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Isis' Angelic Realm

Well, this is part of my page that you probably didn't expect. I am dedicating this site to the mothers and fathers who have lost one or more of their children due to the ill effects of birth defects. This page has been an incredible healing source for me and I know that there are parents out there who have lost children and struggle daily with the guilt and grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one.

Angels Among Us

I believe that angels are amongst us everywhere. You never know who that stranger is that's standing beside you in the elevator or that person you bump into in the mall. Who are they? They look familiar but you don't know why. Perhaps they're your guardian angel, or perhaps just someone God put in your path to brighten you day - but either way - angels are amongst us in all shapes and forms.

Special Dedication

This part of my web page is to a very personal angel that came across my life. God sent him to me in May, 1994 and then took him away to be someone else's angel November, 1994. Cristian Robert was a very special child who touched many lives. He carried a great responsibility for a child only a few months old. His gift was that of being a teacher and even today he continues to marvel doctors and the medical community. The term, "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" makes a lot of sense to me. Cristian was born with a rare birth defect that only affects 1 in 36,000 children. He looked very normal on the outside, but his little lungs couldn't keep up with his rate of growth.

"How'd you do it?" So many people asked. Well, the only response I have for that is, "you just do what you have to do". Being Cris's mom for 8 months was what I had to. There are millions of mothers who lose children in varying ways. Do we understand? No. Will we ask why? Yes. Will we be angry? Yes. But the assurance of being surrounded by friends and family and receiving the support therefrom, makes the difference. God also undergirded me when I felt alone. It's hard giving the ultimate "God" credit for being there, especially when I'm so angry. But He's a God of mercy and grace and salvation. He's big enough to understand my little bit of hurt. God is truly awesome and continues to strengthen me as the years pass.

Cristian Robert, entered this world May 4, 1994 and departed November 23, 1994

"The Mention of His Name"

The Mention of my Child's Name May bring tears to my eyes, But never fails to bring Music to my ears. If you are really my Friend, Let me hear the beautiful Music of his Name. It soothes my broken heart And sings to my soul." Author Unknown

Want to see a picture of Cris?

Angels are abundant in hospitals too. Nurses, doctors, surgeons, chaplins...they're all angels, but of a different realm. I have never seen people work with such diligence and love, coupled with compassion and understanding. Isn't that what God commissioned us all to do anyway? The love that these men and women showed in caring for my angel was unparalleled to any other love I've experienced in another human being. I've laughed, I've cried, I've hugged, and I've watched each and everyone of them for many months as they served Cristian so tenderly. This page I dedicate to them as well - - and they know who they are. Thank you for your gift of charity. May you too continue in caring for these special children.

I give this rose to those caretakers who so diligently serve those who need them. May God Bless all your endeavors, hugs and tears.

If you've ever lost a child or someone you love, the pain doesn't end, but you do learn to live with the reality. Will I ever forget? Nah. I remember him often, but the things in my life that I have lost have been replaced. I still have memories, yes, but with time I have found that the emotional pain lifts and I'm filled w ith the good memories.

I believe there are special places for special children You never know who that is standing beside you in the elevator or who that person is who lends you a helping hand...better be nice...they may be your own personal angel!

Want to know a little about me? click here

Some Angel Links for You

Best Angel Page of All

Angel Postcards

Susan Wink's Page

Coping with Grief

I Believe in Angels

Annie's Home Page

Angels Watching Over Me

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