I was born August 31st on Staten Island, New York, to a Father of Yankee roots and a Southern Belle Mother of Alabama roots. Talk about two worlds colliding!
At the tender age of 3 months, my father and mother decided that Navy life was the life to live, so we packed our bags and moved to Charleston... South Carolina, that is.
During my growing years, we lived in several interesting and special places including Naples, Italy; Morrocco; Norfolk, Virginia; and Jacksonville Beach, Florida. It was in Florida that I graduated from high school and met my future husband, Richard Kennard. He was also a Navy brat of Northern roots who's Father had decided he liked the Sunshine that Florida had to offer, much more than the Snow of Maine.
Richard and I were married September 4, 1976, and have remained in this holy (?) state of Matrimony ever since. We have produced 3 magnificent children, and gained 1 extraordinary son-in-law along the way.
We recently moved to the hills of Northern Georgia, and are learning to maneuver the winding roads of this area. What a difference from the flatlands of Florida!

A Georgia Peach and Her Bubba
Richard and Lisa Owen Kennard

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