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The Fuzzy Cat Story

Bye Tuffie and Vannie

Etcetera and Electra were hopping around in the outskirts of the Jellicle Junkyard when a small crash and a "Watch it!" was heard. Etcy and Elecrta looked at eachother. "Did you hear that?" Etcy said.

"Of course I did.." 'Lektra said.

They walked over to the sound and looked down. Etcetera hopped back with a mew as she saw two cats struggling to get out from in between a small tire. Electra sat down and snickered. "Tabby, mov... your paw!" the cream-colored older cat grumbled.

"Sorry!" the other one peeped popping her paw out and hanging it over the edge.

"Liza, where are we this time?" the younger one asked

The black and white adultlecent cat replied, "I don't lead the way!"

"No, you did!" Tabby meowed.

Etcetera looked at Electra, confused. "Shouldn't we tell Munkustrap there are new cats...... in our junkyard?" Etcetera asked, peering down at the arguing cats.

"Sure, I guess... so," Electra replied.

She glanced down once more, turned, and trotted down the.... alleyway, back towards the center of the entire junkyard where Munkustrap was talking.... with Bustopher Jones. Munkustrap looked up at the two kittens running in the junkyard.."Etcetera, Electra..whats wrong?"

"Nothing" Electra said. "But we found these two new cats and we though we should tell you!" Etcetera said.

"Two new cats? Where, show them to me!" Munk said.

Bustopher commented on the way Munkustrap handled the situation and waddled off to find some other cats. Munkustrap followed the kittens to where they had first seen the strangers. Electra peered over the edge and gaped. "They're not there!" she mewed unhappily.

Munkustrap looked sternly at the kittens, in which he thought they were lying, but just then a loud hiss was heard above them. "Who are you?" A cream colored cat mewed fiercly at Munk.

"And why are you here?" Another black and white cat hissed.

Munkustrap looked up at the two cats thoughtfully, "Don't worry. I won't hurt you we are friends."

The two cats looked at eachother, as if having a conversation without words, then they carefully climbed down. The older cat stood in front of Munkustrap, being less than an inch shorter than him. The kitten sat next to her as Munkustrap stood up. "Who are you?" he asked gently.

"Who.are we?" the kitten perked, looking up at Munkustrap. "Who are you?"

Munkustrap sighed, knowing the conversation was going nowhere. "I'm Munkustrap," he said.

Etcetera and Electra looked up at him. "And these are Etcetera and Electra."

The black and white cat stepped in, "I'm Tantaliza, you can call me Liza." She motioned towards the kitten, "And this is Tabby."

Tabby bowed over dramatically,then said in an over enligh accent, "Pleasure to meet your humbleness.."

Liza gave her "a look". "What?" Tabby asked.

Munk cut in, "Very nice to meet you two where do you come from?"

Liza rolled her eyes patiently at Tabby and turned back to Munkustrap. "We just came here from Harrington. Much different than London," she said.

"I see," Munkustrap said. "How long have you stayed here?"

"Not long," Tabby mewed, interrupting Liza. "Just since this weekend."

At that moment, the Rum Tum Tugger walked in. Liza did a little turn, "We rove...hey...who are you?"

She looked at the new cat. "Who am I? Who am I?" He asked as he looked around, "Why, I am the Rum Tum Tugger!"

Liza and Tabby did not look impressed "The Rum Tum Tugger?"

Liza rolled her eyes. He walked up to them, took both of their paws and kissed them "Nice to meet you two pretty kitties"

Munkustrap stood blocking Tugger from Tabby and Liza. He shook his head, "No."

Etcetera looked up at Tugger and sighed inwardly. She trotted over to Liza and Tabby,"Isn't he awesome?" she mewled, looking at him.

"Not really," Liza and Tabby huffed.

They noticed Electra giving Etcetera a smug look. Tabby said, "Well, he's at least nice...." She gave Etcetera a grin.

Liza looked at Tabby wide-eyed. "You're kidding me."

