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The Jellicle Revenge

By Tumblebrutus

The Railway cat opened his eyes and let out a large yawn. He saw the Conductor asleep in his bed. Skimble stretched out then started out. Skimble had slept most of that day because tonite was a very special night. The night of the Jellicle Ball. The Jellicle Moon had yet shown up. The orange cat made his way through the dark streets that led to the junkyard. Once inside, Skimble came upon his best friend, the magical Mistoffelees. Skimbleshanks brushed off his vest and bowed to the cat.

"Good evening to you Mistoffelees," stated the Railway Cat. Mistoffelees twitched his whiskers and bowed back. He grinned at the orange feline.

"I've waited a whole year! I wonder if Old Deuteronomy will select me," said Mistoffelees.

"You'll have to wait and see Mistoffelees," explained Skimbleshanks. " here are other jellicles coming." Mistoffelees smiled smugly.

" But can any of them do this?" Mistoffelees shot lighting from his paws and hit a trashcan.

There was a loud yowl. Pouncivil crawled out from the can, not looking at all pleased. Mistoffelees' ears pricked back. "Sorry Pouncivil!" The cat stormed off.

Skimbleshanks turned to the black cat. "So much for jellicles having cheerful faces." The orange cat then shook his head. "We all have an equal chance of being chosen. Like Grizabella, last year."

"Oh yes, I remember that. Well, whoever gets chosen, I'm sure they'll deserve it." The two cats then jumped as a loud crash was heard.

They stared at each other. "Mungojerrie," sighed Skimble.

"And Rumpleteazer," added Mistoffelees.

The two cats wandered farther into the junkyard. They found a few of their neighboring jellicles. There was Munkustrap, the second in charge of the jellicles. Alonzo, the great fighter cat. Tumblebrutus, the clown and Victoria, Mistoffelees' lover. Mistofflees let out a meow and Victoria hurried over to him. Munkustrap made his way over as well. "Greetings. I trust we are all prepared for tonite?" asked Munkustrap.

Both Mistoffelees and Skimble grinned. "Of course," replied Skimble.

Tumblebrutus then landed between the cats. "But we all know who's going to dance with all the girls!" snapped Tumblebrutus.

Alonzo trotted over to Tumblebrutus rolling his eyes. "You are so pessamistic Tumblebrutus," said Alonzo cooly."Rum Tum Tugger doesn't dance with all the girls and you know it." Alonzo then grinned. "For instance, there's my Cassandra!"

"The siamese?!" exclaimed Tumblebrutus. "She's nothing compared to Jemima!" Alonzo glared at him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" Alonzo approached Tumblebrutus angrily.

"Want to make something out of this?" snarled Alonzo.

Munkustrap separated the two. Alonzo glared at Tumblebrutus. "You know, if our owner didn't love you so much, I would have kicked you out long ago!"

"Yeah, I bet you would!" sneered Tumblebrutus.

"Hey, break it up you two," said Munkustrap.

The two cats backed away from each other. "It's almost time for the Jellicle Ball, and we don't want any bickering going on when Old Deuteronomy arrives."

Time passed by and more and more jellicles appeared. Some familure, some new. All of the nieghboring jellicles were there. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer took the liberty of snatching some caviar for the ball. The cats mingled and played some games together. Suddenly, everyone stopped. Making his way over to the cats was the Jellicle Leader: Old Deuteronomy. The cats gathered around him and began phraising and greeting the elderly cat. Munkustrap got by Old Deuteronomy's side and helped him over to his seat which was the tire. Old Deuteronomy sat down and nodded to Munkustrap. The gray cat spun to the jellicles.

"Jellicles cats meet once a year! On the night we make the Jellicle Choice! And now the Jellicle Leader is here, Jellicle cats can all REJOICE!"

As if that was the signal, the cats jumped into a dance. The jellicles danced to their hearts content. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were one pair of dancing cats. Mungojerrie began to pant.

"Don't tell me you're getting tired!" snapped Rumpleteazer as she did a spin.

"Oh yeah! I'm exausted! C'mon, let's take a little break!" panted Mungojerrie.

Rumpleteazer followed Mungojerrie to the side with a huff. Taking a seat to the side, they were soon joined by Skimbleshanks. The orange cat was panting. Mungojerrie turned to the Railway Cat. "You tired too Skimble?"

"Aye! That Jellylorum. I don't know how I can keep up with her," said Skimbleshanks.

