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State of Tennessee )
Hamilton county, )

This Indenture made this the 11th day of May 1908.
between John. H. Hill. of the City of Chattanooga,
and County of Hamilton, party of the first part.
and the Estelle Mining Iron Company. A Corporation duly organized under
the laws of the State of Tennessee, party of the seconde part,
Witnesseth: That the party of the first part for and
in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, ($5000.00)
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other valueable
considerations to me in hand paid, the
party of the first part have granted, bargained, sold
and conveyed, and by these presents both grant
bargain sell and convey unto the xxx said
party of the second part. its successors and assigns,
all Iron Ore and other Milerals with Mining
privileges, with the timber for Mining purposes not
over 12 inches in Diameter surface and
commeroial timber reserved. to all that tract or
parcel of land ,composing on contigeous
body as lying and being in the county of Walker, and
State of Georgia, and being in the 7th 8th, 11th and 12th Districts, all in the 4th
section and more particularly described as foll ows:

(a) Lots of land Nos-36,37.71, and 72, in the 7th District
and 4th section as described in Deed from J.T. Walker to
John.H. Hill. and Deed from Wm.H.Felton. Jr., and Geo.W.Duncan Admrs
with will annexed of Wm.B.Johnston. Dec. for lots
lots 71. and 72 and A.P. Ellison for lot No 36, containing 640
acres more or less.

(b) Fractional lot No- 342 in the 11th District of the
4th section containing 25 acres more or less,as described
in Deed from D.H.Styles. to John.H.Hill.

(c) Lot 324, in the 12th District of the 4th section,
containing 160 acres more or less, as expressed in Deed from
R.N.Dickerson. to John.H.Hill.

(d) All the Coal Iron Ore and the ores of any and all
other Metals and clays, and all other Minerals of every kind that
now are or may here after befound on the following lands viz.
Lots one, two and three, in the 7th Disctrict of the
th section also lots 324. and 323 in the 8th District and
4th section of said County. together with the right and privilege
of enter ing upon said lands and Mining and transporting
therefrom the Coal Clays and Minerals aforesaid and
taking therefom provided the cultivated lands are not
injured nor molested and also the right of ingress
and egress to and from all parts of said lands for
the purpose or raising mining collecting moving and transporting
therefrom each and every of the article aforesaid, as described
in Deed from the Continental Land and Improvement
company to John.H Hill.

(e) "All the Coal Iron Ore and the ores of any other
metal and all the Minerals of any kind that now
are or may hereafter be found on lots of land No- One
and North half of lot No 35 in the 7th
District of the 4th section in Walker County and lot 323. and
140 acres of lot 324 in the 8th Destrict and
4th section being all of sid lot 324 except 20 acres off of the was
west xxxx of lot 324. bounded as follows:
commencing on the west line of said lot 3 chains
from the North west corner, thence running 14 Chains and 14 links to a stake
thence East. 14 chains and 14 links to a stake, thence North 14 chains and 14
links. chains and 14 links ,to a stake, thence
west 14 chains and 14 links to the beginning point, Being the land
conveyed by Martha Styles and others to John H.Hill
December xxxxxxxxxx the 28th 1907. containing 520 acres more
or less. together with the right and privileged
of sufficient timber on said land for Mining purposes,
and the enterein upon said Land Min- ning purposes, and the entering
upon said land Mining and transporting therefrom the Coal Ores and
Minerals aforesaid, and the building of Railroads, tramways and wagonroads upon
said land for the pupose of Mining and the transporting
therefrom all of said Minerals. Also the right to erect such buildings
as may be necessary on the surface of said without
charge to the second party or his assigns whten said
ores are all Mined then what ever buil- dings that may be located
thereon vest in the said party of the first part. or their assigns

(f) "All the Coal Iron ore and the ores of any other Mineral and all
the metals of every kind that now are or may hereafter
be found on lots of land No-2 and the North half
of lot 35, in the 7th District and 4th section of
said X County and one hundred acres more or less
of the western part of lot 291. in th 8th District and 4th
section of said County and being all that was xxxxxxx
owned by D.H.Styles, of said lot and conveyed by him to John.H.Hill,
July 10th 1907 together with the right and
priviledge with sufficient timber on said lands for Mining puposes, and the
enetereing upon said lands and Mining and transporting therefom
the Coal Ores and Minerals aforesaid, and
the building Railroads tram roads and wagon Roads
and wagon roads on said land for the purpose of Mining
and transporting therefrom all of said Minerals,
also the right to erect such buildings as may be
nessary on the surface of said property without charge to the second party
or his assigns. and when said Ores are all Mined then
whatever building that may be locatedthere on
shall vest in the parties of the first part.

