Random Crap for bored people

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Miscellaneous Stuff

Have a look at this if you are sick of chain letters through Email/ICQ
Depression Test (Results directly proportional to the amount of alcohol you should consume daily)
Older Software and games
Multiple links to allllllllll kindsa useless crap
Are you the next Una bomber??
The Misanthropic Bitch's Place

Pages done by people I know

Katie's Site
The page of Chappo
This dude is trying to kill me (and he types lIkE tHiS)

Boring, political crap that is only useful if you're pretending to be smart, or need to write an essay

Discussion on the legalisation of Marijuana
Gun laws here
Gun Laws in relation to Littleton

Video games & Music & Other Crap I didnt add before

Reviews, among other thing
Comprehenisve lists of guides, cheats, saves etc for pretty much every game ever released
Online Import games store
Different online import games store
Huge site dedicated solely to Street Fighter
Site containing info about almost all major fighting games
Emulation site, has roms/emulators for almost everything
Dedicated to providing Roms for NeoGeo Emulators
Fills in the SNES section that Emux is lacking
The Madman's Café
Zophar's Domain
Most commonly used MP3 player
Used for Finding MPEG Layer 3 Files (Mp3s)
Webiste used for Mp3s
Some of my thoughts