The orange cat then began to wash his face. Rumpleteazer gleamed at him.

"Trying to make yourself stand out for Old Deuteronomy?" she asked. Skimble stopped and gleamed at her.

"We all have our different metheds Rumpleteazer," explained Skimble.

Then, once again, all the jellicles stopped what they were doing. Old Deuteronomy was going to make the Jellicle Choice. Skimble, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer hurried over and they each held out a paw. Old Deuteronomy reached out and took a hold of a female jellicle's paw. She was not one of the neighboring cats, but she was still a jellicle. Old Deuteronomy led the cat to the tire and they both entered. All the jellicles watched in awe as the tire lifted up to send the cat to the Heavyside Layer. All the cats sang in choir as she entered the ship. Once inside, the ship disappeared and Old Deuteronomy was lowered to the ground. The cat looked at all the jellicles.

"I thank you for attending," started Old Deuteronomy. "We have all rejoiced...." Skimble began sniffing. "...and the Jellicle Choice has been made." Skimble exited the group and began sniffing around. "Now it is time for us to return to our homes, and..."

Out of nowhere, strays appeared. Skimble scrambled under a chair as the strays closed in around the jellicles. All the jellicles were surrounded by the strays. Even Munkustrap was within the circle. The gray cat hissed angrily. There was only one cat who led the strays.... "MACAVITY!" roared Munkustrap.

The large ginger-colored cat landed in front of Old Deuteronomy. Skimbleshanks watched on as the evil cat approached the beloved leader. "Old Deuteronomy. Yet another sucessful Jellicle Ball. I must congradulate you. Of course this will also be your last," Macavity hissed.

The cat raised up his claws over the elderly feline. There were shreiks and snarls coming from the jellicles who were trapped. But then came a roar, unlike anyone ever heard. Skimble rushed out from his hiding spot and slashed his claws across Macavity's face. The Mystery Cat snarled in pain. "Bring back memories Macavity?!" roared Skimble as he swiped his claws across Macavity's snout. "Our battle together on the Day of the Dread!" Skimble swiped his claws once again across Macavity's face. The cat let out yowl and retreated. "Just like last time Macavity! You retreated!"

The strays began to dash off as well, but not before Tumblebrutus gave one of them a harsh kick in the back. Skimbleshanks turned around to face the Jellicle Leader. He took Old Deuteronomy by the paws. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, a little shooken up, but fine. You saved my life Skimble," stated the old feline.

Munkustrap hurried over. "Skimble! If it wasn't for you, Old Deuteronomy might...You're a hero!" exclaimed Munkustrap. Skimbleshanks hopped down to the crowd.

"I did the same thing when I was three. I'm no more a hero than I already was," explained the Railway Cat feeling he didn't deserve such credit.

Rum Tum Tugger shook his maned head and hurried over to Skimble. "You've got to be kidding Skimble. Not only were you able to avoid Macavity's alibies. You also brought him down for the second time in your life!" explained Rum Tum Tugger. Skimbleshanks shook his head.

"I only did what I had to. I can't accept any credit," explained Skimble calmly.

Rum Tum Tugger's jaw dropped. He squinted at the Railway Cat. "You're one weird feline, you know that Skimble?" muttered Rum Tum Tugger.

Alonzo nudged Rum Tum Tugger away and smiled at Skimble. "I could have done no better Skimble. You indeed deserve some credit!" stated Alonzo.

Old Deuteronomy made his way over to the orange cat. Tumblebrutus then got in front of Alonzo. "After all, you saved Old Deuteronomy's life!" exclaimed the small brown-patched cat. The Jellicle Leader nodded.

"That is true Skimble, I am clearly at your debt. You know there is a medal for such courage." Skimbleshanks held up his paws in protest.

"Really, I'm not deserving of the honor," said Skimbleshanks.

"For crying out loud! Accept the stupid credit Skimble!" snarled Rum Tum Tugger.

Old Deuteronomy hissed and Rum Tum Tuggger instantely shut his mouth. It is never a good sign when Old Deuteronomy hisses. "Please Skimble, come tommorrow night and recieve your medal. We'll all be here," explained Old Deutronomy. Skimbleshanks nodded his head.

"If you insist," said the orange cat.

