Some Day

By: Lark Noelle

{This story takes place after second season. I assume that Angel is back & has gone. That Cordelia & Xander are still dating. That the whole Willow/Xander affair thing never happened. & that Xander is still butt-crazy in love with Buffy. But, actually the story could work for right now (meaning after the third season finale)} {Another little note: read the whole thing, it's not what you'd expect}

Buffy & Xander are getting closer- too close for Cordi (Cordelia), she starts to get edgy about it. Xander & Cordelia get into one of their daily fights and out of the blue Cordi says: "Why the hell are we together anyway!??". Xander says nothing & it hits her. She says: "You can't answer me, can you? (she breaths out, excepting). Well, neither can I. (She laughs cynically). Ya know, it's not like I love you, but still, I can't be in this relationship feeling the way I do, knowing that you love her. (She speaks faster now). & I'd be a fool to think anything will ever change. You just don't seem to be able to get over this infatuation that you have with Buffy. & it is an infatuation, you know. I... don't think you know yet what it is to love someone. (she breaths in), but neither do I so... & since I don't wantta' hurt that much one day over someone who's emotionally unattainable, I'm just gonna give this the old 'let's just be friends'."

Xander looks down, excepting as well. He pauses then nods, "That would be nice." She sits down, closes her eyes, sighs, stares at a wall for a moment, & then looks up at him. "Let me just give you one piece of advice. Now's the time, if it ever will happen for you & Buffy... There's no Angel showing up at her door, she knows that's not gonna happen now. So go to her & if she says yes, then I'm happy for you. If she says no, then you have to try to except it. But either way, I won't be here waiting for you."


Willow is talking to Buffy on the phone. "Xander & Cordi broke up." says Will. "He finally got tired of talking self-tanning lotion?" Buffy says. "(Will laughs) No. She broke up with him." "Huh." Buffy says in deep concentration.


Xander catches up with Buffy. They are walking. "You know what, Xander, I feel so good. I mean, I know I said it would take me a long time to get over the Angel thing, but now I think I've moved on to... somewhere. I mean, I don't know, I just want to.. date, & do what normal girls my age do. Granted, I'll have to budget my schedule between slaying & the other night life, but I can do it. Hey, I've done good so far."

"Ya know, it's funny you should mention that because, Buffy, I've been thinking the same thing." "Oh, you mean, between yesterday when Cordi broke up with you & today you've developed the dating itch?" "Not exactly," he faces her & holds her hands, "Buffy..." "What?", she says & gives their enlocked hands a shake. "It's about time I told you some things," he says. "and," Buffy starts, "it's about time that I gave you a chance." "What? What do you mean?" "You know what I mean, " She smiles at him. "Well, I know what anybody else but you would mean by that statement, but I'm having trouble believing it means what I'm thinking about..." "Unless Giles catches up with me first today, I'd say let's meet tonight at the Bronze. At 8." "Should we be inviting Willow along or...," he jokes, disbelieving. "No," she smiles, "It'll be just the two of us. Ya know... romance... lips." "Lips?" "Lips," she nods. Buffy's eyebrows raise up, in a yes.


Xander is waiting for Buffy at the Bronze, in the bar area. Willow comes beside him, smiling. "So, I heard the news," She says happily, "Congratulations. After all this time." "Yeah, I know. It's funny the way things happen. Just when you think something you've been hoping for will never happen..." Willow nods smiling. Then Oz comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her. "Hey, sweet pea," he says. She turns her head & gives him a kiss. Camera up on Xander's face. He's smiling without teeth. "Hey, Xander," Oz says, "What's up?" "Just waiting for Buffy." "Huh, well, do you mind if I steal this lovely, beautiful women from you?" Xander smiles. Oz takes Will's hand. & then they go off to dance.

Buffy comes in. Xander seems surprised & jumps up. "Hey," he says. "Hey, there," she says, "You look good." "You look great." "Thank you... so do you want to dance?" "Yeah, let's go." They walk to the dance floor. It's a fast song, or the end of one. A slow song comes on. They dance to it. She looks up at him & they share a little kiss. "Want to sit down?", she says. "OK." They get a table. "Can you get me a cappuccino? I'm gonna go to the ladies." "Yeah, sure."

