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Frisky: The Jellicle Stray (part 2)

By Tumblebrutus

The weeks went by. It was now the day before the Jellicle Ball; the day before Frisky became a Jellicle cat. He was now, as Skimble predicted, Tumblebrutus' size. The cats gathered into the junkyard to help Frisky enjoy his last day of kittenhood. Jellylorum walked over to Frisky and began washing his head.

" Mom!" exclaimed Frisky as he tried to pull away. " C'mon! I'm clean!" Jellylorum grabbed ahold of him and refused to let go.

" No you're not! Hold still!" She continued to lick Frisky face. She finally let go and Frisky skittered away. Skimbleshanks walked over to Jellylorum.

" Jellylorum, he's becoming a cat tomorrow, let him have a little independence." Frisky grinned at the Railway Cat.

" Thanks Dad." Frisky then pounced onto Tumblebrutus.

" Tell me again what's going to happen tomorrow Tumble!" meowed Frisky. Tumble gleamed at the adolescent.

" You're going to go before Old Deuteronomy. Choose a female and dance with her. Like Plato showed you," said Tumble. Frisky grinned.

The strays then chose to enter. Leading them was Macavity. With him was Sharkspaw and Misfortune, their kittens and Macavity's three main henchcats. Skimble, Munkustrap, Alonzo and Mistoffelees got infront of the jellicles.

" This is your last warning Jellicles!" snarled Macavity. " Turn over the kitten!" Jellylorum leaped in front of Frisky and growled angrily.

" We shall do no such thing Macavity!" hissed Skimbleshanks. Sharkspaw made his way over to Macavity.

" Macavity, I know you wish to be the one who tears the Railway Cat apart, but my family is now involved. Please, I'm asking you as a fellow stray." Macavity glared at the orange cat, then gleamed at Sharkspaw.

" Your permission is granted," muttered Macavity. Sharkspaw laughed and leaped forward. Macavity and Misfortune joined his side.

" Let us finish this is battle Shambles! I'll fight you for Frisky!" Sharkspaw shouted over to Skimbleshanks. Skimble held his head up high.

" Never! I've done enough violence for one lifetime!" Skimble growled. The Railway Cat then turned around to walk away. Mistoffelees joined him.

" What's the matter Shambles? Are you a coward?" hissed Sharkspaw. Skimbleshanks froze in his tracks. " Have you no honor at all?" The orange cat spun around his green eyes blazing.

" What was that?!" snarled Skimble. Sharkspaw grinned. He had gotten under the feline's skin.

" A coward! A coward Shambles!" repeated Sharkspaw. The Railway cat's ear's pricked back. Skimble made his way to the stray with Mistoffelees still by his side. " I thought so! a retired fighter cat! A coward!"

" I am not a coward!" roared Skimble. " And I'm not retired."

" You're old enough to be," sneered Deville. Mooch and his henchcats laughed.

" Good one Deville!" laughed Leper. Skimble tembled with rage.

" No one call Skimbleshanks a coward an gets away with it!" snarled Skimble. " I have more honor than all of you put together!" Sharkspaw gleamed at him.

" Oh yeah?"

" Yes!" shouted Skimble. Sharkspaw put his lips together.

" Prove it," he jeered. Skimble tore off his vest and threw it to the ground. Mistoffelees grabbed ahold of his friend.

" Skimble, don't. You're going to get hurt," pleaded Mistoffelees. The Railway Cat didn't listen to his friend. The orange feline made his way over with Mistoffelees right beside him. Sharkspaw, Misfortune and Macavity also made their way over. They stopped when they reached the middle. The Jellicles and strays watched on in suspence. Macavity got between Skimble and Sharkspaw.

" This is going to be a fair battle. No help from the housecats and no help from the strays. There will be no pauses to lick your wounds. Agreed?" asked Macavity. Skimbleshanks and Sharkspaw glared at each other.

" Agreed," answered Sharkspaw.

" Agreed," hissed Skimble.

" Claws and teeth are allowed. You may not use anything else in battle. Agreed?" asked Macavity.

" Agreed," Sharkspaw and Skimbleshanks growled at the same time.