Skimbleshanks began to trot off to return to the railway station. As he reached the exit, he found Tumblebrutus, Jemima, Pouncivil and Mistoffelees waiting for him. Tumblebrutus stepped forward. "We came to congradulate you on your sucessful second defeat of Macavity," said Tumblebrutus. The Railway cat smiled.

"Thank you."

"Do you think you could take him again Skimble?" asked Jemima.

"Three times the charm," chirped Pouncivil. Skimbleshanks laughed.

"I doubt it. The first time was trained. This time is was lucky. If I ever go against him again and beat him, it will just be dumb luck," said Skimble.

"Well, goodnight Skimble," said Mistoffelees.


"See you tommorrow," said Tumblebrutus.

Skimble made his way back to the Railway station and into the conductor's room. The conductor was still asleep. Skimble crawled onto his small mattress and curled up.

The next morning Skimbleshanks marched about as he always did with his tail standing up high. He carefully looked at each of the passengers to see exactely what the train was going to be dealing with. Skimbleshanks saw a woman and smelled something funny. The Railway cat got closer. A peke landed on the floor in front of the cat and started snapping and snarling. Skimble roared at the dog and cowered behind it's mistress whimpering. Skimble tried very hard to concentrate on his work, but he kept on thinking about the medal he was going to recieve. When the clock read 8:30 PM. Skimble knew it was time for him to head over to the junkyard. Before leaving, Skimble washed his face extra good. He was then off. Skimble was but just a few blocks from the junkyard, when who but Macavity leaped in front of him. The Railway Cat jumped back and began hissing. Skimbleshanks could see the scratch marks on Macavity's face that were caused from the other night. Knowing he wouldn't be able defeat Macavity a third time, the orange cat spun aaround to make a retreat. He was then confronted by Mooch and Leper, two of Macavity's best strays. Leper made a swipe at Skimble. The Railway cat danced out of the way. Once again, Skimble spun around to retreat, only to be confronted by Macavity again. In an attempt to make Macavity back off, Skimble began to puff out his fur and hiss and snarl. Macavity slashed his claws across Skimble's side and the orange cat went down with a cry of pain. That was when Leper and Mooch rushed over to join the attack.

In the junkyard, all the nieghboring jellicles were gathered. From Alonzo to Victoria. Mistoffelees was pacing back and forth. Pouncivil leaped over to Rum Tum Tugger. "Where could he be? What could be taking him so long?" asked Pouncivil.

Rum Tum Tugger shrugged and began admiring his claws. Munkustrap made his way over to Old Deuteronomy. "This isn't like Skimble. Something's wrong," muttered Munkustrap.

Old Deuteronomy sighed and shook his head. Tumblebrutus leaped into the center. "He could have been hit by a train! Or attacked by sewer rats! Or gotten trapped in the luggage van! Or.."

"Tumblebrutus!" Alonzo shouted.



The small cat's ears pricked back as he glared at the black and white cat. "Whatever Zebra!" snapped Tumblebrutus.

Mungojerrie turned to Coricopat and Tantomile. "Hey, hold paws! Maybe you can figure out what's going on with Skimble!" suggested Mungojerrie.

The twins tooks each other by the paw and shut their eyes. "I do see Skimble," started Coricopat.

"He's not moving," said Tantomile.

"Yes he is...Only, not by himself," muttered Coricopat.

"Something is pulling him along," sighed Tantomile.

"WHAT?! WHAT?!" cried Tumblebrutus.

"SHH! Shut-up!" snarled Alonzo. " Squirt!"

"Zebra!" hissed Tumblebrutus.

"Something orange and silver," muttered Coricopat.

"Yes, something orange and silver is dragging him along," said Tantomile.

"The suspense," whispered Pouncivil.

Evil cackling was then heard. Coricopat and Tantomile opened their eyes and glanced around. All the cats rushed in different directions. "Macavity!" cried Bombalurina.

All the cats looked to the side. There was the ginger cat. He grinned at the jellicles wickedly. "Well, well, well..It looks like the entire group is here. But I do believe that one member is missing." Tumblebrutus puffed out his fur and began to snarl. "I trust this is your missing companion?" jeered Macavity.

Leper and Mooch dragged out the limp scratched up body of Skimbleshanks. The two strays dropped him then backed away. The jellicles approached thier injured comrade. Mistoffelees reached Skimbleshanks first. "Skimble!" cried Mistoffelees.

The wounded cat's eyes twitched. Other then that, the cat did not move. "Let this be a lesson to you foolish jellicles! Never get in the way of Macavity!" snarled the Mystery Cat.

