip of cloud covering the fine, slender bones of shoulders, pinions, and hindquarters. Perching him in this world, his pale talons curve as implacably white-blind as his far-seeing, keen-seeing eyes are not. Al'ric darts a glance at the Telgar Weyrwoman, salutes out of reflex even though his gesture's toward her right ear, then smiles sheepishly and, stuffing his hands back in his pocket, he resumes his lean against Tig's flank. "Blue!" Trila says, lifting a slender hand to gesture towards a new arrival. Ansuth gives a light rumble. Indeed. From the sands below, Keara gulps. And shifts from foot to foot. Tired, nervous, hopeful, and with a large headache, she stares out onto those eggs. And those hatchlings. Lienth bugles! as another blue hatches - eyeing Fiora who laughs, "Yes, not as pretty as you. But still pretty. And," she hastens to add, "I know you. You'd rather a green." The warble she gets in response is obviously testimony to that. From the sands below, Aiko says "Blue. *Another* blue." S'dar has disconnected. Janelle oooohs. "Now *he* is a gorgeous shade." Macami goes to hug Kindre. "Well, it's been a few since I stayed at Telgar for a while, hasn't it? I have a lot to tell you later. New weyrmate and all." She chuckles. "You just missed Ista's youngest queen impressing. Tivu is charmed already." From the sands below, Showing that she hasn't lost her keen grasp of the obvious, Laureva says, "Wow. A Brown & a Blue!" From the sands below, Keara nods. "Blue..." she says... "blue. And brown." From the sands below, Whalebone Corset Egg wiggles just a bit, a vibration that seems to begin at one end of its ovoid and then move in ripples down through the egg's surface. From the sands below, Blue. Breenah looks back to the other eggs, especially that whalebone corset egg, eyeing it hopefuly. Green. She wants green. She watches that blue, though, for a moment, hopefuly, looking around at the remaining candidates. From the sands below, Erissa sighs softly as she watches the blue and brown nearby. Changing her position she moves a little to the left of the ramaining candidates. Alania eyes Oerth and just shakes her head, altho she grins. Herath rumbles a greeting back to Tiganath and Farlioth kindly before deciding to settle down into a comfortable spot on view the Istan sands below. From the sands below, Nei keeps her head bowed eyes shut. J'rell grins at Alania, "What?" From the sands below, "And very attractive, I might add." Anselm is smiling, not paying nearly so much attention to security measure as he should, he mor marevelling at all the eggs shards and glittering bits of fliud transcent on the black sands. From the sands below, Sarin shifts attention from dragonet to dragonet, waiting to see what happens next. She has a slightly guarded pose. Likely doesn't want to fall over again. Alania laughs softly as she turns back to J'rell "Oerth says she likes that little blue, says he'll grow up to be ummmmm...fast" her eyes sparkle. J'rell laughs, "I see. She can already tell?" Herath saves a special rumble-greeting for Tivuketh. Despite her usual disdain for anything too close to her rider, Tiv's lifemate is special to her own and, therefore, is quite a welcome sight. From the sands below, Gaddie reaches up to squeeze Reye's hand for a second. "Think I'm gonna go over there for a second," he says, indicating Nei. He makes his way across the sands. "Hey Nei, you all right?" he asks. You can't let your eyes close, they might run you over." From the sands below, Stark Snow-Blue shakes himself out quiveringly, letting out an oddish-sounding Stark Snow-Blue form of creel: Tseee! Tseeee! Tseeeeee!!!!! before casting a quick and whimsical glance about the Sands. With a darting movement, he lunges forward, placing one ice-white talon against blacker-than-black sand--and then promptly unseating his balance entirely to roll tail over headknobs toward a small knot of Candidates. From the sands below, Whalebone Corset Egg seems to tighten in the middle as if someone where drawing ropes around the egg. Then expansion wins out and the egg pulses. From the sands below, Clareyn's brown eyes turn to look at the blue. "He's pretty," she says. She seems to be fairly calm, or as calm as one can be when they're on the Sands. From the sands below, After a seemingly interminable wait, the Whalebone Corset egg at long last splinters apart with the shuddering slowness of an ebbing tide. In an ungainly tangle of limbs, neck and tail, a diminutive green eggling spills onto the obsidian sands of the Istan Hatching Grounds. Jesica chuckles