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The Day of Dread

By Tumblebrutus

**Some portions Narrated by the Survivors Rest is Text

SKIMBLESHANKS: Well, to explain the Day of the Dread. We have to go back a few days before the actual battle. Well of course, there were much more jellicles than there are now. We all cared for one another. That's why we all gathered on that one special day for Rashona and Rumplepound.

All the cats were waiting patientely outside the broken down car. Inside were Rashona and Rumplepound. Augustus turned to James. "It sure is taking them long enough," growled Augustus.

James glared at the siamese. "Be patient! These things take time!" hissed James.

Rumplepound then leaped out of the car and practically landed in Old Deuteronomy's arms. "I'm a father!" cried Rumplepound.

All the cats gathered around the white cat with the large brown patch. "Congradulations Rumple!" exclaimed Peter.

"How many?" asked Grizabella.

"I don't know! I'll go back and check!" The cat rushed back into the car. He then returned with a look of surprise. " One." "What?!" shouted George. " One?!"

"That's it. One kitten," replied Rumplepound.

King-Falla shook his head. "It's not a good sign when one has less than three in his litter," stated the siamese. Rumplepound glared at the cat.

"Well, I don't care if I only got one or not! All that I care about is my new son!" The cat looked into the back seat, then back at the cats. He grinned. " Tumblebrutus!"

GUS: Well, I must tell you there was never a cat who loved his son more than Rumplepound. Little Tumblebrutus was a handful. He would always be crawling all over the place. Well, Old Deuteronomy took the liberty of teaching little Tumble about the great outside world, and I would bet all of my nine lives if Tumble understood every word Old Deuteronomy said to him. Well, all went well, until one night, we had unwanted visitors.

All the cats were gathered around Tumblebrutus. Victor gleamed at the kitten. "He's a spitting image of you Rumple!" exclaimed the albino tabby.

Rashona licked the top of Tumblebrutus' head. "I know he's going to make us very proud," said Rashona. Skimbleshanks leaned down to look at the kitten. "You busy enough with that conductor Skimble!" snapped Augustus.

"Details! Details!" snarled Skimbleshanks.

The orange cat then sniffed the air. All the cats were quiet as the Railway Cat sniffed. " Strays," he hissed. All the jellicles gathered close. Rumplepound jumped infront of Rashona and Tumblebrutus. He let out a menencing growl. Then, from the darkness, cats began to emerge. Stray cats. And leading them forward was their leader, Macavity. Old Deuteronomy stepped to the front of all the jellicles. "Why have you come here Macavity?" growled Old Deuteronomy.

"I have just recieved the news that a hairball has been added to your tribe. I wish to see it," replied the ginger cat cooly.

Congolori snarled at Macavity. "First of all, he's a jellicle! Second, you're not getting within 50 yards of that kitten!" snarled Congolori.

Macavity's follower Mooch leaped forward and swiped his claws at Congolori. The jellicle dodged the claws and brought the cat down in one strike of his paw. Leper and Strike, Mooch's henchcats, started forward. Macavity held them back. Mooch got up and made his way back to the strays. Macavity grinned at the jellicles with amusment. "What's wrong? Do you think I'm going to hurt it?" sneered Macavity.

King-Falla marched up to Congolori's side. "You, Macavity, would hurt anything you got your claws on. We don't allow you near our friends and we certainly don't allow you near our kin!" snarled King-Falla.

"Such strong words your highness," snorted Macavity.

Leper, Strike and Mooch started forward. Gus, Skimbleshanks and George got by King-Falla and Congolori's side. "Back off you mongrals!" growled Gus.

Leper hissed and quickened his pace. George leaped forward and attacked the stray. Mooch and Strike then started forward. Congolori and Skimbleshanks attacked the two strays. Now there was a mass of fur being torn out and screeches and snarls.