Mistoffelees held up his paws, hissed and shot lightning at the cat. Macavity leaped out of the way and hurried off. Alonzo dashed after him. Victoria rubbed her head against Skimble, but reaction came from the feline. Old Deuteronomy slowly made his way over the orange cat. Alonzo hurried back. His black and white fur all puffed out. "It is war," growled Alonzo.

Munkustrap rushed over to him. "War?" cried the gray cat. " Where? When?"

"Over by the the dock in five days," replied Alonzo.

Tumblebrutus brought over a dish of water and began to lightly sprinkle water on the cat's face. Rum Tum Tugger grabbed it from him. "No! No! No! You're doing it wrong," shouted Rum Tum Tugger.

Tumblebrutus placed his paws on his hips. "Then how is it done Tugger?" growled Tumblebrutus.

"Observe," replied Rum Tum Tugger. The cat dipped his paw into the water. He then held his paw over Skimble. "Man, this will take forever, let's just do it the easy way!" Rum Tum Tugger splashed Skimble with the bowl of water.

The cat hissed, then leaned up. He saw all of the jellicles staring at him. The Railway cat very slowly got to his feet. Victoria rubbed up against him. "Are you hurt badly Skimble?" she asked.

Skimbleshanks began licking his wounded paw. "Fleash wounds. Mererly fleash wounds," answered the orange cat.

Rum Tum Tugger leaped over to Munkustrap. "Felines! Listen!" shouted Rum Tum Tugger. All the cats stared at him. "We are now at war with Macavity! Our honor is at stake! In five days, we are going against Macavity and all of his alibies!" The cats began to mumur.

Skimble groaned. "That's all we need! Another Day of Dread!" growled Skimble.

Munkustrap turned to Rum Tum Tugger. "Tugger's right! We're all going to have to work together if we hope to defeat Macavity," said Munkustrap. Skimbleshanks limped over to Munkustrap.

"Of course, Macavity will have some tricks up his sleeve," said Skimble.

"Well I have a few tricks up my collar!" snarled Mistoffelees.

Mungojerrie began puffing out his fur. "Just wait until I get my claws on one of those alibies," growled Mungojerrie.

Asparagus began to puff his fur out too. "Same here!" snarled Asparagus.

The next day, all the cats prepared for battle. Some of the cats got ready by themselves, others worked in groups. Much to Alonzo's disappointment, he was stuck with Tumblebrutus. The small cat danced back and forth.

"C'mon! Take your best shot!" hissed Tumblebrutus.

"You're only going to embarrass yourself," warned Alonzo.

Tumblebrutus swiped his claws and Alonzo easily dodged him. "See?"

Even though he was still hurt, Skimbleshanks prepared for the battle. Along his side was Mistoffelees. "I'd never thought that this was going to happen. The Day of the Dread is repeating itself," groaned the orange cat.

Mistoffelees held up his paws. "But we have an advantage. I can shoot lighting you know. I could take out five strays at once!"

"There are going to be more than just five strays lad. Possibly hundreds." Mistoffelees' eyes widened.

A snarl of pain was heard. The cats saw Alonzo snarling over Tumblebrutus. "Not so hard!" snarled Tumblebrutus.

"Excuse me Mr. Hit-Me-With-All-You've-Got!" sneered Alonzo.

Munkustrap then appeared. "Jellicles!" shouted Munkustrap. The cats gathered over to the gray cat. " We have gotten a new member in our army! Presenting...." Then a flash on black appeared by Munkustrap's side. " ...The Great Rumpus Cat!"

The Rumpus Cat let out a large smile. "And he's going to help us how?" snorted Electra.

"Hush your mouth!" hissed Jennyanydots. The Rumpus Cat placed his hands on his hips.

"I was meant for battles! Do I need to remind you about the Great Dane?" started the Rumpus Cat.

"No! No!" shouted Tumblebrutus.

"Not nessecery!" exclaimed Skimbleshanks.

"We've heard it before," said Asparagus.

The cats then spread out and began to practice again. The Rumpus Cat marched over to Pouncivil. "How about you and me go on one?" asked the Rumpus Cat. Pouncivil glared at him.

"I've got an even better idea. Let's not," growled Pouncivil.

