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MACkRoCk '04
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Tuesday, 13 January 2004

Is It True?

Yes it is true! I have updated the blog. Let's see, last I left you, christmas hadn't even came. So first let me tell you of how christmas went.

Christmas happened for me on christmas eve, which is severely against normal family tradition, but because Iw as working christmas day, and we were all together, we did it on the eve. I had a pretty decent haul, I got Pirates of the Carribean on dvd, then I got my dvd player, yay. Then I got some nice shirts & pants, like I had been needing. Then also got a nice comfy pillow, and some aftershave. The next day was christmas, and I had to work. So it did not FEEL like christmas. But the day afterwards I went to Shard's house, Then I ot my gifts from her & her family, Got 25 bucks from her sister's fiancee(Which went toward getting Space Ghost: Coast To Coast volume 1 on DVD), got two SNES games(The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare and Super Maio World) from Shard, and 4 NES games(including Kirby's Adventure, and Castlevania and a couple others). Got a nice sweater. Got a faceplate for my new cel phone that I had gotten back in Nov(it looks white with spiderwebs on the front). And also got this interesting game switcher thing for my GBA SP, where it slides onto the back of it & you plug three games into it, then you can change games at the flick of a switch instead of having to manually switch them. It also makes the GBA SP easier to hold for someone with large hands like I have. But anyways, I also got a Samurai Jack VHS(from Carrie Shard's sister), and a lint roller(from Kyrie, Carrie's Kid(why?)). Also got a very nice sweater from Shard's parents. Then I of course gave them all their presents. So it was a merry chrismas indeed. Josh from #penisaur also got me something which really suprised me. He got me an account to the forums on Something Awful which has a lot of neat stuff, like bit-torrent downloads, and such. really nifty.

Maybe I'll add more later today. but that's it for now.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 3:55 PM EST
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Wednesday, 14 January 2004 - 11:33 AM EST

Name: Paul

"I also got a ... lint roller(from Kyrie, Carrie's Kid(why?))."

This will go down in ArgBlog history as the funniest thing ever :D

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