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Welcome to my little home on the web.I would like to thank every one for stopping by. Look around and enjoy your stay.

Check Out my new Dale Earnhardt Photo Gallery

Check out my NASCAR Tribute Page Dedicated to Nascar's Lost Hero's

HERE'S SOME INFO ABOUT ME! I have a NEW pic of me and my daughter up! I'm going to try an add a few more soon.

My page of links. There is now 50 links!

My joke page!! It will leave you rolling!

I think this is the only way to take care of the problems in Iraq..... Click here to see it!

I have here a letter from Rusty Wallace, We play golf every chance we can Click Here to Read It.

My Page of WAVS

My Webring Page

Everyone should check out my safe sex page!

Have you ever wondered what people think of company's like Ford,Wal-Mart or Microsoft? Well, then click here.

Please send me your ideas or comments,thank you.

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Ken Dees

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I think this is what the one dollar bill should Look like!

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