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The Jellicle Rescue

By Tumblebrutus

It had been two months since Frisky had become Etcetera's mate. He was always seen with her, he was even with her more often then Tumble. One night, it was Frisky, Etcetera and Tumblebrutus' turn to go out and find food. The Jellicles waited pateintely for their return. Asparagus turned to Alonzo.

" So where's that roommate of yours? Shouldn't they have been back with the food by now?" asked Asparagus. Alonzo shrugged his shoulders.

" Hey, I just live with the cat. I'm not his babysitter. He's probably just fooling around," said Alonzo. Munkustrap's stomache growled. He gleamed at Demeter who was by his side.

" Don't worry Demeter. They should be back right about....." Tumblebrutus then burst into to the junkyard covered with scratches and wounds. He collapsed to the ground. The cats rushed over to him. Jemima licked his scratches.

" Tumble! Tumble what happened?!" cried Jemima. Tumble was gasping for breath.

" Macavity! Macavity!" cried Tumble. The brown-patched cat then fainted. Munkustrap turned to Alonzo.

" Go get some catnip!" ordered Munkustrap. Skimbleshanks hurried over, relieved that Jellylorum was still safe in her house.

" What happened to Frisky and Etcetera?! Are they alright?!" cried Skimbleshanks.

Munkustrap montioned for the Railway cat to settle down. Alonzo returned with the catnip. Munkustrap held it infront of the brown-patched cat. Tumblebrutus' nosed twitched and a large grin spread across his face. His eyes opened.

" Munkustrap! Macavity!" said Tumblebrutus. Demeter crawled over to her sister, Bombalurina, who embraced her protectivly.

" What about Macavity?" asked Munkustrap calmly.

" The strays attacked! They grabbed us! I was able to get away...but... They got Frisky and Etcetera!" Tumble threw his head into his paws. Skimble's eyes filled with fury.

" I'LL KILL HIM!" snarled Skimble. Tugger hurried over to Skimble and placed his paws on the cat's shoulder.

" Whoa! Calm down Skimble! What this calls for is careful planning," said Tugger.


Frisky shuddered as he and Etcetera were forced forward and thrown in front of the large thrown which held Macavity. Etcetera clung onto Frisky and trembled.

" Frisky, welcome home," sneered Macavity. " You know I went through an awful lot of trouble getting you here. You should be grateful." Frisky hissed at Macavity and held Etcetera protectively.

" Frisky. It's happening again," she mewed softely.

She had been experiencing horrible stomache pains for the last few days. Frisky held her closer. Sharkspaw and Misfortune then appeared. " At last! One big happy family!" mewed Misfortune. She rubbed her head against Frisky's. " We've missed you so much!" Frisky pulled his head away.

Macavity turned to his strays, Strike and Mooch. " Boys, would you escourt Frisky's little companion to her room?" he purred.

The two strays started forward. Frisky leaped infront of Etcetera snarling. " Leave her alone!" Frisky growled at them.

Sharkspaw took Frisky by his collar and dragged him away from his mate. " Don't worry Frisky. They're not going to hurt her," insisted Sharkspaw.

Etecetera screamed and bit and she was dragged off. Frisky tried to run after her, but Sharkspaw was much stronger than he was. Frisky glared at Macavity. " Just stay here and behave and I promise you, nothing will happen to her," said Macavity. Frisky hissed but stayed back.


Munkustrap had all of the males gathered around. " Alright. Macavity going to be expecting a rescue, and that's what were going to do. We'll need two cats to go after Etcetera. Volenteers?" Pouncivil and Tumblebrutus raised up their paws. " Good. Who's going to get Frisky away?" Plato and Alonzo raised their paws. " Thank you. Now, how are we going to distract the strays?" Skimble stepped forward.

" By giving them a rematch. I'll fight Sharkspaw again," said Skimble. Mistoffelees turned around to Skimble.

" Oh no! No! No! No! No! No! You're not going to risk your life like that again!" hissed Mistoffelees.

" It's the only way! It will distract the strays and probably Macavity as well!" said Skimble. Munksutrap admired the Railway Cat's bravery.

