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Mrs. Lewis's Fourth Grade News

Important Dates to Remember

Helpful Links

Math Practice Games compiled by Mrs. Renz

Donations needed! If you have any used tennis balls, please send them in. I would like to cover the feet of our chairs to keep the floors in the cottage nice and shiny!

Reflections is an arts recognition program sponsored by PTA that provides children in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 with the opportunity to express themselves thought the arts. Now in its 37th year, the Reflections program attracts an average of 7,000,000 participants from across the county. This year, students have the opportunity to enter in any of six areas: literature, musical composition, photography, visual arts, dance choreography, and film/video production. The theme for this year is "My Favorite Place". HFES will run this program from 9/25 - 10/23. Please encourage your child to participate!

Book-It begins in October. At the end of September, look for October's Book-It sheets to come home. Any student who makes the goal will receive a pizza certificate. Book-It sheets are due on the first day of the month. For example, October's sheets are due on November 1.

Please remember that all homework (spelling homework, Daily Language Review, math packet) is due on Friday!

Parents, please remember to bring ID to check out a student. Also, if there are any transportation changes, fax, call, or send a note to the office. The school's fax number is 770-345-2689.

Parents, please review the contents of the Friday Folder, including the behavior sheet. Please sign the behavior sheet inside the green folder and the outside of the Hickory Flat envelope.

In this week's Friday Folder, you will find three especially important announcements. First is a letter about the CogAt. Second is a field trip permission slip. Third is information about class t-shirts.

Class assignments for the week of September 25 - 29: In social studies, students are learning about geography and economics. In science, we will continue weather. The test over states of matter, clouds, the water cycle, and forms of precipitation will be on Tuesday, October 3. In math, we will begin unit three, which covers multiplication facts and number sentences. Due to testing, the test over unit two will not be until Tuesday, October 3. Math definitions are due the day of the test. In grammar and writing, we will introduce the four types of sentences and paragraph writing. Our skills focus in spelling will be adding suffixes such as s, ed, ly, ful, ing, er, est, and able to the ends of words. Remember that the skills portion of the spelling review on Friday will cover this skill. My reading class is reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar or Aliens Ate My Homework by Bruce Coville. Mrs. Latimer's reading class is reading Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan. Our class read aloud is Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn.

The following assignments should be corrected or graded in the Friday Folder: math homework from September 5 - 8, Daily Language Review 5, spelling homework from unit 4, spelling review 4, Daily Oral Language week one and two, DOL quiz, copy of memory basket story final draft, Sarah, Plain and Tall questions or Caleb's Story graphic organizers, and social studies chapter 1 lesson 1 questions.

Book report update: The first book report of the year has been assigned! If your child is in my reading class, he or she will read a chapter fiction book in the month of September and complete a sandwich report. The report is due on September 29. We discussed the report in class on September 1 and students were given a sheet with instructions. Students need to have the book read and the Accelerated Reader test taken by September 15. At this time, students will be given the sheets to complete the project.

Specials schedule: Monday - art, Tuesday - music, Wednesday - computer lab, Thursday - P. E., Friday - P. E.

The Affirming Pledge to Myself: This day has been given to me fresh and clear. I can either use it or throw it away. I promise myself I shall use this day to its fullest, realizing it can never come back to me again. I realize this is my life to use or to throw away. I am the only person who has the power to decide what I will be. I make myself what I am.

Happy birthday in the month of September to Calli (2nd) and Tucker (29th)!

Happy birthday in the month of November to Sierra (14th) and Cody (21st)!

This webpage was last updated on September 14, 2006.

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