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Enter Cadamine: Part 3

The next day brought no new ideas for Cadamine, nor did any of the days after that. With two days left for her to prove her trustworthiness, she paced nervously past Bombalurina and Demeter waiting for Mistoffelees’ return. Tugger sat on a tree branch overlooking the others with amusement. "Where is he? Where is he?" Cadamine mumbled quietly to herself.

Tugger smuggled a small laugh, as Bombalurina looked up at him. "Don’t you have anything better to do? Go chase your tail or something!" she exploded.

Tugger just smirked, and ran his paw across the tips of her ears. "Relax, Misto is the Tom! He’ll do the job. Besides, I just enjoy watching you lovely ladies." Bombalurina turned away and blushed. Tugger moved in front of Cadamine to block her path of frantic pacing. "It’s okay, Babe. He’s right here," he comforted, pointing in a direction of an old broken door.

As if on cue, Mistoffelees slipped out of the shadows and walked slowly towards the group. Demeter rushed over to him. "Well?" she demanded.

Mistoffelees shook his head slowly. "He’s not going to listen to me. He won’t listen to anyone. He’s determined to have Cadamine gone forever, and no one can talk him out of it."

Cadamine listened carefully to his story and remained quiet while the others argued over what other options to take. Without saying a word, she left the group and stalked through the junkyard. There had to be some way for Alonzo to change his mind. With a burst of determination, she headed in the same direction that Mistoffelees had taken. The only thing left to do was to talk to him herself. Making sure to take the same path her friend had walked, she found Alonzo sleeping on top of the old Ford. Careful not to wake him, she stepped carefully around the car until she was just below him. "Alonzo," she called.

Alonzo opened an eye and looked down at her. "What do you want, STRAY?"

Cadamine frowned at this and leaped up onto the hood beside him. "That’s not my name!" she reminded sternly. "Please call me Cadamine."

"Fine, CADAMINE. What is it?"

Cadamine paused for a moment. In her second of spontaneity, she hadn’t planned on what she was going to say to him. She took a deep breath and allowed what came to her mind to spill out of her lips. "I don’t understand what your problem is with me. Maybe I never will. All I want from you is to give me a chance. If you still want nothing to do with me after that, then I’ll stay out of your hair, along with Poucival and Tumblebrutus if they still feel the same way."

Alonzo smirked. "You’re getting pretty desperate for have two days left."

Cadamine stared at him. "What have you got against me? What is it that I have done to offended you?!" she burst out, almost sending him flying off of the car hood.

He regained his composure and watched her every move. "I’m a protector of the Jellicles, Cadamine. Maybe that doesn’t mean much to you, but it does to me. I take responsibility for almost everything that goes on around here, and that means making sure that no one harms the others. I don’t hate you. I just don’t trust you. You have no Jellicle parents. You are unfamiliar in this territory. I don’t even know what you know about our enemies. Therefore, I will not have trust in you until I see you actually prove yourself to myself and everyone else, especially Poucival and Tumblebrutus."

Cadamine never let her eyes leave his, as she hung onto every word he let out. She turned and left him, unwilling to let him see the tears that set in her eyes. She strolled around the junkyard for what seemed to hours. All hope for her seemed to be lost, and once again she would soon be cast from where she called home. She froze her steps as she heard a tiny mew coming from below her. Jemima was looking up at her with a concerned look. Cadamine only stared sadly down at her. "What’s wrong, dear? Shouldn’t you be with Jelly and Jenny?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes," replied the kitten, guiltily. She thought quickly, trying to change the subject. "Why do you look so sad?"

Cadamine faced the ground for a moment, thinking about what Alonzo had said to her. She shook her head and faced Jemima "It’s nothing," she lied as she grabbed the kitten by the nape of the neck and started off to find Jellyorum and Jennyanydots.

The two were quickly approaching the area where Jemima had strayed from the others when Cadamine stopped short. Something didn’t feel right, she noticed as she sniffed the air. "Why did we stop?" complained Jemima, as she squirmed to get free.

Cadamine didn’t answer, but advanced very cautiously through the region. Something felt very wrong. A muffled giggle made her freeze in her tracks. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a pair of matching orange and black tabby tails. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, she realized as she let out a quiet sigh of relief, with the kitten still sitting in her mouth. She ran up to the two and spit Jemima out of her mouth in order to converse. "Have you seen Jelly or Jenny lately?" Cadamine inquired, keeping firm paw on Jemima’s tail so to keep her from straying off again.