Xander goes up to the counter. A fast song is playing. He orders 2 cappuccinos & looks out unto the dance floor. There is Willow & Oz laughing & having fun. He smiles then the waiter person says, "Hey, hey! Here's your order." He hands her a ten & looks out at Willow again. He gets his change & goes back to the table. Buffy's back. She says "Thanks" & they start sipping. "Ya know," Buffy says, "it's funny the way things turn out. I thought Angel was my only. & now I realize I was wrong. It's just like, how could I think something so certainly at one time & have it not be true. It's crazy. It's like, when I was with him I just blocked everything else out. Everyone else out. & now I can see things clearer. I mean, not completely clear, but I don't know, it's like I just woke up."

Xander, who was looking at Willow, trying to look at Buffy, was now looking at the table. "Xander?", Buffy says. He still was looking down. "Xander?" Buffy says again. He looks slowly up at Buffy. "I know exactly what you mean. Buffy, I'm sorry, I have to go. I have to do something." "What? You're kidding right?" "No." "Well, can't it wait?" "No," he says again, "It's too long overdue as it is. I'm sorry. Cordi was right. I can't do this with you." He gets up. "OK," Buffy says confused. "I'm sorry, " he yells behind him & walks to Willow who is now back on the dance floor with Oz.

"Oz," Xander says, "Can I steal this lovely, beautiful woman from you for a minute?" Oz is just like: "Yeah, OK." He kisses her hand & walks away. "Will," Xander says, taking her hand to dance, "I don't exactly know how to say what I want to say here." "So," she says, "Just say it." Will smiles. Xander smiles, looking at her, then suddenly gets a serious look in his eyes. "I've known you forever. & I don't know what happened. I guess I just got so used to seeing you that I forgot what I was seeing." "OK, well, I forgive you," she laughs. "Willow," he says now stopping the dancing & taking her hand. She stops smiling. "What I'm trying to say here is... (he licks his lips) I Love You." "What are you talking about? You're not thinking right." "No. Oh, no. I've never seen things this clearly in my life. I do see everything. I've never hurt this much before, Will. Never. & I'm so sorry it took me this long to see it. I'm an idiot. I'm a fool. I'm so sorry." "Yeah, yeah, you should be." Willow says, tight lipped & suddenly angry, "& yes, you are an idiot & a fool to think that you could just what? Tell me you love me & I'd fall into your arms? Uh, uh, no. I'm sorry to corrupt your plans, but... god, what an ego you have." "Will," he reaches for her. She pulls away. He reaches again & she walks away. He follows her. (Show Oz seeing that). They're now out in the alley at the Bronze's entrance.

"Will, wait." He grabs her arm. She yanks her arm away from his grip. "What?," she says, "Wait for what? What are you gonna' say? Cause you know what there's nothing I could say to make you want me back all those years while I loved you. And, and you know what? It's not even about that. That's not the point. The point is that your time for self-realization is over. You're too late. I have Oz now. & he loves me. & if you think that you can take that & all I went through over you & to get over you away with three little words, well, you're wrong." After a beat, Oz comes up from behind her. "Will, you all right?" She breaths. "Yeah... yeah. I'm fine," with finality. "You want to go back in & dance?", Oz asks. "No," she says, "I'd just really like for you to take me home."

They leave. Xander goes back inside & sits down to get some ground. Buffy sees him & sits down with him. "Buffy, I'm a fool." "Yeah, I caught some of the show. You, OK?" "It's not me you should worry about." "I think it is. Will's learned to handle her own." "Yeah," Xander says, meaning it, "Look, Buffy, I'm really sorry about tonight." "No, hey, you're sorry enough already {she looks up in an 'opps'}... I think things happen for a reason, a lot of the time anyway. When you left I started thinking. Guess I'm not really ready yet to move on. To really give." "Well, can I just give you some advice about that. Don't wait too long." She puts her hand on his hand & squeezes. "Tomorrow's another day," she says, "You'll get by. You always have before." "Yeah," Xander says, "But this time is different. Really different." "Well, if it's any conciliation, major things like love & all, they do happen for a reason & if it's meant to be between you & Will: It'll happen. If not, you'll get over it." "& if I don't? Is it a coincidence that she stops loving me & then I pick it up. Keeping it alive." "I don't know, "Buffy says digesting his words, "But, you will someday."


"But it's not today."