The Rumpus cat began to hop left and right. He then tickled behind Pouncivil's ear. "Quit it," growled Pouncivil. The Rumpus cat did it again. "Quit it!" Once again the Rumpus cat tickled the gray-patched cat's ear. Pouncivil spun around and slashed his claws at the cat. "I said: Quit it!" The Rumpus Cat backed off and left Pouncivil alone.

As the days passed by, the cats got stronger. Finally, it was the night of the battle. All of the jellicles and the Rumpus cat gathered in the junkyard. Old Deuteronomy stood infront of the cats. "Jellicles, tonight is the night we go against Macavity. The battle will be great. There will be injuries, and there is a possibility that some of us might not come back alive."

The moment was broken by the Rumpus Cat's laughter. "I sneer in the face of death!" exclaimed the cat. " Let it come forth..."

"Shut-up!" snarled Rum Tum Tugger.

All the cats then got in lines of two. Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap were at the head, leading the cats to the dock. Alonzo marched alongside Tumblebrutus. "Amazing. I'm going to be fighting the actual cats who killed my parents. I hope the Day of the Dread deaths don't run in the family," muttered Tumblebrutus.

"Well, just be careful and try not to get yourself killed," said Alonzo with concern. Tumblebrutus stared at the black in white cat in shock. Alonzo noticed that Tumblebrutus knew he had shown concern. "At least not until the battle starts," sneered Alonzo. Tumblebrutus glared at the cat.

"That was cold Alonzo," hissed Tumblebrutus.

"Squirt," growled Alonzo.

"Zebra," snarled Tumblebrutus. Skimbleshanks marched alongside Mistoffelees.

"Well, I guess this is it," said Mistoffelees.

"Aye," replied Skimble.

"In case I don't make it, you've been a great friend Skimble." The orange cat stared at the black cat.

"Don't talk like that lad. You're still young and strong. You're going to live through this," said the Railway Cat.

"But will you?" asked Mistoffelees. Skimble looked away from the cat.

"We'll just have to wait and see. I survived the first Day of the Dread. We can only wait and see if I'll survive the second."

Soon the cats reached the dock. Their ears pricked up as they listened for a sign of Macavity's presence. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer stayed close to each other, as did Coricopat and Tantomile. Old Deuteronomy climbed up to the top of a pole and looked around. No other cats were in sight. Pouncivil turned to Rum Tum Tugger.

"Maybe Macavity was bluffing," whispered Pouncivil. Rum Tum Tugger arched his back and growled.

"I don't like this," hissed Rum Tum Tugger. Skimbleshanks sniffed the air, then jumped up.

"HERE THEY COME!" shouted Skimble at the top of his lungs.

Sure enough, strays rushed out from all around. Tumblebrutus jumped over one and brought his claws down into the cat's back. More and more strays appeared and were soon outnumbering the jellicles. Old Deuteronomy could only watch as his cats faught the strays. In the crowd, there was no sign of Macavity. There was a flash of lighting as Mistoffelees struck three strays. Munkustrap chased a stray over to a fishing net and struck the cat down with one slap of his paw. Munkustrap was then struck aside. Macavity was now present. The Rumpus Cat and Rum Tum Tugger then joined Munkustrap's side. The three cats leaped at Macavity with their claws bared. The Rumpus cat was quickly knocked aside by Macavity. As Rum Tum Tugger brought his claws down upon the Mystery Cat, Macavity sank his teeth into the maned cat's arm and Rum Tum Tugger backed off. As Munkustrap attacked, Macavity slashed the cat across the face with his claws. Macavity then rushed into the crowd, past Skimble who was clawing ferousiously at a stray.

"Go get under a train you misirable hairball!" snarled Skimbleshanks as his swiped his claws across the stray's eyes.

Macavity forced his way through the crowd of attacking cats. Striking away any cat that was in his way. The Mystery Cat then found Old Deuteronomy up on the poll. Macavity hissed and rushed forward. Alonzo and Tumblebrutus blocked the cat's path. "Just try it Macavity!" snarled Tumblebrutus.

The small cat leaped onto the large ginger feline and began clawing him with all of his fury. "This is for my parents you rotton fleabag!" snarled Tumblebrutus as he continued to keep himself ontop of Macavity while still clawing him up.

