Setting Up Your Tank

Whew, that was a long supply list. But now, you're ready to set up your toads' new home!

A few things to remember:

  • Each toad requires 4 gallons of space each.
  • Avoid placing the tank near and heating/cooling vents
  • Keep your tank in 3/4 shade.
  • Allow your vivarium to settle for a week before putting your toads in it.

    Preparing everything:

    The first step to completing your setup is to clean everything. This means that you'll need a bucket or two. One for cleaning everything and one for supplying the tank's water. Make sure that the buckets haven't been previously used with soap, cleaning supplies, or any other chemicals.

    Fill one of the buckets with water and add the purifying drops. Let to stand overnight. You could do the same to both, but it won't really matter. A garden hose would come in handy to clean the tank with, too.

    With one of the buckets, rinse off everything that will be put into the tank including the pump, heater, rocks, gravel, plants, moss (substrate), etc. Afterwards, set everything on a clean towel to dry. Also rise the tank out and wipe the sides and bottom with a clean towel.

    Arannge the tank and stand:

    Now you'll need to locate your tank wherever you want to put it. Remember that if you have a metal stand, you'll want to use some sort of protection to keep rust from getting on your carpet.

    Adding the stuff :)

    Now comes the fun part!

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