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Enter Mistofelees

Enter, Mistoffelees

By: Talis

Author's Note: This story takes place just under a year before the Jellicle Ball. I know that there are other very good 'origin stories' for Mistoffelees already on the web but this was so cute I just had to write it. I hope that no one takes offense over my writing my own version of these events.

"Chin up," called Jennyanydots to the little black and white kitten who trotted beside her.

Actually Mistoffelees rarely had to have either his posture or his manners corrected. Whoever his mother had been she had instilled in him just the kind of lessons Jennyanydots approved of. Mistoffelees had only arrived yesterday as a present for the young master in Jennyanydots' household. She had sniffed at the newcomer suspiciously at first but the young kitten had shown remarkably good breeding and manners for his age. He played nicely with the household's two children and amused them in ways that Jennyanydots no longer had the energy for. It had not taken her long to decide that Mistoffelees was indeed an asset in her household. In fact, so far she had found only one flaw in him. "I'm a magic cat," he had told her last night at dinner while he waited politely for his turn to eat.

"Now, Mistoffelees," she had said over the rim of her dinner bowl, "I'll not have wild stories in this house".

He had bristled at her then, "It's not a story. My mother is a magic cat. My father is a magic cat. I shall be a magic cat too. My mother said that I will be a very gifted magic cat when I am grown because I was the whole litter. No brothers or sisters to share my magic with so I will have a great deal".

She had thought this over for several minutes before answering, "Tomorrow I will take you to meet Old Deuteronomy. He is the oldest and wisest cat in the whole town. If he says that you are a magic cat I shall believe you".

So this morning, after she'd gotten the kitten clean and her young mistress had tied one of her best hairbows around his neck, they had started off for the Vicarage. It would be quite a long walk for such a small kitten but so far he had kept up with her well. As they trotted through an area of shops Alonzo stepped out from an alleyway. "What is that," he called to Jennyanydots as he pointed and laughed at Mistoffelees.

"This," she said to him sternly, "is Mistoffelees. He has just joined my household and I am taking him to meet Old Deuteronomy". Turning to Mistoffelees she said, "This bad mannered tom is Alonzo. He spends too much time in alleyways and you are not to associate with him". Poking her nose in the air she started to walk away.

As Mistoffelees began to follow her Alonzo stepped in his way. He poked at Mistoffelees' bow and hooted, "What a decoration for a tom cat. Who stuck that on you? And why haven't you gotten it off yet? Don't you know you look like a girl in that thing? Not that you look much like a tom cat anyway".

Mistoffelees hissed and scratched his claws on the pavement. "Pay no attention to him, Mistoffelees," ordered Jennyanydots.

Mistoffelees poked his nose in the air and tried to go around the big tom but Alonzo pounced at him. Mistoffelees tried again with no better results. "You'd better move," he told the bigger cat scratching his claws on the pavement again.

"Or what," jeered Alonzo.

Mistoffelees pounced. His front paws landed directly below Alonzo's chin and emanated a flash of light. The bigger tom screamed and jumped back. He looked back at the kitten once and ran down the alleyway he had come from. Mistoffelees sat down with a thump. His eyes appeared unfocused and Jennyanydots quickly decided he didn't look at all well. "Well I was going to take you to the Vicarage but I think now it is more important to introduce you to Munkustrap as quickly as possible. He is the protector of the kittens. He will know what to do with a little one with your talents and the junkyard is closer anyway".

"I don need purtectin'," slurred Mistoffelees.

That decided Jennyanydots and she picked up the kitten by the scruff of his neck and ran with him all the way to the junkyard. Munkustrap's family lived only a few blocks beyond and if he wasn't there he could be quickly summoned. Coricopat and Tantomile patrolled the junkyard making it a safe haven for any Jellicle in need of assistance, and Jenny feared that Alonzo might be embarrassed enough over running away to take it out on Mistoffelees. Arriving all out of breath Jenny dropped the kitten in front of a pipe and called out. Coricopat and Tantomile quickly appeared followed by Rumpus Cat and Jenny's best friend Jellylorum. Jellylorum noticed the kitten first, "Oh how adorable," she cooed. "Where ever did you find him Jenny"?