Alonzo helped Old Deuteronomy down from the poll and began to help him off the battleground. Alonzo made sure that Old Deuteronomy was in a safe spot. The black and white cat then turned back to where Macavity and Tumblebrutus were fighting. Macavity threw the small brown-patched cat off him and brought his claws down upon Tumblebrutus' face. The scratches were so hard, you could see them over the brown patch. Tumblebrutus yelped and crouched to the ground. Macavity raised his claws over the small cat. Alonzo rushed over and slashed his claws down Macavity's face. "Back off Macavity!" snarled Alonzo.

The Mystery Cat sprung upon Alonzo and the two tumbled closer to the edge of the dock. All the cats stopped fighting to witness that battle between Alonzo and Macavity. Alonzo threw Macavity off him and crouched back hissing. Macavity rushed into Alonzo, knocking him back. Pouncivil leaped into the battle and began to claw Macavity from behind. Alonzo got back up and began to claw Macavity as well. All the cats crept closer as the three cats faught. Macavity was forced closer and closer to the edge of the dock. Alonzo and Pouncivil continued to make the cat back away. Then Mooch rushed forward knocking all three cats off the dock. Mooch paniced as he saw his leader fall down to the water below. "Macavity! Macavity!" shouted Mooch.

The cat rushed off. The other strays followed him. The jellicles rushed over to the side of the dock and looked down. Nothing but water. "ALONZO!" cried Tumblebrutus.

"POUNCIVIL!" cried Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.

Pouncivil then surfaced. Pouncivil was holding Alonzo's head above the water by keeping Alonzo's neck in his mouth. "Pouncivil!" shouted Munkustrap.

The cat looked up at the jellicles. Munkustrap pointed to the right. "There's land over there!"

Pouncivil began to paddle his feet and slowly made his way towards shore. Macavity then surfaced with a roar. "Pouncivil! Look out!" shouted Asparagus.

Poucivil spun around. Macavity was violenty thrashing his way through the water towards the two jellicles. Cats aren't very fast swimmers, but Pouncivil was slowed down because he was supporting Alonzo. Macavity was just a few feet from the two cats, when he was stuck by lighting. Macavity shrieked and raced in the other direction. Pouncivil looked up. Mistoffelees' paws were raised up. Pouncivil then began to swim for shore. All the jellicles hurried around the dock to meet up with Pouncivil. Pouncivil dragged Alonzo out of the water. Tumblebrutus leaped over to the still black and white cat. "Alonzo!" cried Tumblebrutus.

The jellicles began to to make a circle around the cat. "What happened to Alonzo?" cried Demeter.

"Why isn't he moving?" asked Rum Tum Tugger.

Munkustrap hurried over to Alonzo and placed his head on the cat's chest. "He's not breathing!" shouted Munkustrap.

"He must have water in his lungs!" exclaimed Skimble.

"What do we do? What do we do?" cried Mistoffelees.

"We might have a chance! I could...No, it probably wouldn't work," said Jemima.

"What? what could we do for crying out loud?" exclaimed Electra.

"I once saw some humans do it," said Jemima.

"Humans? This is a cat we're talking about Jemima!" snarled Rum Tum Tugger. Tumblebrutus glaced at Rum Tum Tugger.

"It's our only chance!" Tumblebrutus turned to Jemima. " Please Jemima! For Alonzo's sake! Give it a try!"

Munkustrap was touched by this. he had seen Alonzo and Tumblebrutus bicker and fight all the time, but it was finally clear that the two cared for each other. Jemima leaned over Alonzo, held his nose and began to breath air into the cat's mouth. The Rumpus Cat turned to Jellylorum. "What's she doing?" whispered the Rumpus Cat.

Jellylorum shrugged her shoulders. Skimbleshanks crept closer as Jemima continued to breath into Alonzo's mouth. Suddenly, Alonzo began to cough. Jemima backed away as the black and white fighter cat choked up water. Tumblebrutus took ahold of Alonzo as the cat slowly began to get up. "What happened? Who won?" asked Alonzo. Old Deuteronomy sighed.

"Since Macavity and his followers retreated, I'd say the battle was ours," answered Old Deuteronomy.

All the cats cheered and began hugging each other. Alonzo and Tumblebrutus reached out to hug each other, they stopped and glared at each other. "Squirt," grumbled Alonzo.

"Zebra," growled Tumblebrutus.

The two then stared at each other, smiled and hugged each other. Mistofflees shot lighting into the air and Skimbleshanks began patting the black cat on the back. Old Deuteronomy raised up his paws and the cats were silent. "This is very important moment. This shall go down in history. we have repeated the Day of Dread, and this time we were vic

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