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Kitten No Longer

By Talis

Mistoffelees yawned and opened his eyes. He had spent the night in the junkyard curled up in the car trunk with most of the other cats who had attended the Jellicle Ball the night before. Munkustrap had gone home before Mistoffelees had decided to talk to him but Old Deuteronomy was just stretching himself awake. Mistoffelees had laid down next to the Jellicle leader the night before to be sure he didn't miss him in the morning. Now he sat patiently waiting to be acknowledged. "Good morning, Mistoffelees," said Deuteronomy smiling.

"Good morning, Deuteronomy. Can I talk to you for a minute?," asked Mistoffelees nervously.

"Of course, little one. What's wrong?", asked Deuteronomy ruffling the fur between Mistoffelees' ears.

"That's what's wrong," said Mistoffelees, annoyed. "I am not a kitten anymore. I know I'm not as big as the other tom cats but I'm not growing either. Munkustrap restricted me to never going anywhere by myself when I was a kitten and that restriction has never been lifted. I think it's time it should be".

Deuteronomy looked at him thoughtfully. "Since Munkustrap put the restriction on in the first place he will have to lift it".

"Munkustrap went home" said Mistoffelees sourly.

"I believe you know where that is," replied Deuteronomy, grinning.

Mistoffelees looked at his elder sharply. Deuteronomy nodded. Without another word Mistoffelees left the trunk and headed in the direction of Munkustrap's house. At the junkyard fence he stopped briefly to check Macavity's position. Since that cat was over a half a mile away Mistoffelees continued on his mission.

When he got to Munkustrap's house he meowed politely at the door. Munkustrap appeared at the window briefly and then came through the kitty door. "Mistoffelees, what are you doing here?" asked Munkustrap looking around.

"Deuteronomy sent me," replied Mistoffelees. "I asked him a question and he told me to ask you".

"Go on," replied Munkustrap when it seemed that Mistoffelees had run out of words.

Mistoffelees took a deep breath and said all in a rush, "I know why you insisted I not go anywhere by myself when I was a kitten but I'm not a kitten any more, Munkustrap. As small as I am I'm as big as I'm going to get. I'm too old to need a chaperone. I think I proved that last night when I brought Old Deuteronomy back. My magic doesn't wipe me out anymore and I can take care of myself. I shouldn't have to hide when Macavity appears either".

"I'm inclined to agree".

Stunned Mistoffelees asked, "Then why didn't you lift the restrictions before this"?

Munkustrap shrugged. "You never asked. And I was hoping you would grow a little more, but since that's not happening there's no sense in continuing to treat you like a kitten".

"Okay," said Mistoffelees still bewildered. "Thank you". He turned to leave.

"Mistoffelees," called Munkustrap, "be careful. Macavity will be furious with you for bringing back Old Deuteronomy. He may try to get even".

"I'll be careful," replied Mistoffelees as he headed back to the junkyard. Mistoffelees looked down the side streets he passed on his way and realized he didn't know where any of them went. His movements had been so restricted that he had never had the opportunity to look around the city. That would be a major disadvantage when he had to take on Macavity and Mistoffelees felt certain that that fight would come. Asking someone to show him around felt like a failure, somehow, but better to ask the question now then lack the answer later. Rum Tum Tugger knew the city better than anyone. Mistoffelees sighed. He needed to talk to Tugger anyway.

He found Tugger sitting on top of the tire, watching a group of female cats say their good-byes. Mistoffelees jumped up beside him and sat down. "Can I talk to you for a minute"?

"Yeah sure, kid," replied Tugger distractedly. "But just for a minute, okay? I'm trying to decide which of those lovely ladies I'm going to escort home".

Annoyed at being called a kid Mistoffelees assumed his most aloof manner, "I wanted to thank you for singing for me last night, apologize for calling you a bore, and ask you for a favor. I've done the first two but since you're busy I'll ask Pouncival for the favor". Mistoffelees rose and prepared to jump off the tire.

Tugger stepped on his tail. Mistoffelees looked back and found himself staring into amused eyes. "No need for thanks or apologies and whatever favor you want I can do it 100 times better than Pouncival can. Now, you want to tell me what you've got your back up for"?