Munkustrap turned back to the new cats. "Well, there is no sense us standing around here, lets go back to the junkyard." Munk said.

"The Junkyard?" Tabby and Liza asked.

"Yes, the Jellicle Junkyard, thats where we all live."

"I'm not even gonna ask what the heck a Jellicle is.." Tabby said under her breath.

Liza looked worried, but aggreed, "Ok, take us to your junkyard.." They followed Munk.

As Munkustrap entered the junkyard with five cats following, some of the Jellicles turned. Demeter waved her paw and smiled. "Hi Munkustrap," she greeted. "We were wondering where you were."

Munkustrap smiled at her. The Rum Tum Tugger walked away to see Bombalurina and Etcetera and Electra went to see Jemima and Victoria. Liza and Tabby followed Munkustrap hearing whispers of all, asking, "Who are they?"

Liza and Tabby looked around nervously, "They're all staring at us.." Liza said.

"They sure are.." Tabby noticed a kitten looking at her, "Liza, is that cat staring at me?" Liza looked at the white and brown boy kitten, "Oh yeah..."

They turned their heads and stopped when Munkus did. He stood up in front of all the Jellicles. "Cats! I have an announcement to make!" All the cats looked up at him. "We have two new Jellicles. This is Tabby." He pointed to the kitten, "And this is Liza."

Liza and Tabby were surprised when Munkustrap said that. They looked at each other, shocked. Liza whispered at Munkustrap. "What's a Jellicle?" He turned to her. "Any cats in this area are Jellicles."

"All?" Tabby asked.

"No," Munkustrap whispered. He ignored it and turned to the other cats. "Any questions?"

Liza sighed, sat down, confused, and looked out at the cats. They seem friendly enough, she thought. Then she caught the glance of an orange tabby/calico mix sitting near the back of the group. He was staring and smiling at Liza, who was stuck in thought. Liza stared at the striped cat, "He is cute!" She thought. She looked over at Tabby, "Hey Tab..." Tabby was also staring at a cat. "Tabby? You flirting? She shoved her playfully.

"No more than you are!" Tabby shoved back.

Munkustrap knelt down in front of them,"I must intoduce you to the tribe."

Liza and Tabby got up, "All right."

They sighed. And walked over to a balck and white sparkling cat. Tabby giggled. She'd never exactly seen a sparkling cat. Munkustrap smiled. "This is Mistoffelees, our resident magical cat."

Mistoffelees smiled. "Hello." He zipped out two small flowers out of nowhere for the cats as a display of his magic.

"Wow!" Liza laughed.

"That's amazing." The cats said thanks as Munkustrap moved on.

They started towards the rear as they came to two adult cats. Liza didn't pay any attention as she noticed that striped cat out of the corner of her eye. Tabby and Munkustrap started into a small conversation with the two cats, known as Bombalurina and Demeter. But Liza, if a cat could, was blushing since the striped cat sent his five-star smile in her direction. Liza looked at the striped cat, and then to Tabby, she whispered, "He is smiling at me!"

Tabby looked at her, "What are you talking about?" Then she saw, and smiled, "Oh, looks like somebody likes you..." Liza blushed again.

They said goodbye to Bomby and Dem and walked over to a group of kittens, Munk introduced them, "This is Victoria, Jemima, Tumblebrutus, and Pouncival."

Pouncival looked at Tabby, "Hi." He said shyly.

She said equaly as nervous, "Hi."

Victoria stepped in, "So Tabby, Liza, do you two caterwaul?"

Liza struck up a conversation with Viccy and Co. as Pounci and Tabby continued to stare. Tabby suddenly realized what she was doing and looked at the ground, blushing. Pounci turned away and grinned nervously to himself. Tabby looked over at Liza who was laughing at something Jemi said. But Tabby looked past and saw the striped cat who had been staring at Liza. He mouthed something to Tabby and pointed a paw to Liza. Tabby ticked her head, confused. Then realized what he mouthed. "Can I talk to you afterwards?"

She continued looking confused but nodded. "Why? she mouthed back.

