*To Everyone whom I've Thanked on this Page, THANK YOU!!! Your Help His Been Greatly Cherished And Appreciated!!! Hats Off to You! ~Gabrielle**
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Thank You!!!!

I Must Take the Time Out to Thank:

* God: you're the first that I should thank! You're the reason why I was able to create this amazing and wonderful website and why this site has survived for so long. Thank you so much Almighty Father!

* htmlgear.lycos.com: thank you SO much for all my guestbooks, my recommendation link, my poll, and the flag with the "Show Your Freedom And Democracy" link under it. I couldn't picture my website without your services! Thanks a bunch! I luv y'all! Keep on, keep on!

* Angelfire: thank you for your beautiful backgrounds and eight wonderful years. I hope that our sort-of business relationship will be a continuous one. Thanks for everything! Y'all are the best! Keep up the good work!

* My family: thanks for supportin' me! We've had our bad times, but y'all still rule and rock at the same time!!! (To my sis Amanda- thanks for contributing to my web design experience!)

* Xx_Oracle_xX: To Sarah and her Crew- thanks for the dolls, backgrounds, and suggestions for my site! You've helped me view my page in a totally different perspective! Y'all keep up the good work ya hear?

* Blackflame: thanks for the Japanese game! You didn't make it, but thanks for having it on your site for people like me to grab! (He He!!)

* For the people who sent me forwards, stories, poetry, and quotations: thanks! Y'all influenced me to extend the poetic part of everyone!!!

* People who gave me awards for my site: THANK YOU!!!! I love getting rewarded for my hard work and extreme effort!

* Kristina E.: thank you girl! Thanks for letting me put your hanson petition on my site! (I sure that some of the peeps who signed your petition came from me!) You were the first person who signed one of my new guestbooks then, and I thank you. (You got the wrong idea when you had signed it, but thanks a bunch n e wayz!)

* Crystal Heart Site: to the webmistress- thanks for the poem! It's wonderful! Someone came to my site and said that I had one of her favorite poems on it, which happened to be yours Thanks!

* Ring of Excellence: thanks for having me in your webring! (You're not too good, but you're pretty useful. :-))

* Kiwibox.com: thanks for your hospitality and the hookups! =)

* (* *S T E P H* *): thank you so much for teaching me how to put a background on my site. I came to you for help, and you helped me!! Thank you so much! I have used the information you gave me for many things. Heck, I turned an ordinary picture into a freakin' background because of a simple code you gave me! Thanks a bunch!

* Jaquelyn G., Fox, and Savannah B.: thank you for being the 3 people that changed my life forever. Jackie- you were the 100th person to sign my guestbook, Fox- you were the 200th person, and Savannah- you were the 300th person. Every person that signed my guestbook had changed my life, but the two of you have helped me reach my goals. For that I thank you. Y'all rock!

* The webmistresses of my sister sites: thank you for making me your sister! May your sites continue to grow in love and power (don't forget to stay grounded)!!!

* Lilruffrydr: thank you so much for letting me use some of your dolls! You da best! Rock on! Party hard!

* xxsparklex69xx: Thanks for your images! You rock hard! Luv ya!

* Erika: thanks for the code to the scrolling marquee! The sky is the limit for you, because the stars, moon, and planets can't get enough of you!!!

* Jenny Baden: thanks for the 2 couple dolls! They are so cool! Keep on making dolls! I promise, you just might make something out of it someday! (May God be with you.)

* FreeTranslation.com: thanks so much for the Spanish, Italian, and French translations! You peeps rock-n-roll!

* Backgrounds By Marie: thanks so much for your backgrounds! They are so awesome! Keep kickin' ass! You rule dudette!

* Free Graphics Store: thank you for the cute graphics, animations, and backgrounds! Your sense of creativity rules!

* Canon Print Planet: thanks for the picture of the balloons and the cake! They are so awesome!

* Missy's Web Font Colors: thanks for the font colors! Whenever I need a font color, I know what to turn to!

* Cool Quiz!: thanks for the quiz! I didn't think it would be possible to make a stable quiz, but you have proved me wrong! Thanks again!

* E-mailPaysU.com, Sacmoney.net, and NFO My Survey.com: thanks for letting me use your banners!

* Tracy... something: thank you for the sparkly background in my guestbook. I should've thanked you for it years ago!

* Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors (old site): thanks for the fonts! They look awesome!

AnD lAsT bUt NoT lEaSt...

* The People: A HUUUUUUGE THANKS GOES TO YOU!! (YEAH, YOU!!!) Y'all are the reason why my site still exists, I try so hard to impress, my site lasted for eight years, I take compliments as well as insults, I learn more for and about my site everyday, my poll is such a success, I extend my site to its fullest, I can't wait to see any new things that come to my site (votes, entries, etc.), I keep coming back to work on my webpage, and I have so many hopes and dreams for this joint! Y'all taught me to be patient when it comes to website development; I've grown as a person because of that. Thank you SO MUCH for everything! Y'all are best! Keep it up! I love y'all! Reach for the stars!

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this page!!!

(I just hit you a ruby and sapphire- now go do something good for yourself and for somebody else! Hey, you never know- your name, possibly, with your email address or website, can be here, on this page, as your reward for your good deed(s)!!!

NoW, pUt A sMiLe On YoUr FaCe AnD mAkE tHe WoRlD a BeTtEr PlAcE!!!!)


Email me: webmistress1@myway.com

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Show your support for freedom and democracy

*~*Updated on July 24, 2006*~*