OLD DEUTERONOMY: It was not a pleasent sight. Those strays were doing no better than the jellicles. Finally, the strays backed off. Skimble and the others only had a few scratches and some loss of their fur, but no real damage. Well, believe it or not, that was when Jonathan decided to speak up.

"This is madness!" exclaimed Jonathan. " We're cats! Both of us! Jellicles! We're cats! Strays! You're cats as well!" Jonathan turned to the jellicles. " Can't you see? It's brother against brother!"

Augustus shook his head. "Those ain't no cats Jon! They is outcasts!" snapped Augustus.

Macavity laughed. "Typical of you to talk that way of the highest type of cats," jeered Macavity.

"You mean lowest right?" chirped Sha-Na-Na.

A few of the jellicles laughed. Macavity glared at her angrily. "You should be careful of what comes out of your mouth. Bad outcomes can come from careless insults," warned the ginger cat.

Plato rushed to the front of the jellicles. "Get out Macavity!" roared Plato. "If you ever return we'll kill you!" Macavity stared at the gray maine coon.

"So this is what the outcome is going to be. Destruction," growled Macavity.

"What is that supposed to mean?" snapped Quaxo.

"You'll see," snickered Macavity. The strays then left.

BILL BAILEY: We had no idea about what Macavity was planning to do. The horrible destruction that was at hand. All we cared about was each other, and made sure that we stayed cheerful and playful. Well, one night, all of the jellicles, ALL of the jellicles had gathered to see Tumblebrutus. It all seemed so safe. The moon was shining bright, it was a clear night, we were not prepared for the tragic outcome.

The jellicles laughed and cooed at Tumblebrutus as he tumbled around on his small paws. Peter swished his tail back and forth and allowed Tumblebrutus to pounce upon it. Grizabella gleamed at Rashona. "He's just a darling," said Grizabella.

Shrine-Jury turned to Rashona as well. "Yes, he is going to grow up to be a fine jellicle," said Shrine-Jury.

Rumplepound came over to Rashona and rubbed up against her. "I'm just so happy. Nothing could upset me now," said Rumplepound.

Loud shrieks and yowls were then heard. The cats spun around. Strays came out from everywhere and began attacking the jellicles. Rashona picked Tumblebrutus up in her mouth and she and Rumplepound hurried off. All the jellicles screamed and tried to escape. The strays were everywhere. King-Falla raised up his claws to two strays. "May the great God Allah curse you to the deepest pits of the underworld!" snarled King-Falla.

He slashed his claws across the strays. A third one came from behind and draped its claws down King-Falla's back. The siamese shrieked in pain. The other two strays leaped upon King-Falla and slashed him open with their claws. Others jellicles were dropping. Jonathan and Augustus hurried off and were confronted by Leper, Mooch and Strike.

AUGUSTUS: This was a most tragic moment for me. You see, Jon was one of my main felines. He was one of the big boys. But, man, that cat and his peaceful ways. You not gonna believe this. Jon, he started to walk up to those strays and give them that peace talk.

"Fellow brothers!" exclaimed Jonathan as he approached the strays with love. " Let us not fight."

"Jon, they not buying it!" exclaimed Augustus.

"Please!" exclaimed Jonathan. " Make peace. Cats should not be different from each other. Let's bring peace between the jellicles and the strays."

"Peace this!" snarled Mooch.

The stray ripped his claws through Jonathan's throat and the cats fell down dead. "JON! GOD NO MAN!" shrieked Augustus.

The three strays rushed off in different directions to find other victims.

GEORGE: While I was fighting off the strays, I had noticed Gus started to use some of his stage talent. He had found a carving knife spread out among the junkyard. Getting a good grip on it, the cat being using it not unlike a human with a sword. Gus gripped the carving knife tight in his claws as the strays rushed towards him. In one slash he got a stray right across the throat. As another stray attacked, Gus got the cat right in the gut. The third stray stopped where he was and retreated from Gus. "Yeah! You'd better run!" Gus snarled after him.