(g) "All the Iron ore in upon, and under the land xxx lying
and being in the Eight Dis- trict of the 4th
section of said County, and being twenty acres more or
less of lot of land No- 291 described as follows:
Commencing on a white oak tree on the North west
corner of said lot and running south on the west line of said
lot south to a hickory tree, thence due East
to the east corner of a six acre field, thence
a North east course with the fence to a
stake, on the original line, thence with the original
line west to the beinning corner Also all of land lot
Bo- 290 except that portion deeded by Mrs C.R. Williams to the Estelle
Mining Company May 5th 1900 as described on
said Deed reference to which is made for more
particular description together with the rights of
ingress and agress, but Railroad tramways and other
roads ways, for the pupose of moving said ores together with the
right entering upon said premises, wand mining said ores,
and to have such rights and privileges as are nec-
essary incident to the successful Mining and removeing
of said ores All timber are reserved by the maker of the
Deed except those timbers which may be in the way of road
ways tramways and mining which are included in this
Deed No houses for operatives are to be located
on said property and containing in all 160 acres
more or less. and more particularly described in a
Deed from W.R. Williams to John.H.Hill.

(h) "All the Iron ore in upon and under the North half
of lot of land 286, also two cares more less on
lot 286 as described in a Deed from C.w. Beaird. to A.M.
Evitt. and recorded on Deed record Vol 19 page 33
the same being in a V shape Also three acres more or
less of lot of land No 258, described as follows:
Lying between the Old Dug Gap Road and the Lane
running from said Dug Gap road to the original
xxx land line between said lots land.
1906 said parcels of land comprising one tract
containing 160 acres more or less and lying and being
in the 8th District of the 4th section of Walker County
Georgia ,together with the right of ingress and egress,
bt Railroads, tram-ways, and any and all other road ways
necessary for the pupose of Minig said ores and
removeing the same together with the right of
entering upon said premises and Mining said ores
to have all the right and privileges as are
necessary incident for the successful mining and removeing
said ore, All timbers are reserved by the maker
of the Deed except those timber which may be in the way
or roads ways tramways and mining which
are included in this Deed. No Houses for
operatives are to be located on said property"

(i) All the ore and Mining privileges on the south half
of lot land No- 286 together with the rights of ways for
Railroads tramways, and roadways, and with the timber in way of road
ways and tramways and mining containing
80 acres more or less " conveying all the rights
titles and interesst, conveyed by C.W.Beaird,
to John.H.Hill. To have and to
hold the said bargained premises, together
with all and singular the rights easements,
appurtenancs xxxxx thereunto appertaining
and belonging unto the party of the second part,
its successors and assigns forever. The party
of the first part warrants the title ther to unto
the party of the second part its successors and
asigns against humself his heirs Administrators Executors
and assigns and no x further. It being the
intention of thes Deed to convey the title unto the party of the
second part in as full and ample a manner
as the party of first part is seized and
possessed thereof and no further-
The said tract of land including minerals contain
2185 acres more or less. lying in one conti- uous body.
In witness whereof the party of the first part
has hereunto set his hand affixed his seal the day and
year first above written.
Signed seald and delivered in presence of
John.H.Hill (Seal)
J.L. Headrick.
R.N. Dickerson. Clerk Superior Court Walker County Georgia
Recorded in this Office May 13th 1908
Robt.N.Dickerson. Clerk,
State of Tennessee Hamilton County,
This Indenture made and entered inot this 29th day
of May 1907, between D.P. Montare, D.W.Thomas, and G.T.Thomas. Of Hamilton
County Tennessee. and J.C. Cothran. of Walker County Georgia

Witnesseth: that the said D.P. Montague, D.W. Thomas,
and G.T.Thomas. for and in consideration of the sum of One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) paid and to be paid as follows: Forty Dollars
($40.00) cash in hand and the installment
Note of the Grantee herein for sixty Dollars.
Typed By Marilyn Houser GreatGrandaughter of Augusta Parks Ellison