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MACkRoCk '04
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003

Thanksgiving Break Soon

Well just about everyone in #penisaur will be going somewhere else for thanksgiving, so that means that as of today I will probobly not have anyone to talk to, and no one to play gunbound with(unless I get lucky & meet up with Brian). Paul is going home, and will not have computer access, Chris never shows up. nik will be at Josh's house, and Bavid will be gone elsewhere. Brian is in Florida, and evilpie hardly talks. So I'll be rather lonely until those guys get back. But I'll deal with it. I guess this gives me more time to play The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. So Things are going to be a bit slow around the Arghäus for a while. But maybe I can play more of gunbound & majora's mask to make up for the lost interest.

Speaking of gunbound, I am now a double stone axe in the game, which is only signifigant to people who play the game, that means I am level 5 in the game, and it takes quite a bit of winning to level up. Because you only get like 20 exp a game if you win, and kill several players, and to get the second level you have to have 1100 exp, and of course it keeps going up from there.

Well I just purchased Starr's Memory card, and now I just need to get her the Prince of persia game and a gba link cable. In other news, I also just picked up Viewtiful Joe. I've been wanting this game since before it was finished, and now I have it. MWAHHAHA.

I'm dreading my brother coming home for the holidays. He is critical of everything I do. And has yet to ever be supportive. He always expects me to be something I am not. He annoys me. He made my fiancee cry on several occasions. I cannot say it's a joy to be around him.

I don't really have anything else to say today. So I'll just end on that one. Hope you guys continue to read, although Arg is starting to get boring ;)

Arg out

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 6:31 PM EST
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