TUMBLEBRUTUS: It has taken me a little while, but I finally remember what had happened that night. With my parents. My mother and father tried to get me out of the junkyard and bring me back to our owner's home. My parents were housecats. Well, as we made our way towards the exit. Macavity and Snarl blocked our path. And so began my most horrid memory.

Still carrying Tumblebrutus in her mouth, Rashona made her way towards the exit with Rumplepound by her side. The cats froze when they found Macavity and his assistent Snarl blocking their way. "Leaving so soon?" asked Macavity. " But the war has just begun."

"GET OUT OF OUR WAY!" roared Rumplepound.

The brown-patched cat leaped up at Macavity. Macavity slashed his claws in the air swiped Rumplepound in midair. As Rumplepound stuggled to get back on his feet. Macavity brought his claws down upon Rumplepound's throat. Rashona dropped Tumblebrutus and shrieked in horror at the dead feline. Macavity then approached her. Snatching the kitten back in her mouth, Rashona rushed off. Macavity and Snarl started after her. The jellicle leaped to the side and began to try and climb up the pile of junk. Macavity caught her at midway and pulled her down. The Tumblebrutus was flung from her mouth and he landed right infront of Snarl. Before Rashona even knew where her kitten had landed, her throat had been torn open by Macavity. Macavity turned back to Snarl. The stray had his claws just over Tumblebrutus' head.

SKIMBLESHANKS: From how we came upon Tumblebrutus and his tale about how he was raised up by the strays, I'd say Macavity spared Tumblebrutus' life so that he could raise up a stray that could follow in his pawprints. But he forgot one thing: You can take a cat away from the jellicle but you can't take the jellicle away from the cat. Well, I was fighting alongside with Peter. He was doing terribly. He was a housecat and his owners did the worst thing they coud possibly do. Have him declawed.

Skimbleshanks slashed his claws at the stray that was attacking. Peter cowered behind the Railway Cat. "Peter! Run for it!" shouted Skimbleshanks.

The maine coon rushed off just as Skimbleshanks brought down the stray. Skimble's fur stood up as he heard a blood-chilling yowl. The orange cat spun around. Peter was now dead. And standing infront of the jellicle, was Macavity. Skimble's ears pricked back as he approached the Mystery Cat. Macavity didn't move as Skimble approached. Soon, the Railway cat was right in Macavity's face. The orange cat's eyes gleamed green with fury. Before Macavity even knew it, Skimbleshanks' claws tore down upon his head. "You filthy monstor!" snarled Skimble.

The Railway Cat slashed his claws across Macavity's eyes. The ginger cat yowled in agony. Skimble began clawing and biting the cat with all of his might. Macavity threw the cat off him and rushed off. "That's it! Run you coward!" roared Skimbleshanks.

ADMETUS: After Skimble defeated Macavity. All of the strays hurried after their leader. All of the jellicles gathered in the center of the junkyard. But we could all hear Macavity from outside.


All the jellicles gathered close. They stared at the all the feline bodies that were around the junkyard. "One-hundred and fifty jellicles," sighed Old Deuteronomy. "How many of us are left?"

All of the jellicles lined up for Old Deuteronomy to count. He slowly made his way down the line. "Augustus, glad to see that you're still standing."

"There no cat that can take out August," said Augustus.

"James, you indeed faught like a hero," said Old Deuteronomy.

James bowed his head. "I fight for jellicles and jellicles alone," stated James.

Old Deuteronomy nodded his head. "Victor, you indeed are a good friend. I'm glad you made it," said the elderly cat.

"You can strike any part of me, but you can't wound the spirit of a jellicle," said Victor.

Old Deuteronomy smiled at the cat. George was next in line. His shoulder was torn up. Old Deuteronomy grimenced at it. "I see you were hurt badly George."

"Recieved it while trying to save another jellicle's life," explained George.