a bit as she hears the comments, head tilting a little as she tries to see if anyone has impressed to the brown or the new blue. From the sands below, Nei glances up towards Gaddie with a smile and shakes her head. "Hey, I'm alright, it's this heat, it's getting to me." Alania shrugs and chuckles softly "oh, I don't know, but really, I like things just as they are" Aurian giggles, "Interesting noise." J'rell smiles, "I do too." From the sands below, Dainty Powder-and-Patch Green She seems everything a green dragonet might necessarily be: petite, pert, and so feminine. Her wings own a slender length that promises speed and agility with maturity, balanced by a flirtatiously long tail; her large eyes ride her muzzle's graceful slope with assurance and eagerness in every facet's gleam. Affectation marks her, though, in the pale opacity of her hide, like powder dusting a fine wig, with a few darker specks--on rounded cheek, on shoulder, on left haunch--for beauty's faux display. From the sands below, Keara ohs at the blue, the green, the brown, not knowing which way to turn. "Look...oh...look..." From the sands below, Sarin looks at the blue oddly as he creels. Tivuketh warbles smugly somehow, feeling all important and special, tapping his tail on the ledge. "It's quite alright now, poser, you." His lifemate shakes her head, then turns back to her cousin. ".... Cute," Trila says after a pause, curling her lips up into a grin of amusement. "Oh, lookit that," she adds, gesturing towards the dainty green. From the sands below, Breenah lets out a sigh, a deep breath, as her favourite egg hatches, "Green!" She fairly bounces, looking around at the closest candidates, "Beautiful, isn't she?" She sighs, taking a deep breath, feet firm on the ground, "What will happen next, I wonder?" Alania smiles warmly at J'rell, nodding. From the sands below, Rustic Sable Brown lets out a creel of determination as he tries to balance himself. He unfurls his wing, only to have the weight of it make him dip sideways. He holds up his head and stumbles foreward. Finally he's settled on his feet and his focus turn to the robed creatures before him. Treena smiles at something, and whispers, once more From the sands below, Nei focuses once more on the egg's and dragonets giving Gaddie's shoulder a squeeze of thanks. "Don't worry about me." Lienth warbles loudly as the newest green hatches, Fiora laughing, letting those around her know, "He says she is pretty enough for him to catch. When she's a little older, though. Says she's too small, now." From the sands below, Erissa's head turns as the sound of another shell shattering. Splitting her attention, Erissa takes time to look at each dragonet nearby. From the sands below, Aiko reaches a hand up to rub across her eyes, aware again of how very hot she is. "And a green... a really *girl* green, isn't she?" From the sands below, Another hatchling. Clareyn turns to now watch the green for a moment. But she doesn't want to let the blue out of her sight. So she glances back and forth. T'al blinks and whispers something back. Kindre chuckels a bit at Al'ric salute. "For a moment," she teases the young rider, "I thought I had something in my hair," and then winks. Macami's words draw her back and she blinks a few times. "Oh? The gold Impressed already? Faranth...I've a mark riding on that...who Impressed?" From the sands below, Reye draws the back of one hand across her forehead, the heat wearing at her. Pale eyes scan the sands, resting on first the blue, then the brown and green. "They're all so magnificent looking," she comments to Breenah. From the sands below, Merellia looks half-chagrined and half-amused by T'bin's gambling woes. "Oh dear," is her only lackluster comment before she looks at the perambulations of the pale blue. "That's a striking color--hard to tell if he gets dehydrated or upset, though. The gray won't show much." From the sands below, Dainty Powder-and-Patch Green takes a step forward, she's a actress of world-wide renound mounting the stage. Her movements are slow, definitive. She knows exactly what she's doing. The candidates are her audience - and appreciative they better well be. From the sands below, "Ow, ya squeeze too hard," Gaddie replies, but grins to let Nei know he's teasing. "Hey, you got prime space. Look, there's a green." Treena shakes her head at him. "I don't...." From the sands below, Sarin catches Aiko's comment as she stares at the green. "I'll say. She's something else." Macami looks around a bit helplessly. "Um, I think the name I heard was Nikana? Don't tell