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Purpose Why I like Ami Awards


Why I like Ami / Sailormercury

You might think, what is so special about her ? Many people adore her. One of them is me. Here is my reasons to like Ami / Sailormercury :

She is very smart and diligent (remember Knowledge is Power)
Although her IQ is 300, has many talents, high ranking in school, she is still willing to study hard.

She is very kind and honest
Ami is rich and smart, but she cares a lot about her friends. She help her friends in when they need her. Ami is the kind of person who realizes that money can't buy something that is really important : friendship.

She can use her mini computer to help the others
Because of her ability to use the mini computer, predict what will the enemy do, many difficult situation can be solved.

She has a calm personality
She always think carefully before doing something. That's why she didn't cause or get too many troubles. She is a quiet person. She's the type who'd rather keep her sad feelings rather than hurting other people.

And many others reasons. Ami is Ami, and she'll always be my favorite senshi.....

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