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This interview is with Drue Bachman. He is the lead vocalist for the group, My Friend Stephanie. They currently have two albums out with Gray Dot Records. I've had the chance to talk with Drue and even play some Nintendo with him. He's as real as they come. See what Drue has to say.
This interview was conducted in September of 1998.

1. JIM: You were involved in a near fatal car crash seveal years ago, tell us a little bit about the situation and what God did for you.
DRUE: well, i'll try to give a very short version :) i was touring with a band called the throes - we were traveling late at night on the pa. turnpike in heavy snow - an 18wheeler had tried to make a u-turn on the turnpike(something you don't do) - he jack-knifed and got stuck sitting across all the lanes of the interstate - we were the first vehicle to meet the side of the truck - i went flying out the side window and flew face/head first into the trailer of the 18wheeler - i was air-lifted to an area pittsburgh hospital - i was DOA when i arrived - they revived me and i then went thru 12 hours of emergency brain surgery - doctors told my family that i may not live - if i did i could be a vegetable or would have major brain damage - well, after 6 weeks in the hospital and 4 major operations i live today a total miracle of God! i have no brain damage, no memory loss, not even any changes in my personality. i give God the glory everyday!

2. JIM: When should we expect a new album from My Friend Stephanie?
DRUE: we're not sure - right now we're touring this fall with "smalltown poets" - the tour is going great! we've still got about 20 more dates to do with smalltown before the end of the year. we'll probably go back into the studio the first part of the year and i would guess that a new album will be coming out late spring.

3. JIM: What do you enjoy most about touring?
DRUE: playing our music(real loud), singing our songs, and sharing what God has put in our hearts to say - this is a big thing, but meeting people after the show and making new friends would have to be a close 2nd.

4. JIM: What is the least enjoyable thing about touring?
DRUE- driving!!..... that's all i have to say about that :)

5. JIM: Where do you see My Friend Stephanie 5 years from now?
DRUE: that's very hard to say. we're about to go into the studio to record our 3rd record - most bands don't even get to make their 1st much less 3. God has opened alot of doors for us in everyway. if people are still wanting to hear new songs, wanting to buy new records, and come out to more mfs concerts then i guess we'll be doing what we've been doing for the past three years. we would love to be doing this 5 years from now!

To purchase My Friend Stephanie

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