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An Offer of Adventure!!!

A Call For Cash!!
Your party has accepted the offer of a wealthy couple to clear some newly acquired land of anything on it. You are offered 25gp/day and half of any treasure you find and all of the Magical Items you find.
DM Note: You can haggle up to 50gp/day
The party arrives. The area is a large muddy, wet swamp. In the distance you see a set of caves and what looks like an abandoned mine shaft.
DM Note: Players are all at half movement rate. Any aquatic PC's gain bonuses to hit and damage rolls. There are three caves and a mine shaft.

On way to/from caves/shaft
It is a hot day. The swamp is very humid and you are all uncomfortable. You hope this is worth the money.(A WIS check by any player tells of movement near the characters) You hear a noise.(If no one succeeds WIS check, the PC's are suprised) You turn to see a horde of Carniverous Apes.(4 Appearing) They look really hungry.
DM Notes: This is a one time encounter
Monster Stats: AC:6, HD:5, HP:30, #Att:3, DMG:1d4/1d4/1d8, XP:150/ape

Cave One
You walk into the mouth of the cave.(PC's need a light source to see) You smell the scent of decaying flesh.(Any holy characters must make a CON check to not vomit) In the rear of the cave you hear movement. 6 giant ants are moving towards you!!!
MonsterStats: AC:3, HD:2, HP:10, #Att:1, DMG:1d6 plus poison, XP:75/ant
You move aside the corpses and see a forked passage. You shine some light down the right passsegway and it is blocked off by a large wall of rocks that CANNOT be moved. You go down the left passegway. As you round a corner you hear noise. You peer around the corner to see 10 Bugbears standing there waiting for you.
Monster Stats: AC:5, HD:3+1, HP:18, #Att:1, DMG:1d8+2, XP:75/Bugbear
There is nothing left in the cave.
DM Note: NONE of the characters may unlock the right passegway. It is magically sealed and NO spell will open it.
Cave Two
You enter the cave and see and hear nothing out of the ordinary. You advance tot he rear of the cave.(A WIS check shows there is more here to be found) As you turn to leave you hear a noise. Two gargoyles attack the party.
Monster Stats: AC:5, HD:4+4, HP:36, #Att:4, DMG:1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4, XP:375/monster
DM Note: Checking the wall where the gargoyles came out reveales two doors. One leads to an empty room. The other leads to a room that has 4000gp and 3 Potions Of Healing.
Cave Three
Cave 3 is an illusion!!!
Mine Shaft
You shine your light down the shaft. It is too dark to see far.(A WIS check reveals a hidden rope ladder) You enter the shaft. You see a large room and not alot more before you are attacked by a Carrion Crawler.
Monster Stats: AC:4, HD:3+1, HP:25, #Att:8, DMG:Paralysis, XP:75
Behind the monster seta a good amount of treasure. (8000gp and a Magical sword of the DM's Choosing)
DM Note: Give no special bonuses for this encounter.
Leaving the Swamp
As you leave the swamp, you see a group of Carniverous Apes around the bodies of their dead comrades. (8 appearing)
Monster Stats: Same as before
You return to the mansion and divvy up the loot. He pays in full and gives an extra 1000gp/PC for danger pay.


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