me you have that betting practice as well? Do all Telgari bet?" She grins. "Maybe it's better I didn't stay at your weyr that long then." From the sands below, Anselm glances again at the middle of the Sands, hrming softly, then padding--gingerly, given the hot sand, over to Gaddie and Nei. A hand goes on each of their shoulders. He lifts his chin. "Indeed--both of you, look. I daresay it is quite impressive. They all are, really, infantile charm aside." From the sands below, Nei grin's lopsided towards Gaddie and teases. "If I'm strong enough to hurt you like that, you must be pretty weak." she smiles playfully and glances to the green. Al'ric colors, his smile growning all the more sheepish and a bit more crooked to boot. "Sorry, Weyrwoman," he tosses over to Kindre, "it's a reflex, like a pop in the knee by a healer. Besides, far as I can see, you do have something in your hair. Gold." At that, the weyrlingmaster along for the ride rolls his eyes at Al'ric, but the weyrling cheerfully ignores it. From the sands below, Laureva merely smiles, hopping from one foot to the other. From the sands below, Keara is terribly hot. Wiping her brow, she drops to her knees in the sand, staring half-unseeing at the hatchlings. Aurian rubs at ehr stomach muttering at the kick. From the sands below, Clareyn has her eyes on the green at the moment. "She's kind of a show-off, huh?" she asks rhetorically to nobody in particular. From the sands below, Nei moves quickly to Kaera's side and helps her to stand. "Come on my friend, you need to be ready, just in case." From the sands below, Stark Snow-Blue looks to be enjoying himself, however, as with each revolution of his tumble, his 'tsee-tsee-ing' becomes evermore laced with hilarious and breathless pleasure. Finally coming to a standstil, he glances up with an almost regretful look, proudly shaded muzzle turning to purvey his path through the Sands. Then, with another 'Tsee!', he bounds up and shakes off the few remaining shards from his back and spreads his wings wide--oh! so wide! Seeming about to take flight, he darts once more like quicksilver, his mercurial mood changing from pleasure to longing, desire, yearning, as he surveys the nearest straggling group of white-robed Candidates. From the sands below, "Infantile?" The question is meant for clarification, not whether they are or not. From the sands below, Hot, hot, hot! Breenah's feet move nimbly, watching the green that hatched from her favourite egg with great eyes, calmly moving around to catch a glimpse of that blue, and then the brown. From the sands below, Adriana walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. From the sands below, Sarin begins to grin slowly. "Show-off. Definetly. I like her. From the sands below, Keara puts an arm around Nei's waist, "Yes, alright...is it almost over?" She braces her feet and wipes her straggling hair out of her eyes. From the sands below, Erissa chuckles softly at the blues antics. "He is a true charmer." From the sands below, Laureva nods. "He has a definite sense of humor," she agrees. From the sands below, Nei keeps a hold on Kaera lest the girl fall once more. "Well.. alot of them have impressed, but there is a fair lot left." From the sands below, Dainty Powder-and-Patch Green unfurls one slowly drying wing and then another. She flicks one quite deliberately, sending another green tumbling to the sands. She turns her head and then tilts it to look at the prostrate dragon. She seems satisfied with the results. From the sands below, Anselm nods, "Indeed," he says calmly. He winces, then shifts his feet. "They are infants, and possess a charm--yes, much like that blue, that is exclusive to the state of childhood. Still, it's amazing hwo we consider these /babies/." He is rambling somewhat, off into one of his own musings. From the sands below, Clareyn lets loose a quiet chuckle as she watches the blue. "Wow. He sure has a lot of energy." From the sands below, Aiko says "Doesn't he? He seems really happy." From the sands below, Keara nods. "i'm so thirsty." She pauses and watches the blue, a new maturity dawning in her eyes. "I'm alright, I thank you, Nei. They are beautiful." From the sands below, Breenah smiles at the green, musing to herself, probably something along the lines of, "Yes, make them know who's boss." not that she's talking to the green, or to anyone. Only thinking, and all. From the sands below, Rustic Sable Brown begins looking over the white robed beings before him. A slow unsure step brings him closer to a young lady with bright blonde hair, but he