Jennyanydots turned to Rumpus first, "Please get Munkustrap for me will you Rumpus? Tell him I have a new kitten to introduce to him and I really need him right now".

Rumpus looked at her questioningly but her labored breathing convinced him that there was some urgency to the matter and he ran off in the direction of Munkustrap's home. Jellylorum had come up close to Mistoffelees now and looking in his eyes pronounced, "He looks rather ill". She glanced around and finding an old tin can that had collected some rain water she dragged it over to him. "There now, you'll feel better after a drink".

"I didn't find him," said Jennyanydots, finally answering her friend. "He arrived yesterday as a gift for my young master".

"Why is that urgent?" called Munkustrap arriving with Rumpus Cat behind him.

Neither were breathing hard so Jennyanydots knew that Munkustrap must have been close by. "There's the little hairball that zapped me," yelled Alonzo having just come through the fence with Rum Tum Tugger, Plato, and Pouncival behind him.

Tugger broke out in hysterical giggles. "That? You're upset over that?" he laughed.

Plato just looked at Alonzo scornfully but Pouncival bounded forward, "Neat," he yelled skidding to a stop in front of Mistoffelees. "I'm not the youngest tom cat anymore". He stretched demonstrating how much bigger even his half sized body was than the small kitten.

"I'm telling you that little furball makes sparks," insisted Alonzo.

Munkustrap looked at Jennyanydots questioningly. "Mistoffelees is a magic cat," she responded primly. "Alonzo was harassing him and he made a spark to drive Alonzo away".

"Oh," said Munkustrap turning to Alonzo, "You were harassing a kitten and now you're complaining about getting you're nose scratched".

"I was just having some fun with him," replied Alonzo backing away.

"Maybe you should teach me this game," replied Munkustrap with an evil grin, "I think I'd like to have some fun too".

Tugger lapsed into more fits of giggles. Alonzo backed into a crouch, "Uh maybe it's not such a good game. I don't think I'm going to play it anymore".

"See that you don't," replied Munkustrap.

He turned and walked regally back to Mistoffelees, who felt much better after some water and a rest. He sniffed at the kitten and touched him with his nose. "We've never had a magic cat before. At least not that I can remember. Now who's going to make sure you use those powers wisely"?

Mistoffelees purred and rubbed his head against Munkustrap's chest. He instantly liked this big serious tom. "You have nice lights," he purred.

"Lights?" asked Munkustrap confused.

"The lights that surround you," replied Mistoffelees, a little concerned that he hadn't been understood.

"Most of the cats here have nice lights but yours are very strong and clear". Munkustrap looked at the other cats completely confused now. "Auras," said Coricopat and Tantomile together stepping up to the kitten.

Mistoffelees suddenly hunkered down into a ball. "Coricopat and Tantomile won't hurt you, Mistoffelees," soothed Munkustrap.

"No, they have nice lights," replied the frightened kitten. "Something bad is coming. Something bad, bad, bad".

Coricopat and Tantomile sniffed the air, "Macavity".

"We'll run him off," replied Munkustrap fiercely.

He ran off in the direction the twins indicated. All but Jellylorum, Jennyanydots and Mistoffelees followed. Jennyanydots tucked Mistoffelees into the pipe and lay down in front of it. "You have had a big day today, Mistoffelees. The others will take care of Macavity. You take a little nap now and I'll just have a nice chat with my friend Jellylorum".

Mistoffelees didn't think he could sleep while he could still sense the very bad thing but he curled up against Jennyanydots anyway. As soon felt the danger retreating he fell fast asleep.


Mistoffelees awakened in front of the fireplace in his own house. Jennyanydots slept beside him but wakened as he stood up. She must have carried him home for he had no memory of the journey. He stretched and then said politely, "It was very kind of you to carry me home".

"I had some help," replied Jennyanydots smiling at him briefly before becoming more serious. "Now you must listen to me little one".

