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The Master's Touch

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is a book that I wrote relating my experience with Crohn's disease. It is a disease that attacks your intestines and causes parts of the colon or intestines to close.

The disease itself is often times very hard to diagnose. I tried to battle the disease with various medical treatments and finally had surgery in 1991.

When the surgeons emerged from the operating room with the statement:"We got it all", many praises and shouts were uttered. During the diagnosis and ensuing months, I was reminded of the goodness of God. If it had not been for the MASTER'S TOUCH, I would be dead.

The Master's touch is as real as you will allow it to be in your life. As I was in lying the intensive care unit recovering from surgery, this verse was quoted to me: 2 Corinthians 4:10, " Always carrying about in the body of the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body."

This particular verse was buried in my spirit as I began my long road to recovery. It is His life that gives us life and hope. When all around you there are trials, tribulations, bills, sickness, etc.

He is right there at the helm of the ship speaking to the storm. It isn't easy to face the storms head on, but when the Master says: "Peace, Be still", even the storm has to obey. If you anchor yourself in Him and His Word, then his life and peace will be manifested in your body and spirit.

God touched me and spared my life because He had a work for me to do. He has a work for you to do for Him, too, if you are willing to rise above the storms of life and let him guide you and bring you closer to Him. Psalms 91:1 says:

" He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (NKJV) There's no other place I'd rather be. How about You?

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