Rumpleteazer cocked her head to the side. "They don’t normally stray very far from where they are usually found. Maybe they’re napping in the shade."

Cadamine shivered, thinking of what she had sensed before. "I don’t think so. Something felt really strange over there. I’m not sure what I was sensing, but it was not good."

"What did it feel like?" questioned Mungojerrie, now more curious.

Cadamine didn’t reply, but simply picked Jemima up again, as a sign for the two to follow her. As she reached the spot, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer stopped short of the area, as though they were about to walk on tombstones. They looked at each other in fear. "Macavity!" they whispered in unison.

Cadamine dropped Jemima once again. "Who?" she interrogated.

Mungo and Teazer’s eyes were wide open now. "Someone bad!" claimed Rumpleteazer.

Mungojerrie nodded in agreement. "It’s the ‘Hidden Paw’," he added.

Cadamine looked at him in disbelief. "You mean that guy Bomb and Demeter are always talking about?!" she demanded.

Rumpleteazer shook her head in agreement. "Everyone is in great danger right now."

"We have to do something!" agreed Mungojerrie quietly.

"Teazer," addressed Cadamine, "go get any help you can find. We have to find the others. Mungojerrie…" She placed Jemima between his paws. "Look after her."

"WHAT? Why do I have to watch the kitten?!" Mungojerrie whined.

It was too late. Cadamine had already taken off. Rumpleteazer ran off in a different direction, leaving Jemima smiling up at Mungojerrie. "Want to play?" she asked the large Tom.

"Just great," mumbled Mungojerrie, as he picked up the kitten and headed off to recruit some assistance.

Munkustrap sat with Mistoffelees and the others, with a frown upon his face. "I can’t believe you let Cadamine just run off to face Alonzo alone. Who knows what kind of mood he was in at the time," he lectured sternly.

Mistoffelees bowed down silently with his tail tucked tightly between his legs. He had felt guilty for not noticing Cadamine walk off, and felt even worse for not going along. Tugger lay lazily on a trashcan and yawned throughout Munkustrap’s speech. "Hey Munkustrap," he interrupted finally. "Cadamine can take care of herself. She’s not a stupid cat."

Munkustrap glared up at the carefree Tom’s opinion, growling beneath his breath. Bombalurina sat next to the tabby and placed a paw on his shoulder. "Tugger’s right….for once. She is an adult, after all. This is something that she might just have to work out herself."

Munkustrap stared down, avoiding making eye contact with the others. "I just don’t want her to be alone right now. This junkyard isn’t completely closed off from the rest of the world. There are still danger, like Pekes, Pollicles, and…"

"Macavity!" shouted Mungojerrie, still holding a mouthful of Jemima.

Tugger grinned at Mungojerrie as he approached them. "Hey Jerrie, you kitten-sitting?" he teased.

Mungojerrie spit the kitten out, without bothering to reply to Tugger’s insult. "Macavity is in the junkyard!" he announced, sending everyone into shock.

Demeter shook with fear, sending Bombalurina flying to her side. She held her frightened friend, whispering some comforting words into her ear. Munkustrap stood immediately. "Where?"

Mungojerrie shook his head. "There’s no telling by now. All I know is that I smelled him. So did ‘Teazer and Cadamine…"

"What?!" cried Tugger, cornering Mungojerrie. "You had better tell me that she’s with Rumpleteazer right now!"

All the Jellicles circled around the intimidated Tom. "Well…" he squeaked. "She ran off before I could stop her."

"Bad excuse Jerrie!" snarled Tugger.

"Jellicles!" shouted Munkustrap. "This is no time for fighting. Jerrie, go get more help. The rest of you, come with me. We have to find Cadamine now!"

"But Macavity might have Jellyorum and Jennyanydots!" cried Jemima.

All the felines looked down at the forgotten kitten. Munkustrap stooped down and nuzzled her for reassurance. "We’ll get them back, little one. I promise."

Cadamine kept up her pace, only able to think about the danger her friends might be in, until she stopped at the ledge, just above the pipe where she was first found. The scent was strong, and sure enough down below stood Jelly and Jenny, in a desperate attempt to protect the huddled mass of kittens behind them. Just in front of the group stood one of the largest and most frightening cats she had ever seen. His fur blazed with blinding oranges and reds in a dusty mass of wild fur. His eyes sunk into a deeply line brow, only accentuating the evil in his mysterious profile. His body swayed slowly, almost hypnotically, and he slowly advanced towards the females. "It looks as though you are running out of options," he cackled in a low tone that was anything but soothing, as he motioned towards a struggling body behind him.