doesn't seem to take any notice of her, his head twisted in the other opposite direction, spotting Genneth. With each step premeditated he begins to move about, his eyes whirling with concentration as refuses to stumble. T'al blinks again, and grins, nodding to Treena. He sneaks a kiss as she's distracted by the ongoing Hatching, and then displays an apologetic smile, convincingly sincere. "Aww, look at this Blue!" he then exclaims, resuming his previous bouncing. "Blues are the best, you know," he explains her seriously enough. Biased, aren't you, young man? From the sands below, Nei smiles softly and nods her head to Kaera. "Of course Kaera, just focus on the here and now." From the sands below, Clareyn nods at Aiko. "That's good." She frowns slightly as the green shoves another of her color. "She's pushy too." From the sands below, Stark Snow-Blue lets out another creel of 'Tsee-Tsee-Tsee?', although now he has interjected a bit of a question. He darts past the first group of Candidates, to inspect a second. As he does, however his outstretched wingsail glances against one of the Candidates, ever so lightly, and the little blue suddenly bursts into a chortle of unadulterated laughter. Recovering, he lurches toward yet another group, dark eyes querrilous and searching. From the sands below, "Anselm, are you all right?" Gaddie glances back to see if Anselm's face is white, or he's overheated, or something. He shifts his feet again. Kindre laughs and nods to her cousin. "Macami, I swear that I lose every wager I ever make, yet still continue to do so," she admit with a lop-sided grin. "Ah, well, 'tis another mark I've lost. I actually met Nikana a few sevendays ago. Lovely young woman." Her gaze returns to the young Reaches rider and she gives him a wide grin. "No need to be sorry," she returns. "Gold? Well, if you mean that 'mate of mine, I'd agree quickly enough that she certainly tries to be in my hair all the time, as the saying goes. Kindre, by the by," is added. From the sands below, Aiko's eyes move to the brown, uneasily. She clasps her hands firmly behind her back. From the sands below, Keara smiles. "I'll try." She stands up straighter. "He is cute." From the sands below, Breenah's eyes look from green to brown to blue, and then right back to the green. She's keeping her options open, sliding one fit one way, the other the same way, lifting one up to her side off the steaming sands, dropping it to pull the other up. Treena chuckles softly at his slight bias, but nods anyway. "Blues certainly are very nice..." she says, and smiles at the sands " i'd wager anything on my guess for that green though." From the sands below, Anselm nods to Gaddie, "Yes, fine." He winks softly, sentimental and kind. he jumps slightly and to the left as another egg cracks. "I will of course be better when this over and I might have a draft of ale and a strack of writing hides in my hand." From the sands below, Dainty Powder-and-Patch Green seems to be done with her posing out in the middle of the sands away from the 'audience'. Perhaps her adoring fans deserve a little up close and personal. She takes a few steps towards a cluster of boys but none of them appear to be 'right'. Al'ric wipes off his hand and takes a few steps toward Kindre, proffering his hand with a boyish bent to his demeanor. "Al'ric, bronze Tiganath's weyrling, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet someone from S'dar's background." Whatever that means. Miritha kicks her heels against the rock again. From the sands below, Erissa shakes her head as she watches the little blue hatchling. Catching sight of the green, her head turns, looking to see what direction the green might take. From the sands below, Sarin watches the green, completely amused. "I like her," she repeats. "She's a brat." From the sands below, Stark Snow-Blue approaches a coppery-corkscrew-haired girl (though of course, he doesn't know what a corkscrew is, but that's exactly how she looks), and pokes her experimentally with his beak. He 'Tseeeeeeeees!' almost laughingly at the ticklish brush against his beak, and gazes longingly, deeply, everlastingly into Laureva's eyes. From the sands below, "You'd work after a Hatching?" Gaddie seems scandalized. 