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Hey all you Jack luvas! This page is now officially up and running, following the ruin this page was in! Special thanx to everyone who has E-mailed either me or Claira, or both about the page, coz it all helps.

NOTE: Anyone who signed yp for the previous mailing list, please can you sign up again, but on the new one, because we didn't realise that we could only have 200 people on the old one!

Now it's time to put your foot on the excelerator and jam on the headlights as you swerve around the jagged corners of Jack Street, avoiding lamposts in a frantic race to see who can get to Jack's house first! Thing is , Nick Carter's having a party as well, damnit! It's always the way though, so I'm afraid you'll have to choose between Jack's Pyjama Party and Nick's Disco. Hard decision I know, but you can always go to both! Jack's in the bedroom, and Nick's in the disco room, so take your pick!

Jack's invitation - wanna take it and join in a saucy game of truth or dare?

Nick's invitation - With this one you can party on down 'till the cows come home!