Mistoffelees sat down, straightened his posture and nodded to indicate he was ready to listen. Jennyanydots nodded back and began, "We all had quite a talk about you after Munkustrap and the others returned this morning. We made some decisions that we expect you to abide by. It seems you can sense when Macavity is about. He isn't going to like that and will probably try to get rid of you since he is a very evil cat. You are not to leave the house alone until you can prove to Munkustrap that you are big enough to defend yourself. Right now it seems your magic takes too much out of you for you to practice and do anything else anyway. Munkustrap is arranging a schedule for guarding the junkyard so that Coricopat and Tantomile can be free to come here to help you learn your magic since they can at least figure out what you're talking about. I expect you to be very attentive and use their time wisely since they are kind enough to come all the way here to practice with you. Now, do you understand all that I have said"?

"Yes, Jennyanydots," he replied stiffly but inside he felt a little rebellious.

What she had said made sense. He just hated being treated like a kitten, even if he was one, and a small one at that. He resolved that he would practice very hard and get the restrictions lifted very soon.


Mistoffelees sat in his favorite window seat looking for Coricopat and Tantomile. He hoped they would come today. They had come several times now and the practice sessions had turned out to be great fun despite the seriousness of the older cats. They mostly played hide and seek. When the twins hid Mistoffelees would use his magic to try to find them. He had found several spells to help him. He could follow the heat of their footprints or reach with his mind for the feel of their particular auras or listen very carefully until every sound magnified into a kaleidoscope and then sorted itself out for him to discard until the only sound remaining was the sound of the twins breathing. Then he would hide. Mistoffelees had figured out how to throw his voice when he hid, which had fooled the twins only the first couple of times he did it, but now he thought he had figured out a way to duplicate his aura in another place. He waited excitedly to try this new trick on the twins. A pair of cat silhouettes appeared on the lawn. "Coricopat and Tantomile are here," he called to Jennyanydots as he rushed through the kitty door.

As he raced down the stairs he heard a giggle, which was odd because Tantomile never giggled. Looking in the direction the sound had come from he saw two of the most colorful cats he had ever seen. "'ello," called the tom cat cheerfully in a thick cockney accent. "'You must be Mistoffelees. I'm Mungojerrie and this is Rumpelteazer. We're to give you your lesson today".

Mistoffelees looked at the tom doubtfully. He watched the big cat's aura dance around him merrily but there were flecks and spots that told him this cat wasn't entirely truthful either. Rumpelteazer punched Mungojerrie in the arm and said in an equally thick accent, "Ah there you go misrepresentin' yourself again". She started towards Mistoffelees smiling ingeniously, "No one asked us to give you a lesson dearie but you're a magician aren't you? So you'll be needing some of our tricks too". She reached out and pulled a coin from his ear. "We can teach you all about slight of 'and".

Mistoffelees liked the looks of her aura better than the tom's. It danced around her in the same way and still had some dark flecks but lacked the dark spots. Slight of hand did look like something a magician should learn and he wasn't out of the house by himself so he wasn't exactly disobeying. "Show me," he grinned.

The pair spent the early afternoon showing Mistoffelees slight of hand tricks with coins and balls and strings. The kitten turned out to have quite a talent for the art and Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer praised him lavishly for each new trick he mastered. "You are so good," applauded Mungojerrie, "You have got to come wit us an meet his lordship, doesn't he Rumple"?

"Oh yes definitely," replied Rumpelteazer enthusiastically.

"I'm not supposed to be out by myself," replied Mistoffelees cautiously.

"But you won't be out by yourself," said Mungojerrie, "an you really 'ave to meet his lordship. 'e is one of the best slight of hand artists there is".

"Well, if isn't far," hesitated Mistoffelees.

"Naw, just down at the docks," replied Mungojerrie, "we can be there an back afore suppertime. I can carry you if you get tired".

"I can walk for myself," replied Mistoffelees raising his tail and whiskers proudly.

The docks had turned out to be a tiring hour long trot from Mistoffelees' house but the sight of huge sails excited him as they neared their goal. Mistoffelees opened his senses to the sea spray and the calls of the water fowl and the sunlight glinting on the river's far bank and stopped dead in his tracks. "What's wrong?", asked Mungojerrie.

"There's something bad down there," replied Mistoffelees wide eyed, "something very, very bad".