'An' how you can like ale I have no idea. Cider's better." Aurian has disconnected. Macami laughs at her cousin. "Oh my, poor you. But then you have a weyr's marks to spend. I'm sane enough and don't wager. Where did you leave K'tyn? And any news from home? I mean, the family?" From the sands below, E'vrin's lips move soundlessly as his eyes survey the sands. Counting, maybe. A glance goes up at the ledges again. From the sands below, Keara overhears Sarin and turns toward her with a laugh. "You'd suit her." Kindre's hand extends as well. "Nice to meet someone under S'dar's leadership," is returned to the young man with a grin as she takes his hand, gives it a shake and then releases. "How fares with weyrling training? Well I hope?" From the sands below, Breenah pauses, "Laureva?" She smiles, looking across at the blue, and her one time fellow candidate, "Congratulations!" But her eyes very soon go back to that green. From the sands below, Aiko steps away from her friend, grinning madly. "Laureva! What a perfect, perfect match!" From the sands below, Sarin shrugs at Keara. "Maybe - Oh! 'Reva!" From the sands below, Laureva stares, boggle eyed at the laughing Blue standing before her. "Of course you're hungry Tsieth! I'll feed you right away!" Jehrina has arrived. Fiora smiles, Lienth rumbling, "Another blue with a female rider! The best kind." Of course. From the sands below, Clareyn grins briefly at the blue. "He's funny." Eyes widen as the he moves closer to Laureva. "Oh, congrats Laureva!" From the sands below, Nei smiles softly watching Laureva impress, and gives her approval. From the sands below, "I disagree," Anselm says, then stops, smiling at Laureva. "Way to go!" He waves to her, knowing she cannot hear him in the hatchign experience, but still. He cocks hsi head at Gaddie casually. "It isnt' work for me to write. I want to write all of this down, enjoy the experience, whilst I can remember it in detail." Leilanth has arrived. From the sands below, Keara gulps as she watches the blue find his lifemate. She calls out a soft congratulations, and turns nervous eyes on the hatchlings. From the sands below, Adriana smiles as Laureva's lifemate finds her. She walks over to them and stands by them. "Congratulations Laureva. I think that Tsieth might be hungry. Could you follow me?" From the sands below, Rustic Sable Brown heads directly towards a young man, no more than 15 turns. He moves in a straight line, each step thoughtfully place. But it seems that's all he was thinking of... Looking at the young man, the hatchling tilts his head and snorts. That's must not be who he's looking for. He lets out another creel, his focus on his feet and, and that white thing over there... Fortunately Al'ric doesn't wipe his hand again, now Kindre's touched it: that would be bad form. "Thank you, ma'am. Uh, weyrling training goes well. I've got a good wing, good bunch of friends. Rilsa's the best." From the sands below, Dainty Powder-and-Patch Green moves her head from side to side, slowly with deliberation. Then she decides. That one. She charges head-long across the sands and slides to a stop right in front of her weyrling. This one. She gazes into the eyes of the blonde haired candidate with the diamond eyes. Jesica chuckles and she grins as she see's Laureva get brushed by the blue. "Oh good choice." she says softly as she wayts to hear the blue's name. From the sands below, Adriana walks down to the far end of the Cavern. "Can't spend the Weyr's marks," Kindre says to Macami and chuckles. "If I could, well, I'd surely have quite a few more gather dresses than I claim to now," is quipped as she winks. "K'tyn is finishing up sweeps with a few of the Wing. He will likely be along soon enough." From the sands below, Laureva walks down to the far end of the Cavern. Laila has left. Ordoneth has left. From the sands below, Tsieth flutters his wide wide wings and envelopes his Lifemate adoringly, sheer and glistening blue sailclothes glimmering damply in the Hatching Cavern's glowlight. The only sound he utters is like a sigh, a sigh of delicious and luscious pleasure. Eagerly, he unwraps her and follows Laureva off to one side of the Sands. Kindre shakes her head a bit to Macami after pausing to look over the sands. "No, actually. Nothing from home recently, though with Search now upon us and Daelyth having been egg-heavy until last eve, thing have been crazy..." From the sands below, Tsieth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Breenah goes pale. Paler than she has ever been before. She falls, right to her knees, shaking her head as she rocks back and forth, reaching to pull her arms around a certain dainty green. She shakes her head again, holding tight, only now being able to talk, "L- Lylonth?" She blinks, tears filling her eyes, swallowing, "Yes, I know you're hungry! I'll feed you, Lylonth! I will." Arms held tight around the green, she