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This section of my site is dedicated to recording research. Consider it as a journal. More information and photo's will be included as the research is conducted. Enjoy!

8-1-99:Oy, it's hot.. and it's also been ages since I last updated this site! Lucky for me that the hot weather is good for keeping me indoors, so that I can finally sit down and at least put up some new info for you about GHOSTHOUND. Things have been going a bit slow as I'm accumulating equipment, though I have been stepping out on occasion to sneak a peek at places such as Pirate's House in downtown Savannah. I'll include more information the more time I spend there, but I will say that things were much quieter this last trip than the first one! I have also been spending time in Knoxville, TN now and then, looking into the Baker-Peters house, home of Baker-Peters Jazz Club (a premier place, for sure!). Honestly, I think that more is going on at the jazz club than at Pirate's House, but.. time and more detailed research will tell. That's all for now; I will keep updating this site as I venture out. Until then...

8-2-99:Well, I finally scanned in a few of the pics that I took while at Bonaventure Cemetary. These are really just to give you an idea of what the cemetary is like, as well as it's size. Oh, and for those of you who are fans of 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil', the statue on the cover of the book - known as 'The Bird Girl' - has been relocated to prevent vandalization; I should know, since I spent 2 hours looking for it.

This is a snapshot of one of the monuments at Bonaventure.. grainy, but still pretty impressive.

This picture offers some idea of the size of this cemetary.

6-20-00 The first log entry for GHOSTHOUND Knoxville!
We arrived at the Pleasant Grove Cemetary around 5:20. We chose a spot near the middle of the cemetary where the oldest graves resided. Justin and I made a small announcement basically stating that we were there to listen if anyone had anything to say and that we would be turning our recorder on. Carefully placing it under a tree we hit record and quietly walked away. We made sure to keep our distance and keep quiet, choosing a spot about a hundred yards away. We waited 30 minutes and tried to be as observant to the area as we could. Then around 6:00 we packed up and headed out, snapping a couple of pics on the way. Once we got back to the HQ (LOL) we listened to the tape to find several messages that, as of now, are pretty much unintelligible. However, one we're almost sure about is a man's voice whispering "Listen." Pretty eerie huh? There's several more which include 3 dogs barking (there were no dogs around), a strong blowing wind (on an unbareably hot and humid---and VERY still day) and a whole lot of distant chatter which hasn't been figured out yet. So far the Konxville Branch's first experience was an exciting one and as soon as we get the tape cleaned up and figure out what it says we'll try to post out EVP's on the site.

1-23-01: Georgia GHOSTHOUND Log Update
Finally! A new entry.. been a while, eh? Last weekend, a friend of mine took me to a privately owned house within 15 minutes of here. I will not disclose certain information as to the location of this house, as it *is* privately owned. I will say, though, that it has a good history behind it. Before we visited the house, my friend told me part of it - that an old man passed away there many years ago, of a heart attack. We went through the house, which is incredible yet sadly in disrepair. Going through each room, I felt a strong homey atmosphere throughout. But one certain room - one of two additions at the back of the building - gave me my trademark 'heevy jeevies'. I told her as much, and she seemed surprised at that. It wasn't until we were in the car and on the road that she shared the rest of the house's history with me. The deceased gentleman resident she's already spoken of had a wife, who had passed away at a much younger age years before his own natural death. The woman had committed suicide in.. you guessed it.... the heevy jeevie room. Needless to say, I'm going back soon to do further investigation. The same friend knows of two other local homes with a reputation for housing spirits, and I intend to check them out in the very near future as well. I will keep you updated.. until then!..

*UPDATE: For privacy purposes, the information previously posted here has been removed. I will not divulge information regarding the subject previously posted here, except to say that the person(s) it pertained to are no longer in need of our services and have, quite literally, moved on to live happily ever after.
SUBJECT: Viewer Participation; CASE CLOSED, 8-1-01

7-15-01: Tennessee GHOSTHOUND Log Update
Well, I'm up here in Knoxville again.. and business is good. So far we have been to four sites in the past month, and are currently looking for a fifth that we've heard of and not yet explored. On top of that, last night I met with a group of fabulous ladies who told me of a wide variety of locations and occurrences that I plan to check out in the next few weeks. One has even given us exclusive permission to investigate goings-on in her home, and to place on this site any information we gather. Also last night, I checked out the basement area of a certain apartment complex in an outlying community of Knoxville. This basement area has a very distinct presence in one hallway and adjoining room, and though at this time the presence seems confined to that area I am not certain as of now if that is entirely true. The reasoning behind my hesitation there is that at one point the presence was very strong to the point of drawing power from our flashlight, and the next moment the presence had simply 'lifted' from the area. I cannot say to where, nor have I yet gathered any information yet as to what the origins of this presence may be. Regardless, the phenomena we encountered included the following:
1) Waning battery power at the center of phenomena, and utter failure of wired lighting in that area. 2) Noticeable drop in temperature in the area. 3) The usual 'electrified' sensation, complete with hair standing on end. 4) The strong feeling - of all present in the party - that we were being watched, and were not welcome. 5) Some overly animated shadows, one of which was human height and quite literally walked across our line of sight (we viewed this from the other end of the hallway) and proceeded to disappear through a solid concrete wall. Needless to say, we will be going back there. Since I stumbled onto this location by chance and did not have my equipment with me, I have no accurate documentation aside from eyewitness accounts of the two who were with me. But somehow I doubt that this presence is a shy one, so we currently make plans to return and follow up with all the proper tools. I will keep you posted!