"The outcome?"

"I failed," said George sadly. Old Deuteronomy nodded his head in understanding. "Bill Bailey, you indeed have been truely loyal to the jellicles. I'm relieved to see you survived."

"A jellicle will fight until the opponent surrendors or he is killed in the battle," said Bill Bailey.

"Plato, one of the best fighters. You indeed helped us through this tragic attack."

"I only serve you Old Deuteronomy, and I will fight anyone anywhere is you want me to," said the gray maine coon.

"Admetus, you were very brave during the attack. We're proud of you."

"Thank you Old Deuteronomy," said Admetus.

"Quaxo, you fought long and hard. We are most grateful for that."

"Anything for you Old Deuteronomy," said Quaxo.

"Congolori, you helped defend most of the jellicles. You are indeed a faithful feline."

"Many thanks Old Deuteronomy," said Congolori.

Shrine-Jury's right ear was gone and she had a gash on the side of her face. "I see you joined in the fight as well."

"Yes," she answered.

"Well, you are a very couragous feline Shrine-Jury."

She smiled at the elderly feline. Next was Sha-Na-Na. The tabby's fur was all scratched up. Old Deuteronomy placed a paw on her shoulder. " You are couragous too Sha-Na-Na." She grinned at the old cat. Next in line was Gus. " Gus, your swordsmanship indeed came in handy during our fight with the strays. We are grateful for your talent."

"It was my pleasure," replied Gus.

Grizabella was next. Only her tail had been injured in the battle. The bottom of her tail had been scratched up. "Do not worry Grizabella. That will heal very quickly."

"I'm glad to hear it," said the Glamour Cat.

Skimbleshanks was at the very end of the line. "Skimble, you brought down the leader, Macavity. Had it not been for you, the strays would probably still be here. Thank you Skimble."

"It was my duty Old Deuteronomy," said the Railway Cat.

Old Deuteronomy frowned when he noticed no one else was lined up. "One hundred and fifty went into battle..." Old Deuteronomy dropped his head. "Fifteen survived."

"Macavity got poor Peter," whimpered Skimble.

"And Mooch got peaceful Jon," said Augustus with difficulty.

"I found King-Falla's body over by the tire," sighed Admetus.

"And Rumplepound and Rashona are lying close to the exit," choked Grizabella.

"What about Tumblebrutus? The kitten," asked Bill Bailey.

"I couldn't find him," answered Grizabella.

"Aye, I didn't see the lad either," said Skimble.

"I lost sight of him when the strays attacked," admitted Sha-Na-Na.

Old Deuteronomy lowered his head in grief. "It was a massacre. No other way to describe it. A massacre," sighed Old Deuteronomy. He then looked up. "But we shall rise again. The jellicles will reform. Then we'll show Macavity who was the lower cat."

The jellicles looked around at their fallen comrades. "As for our lost jellicles, they have gone to the Heaviside Layer. The only difference is that they will be reborn with no memory at all. But they will all be remembered as heroes. How they gave their lives to try and defeat the strays." The jellicles gathered close. "This tragic battle shall be known as the Day of Dread. A horrible battle which ended in a feline massacre. Be sure to tell your kittens and new jellicles about this day. Be sure to tell them this when they don't seem impressed with their jellicle nature." SKIMBLESHANKS: And that's what happened. New jellicles came. New kittens were born, and all of them were told about that most horrid battle. Strays look on it as a victory, but any cat in the right mind, would call is a massacre. Many cat owners were heartbroken the next day. It is a sad thing to find you beloved, trusted, itelligent, faithful companion not just dead on the ground, but surrounded by hundreds of other people's beloved pets who were also killed. My owner, the conductor for example, he kept me locked up in the station for two whole weeks. Well, I know he meant well. There you have it, the Day of the Dread. Whenever you notice a cat looking depressed or doesn't want to play, it's probably because he's remembering the Day of the Dread.

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