just sits there, unable to move. From the sands below, Adriana walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. From the sands below, Erissa sighs as more impressions happen. Watching the green, Erissa smiles towards Breenah. "Congratulations," she whispers. From the sands below, Reye steps back again as the candidate to her right impresses, and she claps her hands, then clasps them together to her chest. "Breenah! That's wonderful!" From the sands below, Clareyn looks at Breenah and smiles. "Congrats!" Treena cheers, applauding and giggling. "I told you!" she exclaims to T'al, grinning like a fool From the sands below, Sarin nods to Breenah, grinning. From the sands below, Tamina walks to Breenah and Lylonth, her nod approving and her tone welcoming, "Breenah and Lylonth, there's food available for the both of you." Macami laughs and sighs dreamily. "Kindre, I just comissioned a new dress, you'll die when you see it, it's a dream. I have to come and show it to you when it's done." She nods amiably. "Well, too bad he misses a hatching." She blinks. "Daelyth clutched? Another reason to come by again! You see, the first time I stood was for Daelyth's and Prometh's clutch, I would like to see the eggs." From the sands below, Aiko grins bright at Breenah, still recovering from the shock of Laureva actually impressing. From the sands below, Breenah nods, raising a hand long enough to wipe her eyes, standing, "Oh, Lylonth. I'll feed you, come on." Finally controlling herself, she nods to Tamina, standing firmly, reaching out towards Lylonth, "Come on, lets go eat." From the sands below, Lylonth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Gaddie grins back at Anselm, watching Breenah's Impression. "Lylonth. That's a great name." The crowds shift again around them, and they are suddenly left by themselves, two candidates in white on the sands. From the sands below, Breenah walks down to the far end of the Cavern. Kindre smiles again at Al'ric. "I'm glad. I believe I've met Rilsa a few turns back. I recall her being quite a sharp young lady. Likely a grand Weyrlingmaster as well." From the sands below, Tamina walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Anselm says "Kind of rolls off on the tongue, doesn't it?" He sighs, shifting again on the sands. "I really, /really/ wish I coul dhave brought my notebook--I wanted to write own things as they happened." T'al laughs, delighted, and hugs Treena. "You're always right," he answers, gently poking her nose. Though, this could mean way more than it seems. As usual, with this Bluerider. Al'ric takes a step back as Macami engages Kindre in conversation, his hands finding the pockets of his riding jacket and staying there...though at the remark regarding Rilsa he cannot help smiling brightly. "I'll tell her you said so, Weyrwoman. I think she and S'din and S'rist are terrific." From the sands below, Keara gulps and turns attention from hatchling to Ansselm, "You are too much." From the sands below, Reye walks over to join Gaddie and Anselm, rather than stand solitary on the other side of the circle. She's not mincing her steps anymore... her feet must be numb. "Not many left, is there?" Still, her gaze lingers on that brown that still meanders about the sands. From the sands below, Tamina walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. From the sands below, Aiko says "It's all too fast for writing, Anselm, don't you think?" Treena looks back down at the sands, after stealing a quick kiss from T'al. "I wish I knew which other ones looked right.." From the sands below, Erissa moves over to the gathering of Candidates. "It's.. all happening so fast," she says wistfully. From the sands below, Anselm shakes his head, "You've never seen me write, have you?" From the sands below, Rustic Sable Brown steps become more sure and soon he's just about barreling towards that creature in white. He lets out a little dragonet bugle of delight as he nears the candidate, finally slowing, just in time to stop before trampling him. Once again he tilts his head, though this time there's not snort of rejection. Kindre's eyes widen as her glance returns to Macami. "I would love to see it...OH! That's right," the goldrider snaps her fingers as she recalls her cousin's first Hatching on the sands. "You surely need to come visit, then!" From the sands below, E'vrin shifts his weight, counting again. From the sands below, "Wouldn't that kindof made things difficult if you Impressed?" He giggles at Keara's comment, and then turns to notice that the sands aren't quite