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Yesterday's News - 2000

January-June 2000

The Now! Began the year by racking up some more live shows! We even had Montague from The Woggles play a couple of shows with us. It was a blast! The Hippycrickets continue to work on CD number 2.  Our plans were thrown off a bit as Rory went into the hospital for back surgery and could not play for quite awhile. As Rory recovers and starts back to school, our new plan is to wait until Rory graduates in December before heading back into the studio. The new plan is to record a CD EP and several extra tracks for compilations. Here's some more news from the first part of the year.

1.     "Inconceivable!!!" is now available through Amazon.  Sound clips should be out there soon. Check out for more information.
2.     Our web presence continues to increase.  We are now part of
3.     We have also been busily updating the web site you are looking at right now.  Any comments/suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

Rory has been listening to The John Faye Power Trip.  Troy has been listening to Supremium, The Supers, and The Play Trains.

September-December 1999

The Now! continue to play live and have a lot of fun while we continue to work on CD number 2.  We've been a bit lazy with Rory devoting much of his time to college studies.  However, we have plans to get back to those demos in early January of 2000 if the world still exists!  We do have some exciting news though.

1.     The "Scattered" compilation CD finally came out.  The CD includes "How Can I?" from our debut CD.  Check out our Discography page for more information.
2.     Soon after "Scattered" was released, another college radio station picked up our CD and started playing it.  Check out our Radio Airplay page for more information.
3.     Our web presence has increased a bit.  We are now part of IUMA (a network of independent band sites).  Check out our web site there which includes song samples in real audio (those don't sound too good) and in MP3 format (those sound nicer).  The web address is
       Also, we have become a part of a web site that includes Georgia bands.  The web link there is
4.     We have also been busily updating the web site you are looking at right now.  Any comments/suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

Rory has been listening to The Smithereens.  Troy has been listening to The Supers and The John Faye Power Trip.

July-August 1999

The Now! continue to play live and have fun!  The Hippycrickets continue working on that elusive second CD!  The big news in The Hippycrickets camp is that "How Can I?" from our debut CD is being rereleased as part of a compilation called "Scattered".  Look on our discography page for an update soon!

Lately, Rory has been listening to Starbelly.  I've also been listening to Starbelly, as well as the Gigolo Aunts and The Sand Rubies.

March-June 1999

We finally started demoing the new record.  The first couple of demos are for "She Wouldn't Listen To Me" and "Cry" for those of you who have seen us play these two live.  It's sounding pretty good and Rory and I have been looking into studios for the upcoming actual recording for the CD.  We will release another CD, we promise!

We have also been working with The Now! quite a bit over the last few months.  We are sounding really good live and Rory and I have even worked out a few originals for The Now!

Lately, Rory has been listening to The Smithereens and The Insomniacs.  I've been listening to a lot of the stuff from the Nashpop festival.  I've attended both years and I had a blast again this year!

January/February 1999

Our multitracker has been officially deemed a lemon!  After its third time in the shop in the last six months, it is back and hopefully stable.  We should start rerecording demos in March.  Otherwise, a cool review of "Inconceivable!!!" came out in a German zine called Useless Earlyripes and the "Scattered, Smothered, and Covered" compilation which will include "How Can I?" is due out in April.

In other news, our side project (The Now) has added an organist.  Susan plays the coolest VOX organ.  It's sounding great and we continue to do gigs to keep our sanity while working away at The Hippycrickets stuff.

I've been listening to Who Hit John and Rayon City Quartet.  Rory's been listening to The Beatles and Material Issue.