Alonzo suddenly came into view, as Cadamine gasped at his mangled hide. Macavity snickered in amusement as he watched the helpless Tom try to get back on his feet. Stay down, Cadamine thought to herself. Stay down, you fool of a cat! Macavity circled around Alonzo, his grin growing with every whimper of pain that was let loose. "You see!" implied Macavity, still circling around. "You Jellicles are weak! You cannot defend your selves, let alone your young."

Macavity turned to Alonzo, who was finally starting to sit up, and slashed his razor claws against his side. Alonzo let out a yelp of pain, and collapsed into a heap once again. Lightning flashed in Cadamine’s eyes as she watched the cruel scene play out before her. As Macavity pulled his final cheap trick, something inside of her finally snapped, releasing the instinctive cat within her. "Defend this!" she cried, as she leaped off of the ledge.

Munkustrap reached the top of the edge just to see Cadamine fly off the end, towards the scene down below. "Cadamine!" he cried, in a useless attempt to save her from danger.

Macavity looked up sharply at the sound of Munkustrap’s voice, but it was too late. For a brief moment, she seemed suspended in the air, above everyone and everything around her, like a chosen one reaching the Heavyside Layer. The moment was short lived, though, as she came crashing down upon her foe, and she sunk her claws into his shoulders and locked her jaw firmly across his neck. The Hidden Paw roared in pain, and he lashed his claws out blindly, trying to fend the cat from his fur. Cadamine refused to release her grip, but only held tighter with her teeth. Rumpleteazer now appeared on ground level with Tumblebrutus and Pouncival by her side. They ran to the aid of the kittens and their brave protectors. "Let’s get you out of here, girls," recommended Tumblebrutus, as he and Rumpleteazer began to pick the kittens up in their mouths.

"I’ll help out Alonzo!" informed Pouncival, as he sneaked around the fighting pair, towards where the black and white furball lay.

Macavity had become more acute to his senses around him and began to make more logical swings at the limber feline. A flying claw cut through the air and slashed across Cadamine’s right shoulder. She grimaced in pain, but did not let go of her grip. Munkustrap shuddered at the contact made. "We have to get closer," he instructed the others. "She can’t hold on forever."

Macavity was twirling faster and faster and Cadamine began to feel her head spinning. All she could think of was the possible consequences of if she were to let go. Surely she would be through. Her thoughts were hindered by a sharp pain against her side. Macavity had made contact one more, but the wound was much worse. She let out a small cry that released her grip and sent her body flying against a metal trash can. Macavity paused for a moment before swaying towards her, as she struggled to get back onto her feet. "You have just made a fatal error of judgment!" he gasped, rubbing his neck on the tooth mark impressions. "Now you will pay dearly."

Cadamine tripped over her own paws, in a weak attempt to defend herself. "Over my dead body!" she hissed, unsteadily.

Macavity shrugged with some difficulty. "Famous last words," he remarked, as he lifted a razor sharp claw above his head.

Cadamine suddenly felt herself knocked aside as Macavity howled is surprise and agony. She bit her lip tightly as she tumbled along, bouncing roughly against all of her shoulder and side. She opened her eyes as soon as she stopped moving, to find herself beneath a familiar face. "Hey Baby! Miss me?" asked Tugger with his famous smirk.

She let out a sigh of relief. "More than you will ever know," she revealed. Suddenly she remembered. "Where’s Alonzo?" she interrogated, trying to rise again.

Tugger pushed her down gently with the tip of his massive paw. "He’s fine. Poucival got him out of here. It’s going to be okay now."

She sighed with relief, then blacked out.

Cadamine slowly began to regain consciousness with the sensation of something rough running across the top of her forehead. It had been such a long time since someone had groomed her, other than herself. The methodical movement was soothing to the touch and beckoned her to go under once more. No, she had to stay awake! She began to twitch her ears repeatedly, forcing her groomer to stop. Cadamine cautiously opened her eyes, adjusting quickly to the pitch blackness, and began to examine her new surroundings. She had been placed in the farthest corner inside the large metal pipe amidst a pile of warm pillows and blankets. The place was unfamiliar to her but all the smells she knew, giving it a homely feel. She glanced the room over with a bit of a blurry vision, trying to take in everything around her, before she finally found Munkustrap by her side. He had been sitting there patiently waiting for her eyes to rest on his. "Welcome back," he greeted softly, placing his paw on top of hers.