" And this is a fight to the death. Two cats fight. Only one survives. The one left standing is the rightful guardian of Frisky. Agreed?"

" Agreed," Sharkspaw answered quickly. Mistoffelees held onto teh orange cat and began shaking his head. Skimble looked over at the Jellicles. They all started protesting Skimble to fight.

" Don't Skimble!" cried Jellylorum.

" Dad! Please!" mewed Frisky.

" Skimble! You don't have to prove anything!" exclaimed Munkustrap.

" It's suicide Skimble!" shouted Pouncivil.

" Turn back Skimble! Turn back!" screamed Victoria. Skimble looked back at Macavity and stared at him coldly.

" Agreed!" shouted Skimbleshanks.

Macavity grinned evilly and raised up his paws. " Each of you take ten steps back. Misfortune, Mistoffelees, return to your tribes." Mistoffelees took one last look at Skimble, then returned to the Jellicles. Misfortune licked her husband on the cheek.

" Knock him dead Sharkspaw," laughed Misfortune. She then returned to her kittens. The stray smiled at his wife as she returned to their progeny. He then turned back to Skimble. The orange feline held out his paw.

" May the best cat win," muttered Skimbleshanks. Sharkspaw slapped Skimble's paw away.

" I intend to," jeered Sharkspaw. The two cats then began to back away. Macavity held up his paw.

" Ready....." The cat threw down his paw and backed away. "....Begin!" Skimble and Sharkspaw began circing each other.

" Pampered pussycat," taunted Sharkspaw.

" Misirable feline," hissed Skimbleshanks.

" Humble housepet!" snarled Sharkspaw.

" Smelly fleabag!" roared Skimble.

Sharkspaw rushed forward snarling and swiping his claws. Skimble jumped out of the way and brought his claws down onto Sharkspaw's back. The Jellicles let out a cheer. Sharkspaw spun around and began slashing his claws at the Railway Cat. Skimbleshanks continued to back away. Finally he ducked down and slashed Sharkspaw's left leg. The stray snarled in pain and swiped his razor-sharp claws across Skimble's snout. The orange cat leaped back with a yelp. All the strays began to laugh.

" Dad's gonna kill the housecat! Dad's gonna kill the housecat!" Deville chanted. Skimble jumped up and brought his claws down the stray's chest. Sharkspaw swiped his claws across Skimble's ear and the cat's ear was torn up. All the Jellicles gasped and cringed. Skimble danced back keeping a paw on his mangled ear.

" Oh the felinity!" shouted Etcetera as she covered her eyes. Sharkspaw began circling his orange prey. The Railway Cat's eyes gleamed green with fury. The stray let out a hiss and bolted forward. Skimble jumped out of the way, grabbed Sharkspaw's tail and sank his teeth into it.

" That's it Skimble! Get him where it hurts!" The black and white fighter cat cheered. Sharkspaw spun around and swiped his claws across the orange cat's throat. Skimble let out a cry and released the tail. Sharkspaw then swiped his deadly claws upon Skimble's face. The Railway Cat collapsed to the ground. Mistoffelees rushed forward to help, Alonzo and Munkustrap held him back. The strays began to chent Sharkspaw's name. Skimblew made a feeble attempt to get up, but just collapsed again. Sharkspaw raised up his claws.

" This is it housecat!" shouted Sharkspaw. Skimble then leaped up and sunk his claws into Sharkspaw's neck. He forced the stray down and pinned the cat's arm's down with his hind feet.

" Didn't expect me to play possum, did you stray?" snarled Skimbleshanks. The orange cat bared his claws and lifted them up to give the fatal swipe. He then heard mewing cries. Skimble spun around. Misfortune was holding all of her kittens close to her. All of them at the point of breaking into tears. The Railway Cat glared at Sharkspaw, then got off him. " No, killing is only for low-lives. And I am not one of them. ' Live and let live.' That's the housecats' way," grumbled Skimble. He then turned around to return to the Jellicles. Sharkspaw got up and bolted towards the orange feline.

" SKimble! Behind you!" cried Jemima. Skimble spun around and recieved a clawed swipe across his eyes. Skimble snarled in pain and became to stumble around blindly.

