...-=The hideout for:Hackerz,Crackerz,and Phone Phreakerz=-...
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On these few pages and links you will find...

Sup...why are you reading this line, you should be reading the page, reading me will do you know good for that big bad Xenix... Why are you still reading this???

Welcome to Le GèTTõ`z Hideout of WaReZ, here we encourage, inform, and give to people here that want to now more abouthacking, hackz, cracking, crackz, virii, codez, passwordz, and LINKZ, LINKZ, LINKZ, and thats about it.
(((I am not responsible for the information you obtain on this page or on a link !!! YOU take on your on actions YOU make!!! This is a WaReZ link, if you do not now what that is you should stay and learn.))) ThIs paGe iS AlLwaYs uNdeR conStruCtIon!!!... NOW...BROWSE AROUND.......

i own u

Click on the "Jolt Cola" can to JOLT! to my Go-To Page.

To my ICQ pager kit...