Jonathan Owen Kennard was born October 17th in Jacksonville, Florida. He is my middle child. He is extremely talented, both artistically and musically, neither of which he inherited from his mother. He is tall, 6'2" at this point, and still growing. He has a tender heart and a warm disposition. He resides in the middle 1/3 of my heart.

Emily Erin Kennard was born December 16th in Jacksonville. She was a gifted little girl, and has grown into a gifted, intelligent young woman. On July 5, 1997, she married Jason Robert Medina and moved with him to Mobile, Alabama, where is he currently stationed with the US Coast Guard. Emily graduated in May, 2000 from the University of South Alabama with a degree in Accounting. We're EXTREMELY proud of her as she is the first of our family to graduate from college. Emily is tall (6'), gracious, warm and quickly moved to tears (like her mother). I'm proud of her and all her accomplishments. She resides in the left 1/3 of my heart.

Kyle Daniel Kennard was born Decmber 13th in Jacksonville, Florida. Kyle is my "baby" and my "shadow". He is interested in science and anything to do with space. Perhaps I should have named him Albert Einstein Kennard. He has a quick sense of humor, and an even quicker tongue (inherited from his mother), and is a pleasure to be around. He is a joy to me, and resides in the right 1/3 of my heart.

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