Frog Literature

Here's where there will be Poems, fables, and stories about frogs! Please send in your works. I have already submitted my own little poem here :)

by Christine

She creeps slowly through the trees.
Each limb considered carefully.
Her smooth skin blends into the leaves,
As she climbs oh, so stealthily.

Her red eyes glow with the genial sun.
Her fingers grasp the hollow bark.
The cool of the forest is a perfect sensation.
She fears not the trees, so hard and dark.


Fogging the window, as I often do
I await the storm to bid adieu

Summer grass, cottage gardens grow tall
But every minute is closer to fall

I often wait, and sit impatiently inside,
But for fear of losing time, this time I cannot hide

Dropping my books, that entertained me so,
I scatter the cookie crumbs, from my lap, like snow

Winding down the stairs,
Endless, endless stairs

The draperies now calmer, and the sunlight again
showing the dust
No longer swirling, but collecting like rust

So fast I run, once free of the door,
Straight to the place I have come before

"It might come back" my mother's voice followed me..
she feared the lightening and thunder at Falling Tree

It echo's behind me, as I have heard before,
But time is wasting, we leave tomorrow at four

Squawking birds, chattering squirrels, turtles snap
Just some of whom who had awoken from a nap

Flickering sun, birds, fish, otters and mice
All thawed from the sun, as if the rain were ice

The damp sandy path that leads to the lake,
The greedy weeds have already attempted to take

One more day, to swim at this more day…..
Swimming deep and collecting rocks from the clay

The dock sways, lifts and tilts, to me it is like the rungs of a ladder,
"Slippery wood" is an excuse for the strike out batter

Reaching the end, the place where I dive,
I step on a frog, but it is still alive

The sky again darkened, a grumble far away
"I am sorry froggy, but you cannot stay"

I pushed him with my foot just a bit
He didn't move, he continued to sit

Maybe he is dead? I thought to myself
Another exhibit to put on my shelf?

I catch memories, I keep them all in my room,
The worm, the butterfly, the bug from the broom

He is not dead, he looks at me,
His eyes shed the eyelids off and on for me

He is blinking, or winking, I am not sure which,
One does one, then they will switch

I push him again, this time with my hand,
He falls in the lake as if to now understand

He swims so graceful, paddling feet so calm
The swims to jump, to the dock them my palm

"Why are you back, little frog so twitchy and cold?"
"Why are you with the one who hurt you….to hold??

His jump was strong, so he was not hurt a lick
He was still breathing, and slimy and slick

So I put him down, to the side corner, upon the highest beam
I turned him away, his gaze not seen

Ready to dive, I count …one…two…three…
Just as frog bellowed a groan, towards me

"Leave me alone frog!!..Just go away!!"
"You and your friends, just for the day!!"

He sat perched, higher than before,
Chest extended, not breathing like before

"You have this place all year to yourself"
"Leave me alone, or you will be on my shelf!!"

Ready to dive again, without having to count,
I return to the edge that the nails barely mount

He croaks loudly, then puffs up, like a turkey in November
Then this is the strangest part, I can remember.

The birds, the squirrels, the otter, the fish
They became quiet now, just as my wish

The sun, became warmer, I needed to swim
But I looked up, instead, on a whim

The most beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky
I looked at the frog, now beginning to die

His body collapsed, almost saggy to touch
"This was the mean frog I hated so much?"

He still looked, up at me, but he didn't really see me as kind,
And he didn't see at all, for now I can tell he is blind

His eyes were black, with a whitish purple haze,
His twitches became tame, now a cruel sun-burned daze

The eyes still lingering on the rainbow of colors and hue
Looking at something yet he doesn't have a clue

He looked down sadly, eyes still transfixed,
I followed the rainbow trail where it's end and water mixed

The water was cloudy, but I could still see
The edges of bark, branches and tree

Stepping back, slipping on greening wood,
Regaining my footing as fast as I could

Blind frog then, made his last jump from there
Into the cool water, that I didn't want to share

He floated, then sunk, deep to the clay
I wanted to get him, yet wanted to stay

Then the birds, the otters, the fish and more frogs
Shuffled about in treetops, leaves, or floating logs

The rainbow gone now, the sun at it's peak
Frogs resting place is now tadpoles that streak

They grouped together, then further away
Each looking for somewhere safely to stay

I look at the tree, under the place where I dive,
And wonder if without frog I would still be alive

Closer to God, I thought I was but not so,
Not as close as the little frog, I nudged with my toe.

Dedicated to Noor….he is my frog

Susan Quayle, July 27, 2000