" Tugger and I will stand guard to make sure you don't get too hurt Skimble. You won't see us, but we'll be there," said Munkustrap.

Skimble nodded to the gray tabby. "Alright. The rest of you will wait outside and help get everyone back to the junkyard. That's the plan. Any questions?"

" What if Sharkspaw kills Skimble before you get him out of there?" mewed Mistoffelees.

Munkustrap stood up proudly. " Then Macavity will have one less stray in his pack," growled Munkustrap. " LET'S GO!" The jellicles rushed after their leader and made their way to Macavity's hideout.


Frisky was alone with his siblings who looked at him with both affection and disgustion. " They made you soft Frisky. Not to mention they gave you a sissy name," said Deville.

Beelzeebub laughed. " Don't worry. Macavity will fix you up in no time," said Beelzeebub.

" Where is Etcetera?" he growled.

" You want to see her? Fine," said Lucifer.

He and his siblings led Frisky down to a hall. It had lots of doors. He led him to one that had the number '9' on it and opened the door. There was Etcetera in a corner, trembling like a leaf. Frisky rushed over to her and rubbed his head against her side. " All you alright Etcetera?" asked Frisky. He began to lick her face.

Etcetera shook her head. " The stomache pains are getting worse," she mewed.

He looked at her sadly. " I have to get out of here." Frisky continued to clean her face.

" Just hang in there. The Jellicles will come, you'll see," he whispered in her ear.

Deville coughed. " Frisky! Time is up!" she snapped.

Frisky slowly got up and started back to his siblings. Etcetera reached out for him, but he didn't see her. Once again, she was alone in the cold, dark room.


The Jellicles made their way over. All the females were left at the junkyard. It was too dangerous a mission for the females. Especially Demeter. Munkustrap didn't want Macavity to get her again. He was upset that Tumblebrutus was coming as well. Macavity had kidnapped him when he was merely a newborn, he could probably kidnap him again. He had already tried, but Tumble had gotten away. Skimble stood up proudly as he neared the entrance. He turned to the Jellicles and nodded. Skimbleshanks took a deep breath and entered. Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger took a seat high up so that they could keep an eye on Skimble. Macavity was taken aback when he saw the Railway Cat enter.

" Why Shambles, just you? All alone? No other Jellicles?" he sneered. Skimble glowered at Macavity.

" Not another soul. How about a rematch Sharkspaw?" hissed Skimble. Sharkspaw couldn't help but laugh.

" A rematch?!" He grinned evilly. " I've been waiting!" He crouched back hissing.

As the strays put their attention to Sharkspaw and Skimble. Tumble, Pounce, Plato and Alonzo snuck past and went off to look for Etcetera and Frisky. Skimble leaned back growling. " Alright lowlife, let's go!" snapped Skimble.

Sharkspaw leaped forward and draped his claws down Skimble's shoulders. The orange cat yelped and leaped back. " You're off to a great start Shambles!" laughed Sharkspaw.

Munkustrap watched on with concern. Alonzo and Plato sniffed out Frisky. He saw him with his siblings. They were adults now, but Plato and Alonzo were strong fighters. Alonzo leaped forward, taking out Beelzeebub. He after all was the most dangerous. Lucifer hissed and sunk his teeth into Alonzo's throat. Plato leaped forward and knocked Lucifer off. Deville snarled and swiped her claws across Plato's face. " Coward!" she snapped.

Plato hissed but stayed ontop of Lucifer. He grabbed the cat by its ears and rammed its head onto the ground knocking him out. Seeing both her brothers out of commision. Deville let out a hiss of defeat and rushed off. Frisky mewed like he had when he was a kitten and rushed over to them rubbing against them. " Plato! Zebra!" exclaimed Frisky.

" Alonzo," grumbled the black and white cat. Frisky nodded his head.

" Right. Let's get Etcetera," said Frisky.

" Tumble and Pounce are taking care of that. Let's get you out of here. I don't know how much longer Skimble can go on," said Plato.

" What? What's happening to Dad?" asked Frisky.


