Delivery of Agapi to Israel Sunday 5 November 2000
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Last update 15 Nov 2000

Delivery of Agapi from Gocek, Turkey to Herzliya, Israel

Yacht: S/Y Agapi

Crew:Nadav, Skipper
     Moshe (me)

Sunday 5 November 2000
I went to work from 08:00 - 13:00.
I got a ride from town to the airport at 13:30 leaving enough time to
meet the the other crew members at 15:30.

I identified Tzachi because he had a sleeping bag as I did, as we had
been told by Nadav to bring one because he was not sure about there being bedding
aboard. Nadav the skipper showed at 15:45.

I went thru the duty free at the airport but found nothing worth buying.
The price is about the same and there is less of a choice. The flight to
Anatalya (seems as if there are no flights from Israel to Dalaman at this time)
was short. The plane was full of some group going to Kemer (strange group they
were). When we looked for some way to get from Anatalya to Gocek, we were told
a taxi for the three of us would cost 280USD. a bit steep for us so we asked if
maybe there is a bus, we were told
to get a taxi outside the airport to the central bus station, and they would
hold the 20:20 bus to Fetiyah and Gocek. Outside we fund only buses. Turns out
that those were the taxis. After making sure that the "taxi" would
leave right away and not wait for others and that the price would be 15,000,000
TL we were on our way to the bus station, we had less than 25 minutes (we were sort
of assured that the trip takes 15 minutes). We arrived outside the bus station
at 20:20. It took us another 5
minutes to find the entrance and the Pallamuke bus company. The guy at
the counter told us that there is no bus at 20:20. The only bus would be at
23:00. We were able to put our bags in a room, and we explored the bus station
(believe me not much doin’ there after 20:00). The bus was comfortable and not

06 Nov 2000
I was able to "stretch out", as no one was in the
seat next to me and catnap. Aside from the bus driver there was a steward who
distributed scented water for rinsing the hands and coffee, tea or cold drinks.
At 01:00 we stopped for 0.5 hours to stretch the legs and got to the washroom.

We arrived a bit after 03:00 at Gocek, and walked the 500 or so meters
to the marina. We stowed our gear on board and by 03:30 cast off heading for
Kostellerozen and the blue cave (grotto). {see previous trip}. Our original
plan was to get there by sunrise but since we had the extra traveling hours we
had postponed our casting off by 7 hours, now we'd only get there at noon. We
headed 140º thru the port pass guided by two flashing lights warning of
navigational hazards. I was at the helm. Once thru the pass we set a course of
170º hoisted the sails (but since there was not much of a wind we left the
engine running). The sails have a stabilizing effect on the yacht. I went to
sleep at 0500. at 0700 I awoke, with the engine still chugging away, and
genoa rolled up, wind on the nose and sea calm.

[Passage to Katellerizon]

0715 course 130º toward kostellerozen.
11:50 Arrived at the Blue Groto after a long haul on the engine. We past
a number of nice sites that you may want to visit, see the previous trips.
We didn't inflate the dingy so Nadav & Tzachi swam to the cave while
Yaniv and I stayed onboard, drifting.

When Nadav & Tzachi returned we headed for the NE side of the island
to the picturesque port of Kostolorezon. We arrived and tied up, telling the
Greek caost guard that we would be just a couple of hours. They let us tie up
near the station with no need to check in or pay. After Tzach and I went for a
short walk arount, Tzachi went out again and bought a bottle of wine for the
exquisite lunch Nadav was preparing.

The weather is sunny with no wind to speak of still. We set sail even
had the genoa out but since the wind was virtually non-existent we rolled it up
and set out on motor. We made up the four hours we had lost last night on
getting to the boat.

7 Nov 2000
[ Dock ]
Last night we got to Kekova roads just as the sun was setting, making the
entry easier. I had gone to sleep for a while en-route. We tied up long side
starboard side to. Nadav said it was so leaving would be easier, cause the wind
was coming from starboard. There were only a small number of sailing yachts. As
we were coming in we were waved to two docks, and whichever one you tie up to
the owner (who owns a restaurant) expects you to eat at his establishment. We
had fish, with a bunch of side dishes. 2 fish, fries, salad, etc. all for
29USD. We needed some dishwashing soap, so we asked the guy is he could spare a
bit until we find some in Finike. After a lot of hand waving and pantomiming,
and him bringing up some scotch-brite he gave us a whole bottle free! We went
to sleep around 2330, with no need to keep a watch! In the morning before we
shoved off he was at dockside handing me two loaves of fresh bread. I went to
get some money, but he gestured that it was on the house. Nice place, I am
sure next time I am in the area I will visit him again. After reversing away
from the dock (remember the wind) we puttered around the inland lake and saw
the ruins and burial "boxes".

After a quick look at "Moses' rock" we headed for castle cove., where we
(Nadav) prepared , and ate breakfast. There is 3-4 meters (with a shelf
inshore). We put out to much scope so we drifted a bit. After taking in some
scope we straightened out at 4 meters. Tie a line to the rocks, trees or
whatever. I went to untie the stern line and hitched a ride off the stern for a
bout 5 minutes.

We went under the cable, care should be taken while puttering around in
the cove. It is very nice place. We arrived at the marina in Finike at 16:15.
Gassed up and moored stern too. The marina sends out a joker boat, which shows
you to your berth, and one of the guys comes on board and ties you up.