" You forgot I'm not a housecat!" laughed Sharkspaw. He hurried over and tore his claws through Skimble fur. Th orange cat collapsed to the ground. " Not playing possum this time, are you Shambles?"

" No mercy Dad!" shouted Lucifer.

" No mercy!" repeated Sharkspaw. He raised his claws over Skimble, then...ZAP...Sharkspaw was struck by lighting. Mistoffelees rushed over and struck him again.

" Get out of here!" roared Mistoffelees. He shot lighting at the strays and they all made a cowardly retreat. Only Macavity was left behind. He glared coldly at the magical cat.

" Typical. A housecat breaks the rules. You indeed have no honor!" snarled Macavity. He then rushed after his strays. Mistoffelees leaned down and rubbed his head against Skimble's.

" You're going to be okay Skimble," whispered Mistoffelees. Frisky rushed over and began licking the orange cat's wounds. The Jellicles slowly made their way over as Skimble struggled to get to his feet. The cat was at the moment blind from the swipe across his eyes. His right ear was mauled terribly and he had scratches all over his orange coat. Munkustrap made the cats spread out so that Skimbleshanks had pleanty of room to get up. Th eorange feline's legs wobbled as he got to his feet. The Railway Cat slowly regained his sight. When his vision returned, he saw Mistoffelees staring in his face.

" Misty, do you have any idea what you have just done?" asked the injured cat. Mistoffelees was insulted.

" I believe that I just saved your life," replied th magical cat. Skimbleshanks shook his head and began to limp over to Munkustrap and Alonzo.

" No lad, you've just destroyed my honor. It was a fair battle. I made a mistake. I should have been killed.." Victoria made a face.

" You mean you wanted to get killed?" exclaimed Victoria.

" Are you nuts Skimble? Anyone who wants to die is probably braindead!" snapped Electra. All the the cats glared at her and she crouched back. Her mouth had once again gotten ahead of her. Tumblebrutus hopped over to Skimbleshanks and looked at the torn up ear. The brown-patched cat grimaced.

" Not a pretty sight, am I?" growled Skimble. Tumblebrutus didn't speak, he just shook his head. " Just wait until Old Deuteronomy gets a glimpse of me. He won't recognise Skimbleshanks." Rum Tum Tugger picke dup Skimble vest and brushed it off. He then helped the Railway Cat back into it. The vest covered a few of his wounds. Alonzo sat next to Skimble and rubbed against him.

" You didn't lose your honor Skimble. In fact, it's quite the opposite. You faught like a hero and refused to kill a fellow species. I'd say that's one of the most honrable acts a car can do," said Alonzo. Skimbleshanks grinned at the fighter cat.

" You mean that Alonzo?" asked the Railway Cat. Alonzo smiled.

" Do Jellicles dance at the Jellicle Moon?" jeered Alonzo. Th orange feline let out a quick laugh.

" I guess I still have a littel bit of fighter cat still in me," said Skimbleshanks. Frisky trotted over to Skimble and rubbed against him purring. Coricopat and Tantomile then held paws.

" Old Deuteronomy is on his way here," purred Coricopat.

" And he is happy," mewed Tantomile.

" Oh, good news. That's exactely what we need," said Munkustrap. Tumblebrutus and Mistoffelees hurried over to the entrance for their leader. Sure enough, Old Deuteronomy appeared. He reiceved a hug from Tumblebrutus. Old Deteronomy rubbed aginst the small brown-patched cat. Mistoffelees then helped the leader to his tire. The cats gathered around the Jellicle Leader. Jellylorum and Friksy helped Skimbleshanks over to the others. Old Deuternomy didn't notice that Skimble was injured. He gleamed at his precious followers.

" Jellicles, tommorowis the Jellicle Ball. And I'm sure you are just as excited as I am," said Old Deuteornomy.

" If there's one thing Jellicles are good at, it's dancing," said Rumpleteazer as she fell into her brother's arms.

" And that's the truth!" stated Mungojerrie. Pouncivil trotted over to Cassandra.

" Any chance of you dancing with me Cassy?" purred Pouncivil. He found himslef face to face with an angered Alonzo.