Skimble snarled as he thrust his claws across Sharkspaw's face. " I'll teach you for catnapping my son!" screamed Skimble.

" HE'S MY SON!!!!" roared Sharkspaw.

He sunk his fangs into Skimble neck and began shaking the orange feline. Tugger looked on with fear. " C'mon guys. Hurry up," whimpered the maned cat.


Etcetera mewed and yowled with pain. Her stomach pains were worse than ever. She reached out for any cat. She shut her eyes knowing that there wasn't anyone with her. Then a cat took her paw. She opened his eyes and saw an unmistakable brown patch. " TUMBLE!" she exclaimed.

She hugged the feline. Tumble rubbed his head against her. " Don't worry Etcetera. We're going to take you home. Pounce?" Pounce took Etcetera's hind feet and Tumble held her by her shoulders. The two carried the sick cat out of the room.


Skimble made one last attempt. He thrust his claws into Sharkspaw's neck. The black strays easily threw the claws off and pinned Skimble to the ground. " Game...." He raised up his paw. " ....Set....." His large claws appeared. " ....Match." Munkustrap then saw the Jellicles. Pouncivil and Tumblebrutus were carrying Etcetera out.

Plato and Alonzo were shooing Frisky quickly trying to keep him from rushing over to Skimble to help. Munkustrap turned to Tugger. " Let's get Skimble out of there!" shouted Munkustrap. The two Jellicles leaped out and threw Sharkspaw aside. Tugger picked Skimble up and ran out of the hideout with Munkustrap trailing behind him. " CHEATERS!!!!" Everyone could hear Sharkspaw's roar.

Once back in the junkyard, the Jellicles relaxed. Skimble was set back on the ground. " Thanks for the ride Tugger," purred Skimble.

Tugger laughed. " Anytime Skimble! Sure beats those trains, huh?" laughed Tugger.

Etcetera was settled on the ground. She was still yowling in pain. " FRISKY! FRISKY!" she shrieked.

The black and white cat was by her side and took her paw. " Etcetera! Etcetera! What could be so wretched and horrible to cause you this pain?!" he cried.

His question was answered after a few seconds. There was a faint mew. Frisky froze. Crawling up to Etcetera was a tiny kitten. Then three more followed. Etcetera grinned with her childlike smile. " Frisky. The pains are gone," she purred.

Frisky eyes windered. " My first...Litt...My litte...." Frisky fainted again.

Etcetera rolled her eyes. " Figures," she mewed.

When Frisky regained concousness, he bolted up to Etcetera. All the kittens had been washed and now looked like fuzzy little mice. " You mean, all those pains were...." Frisky laughed and nuzzled Etcetera.

Skimble walked over and gleamed at the litter. " I'm grandfather!" he meowed happily.

The jellicles laughed and gathered around the litter. Frisky licked the kittens then turned to others. " Now, to name them." Frisky looked at the kittens.

There were two females and two males. One males was white and striped like Etcetera, but had black stripes and a black patch overy his eye. " How about we name that one Zebra?" giggled Etcetera.

Everyone looked at Alonzo who was blushing. Tumblebrutus laughed. " They named him after you Alonzo!" snickered Tumblebrutus.

" SQUIRT!" roared Alonzo.

" Zebra!" laughed Tumblebrutus.

Zebra poked his head up and uttered a mew. The Jellicles giggled. One of the females looked exactely like Etcetera, white with brown and orange stripes. Frisky gleamed at her. " We must name her Angel, because that's what she looks like," said Frisky.

Etcetera mewed her agreement and washed Angel's head. The other female was entirely black, except for her ears, paws and what looked like a stripe going all the way around her neck. " She'll be known as Muffler," said Etcetera.

The last male was the color of one of Etcetera's stripes. Orange, he had black stripes going along him. " We'll name him Skimble." Frisky gleamed at the Railway Cat. " After my Dad." Skimble beamed proudly at the kitten that was named after him.

The Jellicles gatehred close to the litter. Now there were four new Jellicles in their tribe; Zebra, Angel, Muffler and Skimble.


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