The following picture was taken from a screened in porch at 3 am on July 10th, 2001. The anomaly in this picture appears at first glance to be a tree, but no tree or any other object exists there. The person who took this photograph felt the strong sensation that a presence was at the target area of this picture, and physically saw nothing until this Polaroid was taken.

If anyone could help to identify this anomaly, please let me know. I have seen many odd things pop up on film but nothing quite like this before. There appears to be a psychic fog along with the strange tree-like shape. Several odd occurrences have taken place at the house in question, and perhaps solving the mystery of this would-be tree will help out.

9-29-01: Tennessee GHOSTHOUND Log Entry (Added 11-5-01)
At the request of an acquaintance, I was called in to investigate the basement area of the apartment building she lives in as I was currently in Knoxville for a time. I had visited the area once before, though without equipment and relying entirely on what was seen and what I felt via the 'heevie jeevies'. This time, however, I arrived armed to the teeth with equipment as well as a fair number of friends to help out with a more thorough run-through of the area. Three - including myself - went into the basement, while two remained upstairs in communication with us via two-way radio's.
A 'following presence' was noted by those present in the basement, though specific documentation of this is nonexistant save for a few fleeting readings on the EMF meters. Below is the log entry I kept while on investigation:

2:20 AM - Entrance to "Dark Room"; EMF reading flickered at yellow periodically (not rythmically), in electrical influence notable in area. Just beyond doorway of last cage (storage cell) to left, at and to side of "room" entrance (corner). *Two dead birds/bugs in DR ("Dark Room").

2:23 AM - Light @ mid hallway sets off EMF? Examine more closely @ next investigation in evening.

3:01 AM - 2 stray sounds in lighter hallway.

3:10 AM - One yellow flicker at rear right corner or DR. Following presence noted. *NOTE: Bird #1 seems to have no broken neck, no visible signs of starvation, or "munching".

3:15 AM - Recorder set up (retrieved one hour later).

3:18 AM - One yellow blink in hallway, just past fluorescent lights (laundry room side). Close examination of proximity of blink and area near light which activates EMF shows there is more than one foot of distance between light activated area and location of independent blip.

3:23 AM - One individual among us reports seeing a 'shadowy figure' following us out of the basement.

Rough idea of the basement's layout.

As of yet, I have been unable to do further investigation of the place though one is loosely planned for next spring, and at an earlier hour of the night. Updates will be posted once collected.

10-31-01: Tennessee GHOSTHOUND Log Entry (Added 11-5-01)
Yet again, I once more returned to TN on the hunt for a haunt... and the results were nothing short of remarkable. I was asked - again by a friend - to visit *her* house, which she has recently inherited. It is the house she grew up in, and has discussed for years as being haunted. Reputedly a young man committed suicide in the closet of her bedroom before her family purchased the home, and she for years experienced phenomenon associated with that. Recently both her parents passed away, both in the bedroom they shared. Though her brother is in custodianship of the house at current, the home is soon expected to transfer into her hands.
There were four of us in the investigative unit this night, one of which joined up with the main group at the house. The readings and log notations listed below were, for the very large part, witnessed by most if not all of the unit members at the time of occurrence. Following is the log I kept while on the investigation:

11:00 PM - Sproadic readings by closet door of master bedroom from arrival onward. Recorder initiated at approximately 11:01.

11:04 PM - Steady EMF @ 1/2 foot in front of window AC (air conditioner, which by the way was unplugged)window (lower left wall of BR1 on floorplan below); stopped at 11:07.

11:10 PM - Major readings @ 2nd bedroom door, peaking at solid red on EMF. Also in hallway centerpoint to all three rooms.

11:12 PM - Yellow inside room 3 three feet within door in corner, and steady.

11:14 PM - Solid yellow over bed in room 3. Yellow blip floor's center before window and lasting still at 11:16.

11:15 PM - Re-entered room one; investigator timing readings by AC which have now gone from sporadic yellow to solid red. Timed: 20 seconds red, 5 minutes yellow, then 45 seconds red again.

11:17 PM - Yellow readings by closet moving slowly across floor to center of room, then crossing on to corner of dresser around a cluster of trophies (directly in front of room's entrance). Yellow readings spike to red once at trophies.

11:18 PM - Readings spreading from localized corner by AC to creep along wall (left hand wall of BR1 on floorplan), almost to the corner opposite it.

11:19 PM - All readings stable until just shy of 11:20, when readings around trophies simply cease.

11:21 PM - Brief yellow flicker reading near trophies.

11:22 PM - AC readings cease. All quiet save for a few yellow flickering readings near trophies. Investigation prepares to move outside to try and identify possible reading sources outside of the bedroom walls. First two photographs of interior taken.