He smiled nervously and pointed a paw at Liza. "Ohh...." Tabby grinned.

Liza, Tabby, and Munkustrap said goodbye to the kittens and began walking away. Tabby brought up the strength to wave a paw to Pounci. Pounci was not going to let her go, he caught up with them, "Do you mind if I tag along?" He asked Munk.

"I don't mind. Do you girls?"

Tabby nodded her head. Liza said, "Not at all! Come along!" She winked at Tabby.

"This is Alonzo, Cassandra and Plato..." Munk intorduced them.

"Hey Munk.." Liza asked, "Do you mind if we finish this later? Tabby and I are kinda tired. "

Munk shrugged, "Ok, we can pick it up later."

Tabby, Pounci and Liza sat on the magic tire. Tabby regretted doing it, but she turned to Liza and Pounci. "I'll be right back."

"Okay," Liza said, a little confused. She shrugged as Tabby walked off.

The kitten looked around for the striped cat. She weaved in between groups of cats looking around. Then she noticed him with a calico cat. The orange tom glanced up and saw Tabby coming towards him. He said something to the calico and walked a way. Liza watched from the tire, her jaw dropped a little. Tabby came up to him cautiously. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah," he said. "I... uh... was just wondering... um...." He glanced up to Liza. "If you could introduce me to your friend. Sister. Um. Cousin?"

"Friend," Tabby corrected. "And Munkustrap is taking us around."

"No," he meowed, looking down at the ground. "I mean, like--"

Tabby grinned. "Oh. I see. Sure. Right now? Or what?"

"Anytime," he said. "Tell her my name's Mungojerrie."

Tabby nodded and turned to walk away. " All right."

She trotted back to Pounci and Liza. Liza looked at Tabby walk back over, "Tabby, what were you doing?"

"Well, Mungojerrie wants to meet you?" Tabby relpied.

"Who the heavyside is Mungojerrie?"

"Mungojerrie is that cat that you glued your eyeballs to earlier." Tabby laughed.

Liza gasped, "Him?! Oh my! He wants to meet me?!"

Tabby rolled her eyes, "Oh stop. Yes, he wants to meet you, so follow me!" Tabby walked, Liza and Pounci followed.

Tabby looked around for the striped cat, "Mungojerrie? Where did you go?"

Mungo jumped down from above landing right in front of them, he gave Tabby a look of gratitude, then said, "Hi Liza."

Pounci covered his mouth as if to keep from lauhging. Tabby motioned for Pounci to come with her. She mockingly waved a paw to Liza, who was talking with Mungo. They both looked like they were in a dream. Pounci snickered at them and followed Tabby. He caught up. "We better leave them alone," Tabby laughed grinning.

Meanwhile, Mungo and Liza were having the conversation of a lifetime. "Did you just move here?" Mungo asked, gulping silently-but-nervously.

"Yes. From Harrington. About fourty miles north of here," Liza replied, sighing quietly.

There was an akward silence as Liza and Mungo just sort of stared at each other. Suddenly, a large crash was heard, the lights flickered, and loud cackling was heard! Somewhere in the Junkyard Demeter screamed, "Macavity!"

Liza looked around, not knowing what was gonig on, "My cavity?"

Mungo hissed, "No, Macavity. He's a criminal. He is bad."

Liza instinctively looked for Tabby, "Tabby? Where are you?"

Meanwhile...Pounci and Tabby were sitting together on an oven. "Whats a Macavity?" Tabby asked.

Pounci put his arm around her an scooped her off of the oven, "We must hide."

"Liza, where are you?" She screamed out.

Tabby stopped Pouncival. "We've got to find Liza!" she yowled worriedly. She tried to run back, but Pounci grabbed her paw. "She's with Mungojerrie, remember?"

Tabby stopped and followed Pounci, looking down at the ground, to a place deep in the piles of junk. She realized that Mistoffelees, Munkustrap, Alonzo, Demeter, and a lot of the other cats were around the area. Then she saw a familiar cream face. "LIZA!" Tabby yelled, running from Pouncival towards Liza and Mungojerrie.