so crowded with dragonets. "Reye.." and nods his head, gulping. Janelle gives Lunarth a scritch then begins to scramble up in hopes of making him behave. Janelle has left. Lunarth launches from the ledge and into the air. Lunarth has left. From the sands below, Clareyn clenches both hands into white-knuckled fists, quickly unclenching. She watches the brown with curiosity. Macami smiles and nods. "I will Kin, I promise. I'll drag Jaela with me. You might know her, my weyrmate? Ladonyth's rider. After all Daelyth is Lady's daughter." She smiles. "I believe I do know her, Macami," Kindre replies, a single finger tapping her chin. "I know we've met, but if she recalls me or not is another story. That would be wonderful, though, if you could both come visit." Al'ric gets a wink and another grin. "If you would just let Rilsa know that I asked of her, that'd be wonderful." From the sands below, Anselm is about to speak, gesturing lightly, as suddenly, he turns.....and drops to his knees. reaching out to the tiny dragonet, he is overwhlemed, the joy of being a tired, far-too-old man transformed becoming so apparently in his colbalt eyes, quick to tears. "By---Dolvinth? Oh my! Yes... GRACIOUS!" From the sands below, Reye loops one arm over Gaddie's shoulders, lifting one foot from the sands to give it ease. "Going to share a drink with me in the living cavern after this?" It's a wan smile that she gives her friend, but it is a smile. From the sands below, Nei bows her head once more and closes her eyes. From the sands below, Sarin watches, curiously as well, a hand reaching up to pat Clare's shoulder. She freezes, and goes wide-eyed. "Anselm?" From the sands below, Aiko laughs! "He couldn't have written that down very well... congratulations, Anselm!" Alania sighs softly "Over so soon.." From the sands below, Aiko drifts over to Clare and Sarin, hands behind her back again. From the sands below, Erissa watches as Anselm impresses. "Congratulations." Hearing Reye's offer of a drink she turns to the other candidate. "Mind some extra company?" From the sands below, Keara puts an arm around Nei and hangs her head, watching the sand intently. J'rell grins at Alania, "It seemed like a long time to me." From the sands below, Adriana walks over to Anselm and Dolvinth with a smile, "Congratulations. I think Dolvinth needs some food. Could you follow me Anselm?" From the sands below, Reye holds out her hand for Erissa's as the other girl speaks up. "The more the merrier, hmm?" From the sands below, Honea, still rather hygiene-deficient even after a good wash, is scowling. Not because her neighbors are standing just a little away from her, but because all the eggs Hatched and ... and ... Stamping her foot, the Nabolese girl turns around -- and there he is, brown and creeling and as hopeful as life. "Ryioneth!" she starts. Tips between smile and scowl, then grins. "About time. Let's go, love." And that is the last. From the sands below, Anselm is still in tears. How strange to see a man so accustomed to stoicism overtaken by such happiness. "App---apparently, I'm N'selm now! Oh, yes, follow--absolutely! Dolvinth...come now." From the sands below, Clareyn breaks into a little smile. "Congrats Anselm!" Then she catches sight of Aiko and gives the girl a bigger smile. From the sands below, Anselm walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Adriana walks slowly towards the corner. From the sands below, Tamina walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, Adriana walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From the sands below, E'vrin gusts out a held breath and looks towards the Ista Weyrleaders curiously for the next move. From the sands below, Aiko tells Sarin, soft, "I guess your bronze wasn't here." And smiles. BakerKnot> Aelin snugs Keara. Macami chuckles and nods. "We will. You know Tivu has this thing for queens, you know. Terrible." She looks down at the last impressions made and nods as she sees another fine brown. Alania nods to J'rell "There's going to be a bit of a party, you want to stay for a bit" BakerKnot> Kasmart snugs Keara too! BakerKnot> Tierigal smooches Keara. It happens to the best of us. :) From the sands below, Nei clears her throat slowly. "Well, I guess I should get heading home." From the sands below, A tear drips onto the sand, quickly wiped off by Keara's hand. Fiora watches the last eggs, and sighs, "Thats it, huh?" J'rell smiles, "A party, eh? I suppose I could stay a bit." Treena sighs, looking down at the sands. "wow" she whispers, leaning back against the stone seat BakerKnot> Ceria adds her snug to Keara. Happened to me twice so far. ;) BakerKnot> Fiora hugs Keara! BakerKnot> Keara says, "Thanks." From the sands below, Gaddie jumps slightly at both events; the Impression of Anselm and Reye's touch. "Sure... let's go." Only now does he seem to sag a little, his eyes disappointed. 