"Tha's just the rats," Rumpelteazer assured him, "come on. We won't let 'em bother you".

They walked down the ramp and out on to the dock. Mistoffelees stayed tense watching for trouble. He spun at the sound of a thump behind him and encountered a huge lean black and orange stripped tom cat with an aura as dark as a storm cloud. Mistoffelees hissed. "There you are your lordship," said Mungojerrie, "We brung 'im just like we promised".

The huge tom advanced on Mistoffelees. "Not much to look at are you little one. I hear you can sense when I'm near".

"'e's right good at slight of hand stuff too, Macavity," said Mungojerrie. "'e'd make an excellent thief".

Mistoffelees hissed again and scratched his claws on the dock. "Not very friendly though is he?" asked Macavity extending his claws. "Look, little one, all the information I've gotten about you tells me that you are going to be a problem for me when you grow up. So I basically have two choices. I can let you join my crew or I can make sure you don't grow up. Which would you prefer"?

Mistoffelees gathered his powers and threw everything he had at Macavity. The blast threw Macavity to the deck and left Mistoffelees reeling. Macavity got up slowly, dusted himself off and said, "Wrong choice".

As he advanced on Mistoffelees Rumpelteazer screamed, "You said you was only going to look 'im over".

"Oh but I did my dear," replied Macavity suavely, turning to her, "and there is really only one thing to do with a kitten that hostile." Macavity's claws flashed as he tossed Mistoffelees into the water. "Drown it".

Rumpelteazer cried out and kicked a cork float into the water near Mistoffelees, who's panic subsided slightly as he gratefully sank his claws into it. Macavity growled and advanced on Rumpelteazer but Mungojerrie blocked his path. "Not her, Macavity," he growled.

Macavity chuckled and then laughed. "Mungojerrie you know that I'm a sporting cat. Let's just say that Rumpelteazer has given the brat a sporting chance. Now I'm willing to bet that he'll drown anyway. Care to make a wager"?

"I don't bet against you, Macavity," replied Mungojerrie, his accent suddenly less pronounced.

"Good," crooned Macavity. "In that case I have a job for you tonight. Let's go discuss it shall we? The rats can report on the brat later".

He gestured for the two to proceed him up the ramp. Rumpelteazer looked back pityingly at Mistoffelees but followed her mate. Left alone Mistoffelees hung on to the float for dear life as he watched the sun go down. His arms ached with weariness and his scratches stung from salt. He bobbed in the water with no direction until a large ship passed by far out in the river. The ship's wake pushed him in to shore. He dragged his tired body onto the sand and then, remembering what Rumpelteazer had said about rats, forced himself to continue up to the road. Dusk settled over the docks as he regained his breath. Mistoffelees wasn't certain where home was but he was certain that if he didn't find safety before Macavity returned he'd be one dead kitten. Reaching out with his mind he searched for Coricopat and Tantomile as he had at their practice sessions. He had no energy to question the fact that they were so nearby. Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer must have led him around the junkyard. He pushed himself to walk the few blocks to his goal and passed out just inside the junkyard fence.


Mistoffelees woke on an unfamiliar hearth, wrapped in a towel, with the smell of warm cream teasing his nostrils. He rose on unsteady feet and lapped cream from a dish set beside him. "I take it you met Macavity," said Munkustrap's firm voice behind him.

"Yes. Is this yours?" he asked politely indicating the cream.

"Drink," responded Munkustrap gently, "you need the strength. You are at my house. Tantomile found you in the junkyard and decided you needed to be somewhere warm and dry. Fortunately my people are understanding". Munkustrap licked the scratches on Mistoffelees' side. "I recognize Macavity's handiwork. Now do you understand why you are not to be out alone"?

Mistoffelees regarded him with level eyes wondering if he should tell him all of what had happened. No, he decided, Rumpelteazer had risked herself to save him and that counted for something. In the future he'd just be more careful about where he placed his trust. "I understand," he said slowly with narrowed eyes, "but when I am grown I am going to give Macavity some scratches of his own".

Munkustrap chuckled as Mistoffelees finished his dinner.

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