Welcome to Maid Marian's Home
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Welcome to Maid Marian's Home

Welcome Lords and Ladies to my home. My name is Lady Audrey . If there is anything i can do for you please write me ! I have a wide range of interests and am told I am a very bright young lady. I also make a pretty good pen pal if I can find a good topic to discuss! i am currently a Flute major attending school in Savannah GA.

Where do I go when I get Bored?

Tiersa's World of Fantasy and Adventure



Brian Swift's computer page

Friends and Family

Final Fantasy III



Dragon Lovers

Dragons Galore!

RPG hints and Cheats

More on Page 2!

Email:Tell me what you think!

My interests include :

    • Music
    - I play flute and sing and am currently learning new instruments-percussion and piano, I have always had a fascination with brass instruments too . I am currently a music education major at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah,Ga.

    • Fantasy
    -from D&D to role playing games like Final Fantasy and Link I love playing and reading Fantasy . My fav. D&D character is a bard I made for a friend Of mine's Game named Tiersa. Tiersa is also my chat room name.

    • Reading
    - I like to read fantasy adventure, medeival romance, and some suspence and mystery books. I love King Arthur, Lady Guineviere, Sir Lancelot, and the legend itself. I am also a Very big Tolkien fan.

    • History and Religion
    - I have been brought up Christian and am a firm believer in my faith, but i love to hear and learn about other religions. I also love histories- from family to creation to why the grass is green , I like to hear the stories from different cultures ar listen as someone recounts what really happened in the life of Andrew Jackson. I like past what is on the page of the book and imagine myself living with the person I am studying.

    • Astrology
    - I am an Aquarious/Piscese and have found it rather interesting how astrology has been able to predict personality be when and where a person was born. Chinese Astrology and the usual Star Astrology are usually what I look into.

    • The Unusual
    - I like to listen to ghost stories ( but not the ones that try to scare you to death.) I research angels and legends. I believe that everything int he world canna be proven, if it was, then what would we wonder about?

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    This page was created 8-15-97. Last updated 2-25-99