"What is going on?!" Liza asked, not exactly calm. She looked around.

Mungojerrie sighed. "Everytime Macavity comes around, we have to come back 'ere for safety. 'E's captured a numerous amount of times."

"Captured?" Tabby asked just as Pounci trotted up. "Captured who?"

"Us," Pouncival said. "He's captured Demeter, Tumblebrutus, and Old Deuteronomy."

Liza was about to ask who Old Deuteronomy was, but was interrupted by a loud hiss of fury from inside the junkyard, where the cackling and crash was first heard. Liza looked to Tabby and whispered, "I'm so happy you lead us here..."

Tabby was just about to argue when a shadow covered them. They looked up...a tall, thin, dusty, dome-headed scary beast like cat stood in front of them...they nearly fainted "BWAHAHAHAHAHA.." Macavity laughed.

Tabby screamed, Pounci grabbed and held her, Mungo grabbed for Liza, but was a bit too late. Macavity reached down pulled the screaming Liza to him..."You are coming with me."

Macavity ran away, signaling to his hench cats to follow him, Tabby, Mungo and Pounci heard Liza screaming in terror, "Tabby!!"

Most of the cats in the junkyard never noticed, but Tabby, Pounci, and Mungo rushed up to Munkustrap. "He took Liza!" Tabby shrieked, full of panic.

Mungo nodded frantically already trying to think up a plan. Munkustrap growled. "Macavity's GOT to go!"

Tabby walked away slowly and sat down on the far side. Mungo began conversing with Munkustrap, telling his plan. Pounci sat down with Tabby. In a burst of worry, Tabby began crying on Pouncival's shoulder. He tried to comfort her as Munkustrap went to see if it was safe in the junkyard. He gave the signal that Macavity is was gone as the cats, one-by-one, walked out. Munkustrap and Mungojerrie stood on the tire. "That fiend in feline's shape has taken another Jellicle!" Munkustrap yelled.

The Jellicles whispered frantically. "Tantaliza has been captured!" The Jellicles gasped and sniffling was heard from Tabby.

Mungojerrie told the Jellicles their plan, "All right. Here is how we are going to save Liza." Mungo took a deep breath, "We all know where Macavity's lair is...even though no one admits it and no one knows how to get there quicker than me." He looked at the ground.

Tabby was suprised, "Pounci, what does he mean?"

Pouncival turned to her, "Mungo has worked for Mavavity."

Tabby gasped, "He has?"

Pounci nodded, and motioned for her to listen to Mungo. "I don't want to go back there.." He looked down at his scared leg, "But I save her."

Tabby stood up. "Mungojerrie, you're not going alone!" she shouted, walking up towards him and Munkustrap.

Pouncival ran up as Mungojerrie stopped Tabby. "No way. You all 'ave to make sure she and Macavity don't come back here."

Tabby protested. "But--"

Pouncival stopped her. "It's too dangerous."

Tabby ran up angrily. "I don't care! We're GOING to get my best friend BACK!"

The calico cat that Mungojerrie was with earlier walked up. "I'm coming, too."

Alonzo stood up. "Me, too."

Mistoffelees walked up. "Same here."

Munkustrap nodded as Rum Tum Tugger stood up, "Don't think I don't want to go!"

"Fine. He said.

Pouncival walked up next to Tabby nervously, "I'm going."

Munkustrap was surprised but agreed. "The rest stay here and keep watch for Macavity. Look out for each other and keep alert."

Mungojerrie began walking out, "Let's go!"

The seven cats walked out of the junkyard. "Ok, we need to split into two groups."Mungo said. "Tabby, Pounci and Misto are coming with me, Alonzo, and Teazer, go with Tugger."

They all nodded. "Tugger, you and I will meet up at Mac's lair." Mungo said.

"Ok, Jerrie, If we haven't found them already." Tugger said, and led his group away.

"Mungo, I've got to ask this...but, what exactly are we going to do?" Tabby asked.