8 Nov 2000

7/11 16:15 We rinsed down the Agapi, while Nadav went to check us out of
Turkey. We were gonna leave at 0600 for Cyprus. Tzachi and I went to buy some
provisions which totaled 8,800,000TL (/670 = 13USD). Tzachi also bought some
fishing equipment for 94USD, 2 rods with flywheels, fake bait, and weights.

After our first HOT great showers we went for supper. The W.C. were
spotless and the showers perfect! I had spaghetti and Turkish salad. We got
back onboard around 23:00. I spent another 20 minutes plotting today’s course
from Finike, Turkey to Limassol, Cyprus via Paphos. Finike -> paphos 130º
for about 24 hours.

Nadav and I woke at 0600 and prepared the yacht for our trans-med journey.
Filled the water tanks, checked the rigging, topside bow to stern, and the
engine. We released the stern lines, and the mooring started pulling us out
of the berth, and released the mooring line, taking care to make sure it sank
before the prop ran over it. The time was exactly 0700 we were back on

07:30 we raised the spinnaker with a 5-knot breeze from astern.
At 0930 we took down the spinnaker and started the engine.
Oh well! So much for the quiet, I hope the wind will pick up.
[Guys on deck]
We decided that a motor-sailer is a good solution. If we gotta use an engine
let it be large enough to pull us along at a perky pace.
I think Finike was a waste of time. We did absolutely nothing
there except sleep. We could have been half way to Cyprus already.

We stoped in the middle of the Med and went swimming in a perfectly calm sea!

[Wild Blue Yonder]
After returning on board we raised the spinnaker again (I think I'm
beginning to understand how to use one, it's all in the preparation,
like Nadav keeps telling us) at 15:00 when I noticed another S/Y with spinnaker up.
The catamaran Dublit (a couple in their late 50's traveling the Eastern Med) was
enroute to Cyprus, and had spoken the previous evening with Nadav. We tried
raining them on the VHF but we could not receive em, the heard us, though.
Finally we raised em about an hour later, and had a chat. As we past them we
chatted for about 2 minutes, and waved good-bye to them. Wonder what they’re up
to now.

The night became still at about 19:00 so we took down the spinnaker and
after supper started the engine. At 20:00 we started watch shifts.4 hours on /
4 hours off (we did it in pairs so we didn't really stay up 4 hours. I went to
sleep and woke at 00:00 for my 4-hour shift. The moon was looking great! It set
at 03:20 plunging the sea into darkness. It is much more comfortable with the
moon out. I was back asleep at 0400. I awoke at 0730 just as the yacht was
preparing to enter Paphos. We tied up at 08:00, stern to anchor down. A Russian
rowed up to us an informed us that we were in a fisherman's spot. We told him
that when the boat showed up we'd move. A Russian yacht on its way (in 2-3
months) came over to ask for information about marinas and sightseeing in
Israel. Nadav was happy to give them as much info as he could.

By 09:30 we were having breakfast (more about not checking in at the
end). Breakfast was eggs, backed beans, tomato, toast, orange juice and tea.

Then we went shopping for presents (can’t forget that now can we).
Leather jackets are very expensive so I didn’t get one for Shana. I got about
70USD worth of stuff for Shana and the girls. I'll try to buy Shana a jacket in
Israel. Finike has no leather shops. I may give her the one I bought in
Fetiyah, Turkey.

Do not mention Turkey in Greek Cyprus. We wanted to change Turkish
money, and the lady in the bank got extremely!! Mad at us.

Well here we are just hanging around until tomorrow at 0600, when we
head for Israel. Maybe the guy with the gas will show up eventually. Nadav has
to go to the harbormaster at 18:00 to check in /out.

It is 14:00 now and I think I’ll go check out the harbor and see what's
up. (it's boring here, everyone else is sleeping (boring).

Finike -> Paphos 145NM~

Paphos -> Haifa 175NM ~

Tc 133º 2727Hours~@6.5Knts

14:20 I decided to leave all these sleepy guys and explore a bit.

I walked around the marina (fishing port) there is a large M/Y
SunSeeker. Luxurious! Most of the rest are fishing boats, with a few yachts.

After seeing the castle from the outside (it costs 1.5CL~3USD I heard an
English tour guide, so I went over and listened to what he had to say. Paphos
the acient city had houses (or mansions) with mosaic floors. I walked around
these for about 1.5 hours. It costs 1.50 CL but since I didn’t realize it at
the time I entered.

Well I'm back on board it is now 17:15 and we have to check in at 18:00
and we'll see what's next (we haven't got our fuel yet, they say they ran out.
So we may have to leave a bit later than expected.

10 Nov 2000

Got the fuel last night and left at 0600

Use of the marina was 7CL and we were fined 14CL overtime for not
checking in during working hours. The diesel cost 10CL per 22-liter jerry can
and 10CL for the delivery.

After about 30 min the wind picked up. The main sail was stuck. Nadav
climbed the mast and "persuaded" the sail to deploy. We raised the spinnaker,
but the wind died completely so we had to lower it, and start the engine.

The 7P's of Nadav, from the SAS:

Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Poor Piss Performance.

[First fish]

We caught 2 fish. One was in the boat and got away, the other just
slipped off the hook on the way in.

11 Nov 2000

We checked into Israel.

We caught about 10 fish.

We tied up at 19:00 and were heading for home by 20:30 after tidying up
the boat.