The Eternal Battle, Prologue

By: Lark Noelle


Now, this is supposed to be the end of "Angel". You need to have read my fanfic "The Legacy" to understand this, "The Legacy" is the end of "Buffy". Now, since I started "The Legacy" just after the second episode of "Angel", I included Doyle in the story. For this story, just kind of figure "The Legacy" without Doyle, because he's been dead since first season.

Now, I've including some other "Angel" characters. Cordelia, of course. Kate. Harry- Doyle's ex-wife- who I suspect might come on "Angel" because of her knowledge of demons (I'm writing this starting during the mid-season break of season 1, Jan '00).

Remember Oz is in LA helping Angel. Willow is in Graduate school, Xander is living with her as she attends. Wesley is the current head of the Watcher's Council & teaching modern practices of simply aiding the slayer, not controlling her, & also keeping watch over the fighting effort around the world. Faith is out & about the world fighting vamps & other evils.

There is a side-effect from Buffy & Angel's few hours of bliss before Buffy's death. Angel now gets a few prophetic dreams where Buffy will tell him or show him things.

Angel is still extremely hurt that Buffy is dead. He misses her terribly & is facing an eternity without her because he thinks that even if his unnatural life ends one day that they aren't going to the same place- & that's the 'if' his life ends.

Now, this story takes place at least a year after "The Legacy". Angel- with Cordelia (his link to the P.T.B.), Kate (his link to Police data), Harry (his link to obscure demonology knowledge), & Oz (he's just Oz! But his superior brain-power helps in many cases)- currently fight against the supernatural evil in Los Angeles, California. Now, of course, everyone knows what Angel is- a vampire- & want to help in his mission.


Since it started, this entire world has been a fight between the two forces, Good & Evil. What has always mattered is the fight; for us that means keeping the balance in Good's favor. Never in history has Good had an opportunity to completely win the battle, to stamp out the other side. However, that's about to change. From the creation of Evil arises one chance for Good to triumph. From the creation of Evil arises one being that can take that chance. Installment One