Mungo looked at her, "I don't know. I was hoping I would think of something!" He laughed.

Tabby was frusterated, "You mean, you just figured we'd walk over there and ask for Macavity to give her back?" She was yelling now, "Thats not gonna cut it!"

Mungojerrie realized what Tabby was saying and sighed. "Well, one alternative is fighting Macavity to get her back."

Tabby stopped. "No way."

Mungo continued walking, "I know. 'E is NOT easy to fight. I 'ad to fight 'im when I left 'is group."

"Then why would we fight him?" Tabby asked, catching up to him.

"It's the only way to get Liza back!" Mungo termed. "There's no other way."

Tabby looked away and went over to Pounci. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Mungo's planning on fighting Macavity for Liza to come back," she said. "I guess I would, too. But this is too unplanned!"

Pounci nodded a little. "You're right, but Mungo is, too. There's no other way to get Liza. Macavity's tough to handle."

Tabby fell silent and just followed behind Mistoffelees, afraid of what was going to happen.

Meanwhile, at Macavity's lair: "Why did you bring me here!?" Liza screamed, unaware of how bad Macavity could hurt her.

"Shut up!" Macavity thundered. "Do you have any idea what I could have done to you?" Liza was tied up on a chair in the middle of a cold room.

Macavity went on, "I could snap your neck before you have time to blink. I could rip your throat do not want to mess with me!"

Liza turned her head away and cried, " Just tell me why you brought me here!"

He put his face in front of hers, "I thought I told you to shut up!" He grabed her neck, "Why are you not cowering before me? Why are you not groveling at my feet begging for my mercy?"

Liza mumbled to herself, "Well, you've got me tied up here, I kind of can't move." She snickered quietly.

"What did you say?" He hissed, his face was right in front of hers, she could smell his disgusting fish-mouse breath. She spit in his face, "Get your ugly mug out of my face!"

As the Jellicles arrived at Macavity's lair, which as an abandoned fishery parlor, Tabby felt terror like no one could believe. She grabbed Pounci's arm. "This is where we're going?" she asked in a frightened squeak.

Pounci nodded. Mungo motioned for the locked door. Mistoffelees held his paw forward, concentrated, and a burst of lightning shot forward and blew a hole in the door. The cats marshed in quietly hiding in the shadows. Tabby sheathed her claws, ready for almost anything. Mungo led the cats inside, just as a shadow was seen out of the whole. Tabby and Mungo whipped around and stared into the face of the Rum Tum Tugger. Mungo relaxed. "Tugger, don't do that."

Tugger laughed quietly and led his group in through the hole. Tabby was still in her cottonball form when the cats silently crept down the long hall. Macavity gripped Liza's neck harder, "For some reason, something is telling me not to kill you." He let go of her neck.

She gasped for air, then said in her best sarcastic voice, "Oh, I'm sooo greatfull..."

He turned back to her, "You remind me of....myself...."

"Thanks so much for telling me I want to throw up..." She gagged.

"Yes, its the way you're not scared of me not at all afraid....but I could just be confusing it with ignorance." He walked slowly up to her and smacked her across the face as hard as he could.

She was instantly knocked out, her cheek bleeding. Macavity said as he walked out of the room, "Thats better, now keep quiet."

He walked out of the room and looked around, something wasn't right...he sniffed at the air. Tabby sniffed the air and almost fell over. "Ick!" she huffed. "Something smells awful."

The calico, now known as Teazer, laughed. "Tha' would be Macavity."

Mistoffelees shushed the group and held them back when a shriek and a loud smack was heard. It echoed as the stench came closer. Alonzo growled. "Everyone into the shadows, he's coming this way! Now!" he hissed as the entire crowd backed in the walls.

The tall, swaggering, ginger cat made his way down the hall, grumbling to himself. Mungo nodded, Tabby shook her head, Misto and Alonzo growled, and Teazer hissed. Mungo pounced, teeth and claws bared! Teazer wasn't far behind, grabbing his neck with her teeth. Macavity let out a howl of pain and surprise. Pounci and Tabby set out down to find Liza. Misto strucks Macavity with lightning and followed Pounci and Tabby. "Use your noses," he instructed. "She can't be far."