'I'm gonna need someone to play marbles with, now that Aster... uh, A'ter's going to be busy." From the sands below, Erissa takes Reye's hand. "I could not put it better, and I think we all deserve.. something to drink." BakerKnot> Dendra snugs Keara as well. "Been there, done that." From the sands below, Dolvinth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. G'rel climbs upon Keth, using his offered foreleg to lever up. G'rel has left. Alania smiles and nods "I need to go change, did you want to come up and wait?.." From the sands below, Clareyn looks at both Sarin and Aiko. "So what're you two going to do?" From the sands below, Sarin pauses, slowly looking over the sands. She'd kept saying she was going to. So much for confidence. "Well," she says, to Aiko. "Bronzes don't like girls the same. So, I suppose I was doomed from the start." Her tone's light, her eyes, however, have darkened. Keth launches from the ledge and into the air. Keth has left. From the sands below, Reye shakes her head at Nei. "No, not yet. Join us, will you? Please?" From the sands below, Dolvinth walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. J'rell nods, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." T'mren grips the straps on Cevodnioth's hide, and climbs onto the dragon's back, perching there with confidence. T'mren has left. Cevodnioth launches from the ledge and into the air. Cevodnioth has left. From the sands below, Nei shakes her head. "No.. home.. back.." From the sands below, Merellia's face becomes more somber as she observes the last of the eggs hatch and Impress. Moving forward through the wreckage of spent eggs, she approaches the knot of remaining candidates. From the sands below, Aiko says "Go cry in the garden probably, Clare, and not think about it until tomorrow." You climb up Lienth's kindly offered foreleg to vault up between his beautiful azure neckridges, and perch there, giving him a loving pat as you do so. From Below, Mia barely steps on Wennlath's foreleg before she has grabbed a riding strap and is swinging up in a graceful arch onto her neck, settling securely between Wennlath's neckridges. From Below, From the sands below, Aiko says "I didn't know I *cared* so much... but Laure and Nikana both." From Below, Alania tilts her head "You left a few things up there...." she grins From Below, From the sands below, Dolvinth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From Below, From the sands below, Sarin glances at Clare. "Ah... Got no other place to go. And I decided what I wanted to do awhile ago. Just didn't tell anyone." From Below, From the sands below, T'bin exhales slowly, watching the last of the impressions take place. He steps forward with Merellia. From Below, J'rell chuckles, "Then I'd best go get them, hadn't I? Shall we go?" From Below, From the sands below, Dolvinth walks over from the far end of the Hatching Cavern. From Below, T'rod watches silently, his eyes cold as emerald's stone gets. From Below, Alania chuckles and nods. From Below, Alania reaches up to hold the riding straps firmly. With a gentle nudge from Oerth, Alania swings up to sit comfortably on her back. From Below, J'rell climbs up Mileketh's extended foreleg. From Below, From the sands below, Keara's tears come faster, and she stops trying to wipe them off. Almost defiantly, she raises her head and gazes at Merrellia. From Below, From the sands below, Nei steps away from the others. From Below, Oerth launches from the ledge and into the air. From Below, Sonya climbs up Pryth slowly, helped by Pryth's foreleg. From Below, Mileketh launches from the ledge and into the air. From Below, From the sands below, Dolvinth walks down to the far end of the Cavern. From Below, T'al sighs and points unobtrusively to Nei as the girl bows her head, down there. "Too bad..." he just whispers. "Poor girl." From Below, Katany climbs up to a seat between two of Irrylath's neckridges, using the straps and the gold's proffered forearm for assistance. From Below, From the sands below, Clareyn gives Aiko another smile. "I really hope you'll stay around." She nods at Sarin. "And you too." From Below, Jesica grins, "Congrats on your son's impression Sonya." You launch yourself from the ledge and into the air.