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MACkRoCk '04
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Saturday, 6 December 2003

Yo Ho Ho

As if I didn't have enough games to play, I now have one more that the #penisaur gang will be playing. SP, (or the survival project for the laymen). And it seems to be a massively multiplayer real time game, only thing is you don't control an army, it's just one character, you can be on a team though.

Well zirc is allowing connections again, so I can once again use cgi irc. Which is quite nice.

Paul said somethign funny today, he said "$datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");" and then he demanded everyone forget that he said it. So I am vowing to remember it. Or at least put it here so I can refer back to it ;) Mwahahha.

Well today Josh & I helped paul concoct a scheme to get to macrock next year, since he will be getting a real job soon, it was mandatory we find a way for him to get all of AVPH2.0 in there no matter what. So, I know that most employers will understand, if you tell them before they hire you that "I must be off for days X through Y. THe plans had been made way before this job came into the picture, and I cannot cancel." And most all employers will make arrangements for that. At least all employers that I have been with, and every employer that I have known anyone else(personally) to be with (even government ones).

Well I've just about decided I am going to buy a dvd burner. Yes I am insane. But I think I may have it worked out. It's a christmas present to myself ;) We'll see at midnight tonight. I may have me a dvd burner in the mail.

Well I am tired of trying to think of things to put into a blog entry today. haha, so I will just end this one for the day, and come back tomorrow and hopefully make a decent one.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 7:18 PM EST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003 - 9:15 PM EST

Name: Paul

I had already forgot I said that. Damn you for reminding me!

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