Tabby peered into one room and saw a tiny, brown kitten crying hopelessly. Tabby gasped. The kitten was scratched, broken, smacked, and slashed. Tabby ran in and began chewing at the ropes. Pounci and Misto shook their heads. "No time!" Misto yelled.

But Tabby knawed through and finally got the kitten free. She picked in up in her mouth and ran out into the hall. Misto sighed and finally ran into a smaller room, which held Liza. Pounci leaped to her and began chewing at her ropes. The kitten cried loudly. Tabby helped. Misto tried to magic them off. Pounci got Liza's front paws free. She barely woke up when Misto blasted the ropes off of her hind paws. Pounci and Misto held her on their backs when the Rum tum tugger ran in. Tugger yelled, "I've got her!" He took her on his back as the six cats ran out.

"Get off me you stupid cat!" Macavity screamed at Mungo, trying to shake him off.

Mungo held onto Macavity's fur, trying to scratch and bite him as much as he could, and was doing a very good job. "I'm not letting you go!" Mungo dug his claws beep into Macavity's stomach.

"OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Mavavity yelped.

He gave a violent shudder, finally knocking Mungo off. Mungojerrie quickly got up, and started advancing toward the staggering Macavity. He had not seen the other cats walking down the hall with Liza, when Tabby yelled,"Mungo, we have her! Run now, we can get out!"

Mungo didn't move. "I'm not letting him go like this."

Macavity laughed, "Never could just walk away could you Mungo...?" He held his side.

Mungo looked up at the barely conscious Liza on Tugger's back, she mouthed the words,"Please...lets go..."

Mungo nodded, and waved the others to go , they all ran by Macavity as fast as they could. Mungo gave one last double attack on Macavity as the rest of the Jellicles scattered out the door. Macavity took his last bit of strength and threw Mungo off of him. "You.. have always lost against me, Mungojerrie!" Macavity shouted as Mungo landed in the. corner. "Now, prepare to lose one, final time." Macavity raised up his claws over Mungo's head.

Outside, Liza suddenly awoke with a start. "Where's Mungojerrie?!" she shrieked, looking around, and jumping off of Tugger's back.

She winced as she landed painfully. Realizing Mungo wasn't there, she ran back inside for him. The others protested and ran back for her, but Liza jumped in through the hole. Macavity whipped around. "Welcome back!" he hissed at Liza.

She saw Mungo slumped in a corner.not moving. She pounced Macavity and leaped over him, coming to Mungo. "NO!" she screamed.

She then realized he was breathing. She picked him up and laid him across her shoulders. She slashed Macavity across the eyes and ran out to the other Jellicles. Tabby ran up to them. "Liza! You retard!" she laughed.

She then saw Mungojerrie. "We've got to get Munkustrap!" Tabby yelled to Mistoffelees.

Misto nodded, closed his eyes, and leaped up into the air, disappearing with a flash. Munkustrap was pacing in the Junkyard lost in thought, suddenly Misto appeared in front of him. "Misto! Whats happened, where is everyone?"

Misto was breathing hard, " and M...u..n..go...and Ta...b..b..y."

Munk put his paw in Misto, "Calm down...and slow down.."

Misto stood up straight, and took a breath, "Ok, Liza is saved, Mungo is hurt, there isn't much time. I got to get you there!" Misto grabbed Munk and dissapreared.

They reappeared in front of the lair. "Munk!" Alonzo and Teazer ran over to him.

Munkustrap looked around, he saw Mungojerrie lying on the ground, unconscious with Liza,Tabby and Pounci crouched down around him. Tugger was the look out. "What happened to Mungo?" Munk asked.

Tabby looked up, "He wouldn't walk away."

Tugger yelled from his post, "You'd better hurry up, guess who's coming back!"