Bombalurina rushed to her other side and threw her arms around her, careful not to aggravate any of her injuries. "I’m so glad you’re going to be okay," she whimpered, as the tears began to speckle her face.

Cadamine smiled weakly at her friend. "I’ll be fine," she promised with a reassuring nuzzle. Then a thought suddenly entered her mind. "Where is everyone? Are they alright?"

"They are all safe," guaranteed Munkustrap. "We thought it would be better if they waited outside so as not to disturb you."

"Yeah," grunted Bombalurina. "You should have seen what I had to do get in here myself. Why, I almost had to pounce him like a kitten!"

Cadamine laughed gently, despite her aching head, at Munkustrap’s blushing face within the darkness. He began to clear his throat, indicating a more serious tone. "I believe you have some visitors," he mentioned, walking out of site.

One by one, the Jellicles began to enter, as though walking in a procession. Many had looks of relief, while others carried the expression of concern. Cadamine could not fully understand what was going on, but began to worry when Bombalurina began to cry again. She watched her friend leave her side and bury her face in Mistoffelees’ chest. He placed his arm around her protectively, giving Cadamine a confident smile as his only explanation. Tugger also came into view, winking his eye flirtatiously in her direction. Tumblebrutus and Pouncival assisted Alonzo into the room with Demeter following close behind. They hardly glanced in Cadamine’s direction, but placed him carefully on a pillow nearby. This was the first chance she had to see him since the Macavity scare. He had been torn up pretty badly mostly on his back and his face. She cringed, remembering what had happened, but stopped as a large shadow fell over her. Deuteronomy approached her as the Jellicles bowed in his direction. Munkustrap stood triumphantly by his side with a look of stone upon his face. It was then that she realized the claw markings upon Munkustrap’s ear. As a matter of fact, she also observed a slight limp on his part as well. He must have taken over the fighting when she was knocked aside, she thought. She returned her attention to Deuteronomy as he began to speak to her. "Cadamine, I apologize for this meeting after your injuries, but it has been one week, and we must meet again." Cadamine nodded, now realizing what was now taking place. "I must say that you handled Macavity as bravely as any Jellicle here could possibly have done. However, it is now up to them to decide your fate within our tribe. Will the former doubters step forward." Tumblebrutus and Pouncival moved towards him. "What do you say about this female now?"

Cadamine slowly forced herself to a sitting position, fighting against the grunting pain within her shoulder and her side. Tumblebrutus spoke up immediately. "She is worthy of becoming a Jellicle. She stood up to Macavity in order to save the kittens and their caretakers, just like anyone of us would have. She knows so little about us, yet she was willing to put her life on the line."

Pouncival nodded in agreement to Tumblebrutus’ words. "She should stay. She’s really nice," was all the shy tom could add before slipping back into the wave of Jellicles.

Deuteronomy nodded with agreement. "Is there anything else to add?"

"Wait!" came a voice from within the crowd. The Jellicles parted like a sea, revealing Alonzo staggering towards Deuteronomy. Cadamine bowed her head in silence, waiting for the worst to come. He did not look at her, but focused completely on the elder before him. "Cadamine has trespassed on our property. She has manipulated all strangers that came before her. I do not think she is worthy to become a Jellicle because of that. However, she risked her life to protect a tribe that she knows so little about. She was willing to give up her life to save me as well, and for that she has earned my trust."

Cadamine’s head shot up, the tears beading in her eyes. Alonzo smiled over at her for the first time. "Let her join our tribe."

Deuteronomy placed one paw upon Alonzo’s head and one upon Cadamine’s. "It will be so," he concluded. "Come the next Jellicle moon, you will become part of our tribe."

Silence was broken as cheers shattered throughout the air. Bombalurina, Mistoffelees, Tugger, and Demeter stumbled over each other, nearly dogpiling on top of the injured feline. Rumpleteazer sobbed, as Mungojerrie rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "Come on, Sis!" he complained as she blew her nose loudly.

"I can’t help it!" she retorted. "I always cry at happy endings!"

Munkustrap looked up at Deuteronomy, and headed over to Cadamine at his approval. "But this is just the beginning," he whispered softly, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Cadamine beamed up a the silver tabby and ran her paw pad gently across his injured ear as a silent gesture of thanks. He smiled tenderly, ignoring the pain, and cuddled up alongside her friends. She was home at last.

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