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Steve's Page O' Stuff

This is my page o' stuff. It's not about (or aboot for you Americans) anything really, I just thought, 'I've got 50 MBs of internet space, time to start wasting some of it.' Maybe someday I will, however it's not likely.

Follow my never ending quest to fill up my 20 megs...wait a minute, here. 20?!? ANGELFIRE'S RIPPING ME OFF!!!!!! oh well, i'll never fill it anyway. following my quest to fill 20 mb of internet space here .

Go here for jokes and more...
Useless/ful Information

Here is a story my sister sent me.

Well, I know that no one has ever been here probably since ever, so this is like talking to myself. Schweet.

haha...i've been to england and holland now, and i met some really cool people there, and i took LOTS of pictures. i will put some up here

I've decided that you will visit these sites. Failure to comply will result in the immediate destruction of the Earth. Think I'm joking? Try to exit without visiting the sites......if you want to be responsible for the destruction of humanity.

This first site is my sister and brother in laws site. I think Lindsay does all the work on it, Andrew just takes the credit. They were married on August 5th, 2000, and I was a groomsmen in their wedding. Thanks for letting me be in it, but next time, have a bigger dance hall!!! Oh wait, the whole intention is for there not to be a next time. Anyway, you can get to their page here.

This next site is my friend Dan's site. Dan is a genius, and to contrast him, I am not. My internet skills lack where Dan's do not, but my musical skills more than compensate, and far exceed anything Dan can do as far as music is concerned. He is here .

This next page I have for you is made by Jen. I met Jen at Trout Lake, AKA the Quarries. She is 17, and goes by the alias Hortense, from the episode of The Sipmsons when Lisa makes a doll, and Bart is suggesting names like Hortense the Mule Faced doll, and other things. Our mothers are very much alike, they always like to know who we are talking to, and try to our MSN lists over our shoulders, I'm sure you get the idea. You can get to her page here.

And last and of course least, we have Ryan Deketelaere's page of crappy stuff that has no relevance to anything, which is why it is perfect that you will find it here. It can be reached here .

if you have anything that will help fill up the 50 Mb's of free internet space Angelfire has tossed my way, please, feel free to send it to me. I will check everything that i am sent, and as long as it is in good taste, i will most likely put it on my site, and i am willing to do a bit of language editing if i think something needs to be read. please note that i will NOT change things if every other word is a swear word, i will just delete it, it will not make the page. so as you might have guessed, there will be nothing about eminem on this website...