Misto said, "I could get some of us out of here in time!"

"Great idea...but who?" Munk looked around at everyone.

Misto looked straight at Mungojerrie and Liza. "Those two are in no condition to fight," Misto said. "We've got to get them out of here, quickly."

Liza nodded slowly. "Fine."

Misto took Liza's paw in one hand and took Mungo's. Misto closed his eyes,brightened, and disappeared. Instantly, Tabby became worried. Tugger hopped out of the tree. "Everyone else, run! Fast! Alonzo and I are the best fighters. We'll take care of Macavity!" Tugger shoved Pouncival lightly. "GO!"

Pounci grabbed Tabby's paw and ran with Teazer behind them. Tugger, Munkustrap, and Alonzo stayed behind to cover them. They began running slowly, knowing Macavity was faster than any of the cats in the junkyard. Munkustrap ran ahead to tend to the others. Alonzo and Tugger ran like their lives depended on it. Which it did. Tugger sniffed the air and realized Macavity was far behind. Still, they ran and ran.

Back at the Junkyard, all the cats were crowded around Mungo. Jennyanydots and Jellylorum were trying to revive him, not having any luck. Liza stayed by his side, just sitting there, knowing she couldn't do anything. "Misto, can't you do something? I mean, magically cure him?" She looked at the sparkly cat.

"I can try." He stood in front of Mungo and concentrated. A light surrounded him. Mungo looked like he was on fire. Liza gasped, "What is happening?"

Misto didn't answer, just concentrated. Liza backed up, and waited.

Meanwhile....All the cats were running for their lives, away from the lair. "How far is the junkyard?" Tabby yelled ahead to Rumpleteazer.

"Not far, its just up ahead! Don't stop!"

Tugger, Alonzo and Munk ran behind. "Do you think we lost him?" Alonzo asked.

Munk replied, "For now..." They all safely reached the junkyard.

The Jellicles welcomed everyone with open arms. Cassandra ran up to Alonzo and hugged him tightly. Demeter rushed to Munkustrap and rubbed her head against his. Etcetera waddled up to Tugger and offered to hug him. Tugger sighed and gave her a quick unnoticable hug, then went to see how Mungojerrie was doing. Tabby and Pounci stood next to Liza, watching Mungojerrie glow brightly. Then, suddenly, Mistoffelees collapsed to the ground as Victoria and Jemima rushed over to him. Mungo woke up with a jolt. He rubbed his head and nearly fell to the ground as Liza caught him, and held him tight. Misto lay on the ground, with Viccy licking his cheek, "Misto, are you all right? Can you hear me?"

Misto stirred, "Yes, that just took a lot out of me!" He stood shakily, "I'll be ok."

Tabby collapsed on the tire and looked at Pounci who never seemed to leave her side she smiled at him, "What a night this has been!"

He put his arm around her waist, "It's been a very good night."

He licked her nose. She giggled, looked behind her and picked something up from behind the tire. Pounci tried to see what it was, but before he could, Tabby shoved a mouthfull of marshies into his mouth! Tabby laughed at how funny he looked, licked his nose, and looked over at Liza and Mungo. Liza let Mungo get up. She smiled at him, "You feeling better?" she asked, ticking her head.

Mungo nodded and purred. "This was an excitement-filled day, wouldn't you agree?"

Liza nodded and hugged him again. "I'm so happy you're all right!" she purred loudly.

She looked past and saw Tabby shove a pawful of marshies into Pounci's mouth. She let go of Mungo and told him to look. He turned around just as Pounci swallowed a few, choked a few down, and basically spit out a few. Liza giggled as Tabby glanced over. She pointed at him. "Mr. Marshie needs more."

Pounci sat up, eyes wide. "No way!"

Liza and Mungo walked over as Tabby grabbed the bag of large marshmellows from behind and held it out to Liza and Mungo. Liza took one and balanced it on Mungo's head. "Good look for you."

The four of them remembered the past events, which would stick to their minds forever.

THE END!!! (for now)

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