"I am not a kitten," replied Mistoffelees trying to keep an edge out of his voice.

Tugger released his tail and yawned, "Yeah, you're the right age to be getting your back up over that. I'm surprised that it didn't come sooner but then that wouldn't have been good manners would it"?

Mistoffelees growled.

Tugger stuck his nose in the younger tom's face, "Did I get upset when you called me a bore? No, because I knew you were teasing. You need to lighten up, stop taking everything so seriously". Mistoffelees sat back down and looked away. Tugger rolled onto his back and licked his paws. "So what's the favor"?

Mistoffelees looked down at Tugger, "I need someone to show me around town. Munkustrap finally decided I don't need a chaperone, but now I realize I need a guide".

"Not the way I'd planned to spend my day," replied Tugger lazily.

"Like I said, I'll go ask Pouncival," growled Mistoffelees.

Tugger looked at him thoughtfully. "I can think of a few places that Pouncival shouldn't take you that I'll bet you'll want to see. Oh well, I guess the ladies will have to get along without my charm and wit for the day". Tugger jumped down from the tire and started out of the junkyard. Mistoffelees followed. "So, where do you want to go"?

"We could start with the docks," replied Mistoffelees as nonchalantly as he could.

"Yeah, that would be one," said Tugger rolling his eyes.

As they walked along Tugger pointed out landmarks and paths to other landmarks. Some of the names Mistoffelees knew and some he didn't but he kept quiet, not wanting to interrupt Tugger's monologue. He peered intently at every place trying to fix it in his memory.

"You look like you expect Macavity to jump out at you from every shadow," declared Tugger, stopping after only a couple of blocks.

"No," replied Mistoffelees still peering around, "Macavity's in the other direction".

Tugger got in his face again, "And just how do you know that"?

"Macavity's easy to find. He has the darkest aura I've ever seen. I just reach out with my mind and it's like following the stench of a pack of dogs that have just been flea dipped. He hasn't moved all morning. He's probably sleeping off his wounds from last night".

"Which is why you want to learn your way around today".

Mistoffelees looked at Tugger sharply, "I'm not afraid of him".

"I didn't say you were. Are you planning to fight him"?

Mistoffelees gasped. He knew Tugger was street smart but he hadn't realized he was quite that perceptive.

"Bad plan," said Tugger, "unless you're trying to get yourself killed".

"I'm not suicidal," replied Mistoffelees. "Macavity tried to kill me once. I'm betting he'll try again".

Suddenly Tugger launched himself at Mistoffelees, knocking the smaller tom to the ground and pinning him under his body weight. Before Mistoffelees could react Tugger locked his jaws around Mistoffelees' throat, pressing hard enough to make breathing difficult, before releasing him. Spitting black and white fur Tugger announced, "You're dead, by the way".

Mistoffelees shoved him off and Tugger rolled away easily. Getting to his feet Mistoffelees demanded, "What was that supposed to prove"?

"That you'd have no chance in a rough and tumble with Macavity. If Macavity attacks you make with the sparks and disappear as fast as you can".

Mistoffelees turned sharply and walked away.

"Hey now, where are you going?" demanded Tugger.

"To find someone who will help me instead of putting me down!" shouted Mistoffelees completely losing his temper.

"I am helping you, you dumb kitten! Did I tell you not to fight Macavity"?

"Didn't you"?

"No, I didn't. I'm just trying to tell you that if you accept that fight on his terms you're going to lose. If you have to fight Macavity it had better be your own way, using your strengths and his weaknesses".

"What weaknesses"?

"All right, you've got me there. The point I'm trying to make is you'd better find your own way of fighting before you try going up against a cat that tough. You said you can always tell where Macavity is. That's one advantage. Now you need to find some more".

Mistoffelees thought about this for a moment before replying humbly, "Will you help me"?

Tugger grinned, "Nothing I like better than a good fight. Come on, we'll get down to the docks and I can show you how to take out some rats. Or how I take them out anyway. You're going to find your own way".

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