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Macavity Meets His Match (Part 2)

By: Jemima Mistoffelees

"Now wait a minute, Jemima," said Jellylorum after their daring proclamation. "Just how are we going to overcome the Hidden Paw himself?"

"Yeah! What kind of plan do you have now?" exclaimed Etcetera.

Jemima glanced at Bombalurina and Demeter. They were holding hands and shaking with fear. Jemima had heard a rumor that the two had been kidnapped by Macavity when they were kittens, and knew everything about him. They had told the rest of the tribe about Macavity at the Jellicle Ball, Demeter had even unmasked him, but nothing could wipe out their terrible memories. Jemima thought hard, because the two adults could have a benefit from their experience. "Demeter, Bombalurina, I'm going to give you a tough job," Jemima said to the pair. "You two know everything there is to know about Macavity, right?"

They both nodded, and Demeter, in a faint voice, said, "What is it?"

"You are going to find Macavity and sweet-talk him into wandering over into this corner. Victoria, Etcetera, Jellylorum, and I will do the rest," answered Jemima confidently, knowing that convincing males was something that Bombalurina did best.

Demeter nodded quietly, and they walked off, holding each other tightly. Jemima looked at the three remaining Jellicles, and whispered a few words to them. They nodded and ran off, showing Jemima that they understood her plan. Jemima turned around and saw the plastic box that held more cats. She tiptoed over and examined the box. Then, speaking loudly, for there was no opening, she said, "Who's in there?"

"Jemima? Is that you?" said a voice that was unmistakably Munkustrap's voice. "How did you get out there?"

"Listen, Munkustrap, how many others are in there with you?" asked Jemima urgently. She had to hurry.

"Five, that I can see: Coricopat, Pouncival, the Tugger, Alonzo, and Tumblebrutus," answered Munkustrap.

Six adults! That was enough to tip over the box! Even though the lid was sealed with duct tape, enough catpower could burst the lid open. "Okay, listen up: you guys need to tip the box over, and then push against the lid. I mean, REALLY push. If that doesn't work, don't despair! I'll get help!" said Jemima.

Oh, would this plan work? She ran to the side of the box, and heard scratching sounds and several "Oofs" as the captives struggled fiercely.

Just as Jemima was beginning to worry, one end of the box started to lift lowly, and finally the box was on its side, with the lid facing Jemima. She breathed a sigh of relief. Now on to Step Two. "Now push! PUSH! Pushpushpushpushpushpushpushpushpush!" she cried.

Time was running out. As she watched, the lid began to bulge, and the tape to stretch. Jemima squeezed her eyes shut, crossed her claws, and opened them again. There was a SNAP! as the tape broke! The lid opened automatically, and what looked like a huge ball of multicolored fur tumbled out. It stopped, with the exception of a brown and white cat who kept on rolling. This was, of course, Tumblebrutus, and when he finally stopped, he came walking back, looking rather dizzy. As it turned out, the box had held many more than six cats. It held all of the remaining Jellicles, except for one: Mistoffelees. "Two down, one to go! Follow me!" exclaimed Jemima excitedly, eyeing the trash can which held Mistoffelees.

She ran toward the trash can, and stopped to check on the three females' progress on Jemima's plan, which turned out to be almost done. When she reached the trash can, Jemima heard a lot of strange sounds, and she knew that Misto was trying to free himself. She summoned the other cats to help pry off the lid, but it was snapped tight. "It's useless," Jemima thought. "We'll free him once Macavity is gone," she told the other cats.

She instructed them to hide, and Jemima ran back to the corner where the trap was set. "Is it done?" asked Jemima urgently.

"Yep, and it works perfectly. We even tested it," answered Victoria confidently.

Now all the four could do was wait. Jemima sat by the trigger band holding the device taut. She watched the scene intensely, waiting, waiting... "Oh, why don't sit down here, Macavity?" came a cooing voice.

It was Bombalurina, and in perfect character. Jemima couldn't believe that they had actually convinced Macavity that they were evil! This was gonna be good. "Why, thank you," said Macavity as he settled onto the target spot. "You know, you two would be perfect additions to my agency. You can deceive and steal! how does that sound?"

This was moment they had been waiting for! In a flash, Jemima cut the string with her claws, the trigger was released, and the catapult that she and the other three has constructed launched the most evil cat ever into the velvety sky. NOW who was the clever Jellicle? "We did it? We actually did it!" Jemima sand loudly, feeling as though she could fly into the night, just like Macavity had done.

"We couldn't have done it without your cleverness," said Victoria happily.

"Oh, Jemima," said a voice behind her.

She turned around, and was swept up into Bombalurina's arms. Both she and Demeter kissed her affectionately, and Jellylorum rubbed up next to her, purring warmly. "Stop! Let me see the cat who has freed us from Macavity's clutches!" called a deep voice.

The other cats parted, making way for Old Deuteronomy. He gazed at Jemima and smiled. "The youngest minds are the sharpest," was all he said, and hugged her.

Suddenly there was a shout, and Misto broke out of the trash can with a great CRASH! "I knew that it would work!" he cried out.

The other cats stared at him, and Misto flushed bright red and crawled off. Old Deuteronomy looked at Jemima. As I said, the youngest minds are the sharpest," he chuckled.


NOTE: Macavity did not die. He landed only a few miles away, and was back to his crimes in no time.

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