11:24 PM - Occasional yellow readings around house premiter. None seem to originate from an identifiable source, but further investigation will take place at a future date to determine more.

11:29 PM - Yellow to red @ garage/basement doors; steady red through until departure from the house.

11:42 PM, Post Smoke Break - Additional photographs taken through until 11:45, at which time recording ended and packing began.

Map of Miss M's House

Follow-up investigation will proceed after the house is cleaned up (the 'custodian' has done a less than commendable job of upkeeping the place) and I am back in TN again. I have yet to examine the recording closely, though so far I believe I may have captured a handful of EVPs on it. That, too, will be updated on this site in the (hopefully) near future.

The owner ended up losing ownership house in the case study above, thus making future investigations impossible. This is tragic on many levels, especially considering the circumstances to which the owner lost her home. Our hearts go out to her.

Knoxville GHOSTHOUND Update, 6-25-02:
In reviewing an investigation which took place in the spring of this year, which included sorting through more than fifty digital images taken at two different locations on the same day, I discovered this photograph near the end of the group. I personally believe this to be a clear image of two orbs and what appear to be at least three more small ones in close proximity (seen only in enlargement). This image was taken at the apartment basement we have been investigating since November of last year (please read the info regarding our previous investigation, described above). Aside from EMF readings, odd occurrences and faint anomaly on recordings, this is the first tangible evidence of paranormal activity at that location.

There are still two rolls of film to develop for that particular investigation, and more will be posted in the near future, including a timeline of that evenings investigation and (hopefully) more photographs.

LOG ENTRY: 8-14-02
On July 30th of this year, we made our first visit to the private residence of a young woman we will call J. After recording an audio interview (which I have yet to listen to in entirety)we moved on to take base readings and photographs of her apartment, which is on the basement level of a house built during the 1920's. After logging several odd EMF readings and picking up on a few distinct 'heevie jeevie' spots, we packed up shop and made plans to return at a later date (which we did on the 13th of August; accumulated research not yet scrutinized). Having primarily used the digital camera for photo records - as I have learned to do as of late - I downloaded and viewed the photographs a few a day, noting that several did indeed have orbs in them. But then near the end of the pictures I found one in particular which peaked my attention.. I feel that those viewing it will have much the same reaction.

This photograph was taken in the unfinished section of the basement, in an area directly behind the resident's bedroom. It clearly shows various orbs of different shape, size and potency, and what appears to be a haze. Within the haze is what we (and other, third party examiners who were not told of the photo's nature) think may be a face. Do note use of the words be 'may'. Examination so far of the wood background shown in the photograph show no grain or shadow explanations for the possible face image, but rest assured that we will poke and prod that wall until we are certain that is not a factor. There was also no possible moisture source to cause the orb images, and while so many showed up in this one picture there were few as one and numerous as six or seven in others. Water on the lense or within the camera, if it had been present, could not have evaporated or accumulated quickly enough not to show up in several photo's in a similar pattern considering the rapidity of most sections of the photo session. It is not completely discluded, but highly unlikely.

The bedroom and that unfinished area in particular are areas of high paranormal activity, though such activity is not restricted to those two areas. More information will be posted as it is accumulated and prepared for viewing, but here is one more just for the way, that blonde woman with the huge behind is me, and that fella clinging to the right edge of the picture is Dave, one of our fearless fold.

UPDATEChickamauga Battlefield - 2-15-03
3:20 pm: Brought our car caravan to a halt at the Wilder Brigade Monument, known as 'The Tower'. Built in 1903. Take readings of tower itself until 3:30, no readings of note.
3:30: Began our investigation along the treeline, back left of parking lot beside the tower. EMF light flickers periodically all along the treeline. Queasy feelings noted at this area (3:38 pm). EMF went deat at this location, switched to secondary EMF detector approx. 3:40 pm.
3:45: Left tower location.
4:00: Arrived at Snodgrass House. Queasy sensations noted along 4WD trail behind the house at 4:05, no readings on EMF. Left house and trail at 4:30, no readings of note.
4:35: Snodgrass Loop road. On trail off of loop road, group member hears drums (4:38). This noted by other members as well.
4:39: Another member gets the heevie jeevies on down the trail and beyond the treeline. Readings are vaint and very sporadic, but do register on EMF. Photographs taken at this area reveal orbs.

Photos coming soon

UPDATE: 5-30-03Old Gray Cemetary The following is a brief log of a visit made to the Old Gray Cemetary, in downtown Knoxville. Future visits are certain.. keep checking back!
3:50 PM - NW corner at side of drive before wall border; smelled lillies or lilacs. Smell wafted into car windows and we duly stopped and gathered our gear. No flowers were present save for a rose bush at the far side of the cemetary, against another wall. Scent in localized area near headstone, reads Evelyn Belle Leftwich, Apr. 16, 1896- Jan. 8, 1940. Cold spot bottomed out at 73 degrees F and surrounding areas were @ or above 80. Cold spot moves slightly, covering area of approx. 5 feet and fluxuating to 4 ft at times. Scent fading @ departure @ 4:05. EMF never went above yellow light.


Check back often for updates, and feel free to email with questions!