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Hello people I know we haven't done crap to this page in forever but The Iceman is back a is cleaning up...

the following is an e-mail i send to Senator Leahy about the Napster issue. He is one of the few that suport it.

Dear Senator, I would like to express my thanks to you for your suport of napster. You truely have your eyes open. It seems to me that there are far many more important things that congress should be debating. Congress can waste their time on this copyright thing forever and ban napster, BUT what the members of congress may not think about is that there will just be more napsters that pop up on the internet and the people will flock to them as they've done to napster. Then will Congress debate the exceptance or non exceptance to each one? There is nothing illegal about Napster it is sharing, and if that is illegal then every person that has copied a tape or cd is comitting an illegal crime. "Mother always said to share with others." I can go on for days defending Napster but I will not waste anymore of your time. Thank you again sincerely, Napster User -nothing-man-

To go to Iceman's personal page click here


This is Iceman's personal beliefs on what president clinton's problem is

Iceman.......... Wolf