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Helen's Character Education Index of Internet Resources

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Card Search U.S.A.
CRS Financial Service
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages on the Web!
!Register-It! - Promote Your Web Site!
Use Submit It! to promote your Web site on the Internet.

Card Search U.S.A.

CRS Financial Service

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Use Submit It!, the leader in Web site marketing services, to promote your Web site on the Internet.
!Register-It! - Promote Your Web Site!

Hello and Welcome!

I invite you to browse my pages and hope that you will find the content to be accurate, informative and user-friendly. I publish information pages on a variety of topics that interest me and I design and create web pages for businesses and organizations as well.

I have donated my services to several non-profit organizations I'm involved with, but I need an income so I do commercial web design and development for profit too. To help me earn a living and still have time to do these pages, I display linked advertising banners for reputable companies on my information pages. In exchange for doing this, these companies pay me commissions for any business that is generated through my links.

Please click on the banners and links to view the web pages advertised. There is never any obligation to purchase anything when you visit these sites so you don't have anything to lose. You may even find some great freebies since many of them also offer free services and software in addition to the products, services and shareware they sell.

If you or someone you know decides to purchase an advertised product or service advertised on this page, please go to my page first and use my links to access the company's web site so that I will receive credit for the sale. Doing this will not cost you anything extra and I really will appreciate it!

I welcome your feedback and suggestions and will try to incorporate the ones I think are appropriate. If you send material for my information only and do not want me to post it, please tell me in your Email so I can respect your wishes.


PS. If you are interested in publishing free web pages and putting these banners on them, please send an Email to Helen and I'll be glad to help you get started!

PPS. If you need web development services for your company, I'd like an opportunity to discuss your needs and requirements and to offer my services. You may Email Helen or click the Reply button on your browser to contact me. Return to the Top

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