" No," growled Alonzo. Not wanting any trouble from, Alonzo, Pouncivil backed up. Old Deuteronomy the gleamed over at Frisky.

" And tommorow, our little Frisky shall become a Jellicle..." The old leader then noticed Skimble's ear. " Skimble! What the heaviside happened to your ear?!"

" Injury in battle Old Dueteronomy," explained the Railway Cat. Old Deuteronomy turned to Munkustrap.

" When did this happen?" asked the beloved leader.

" Only a few moments ago. Skimble and Sharkspaw had a fight," explained Munkustrap. Old Deuteronomy was taken abac. He looked worriedly at Skimbleshanks.

" Are you going to be alright Skimble?" asked Old Deuteronomy.

" Aye. It'll take more than a mauled ear to destroy Old Skimbleshanks!" jeered the orange cat. The beloved leader gleamed at the Railway Cat.


The next night all the Jellicles gathered for th Jellicle Ball. They all danced, even Frisky joined Munskutrap in a few steps. Then it was time. All the Jellicles formed a circle around Friksy. THe small black kitten gulped. In a few minutes he would become a cat. Tumblebrutus gave the kitten a reassuring rub.

" See that group of young females over there?" whispered Tumblebrutus. He pointed to a group of the young Jellicles. Amoung the group was Etcetera and Electra. " Choose the one you like an do the dance with her." Tumblebrutus then nudged Frisky forward and then the brown-patched cat returned to the others. Frisky shyly made his way over to the group. Etcetera was laway his good friend and they always played with each other. He mewed at her and she mewed back. The two entered the ring of Jellicles. At first the two just stared at each other. Jellylorum took Skimble's paw. Mistoffelees turned to the orange cat.

" It's hard to imagine that that's the small kitten you found at the station Skimble," said Mistoffelees. Skimbleshanks nodded with a frown.

" Aye. They grow up so fast," replied the Railway Cat. Jellylorum's lips trembled.

" I'm not going to cry. I'm not...." She began sobbing on Skimbleshanks' shoulder. He held her close to his side. Etcetera then grinned with her mormal playful smile. She rubbed against Friksy's side. The black kitten jumped back with a surprised mew. He then returned to her and began rubbing his head against hers. All the Jellicles watched in silence as Frisky took Etcetera by her wiast and lifted her over his head. Frisky did exactely as Plato taught him. After setting Etcetera back on the ground, Old Deuteronomy made his way over to Frisky.

" You are now a Jellicle Cat. You are a part of our tribe," said Old Deuteronomy as he placed a paw on Frisky's shoulder. Frisky looked at the Jellicle Leader fondly. As soon as Old Deuteronomy removed his paw, Frisky tackled Tumblebrutus.

" Didja hear that Tumble?! I'm a Jellicle Cat!" exclaimed Frisky. Tumble laughed as he pinned Frisky to the ground.

" About time too!" stated the brown-patched cat. Frisky got out of his pinned position and made his way over to Alonzo.

" Hey Zebra...." Alonzo looked at him coldly.

" Alonzo," he hissed. " My name is Alonzo."

" Yes, well..." Frisky noticed Etcetera grinning at him shyly. " Why is she looking at me like that?" Alonzo chuckeled.

" She's your choosen one. Your friend for life," explained Alonzo. He held Cassandra to him. " Just like Cassndra was for me." Frisky blinked.

" My friend for life?" Alonzo smiled fondly.

" In other words, Etcetera is now your mate."

" MY MATE?!" exclaimed Frisky. Alonzo nodded.

" Yes, and just wiat until you have your first litter."

" FIRST LITTER?!!!" Frisky then fainted and landed on the ground with a thud. All the Jellicles gathered around and tried to revive him.

" Frisky! Hey ! Snap out of it!" shouted Tugger.

" Frisky! One...Two...Three...Wake up!" exclaimed Tumble.

" Frisky? Darling are you alright?" asked Jellylorum. From the top of the junkpile was Sharkspaw. He glared down at the cats.

" This isn't over Jellicles," hissed Sharkspaw. " We'll be back." The stray then left the junkyard to return to Macavity's hideout; The abandoned fish industry.


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